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RPGs [what's your favorite?] (108)

1 Name: Tsutanoha : 2014-08-03 18:34 ID:0+J0bUFI [Del]

My favorite RPG has to be the Kingdom Hearts series. I'd like to know your favorites.

2 Name: zli4cat : 2014-08-03 20:18 ID:SVfXaJMq [Del]

Mine is Devil Maker:Tokyo

3 Name: Punkblue94 : 2014-08-04 02:26 ID:cI7B3OK1 [Del]

Kingdom Hearts FTW!!

4 Name: MadPrinceFinn : 2014-08-04 09:42 ID:1LQFil8B [Del]

Chrono Trigger is my favourite RPG, but I really enjoy the Kingdom Hearts series as well

5 Name: Shiro W. : 2014-08-13 21:20 ID:Bdp2bMA1 (Image: 600x2043 jpg, 248 kb) [Del]

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im still playing chrono trigger but i think the best rpg i ever played was my first pokemon game.

6 Name: Chreggome : 2014-08-14 04:30 ID:Er9mqFF6 [Del]

>>5 huuuuu feels

7 Name: Tsutanoha : 2014-08-15 13:38 ID:+orSEsuX [Del]

I love pokemon! yeah!!!

8 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss!!o+iuw+0S : 2014-08-16 06:40 ID:p78xnan1 [Del]

No game beats godly Mother 3. Not even Chrono Trigger or KH2.

9 Name: Andyfire : 2014-08-16 16:47 ID:skxh693p [Del]

Every Final fantasy has to be mine. ( not including the ones made for online only) but if I have to have a current favorite I have to go with the Tales games. Just got Tales of the Abyss for my ds not too long ago and I'm now working with my clear data.

10 Name: Strance : 2014-08-16 18:00 ID:qU1r3Qo3 [Del]

I love every Shin megami tensei, specially Nocturne

11 Name: Tsutanoha : 2014-08-16 19:08 ID:RxDx+v/U [Del]

>>10 I love shim megami tensei. Especially devil survivor: overclocked.

12 Name: kami_demon !BFV/epwBRM : 2014-08-16 21:44 ID:ggeemUah [Del]

i like Shin megami tensei. Mostly persona 3 and 4

13 Name: Sirius : 2014-08-16 23:06 ID:8pWqH62q [Del]

Megaten all the way.

14 Name: Deadman !oCGJ.ggqF. : 2014-08-17 13:02 ID:BOw6jPkR [Del]

Anything Square Enix related. Mainly Final Fantasy VII and Kingdom Hearts-- they're tied for my number 1. Though, Chrono Trigger is getting up there-- thought I say that as a side note and maybe to help someone find a new favorite.

15 Name: vanthelos : 2014-08-18 08:02 ID:aWkywdXl [Del]

Shin megami tensei & Square enix series, beats the other for me

16 Name: Mglad : 2014-08-19 18:32 ID:1L+JdvVG [Del]


17 Name: Ano : 2014-08-20 14:46 ID:F7qhGYmE [Del]


18 Name: Mura : 2014-08-20 17:13 ID:KSgh8yNb [Del]

FFVII for me I love a good quest of vengeance and if it on the way I guess I can save the world

19 Name: Saika : 2014-08-22 17:10 ID:F7qhGYmE [Del]

Etrian Odyssey is good. The story is amazing and the art is top notch!

20 Name: Gourou : 2014-08-22 20:39 ID:BPSho4RT [Del]

Persona 3! <3 Best RPG and game I've played! I recommend it sooooooo much! The game is charged with many greek, japanese, African, Christian, and folklore!

21 Name: Zaiphon : 2014-08-28 20:37 ID:ZjzcSNHz [Del]

I would have to agree with Gourou. Persona 3 is one of my favorite RPGs. The story line is very intriguing and it just pulls you in though there were times when I wanted to punch people in the face. But overall, it was an amazing game. My favorite in the entire Shin Megami Tesei series.

22 Name: Kai : 2014-09-01 15:58 ID:v9wbXPQm [Del]

Persona 4. 'Nuff said.

23 Name: kami_demon !BFV/epwBRM : 2014-09-02 20:03 ID:ggeemUah [Del]

i like the entire sin megami tensei series as Zaiphon

24 Name: Kodoku : 2014-09-02 22:43 ID:q8PozmB6 [Del]


25 Name: Phoenix : 2014-09-03 05:54 ID:QQjCNswX [Del]

Either Ib or the witches house

26 Name: Akiru : 2014-09-03 10:47 ID:YtD9XKpz [Del]

Almost every Final Fantasy I've played was great, but I have to go for Persona 4.

