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Did MW2 Ripoff a Movie? (4)

1 Name: JinxazuMarai : 2013-08-31 15:22 ID:hjC7YyY0 (Image: 220x324 jpg, 41 kb) [Del]

src/1377980536735.jpg: 220x324, 41 kb
Ok, First things first. I do not hate call of duty, I find the series enjoyable in some cases. (My favorite being WaW) So please be mature and comprehend what I'm talking about before you try to flame without the right fuel. Also, It's only a theory. And it just feel like it has.

Ok, So I was in a parents room watching a stream and saw a movie come up called the rock, A 1996 action film featuring some well known actos as Nicholas cage(Before disney decided to ruin him.)Sean Connery and yeah, It's quite enjoyable. I could explain the movie in it's entireity. But I prefer you watch the scene yourself. The location of What I'm placing my.. ahem. "Theory" is in the scene's location, Alcatraz.

Alcatraz Scene (Ending):

If not that itself, Lets make some comparisons:
-Multiple soldiers travel to a large prison located on a rock.
-The prisoner is an old man who is skilled in Hand-to-hand combat as well as gun-fare.
-In one of the scenes, The soldiers fight off the enemies within a Bathouse(Or something like that, It's certainly full of urinals..With mini cameras..Peekin' at your willy.)
And such and such, Comparing to how the escape occur between the prisoner and a few of the soldiers. One was a large hole, th other was a man-hole, But both lead along a sewage line so yeah. On the last half towards the end of either mission and Scene. Both Scenes feature one of the protagonists waving flares to alert that there are people within the prison. Only diffrence is, Cage dies and on the game's behalf, The heroes survive and escape, I assume. (Because of the scene where a pillar of flames comes up and perhaps kills them, no idea. But yeah. I'm surprised No one, not even the CoD community who is great at looking for hidden refrences within the series itself.
Maybe the whole mission was a refrence to the movie I don't know but I just decided to bring it up because "The Rock" Is a fantastic movie and a series such as call of duty shouldn't get away with that in hand. State your opinions and all, But One littl warning, If you even try to flame me or go Fanboy kamakazi on me, I will delete you faster than soap can die. Thank you for listening.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2013-09-01 07:38 ID:T8wklH78 [Del]

This is the movie where Connery says "Losers always whine about their best, winners go home and fuck the Prom Queen"?

If so, this is an awesome movie with from what I recall a similar plot to MW2. I wouldn't go as far as to say they'copied' this movie but it surely would have influenced the plot.

3 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2013-09-01 07:38 ID:T8wklH78 [Del]

>>2 Why was I on anon? ahaha

4 Name: JinxazuMarai : 2013-09-01 17:41 ID:hjC7YyY0 [Del]

>>3 No idea, Hehe. But yeah, It's only on a 50/50 chance that I feel they copied such a thing. The scene where the soldiers fight off a group within a large bathroom. As said before, it just feels like they had. That or I'm the only person to ever find this "Easter egg" itself.