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Games that are actually innovating gameplay not Story lines (8)

1 Name: Lined : 2014-03-05 16:25 ID:6YJSHc9C [Del]

I want to know about games that actually are different because if any game is wasting their time innovating story telling, that dev team needs to go produce anime, movies, etc not games. Not that I don't think games need a decent story but unless your have a fan base that just wants to be immersed in a good story I don't see the point of the game. I play games because they actual playing of the game is fun, and that means gameplay development and I am sick of people calling their games tactical and all I see is basically what is what is in most other fps games. I want when you give me a list of games to youtube and see a real difference from what I see. I don't care if your games are pac man old I want to know about truly unique games.

Here is my list:

Ghost recon online
Megaman battle network series
shadow of collosous
Neo toyko (if anyone knows how to get the download please tell how)
Mabinogi (their literally is no other system like this don't believe me actually play it you might not see it from just looking at vids)

2 Name: samuelx5 : 2014-03-06 05:08 ID:g8hboCWQ [Del]

Try mount and blade

3 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2014-03-06 16:00 ID:1CSKdbdp [Del]

>mfw blending story and gameplay IS innovative

The glory of games with stories vs a movie or show is that yoy, the player, have a say in what happens. Notice how there are games that exist now, a character can live or die and the entire game from that point on will change? How is that not a gameplay innovation? Having moments of player choice that will affect how everything else in the story happens is an element that will never work in film.

Far as unique games go though


If you don't know what Braid is yet, you are a sad person. Sidescroll platform puzzle with some very bizarre twists on timebending. Also has a heartbreaking and thought provoking story.

-The Witness

New game coming out from the same guy who made Braid. They aren't saying much about it because they're keeping a lot under wraps before release, but it certainly LOOKS unique.

-Portal series

No point in talking about these that much, you probably know about them already. If Portal wasn't innovative I don't know what is. (Also a wonderful story here. Problem OP?)

Now this has brought to mind a bit of an interesting question. Have we hit a point in gaming where most anything you can come up with has been done before? Maybe people are focusing on stories in games so much because the art of storytelling is a medium that NEVER GETS OLD. It's been around since the dawn of time and people are still able to tell interesting new stories around every corner. Maybe that's the way to MAKE unique games now.

4 Name: vipirius : 2014-03-07 09:43 ID:ykN11jsN [Del]

My vote is for Dark Souls. Best combat system in any game I've ever played. Also, can't wait for Dark Souls 2 coming out this month!

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: Thiamor !ZPE1Q6VxaY : 2014-03-08 01:00 ID:DNZZ4VEQ [Del]

If you don't like games with good stories...don't play them. Stick with your Call of Duty and World of Warcraft, and let us keep our old time Final Fantasy games.

7 Name: Lined : 2014-03-09 11:56 ID:6YJSHc9C [Del]

It's not that I don't care about story but that should not be the focus. (and final fantasy is a terrible series because it makes no sense and if you need to understand why it makes no freaking sense here is the guy who will educate you ) And please note I am pc gamer so your console experiences do not reach me sorry I don't hear about them, not that I think console games have no potential but I don't have one so..

8 Name: Lined : 2014-03-09 14:53 ID:6YJSHc9C [Del]

Also I'd like to say that I play games TO PLAY GAMES not to hear their perspectives (although if there is a good story then all the better). Someone might make a heart breaking pac man game, I'm not gonna buy it, I'm just gonna watch all the cut scenes on youtube. So if you don't care about actual gameplay mechanics then fine stick with your story but I for one like to have fun with the literal game not the on screen text. (and I'm not one of those average gamers that are obsessed with how amazing the graphics on a game are as long as as the game play is fun and it has a decent color scheme, not like the rainbow glitter garbage every other online mmorpg uses for its visuals, then the game is fine) PS I hate games like WOW. I call games like that: hit you hit me (I know it's more complex than that, but that is all I see and it takes too long to lvl up and get into it)