27 Name: Hibiscus : 2014-09-03 12:41 ID:ggMfYKvd [Del]

Kingdom Hearts, though I also love Corpse Party.

28 Name: 木原篤路 : 2014-09-04 05:46 ID:e/BTwoyU [Del]


29 Name: Riinka !DJA0yojWLE : 2014-09-05 08:06 ID:RpIF2fqL [Del]

Ar Tonelico I, because it's the only RPG I played and enjoyed and completed (conquered, even). Then..

Kingdom Hearts is LOVE~! (light ? XD)

uguu.. this post reminded me of how far I've left my gaming past behind ;A;

30 Name: BakaPotato : 2014-09-06 08:42 ID:mWoN+xbh [Del]

FinalFantasy Of course :D , and Pokemon

31 Name: BloodGallade : 2014-09-10 13:57 ID:b/LOCCFQ (Image: 1300x979 jpg, 538 kb) [Del]

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Persona series ans Shin Megami Tensai series

32 Name: Tenshi : 2014-09-11 07:28 ID:QXOToWd3 [Del]

I like the Persona series as well and my favorite is Persona 3 PES

33 Name: ArtisticUmbra !/aPzExRzGw : 2014-09-13 20:38 ID:ZU5IIxY0 [Del]

Bravely Default, Kingdom Hearts, and Final Fantasy 7 (personal FF favorite :3)

34 Name: Axelympt : 2014-09-14 11:37 ID:3STaBBJw [Del]

Final Fantasy XII :3

35 Name: Yso : 2014-09-15 00:11 ID:12+YaY0x [Del]

KH Series, FFVII, IX and XII, and Legends of Dragoon

36 Name: Jehuty !iP5ISkAh/g : 2014-09-15 02:46 ID:92OPNZ4/ [Del]

Kingdom Hearts series, Persona series and The Last Story.

37 Name: STATEN Studios : 2014-09-15 17:02 ID:Hzb6ZHzC [Del]

I've gotta say living in Ireland and always seeing celtic designs and viking towns in textbooks Skyrim got it right (apart from the viking horn helmets) and really made me feel free with all the different ways I could combine my skills however my FAVOURITE RPG of all time has to be Persona 3 or Persona 3 FES I only recently got it I haven't completed it yet (because I've been back in school 3 weeks) however many of my friends have experienced bullying or their parents don't want them doing things they love to do and Persona 3 shows characters who really have problems, I've seen my friends go through and it captures those experiences in such a good way on top of that the gameplay and the funny options of things you can say to people never ends soooooo PERSONA 3!!!

38 Name: Villanova !VZq8w65j3M : 2014-09-15 17:30 ID:PweN98pY [Del]

Easily Persona 4 Golden, it's simply a masterpiece.

39 Name: Cyrus : 2014-09-16 06:05 ID:kT1CmnVz [Del]

Kingdom Hearts, even 358/2 Days, and Castlevania.

40 Name: Dr. Acreninja : 2014-09-16 12:48 ID:9F1q8vPj [Del]

Persona 4 Golden (P4G) for the PSvita though Persona 3 Portable (P3P).

I didn't play any of the Persona games except Persona 3 Portable or persona 4 Golden. And bother were amazing, Theyall had a mysterious and cool setting, and the anime style they gave the games made it all the more enjoyable.

Its hard to choose between those 2 though becuase Persona 3 had a much more interesting setting and the way they released personas were a lot cooler, But it lacked exploration and the social links with people werent as good as P4G.

P4G had a much better wat to explore, and the social links with some people required side quests around town and the dungeons change dramatically in style, and the social links between you and the characters each have nice stories and you can affect how their story turns out with the choices you make with them and also how you often you hang out with them, which was an amazing experience in general. It also had a few more extras to offer tha werent availible on the original Persona 4 for the PS2.

I haven't gotten so attached to a story of a game in a long while.

Also Skyrim is very good, I had to say I loved the huge world and the way its just going on an dhow there are a lot of factions that you can join. The story is also not bad but its way of presenting it can be much better.

41 Name: White Shadow : 2014-09-22 01:54 ID:g0xYldvF [Del]

I'm surprised only a few people have said this but fallout and the elder scrolls series all the way. I personally hate jrpg's but that's just me.

