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Visual Novels







Rust (10)

1 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-12-25 20:50 ID:RFktpqfe (Image: 679x429 png, 82 kb) [Del]

src/1388026216866.png: 679x429, 82 kb
To start off with, this game has heavily similarities to Day Z. It was originally built as a clone to Day Z, due to the creators frustration with the lack of reliability Day Z held. Over time however, they added more and more and eventually made it standalone. Please refrain from pointing out that it's a copy of Day Z and making yourself look like an asshole.

Rust is made by the same guy who created Gary's Mod (Gary Newman). It's an open world post apocalyptic crafting/survival game, much like Day Z. As it is now, Rust is in alpha but is open to both Mac and PC users.

As is now, you start off Rust with a rock. You use that to gather materials, loot abandoned buildings, and soon build hatchets and wooden shelters. As you get more and more advanced, things like kevlar and high quality guns become available. An addition in the crafting menu is the construction options. These allow plays to build large, protected houses, even towns. Due to the fact that the game is in alpha, it is pretty bare comparatively but still holds a good opportunity for in-depth gameplay.

This game functions much better if you know other people that are playing, so also use this thread to meet other plays. Personally, I think it's better currently than what Day Z is offering, but it's completely up to the player.

2 Name: Tekato : 2014-01-26 16:14 ID:uueI16Nj [Del]

BUMP! Freak in love this game!

3 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-26 21:44 ID:IUzDiHVo [Del]

I do like the game a lot. But for some reason I got VAC Banned. I never cheated on this game at all, I've been regularly playing it. There was also the fact that a lot of people(me included) were falsely VAC Banned for some reason. I tried to get unVACed, but Facepunch has to be a dick and just show me the VAC Ban thing.
10 out of fucking 10, Facepunch. You just lost a customer who enjoyed the game.

4 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-26 22:45 ID:CtBdGgQU [Del]

>>3 wat. Did you fuck over somebody with power, maybe?

5 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-27 09:23 ID:IUzDiHVo [Del]

>>4 No, I didn't have admin powers in a server.

6 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-27 10:38 ID:CtBdGgQU [Del]

>>5 But maybe you screwed over somebody who did.

7 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-27 18:09 ID:IUzDiHVo [Del]

>>6 If that were the case, then I would've been server banned.

8 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2014-01-27 19:48 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]

There has been hackers, so theyre probably just doing a general sweep. Or people are being falsely accused cuz they arent really paying attention to shit thats going on

9 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-27 20:23 ID:CtBdGgQU [Del]

Hackers are fucking annoying in game. They have a crowbar that one shot kills/destroys and can spawn in anything they want.

Also, the server with all my life and home got shut down and I haven't been on since.

10 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2016-03-03 21:24 ID:iR+y+km5 [Del]
