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attack on titan tribute game meet ups (5)

1 Name: Jax1020 : 2014-07-10 20:23 ID:etLV18lp (Image: 964x604 jpg, 98 kb) [Del]

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so I wanted to make a thread for the dollars to set up online multi-player matches for the attack on titan tribute game. I've been playing this game non-stop since I found it and think it would be interesting to see how the other dollars enjoy going head to head to kill the most titans, or in some cases humans, and I wanted to set this thread up for people to post times and dates they want to set up a server or match to play it with others.

2 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-10 20:29 ID:Nu4wZgXc [Del]

There is already a thread here for this game, but it's bad and outdated.

The issue I have with this thread is it doesn't have the link to the game in the first post. I think you should remake this thread with a brief description of how the game is played, who made it, etc, and with a link to the game in the first post so other people that don't know it can start playing.

3 Name: Shiro W. : 2014-07-10 20:50 ID:etLV18lp (Image: 1366x1032 jpg, 450 kb) [Del]

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he was probably just over exited about the game and adding a new thread while this one is active would be a pain so i will post the link here for him and a description of the game.

Attack on titan (tribute game) is a game made by fenglee and based on the popular anime/manga series: shingeki no kyojin.
like the anime/manga the world is over run by giant human like monsters that have the soul purpose of eating all humans, while on the edge of extinction the humans do all they can to face of against the almost invincible titans, they're only weak point is the back of their necks, try to reclaim their city using 3dmg which allows humans to break from their basic two-dimensional movements and move in three dimensions. basically you kill every titan you come across in the various maps playing as characters from the series including misaka, levi, armin, marco, jean, eren , petra, and sasha. each player has their own stats and special moves based on their skills you can find one that fits you well, although i can say abit more about the game it might be best if you play it yourselves and decide how you should feel about it.

4 Name: Shiro W. : 2014-07-10 20:57 ID:etLV18lp [Del]

sry it was mikasa not misaka

5 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-10 21:44 ID:Nu4wZgXc [Del]

>>3 Well, unfortunately this post will not be visible after a couple more replies. I will repost this into a new thread with the other picture, and touch up some grammar, spelling, etc. I think, despite the inconvenience to the mods, that it is worth it. I'll bump this one off the page.