42 Name: Ress : 2014-09-23 05:05 ID:Ol7+jNLT [Del]

Phantasy Star , Monster Hunter

43 Name: Aeonyx : 2014-09-23 05:33 ID:SKQ9cQ8w [Del]

Dragon age series.

44 Name: Kami : 2014-09-23 14:38 ID:h6MtqBlI [Del]

Fly for fun, or Flyff.

45 Name: whatever !USSBzzacBs : 2014-10-29 23:48 ID:uFm2izrS [Del]

suikoden II
pure awesomeness

46 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-30 03:02 ID:0DaPuqXH [Del]

Persona series (mainly 3 and 4). Persona 4 is my all-time favoutite game.

47 Name: Arexot : 2014-10-30 03:03 ID:0DaPuqXH [Del]

Persona series (mainly 3 and 4). Persona 4 is my all-time favoutite game.

48 Name: windrixx : 2014-10-31 01:29 ID:2V7/C4NB [Del]

FFIX has a special place in my heart, but overall it would probably be TWEWY. Stands on its own, used the hardware in a way no other game did, and has a story that just draws you in (and tries to teach you something).

49 Name: Cin !XFyLmMb/dQ : 2014-11-01 12:53 ID:F6l+/oep [Del]

>>48 completely agree, that game is amazing.

Next fav rpg would have to be Last Story, love the game play and the story pretty good as well.

50 Name: Naoo : 2014-11-01 13:24 ID:i5K7i9rh [Del]

My favorite rpg has to be the DISGAEA SERIES. I looooove it!

51 Name: Zer0Tonashi : 2014-11-01 19:02 ID:DOpqWRVM [Del]

I'm between Last Story and the Final Fantasy franchise.

52 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-11-03 03:41 ID:MVA3jK18 [Del]

Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy! Chi-chan love them so much

53 Name: MASON : 2014-11-03 10:54 ID:00WIV2L7 [Del]

rpgs are awseome especially the persona series

54 Name: Hyorin : 2014-11-03 20:48 ID:qVnhBgNV [Del]

Kingdom Hearts is my favorite T_T I love so much :3

55 Name: RTR23 : 2014-11-04 00:52 ID:7rfMIy1i [Del]

Hey one question guys when will Kingdom Hearts 3 will be released??

56 Name: Dotachin : 2014-11-06 06:58 ID:SGWEAP/N [Del]

My fav. RPG is Mass effect trilogy (:

57 Name: N01zii : 2014-11-06 09:20 ID:Za13eJK+ [Del]

Does Fire Emblem count as an RPG? If so, then it's that. Or maybe Nethack...

58 Name: Orienthis : 2014-11-07 18:23 ID:SAiDkvB5 [Del]

Fire Emblem is an RPG. I think my favorite is Fire Emblem Awakening for the 3DS

59 Name: HermitCrab : 2014-11-08 05:51 ID:+E7wyB3q [Del]

Mine must me a tie between Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy (4-10). I'm thinking KH3 will be released in 2016 :'( *waits*

60 Name: Rieg !ZW5PizsNSw : 2014-11-08 17:59 ID:jX2cwbLn [Del]

I'd have to say Dragon Quest VIII.

61 Name: Shikami : 2014-11-08 19:18 ID:kvwCo4CK [Del]

Definitely Kingdom Heart. Despite the complicated storyline, it is a quite interesting game.

62 Name: Anonymous person. : 2014-11-09 13:19 ID:xH9bNr2w [Del]

Im more of a skyrim person, or just a elder scrolls person in general. So much lore it blows my mind.

63 Name: CraftMind !0UZD1OR/j. : 2014-11-09 14:15 ID:6+IC2FmK [Del]

I'm so torn
there's the souls series (Demon's Souls being my favorite)
Kingdom Hearts
and FFX
All have such amazing stories in their own respect.
I'll have to go with Kingdom Hearts 1, and just 1 not the whole series. After chain of memories came out and the studio ran with the 5 or so games they had planned it took so much focus away from the friendship Sora Riku and Kairi had. I mean I still love the other ones, and I can not wait for KH3 but, playing the first one was special to me and the story was small enough for my young brain to grasp back when I was 8.

64 Name: Yukio : 2014-11-10 21:46 ID:I/Y7dO5g [Del]

I'm not sure what my favourite is as I have 2 games that tie for my favourite game(s) of all time and they are both RPG's. I guess I'll just say both:
Kingdom Hearts II and Mass Effect 2

I love both of these games. I have sunk the most amount of time into playing these 2 games (approximately 150 hours for both (multiple playthroughs)) and I have had the most fun and investment when playing them more than any other game.

