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Resident Evil REmake digital download early 2015 (8)

1 Name: Akagami : 2014-08-05 22:40 ID:GSPrC0Ky (Image: 500x185 png, 158 kb) [Del]

src/1407296428752.png: 500x185, 158 kb
Resident Evil REmake is the Gamecube remake of the first Resident Evil game that originally appeared on Playstation 1. It was later ported to the Wii. But for the first time ever in early 2015 it will be HDified and ported to non Nintendo systems. It will be a digital download for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC.

This is significant for survival horror fans as well as fans of the original Resident Evil games. By porting it to these systems, people who otherwise skipped out on the game due to having no interest in a Gamecube or a Wii now will find the game more accessible. Plus with the support the game will inevitably get, it'll be a good way of showing Capcom that there is indeed a market for this type of game. True survival horror.

Old school Resident Evil fans have deserved a bone for a while now after sitting in the shadow of RE4 fans and action horror fans for so long. Nothing has really been done for them in a while. The closest thing that was "done for them" in the last several years was Revelations and a lot of oldschool survival horror fans saw that game for what it actually was. An action horror RE4 clone with a slight survival horror coating. That game was not completely dedicated to the old fans and the series' roots like they wanted you to believe.

Anyway. I hope old school Resident Evil fans, survival horror fans, and people who are new but would like to try the series as it originally was meant to be, will support the official release when it comes out.

2 Name: Killowatt : 2014-08-07 08:25 ID:NLMgYfsm [Del]

I personally do not like resident evil. Dont get me wrong I love capcom, but with resident evil they did survival horror wrong. Not to say that the game has to be filled with important and thought provoking moments, but its just a common shoot em up thats been done over and over again. There is always a time for games like that but cap-com, being on such a large budget, should be able to create better games than this. Now this is just opinion based from a person who wants the medium to become a true art form, and im not saying that all games should be held to a higher standard, im just saying when we can do better we should.

3 Name: Akagami : 2014-08-07 23:45 ID:GSPrC0Ky [Del]

Have you even played any of the games before RE4...?

4 Name: Killowatt : 2014-08-08 09:00 ID:NLMgYfsm [Del]

Not all of them, but two four and six. And a friend of mine had 5 and one of the res ev on game cube. Ive even played the umbrella corp. Chronicles. Im an avid video game player, and aspiring game designer. Im just not seeing the point you were trying to make... but answer your question, yes I have.

5 Name: Shiro W. : 2014-08-08 09:12 ID:DXopWBgI [Del]

i remember playing this when i had a game cube growing up and i hate that i was never able to finish it, although the games biggest selling point will be the nostalgia, i think the reason we haven't had a resident evil game like this in so long is because today's gaming is mostly about the online compatibility and a game like this wouldn't allow for much without allot of extra work put into it, and while the game itself was great for its time I'm not sure how the newer action fps, and mine crafting generations will take to it.

6 Name: Akagami : 2014-08-08 10:03 ID:GSPrC0Ky [Del]

Your typical FPS casual gamer will consider it dated. They probably wouldn't like ANY survival horror game tbh because they're not pew pew action.

They'll prob say it's bad, bitch about the tank controls and fixed cameras because they're too dumb to learn how to use them. They do this already actually.

7 Name: hmd : 2014-08-09 13:29 ID:4konSK1k [Del]

RE will never have world wide glory again.
People will either complain it's too much pew pew or not enough pew pew.

8 Name: Akagami : 2014-08-09 15:23 ID:GSPrC0Ky [Del]


Yup. The wonderful RE4 created this fucking divide and it's impossible to reverse this.