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Visual Novels







The X Series (5)

1 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-09-28 06:37 ID:+mJvFUyp (Image: 864x688 png, 822 kb) [Del]

src/1380368245306.png: 864x688, 822 kb
The X series of games are a sequenced set of Space simulators released over the past ten years. So far 6 games have been put out with a 7th on the way. These games are, X: Beyond the Frontier, X-Tension, X2: The Threat, X3 Reunion, X3 Terran Conflict, X3 Albion prelude and X rebirth, which is expected later this year.

From experience, I have only played X3 Terran Conflict, as it is often advertised as the best and most immersive game in the series. Let me tell you something though, it is fucking amazing. There is a story line but you do not need to follow it, there is so damn much to do. Whether you want to become a law enforcement officer, a pirate, a trader, a bounty hunter, a freighter, a miner, whatever, you can do it! A massive range of ships await you with hundreds of different upgrades, weapons and systems to outfit yourself with. Of course, to get a lot of the equipment you have to get in good with the race first, often their highest priced stuff you can only buy if they really like you; either that or you can build your own damn factory and make the product yourself.

Also, the X3 games are all mod compatible, as expected this spawns amazing ones like The Star Wars Conversion Mod, and other major unofficial improvements on base gameplay. In terms of graphics? The picture attached to this thread is a screenshot, not concept art.

A major comment on these games are that they are incredibly slow to start with. The basic tutorial on youtube is an hour long and people often mention that they get bored before even scratching the surface of the gameplay. If you are the kind of person that enjoys those massive, free roam simulators, though, this is the game for you.

Personally, I'd say that I've completed around a fifth of what you can do after a week of playing. I've managed to save up enough to buy three standard freighters and equip them with a hired pilot each so they can go make me money autonomously. Apart from that, it is a lot easier to focus on the fighting side first up, so I have been going round making my M4 the baddest interceptor around.

Anyway, highly recommend to everybody who is into simulators of any kind and am anticipating the next game later this year.

2 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-04 04:43 ID:bvCG8dOE [Del]

Bumping this for X: Rebirth, which is going to be released in 11 days to PC. They are also building a version for Mac and Linux but that might take a bit.

Check this video out. It's ten reasons why X: Rebirth is going to be so damn amazing

You can pre order it for 50 dollars on Steam, too. Well worth it for the massive size, improvements and graphical beauty that they have achieved on this instalment to the series.

Checking out the video will be well worth your time; it made me highly excited.

3 Name: -EVE- : 2013-11-05 06:11 ID:OLzaEerz (Image: 1566x1175 jpg, 540 kb) [Del]

src/1383653500863.jpg: 1566x1175, 540 kb
pokemon x and y

4 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-11-05 09:04 ID:IUzDiHVo [Del]

>>3 Wrong thing, smart one.

5 Name: mrs.kagamine : 2013-11-08 17:35 ID:hDzN9VTs [Del]

that is so cool!!!