I also have to throw out an honourable mention to my all time favourite original Xbox game, one of the best games I have ever played and one of the best representations of the Star Wars universe ever:
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords

I bet you were expecting it to be KOTOR 1, right? What can I say? I just prefer the story of the Jedi Exile more than I do the story of Revan

65 Name: dılℲ : 2014-11-11 00:44 ID:2mXPzAph [Del]

If I told you why I'd spent days writing so I'll just give you a list of my top 10:
1.Fallout/The Elder Scrolls
4.Arche Age
5.Path of Exile
10.Call of Duty

66 Name: ButtermilkPancakes : 2014-11-11 05:45 ID:Lq1PX9u/ [Del]

If we're talking JRPGs, my favourite would be Persona 4. So many feels. For WRPGs, I'd have to say either Mass Effect 2 or Dragon Age: Origins. Fun times.

67 Name: Anonymous : 2014-11-12 05:30 ID:DyARdsWS [Del]

The Etrian Odyssey series is pretty good

68 Name: Himekawa : 2014-11-12 14:59 ID:GCwbPIA7 (Image: 250x429 jpg, 30 kb) [Del]

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Bleach Heat & Soul 7

69 Name: Kurotsuki : 2014-11-14 08:20 ID:ktcOTIgc [Del]

out of all the rpg's I've played before my most favourite one is Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2~ (yeah old game lol)

70 Name: redman001 : 2014-11-14 23:23 ID:rnVJIH0L [Del]

my favorite rpg game is the witcher 2.

71 Name: Shinosion : 2014-11-15 10:52 ID:6dXnUCju [Del]

Final fantasy 7 has to be my favourite, closely followed by the Zelda franchise and persona

72 Name: VitrealleAurora!9mbq5YNMp2 : 2014-11-17 21:08 ID:dB8v1GDN [Del]

I really enjoyed Bravely Default, even though at times it was extremely infuriating. But I also liked Soul Hackers: Devil Summoner from the Shin Megami Tensei Series... I don't play that many rpgs but I tend to greatly like the ones I do play.

73 Name: Takuya reborn : 2014-11-18 23:35 ID:36Q3XFvF [Del]

Devil may cry 4 I love it and DMC but the new DMC like god of war

74 Name: Cryessi : 2014-11-19 04:15 ID:k7S4RC87 [Del]

Probably anything Final Fantasy ^ ^ But I do love Kingdom Hearts as well.

75 Name: Xanthu : 2014-11-19 15:13 ID:ZALzcYjq [Del]

i have more fun with morpg or mmorpgs
currently hopping between runescape(my old fav) and GraalOnline: Graal Kingdoms(Graal is like a multiplayer legend of zelda)

76 Name: maryamaldita : 2014-11-21 10:23 ID:kBG3t63C [Del]

The Kingdom Hearts series are really fun to play with but the problem is you needed to have lots of money to be able to buy all the consoles needed. And some emulators are not even working that fine.

77 Name: Dr_Aw3some : 2014-11-21 13:07 ID:xfl6OrNI [Del]

Fallout 3 and New Vegas :3

78 Name: Zaiphon : 2014-11-21 20:34 ID:ZjzcSNHz [Del]

My favorite would have to be Kingdom Hearts or Golden Sun

79 Name: TenTen : 2014-11-22 13:21 ID:0sNiFz1V [Del]

The Final Fantasy series of course ^^ (i love so much zack-san)

80 Name: Riukkuyo : 2014-11-22 17:55 ID:+Xlbhrzz [Del]

Tales of Series and Fallout Series.

81 Name: Shadow : 2014-11-24 14:07 ID:hDbWSJAg [Del]

Golden Sun was such an underrated game. Although... I honestly haven't played 'Dark Dawn' I heard it was far inferior to the first two games. They need to remake Golden Sun and The Lost Age into new HD games.

82 Name: Shizukano : 2014-11-24 16:35 ID:31XHyetx [Del]

Neverwinter. I think its pretty underrated for a free RPG.

