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Nervegear/Full dive system (13)

1 Name: Kirbo !O4BVWmQIJM : 2014-08-12 15:51 ID:4JaUaia1 [Del]

What do you all think of the Full Dive System? Like the NerveGear in "Sword Art Online" I am waiting so long for this to come out, they made the Occulous Rift already, although I dont like this design.

They found a way to write your name with thought only too, dont remember where I saw this.

So basically the Full Dive System will let yourself in the game , No controller, No screen, just the game itself " youre in it" .

So what are your thoughts on this?
When do you think it will come out?
How much will it cost you think?
And as a last one, would you buy it?

2 Name: Kyoshiku : 2014-08-12 22:16 ID:pFIv3276 [Del]

I think this will be coming out in ~2025 and it will be not very expensive (like 400 ou 500$)

I'll buy it for sure it will be pretty nice to play FPS or MMORPG with full dive system

3 Name: Sirius : 2014-08-13 11:41 ID:8pWqH62q [Del]

2025 is still a bit of a stretch even though we have a VR Head gear now it's still in its early stages. A "full dive" system would be a lot more work due to the fact that in SAO it required personal Data regarding your body so that i could fully calibrate you into a game.

Not to mention it technically qualifies as Augmented Reality which won't be easy Technology wise.

4 Name: walker12001 : 2014-08-16 04:57 ID:Rm4uQqj9 [Del]

Look up skully. It is the closes thing we got right not.

5 Name: walker12001 : 2014-08-16 04:58 ID:Rm4uQqj9 [Del]

Look up skully. It is the closest thing we got right now.

6 Name: Kirbo !O4BVWmQIJM : 2014-08-16 17:10 ID:LHnZL/g/ [Del]

Yeah it is something near it, Although its like a Virtual thing.
It has something , but I dont think they can get a design for the "NerveGear" out of this, at least the Technology part.

The helmet looks like it, But I dont think the working does.
But thanks for your information.

7 Name: Hakotaku !dB/kTjoiFw : 2014-08-18 04:21 ID:CDa/JTxU [Del]

I think Virtual Reality will exists in the day i'm already dead. In hack:/sekai though, i think the console they are using will be much more possible with our current technology.

8 Name: Sentoshika !jis1MGyVjM : 2014-08-22 19:13 ID:nT3/5fvk [Del]

>>7 but if they keep their speed up like how they did with the development of the oculus rift we might have a posibility with the technology we might have in the near and recent future, dont you think?? I can´t wait for it.

9 Name: Venundreb : 2014-08-23 13:36 ID:tFSmdr1r [Del]

Full Dive System sounds cool but it kinda scares me to be honest. Your consciousness "leaves" the real world... to play a game. What comes next? The Matrix? We don´t need that. I think something like the Nervegear in Sao would come out in like 30-40 years.

10 Name: Toshiro : 2014-08-23 17:27 ID:1V8+1526 [Del]

I really don't mind leaving consciousness of this world to play a game with the full dive system it would be cool but not so much if it turned out to be exactly the SAO turned out

11 Name: Hijoshikina Geima : 2014-08-26 17:16 ID:hltrywx7 [Del]

It would be amazing if this does happen. In fact you know how Call of Duty advanced Warfare is coming out? They actually talked to the U.S. government to see what technology we will have in the next 7 years. So if we can have the technology to enhance our human abilities. Who said we won't have the technology for a nervegear. It should happen :D

12 Name: Cyrus : 2014-09-01 17:38 ID:L5AOD7GB [Del]

Realistic would be a breakthrough of this size in 2021 or 2022. With the Technology we have we may find new technics to play a game, like the Occulus. But the major problem is that medicine still doesn't understand the brain in it's fullest or what it's really capable off. And there is still the part where government rates such a technology too dangerous or wasted for the use of resources needed to create such a project. I still am positive we can make good progress with VR when it comes too training or entertainment.

13 Name: Nick S : 2014-09-02 05:46 ID:3Unjizsn [Del]

When people talk about gaming for virtual reality, that really is the tip of the iceberg. Virtual reality can put the mind in an entirely new reality to its own. Do you understand how this can help people with mental problems such as depression to help put them in a more upbeat mood, or how it could help people with learning difficulties to learn in an all new way? Gaming is entertainment, medicine is survival. Before we can think about playing games on such technology, we need to think about the practical applications to further advance humanity.
Not only medicine, but it could train soldiers to use machinery without putting them at risk of being harmed during a training exercise, or even allow soldiers to control machinery from the comfort of a secure, safe room while their mind pilots a plane or tank etc. This might sound like a fun call of duty game, but the government isn't going to buy a second rate combat simulator like call of duty.
More on topic: you can think of the beginnings of this technology in how doctors are currently treating patients who suffer from tinnitus. By using a butterfly electromagnet, they are inducing currents in specific areas of the brain that combats the annoying noise these people are hearing: altering their reality, albeit very slightly. With the right research and funding, it certainly is possible in the 2020's.