83 Name: Cyrus : 2014-11-27 12:21 ID:efGJOEyN [Del]

MMO: Guild Wars 2
Normal RPG: Dragon Age (gotta love the Orgins :P)
Some good MMO's I would give a shot:
Star Wars The old Republic
Dragons Prophet
DC Universe Online
Sry for the long post, I also ran out of potatoes :S

84 Name: Junktio : 2014-11-27 22:25 ID:z/VF7vql [Del]

The only few games that I liked was Kingdom Hearts I, Skyrim, & God Eaters. But other then that Im not a big RPG Fan :_(

85 Name: Kyuu : 2014-11-28 10:13 ID:C+TO9M+P [Del]

My favorite RPG would be Pokémon, since I was always playing pokémon since I was little

86 Name: Taco_Del_Mega : 2015-02-10 16:35 ID:zWdRamUX [Del]


87 Name: Xyou : 2015-02-11 04:49 ID:Wml/wCvZ [Del]

I really love the Tales of games (I've just finished Tales of Xillia yesterday and it was super good!) Also I've just received Eternal Sonata that I ordered recently, I'll see about this one tonight!

88 Name: Kuro : 2015-02-11 06:39 ID:4ukFt1H3 [Del]

I play Dark Souls. It's really hard, but is my favorite.

89 Name: Reneo : 2015-02-11 06:44 ID:WAZXzil9 [Del]

Oh man Demon Souls and Dark Souls are up there too..but my favorite RPG has got to be Kingdom Hearts hard to pick since there are alot of great games out there! =)

90 Name: Zatch !bvdDZLAaTo : 2015-02-11 18:20 ID:kvqLSomM [Del]

I think Dark souls might take the cake for me, since it is by far the game I have the most time invested in. But I think Zelda and Kingdom Hearts tie for second.

91 Name: Tsubasa : 2015-02-12 12:51 ID:GuK8ggoc [Del]

Hmm...Fantasy Life...Persona...and Etrian Odyssey! Those are my three favorites, but I have a LOT of other games I like.

EO is the best though~

92 Name: Kendoshi : 2015-02-12 23:08 ID:mR4LWH0M [Del]

Fire Emblem Fûin no Tsurugi (6) is my favorite RPG, but it is really hard to keep characters alive in this game. I also like the Final Fantasy licence and Persona.

93 Name: Lacum Omega : 2015-02-13 00:25 ID:Gr3Xn/ii [Del]

My favorite is Dark Souls II. I think is really fun, losing hours playing with friends and laughing at their reactions.

94 Name: Miho : 2015-03-28 05:59 ID:zeuncr77 [Del]

Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts

95 Name: corius : 2015-03-28 14:52 ID:v0X/ItBp [Del]

>>94 definitely

96 Name: Zero-chan : 2015-03-28 16:18 ID:toq9VDTn [Del]


97 Name: Shifty !QHMov1oQlE : 2015-03-28 22:12 ID:0ynVB1VJ [Del]

Deus Ex. The new one is good, but I still prefer the first one. We don't speak of the middle child.

98 Name: Dandy Dupree : 2015-03-28 22:39 ID:WE32PZu1 [Del]

Too many to choose! But Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross are up there for me.

99 Name: Catro1000 : 2015-03-29 00:37 ID:l4HBYX1F [Del]

Tales of xillia!!!

100 Name: Saika : 2015-03-29 10:36 ID:DpCjxn93 [Del]

Mine too, my favorite RPG of all time is Chrono Trigger. AHH I miss the good old days..

101 Name: TenTen : 2015-03-29 12:02 ID:7Bw8PvWG [Del]

Mine will surely be the FF serie (final fantasy)

102 Name: Cappuccinowl : 2015-03-29 15:56 ID:TgSmzWYz (Image: 259x195 jpg, 7 kb) [Del]

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Because I'm a sucker for pixel-horror/rpgs/whatever I'd have to say that my favourite RPG is 'IB'. I mean, come on, it's about a young girl who gets trapped in a Gallery full of paintings that come to life. Also Garry is adorible and hilarious. What's not to like?

103 Name: Kiseki : 2015-03-31 00:13 ID:9LdKoo+B [Del]

Well,Ib and also Misao ,Mad father ,something like that

104 Name: Koemi : 2015-03-31 06:43 ID:szaSgFAO [Del]

Ooh yes Ib was really really nice >w<

105 Name: Scissors : 2015-03-31 11:46 ID:dE7zSh2A [Del]

Fallout 3 & New Vegas

106 Name: Enigami : 2015-03-31 14:06 ID:x69ltMex [Del]

Pokemon Crystal, Fallout New Vegas, Persona 4, Mass Effect 2 (which only half counts really. That's also being generous).

107 Name: XCross : 2015-03-31 14:20 ID:mh0Voe8b [Del]

"Mario and Luigi, Bowser's Inside Story" was great.

108 Name: ISCB : 2015-03-31 15:10 ID:zvqltbUg [Del]

Persona 3 FES. That game is incredible.