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Games you want (24)

1 Name: Steve : 2013-07-24 19:43 ID:wKZmuuPI [Del]

On this thread I would like you to list all the games you want but don't have. They can be for any & all systems & they can be out now or l8r. Heres my list...
PS3: Tales of Xillia (CE) - 8/6/13
Saints Row 4 - 8/20/13
Killer is Dead - 8/27/13
Kingdom Hearts HD remix 1.5 - 9/10/13
Grand Theft Auto 5 - 9/17/13
Beyond Two Souls - 10/8/13
Final Fantasy X-X2 International - ?
Lightning returns: Final Fantasy 13 - 2/11/14
PS4: Infamous: Second son - 4/1/14
Destiny - 6/30/14
Killzone: Shadow Fall - ?
Watch Dogs (LE) - ?
Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag - ?
Kingdom Hearts 3 - ?

2 Name: Steve : 2013-07-25 09:53 ID:wKZmuuPI [Del]

Adding Thief & The Evil Within to my PS4 list.

3 Name: Hana : 2013-07-25 11:24 ID:swX/DHoS [Del]

KINGDOM HEARTS 3 of course!!!!

4 Name: FFAdvocacy : 2013-07-25 12:12 ID:FopAeamd [Del]

1. Lightning Returns
2. Final Fantasy X/X2 HD
3. Metal Gear Legacy Collection
4. The Phantom Pain
5. Kingdom Hearts HD Remix 1.5

5 Name: Kaisuke : 2013-07-26 03:45 ID:D7D0WLcu [Del]

1. Destiny
2. Metal Gear 5 The Phantom Pain
3. Watch Dogs
4. Kingdom of Hearts 3
5. final fantasy XV

>>1 btw I have not seen a release date for Destiny all that is known that its next year.

6 Name: Steve : 2013-07-26 06:16 ID:wKZmuuPI [Del]

>>5 I heard it was june 30th 2014, but recently I read a article saying that bungie denied that. So ii guess that's a ? too.

7 Name: Kaisuke : 2013-07-30 07:11 ID:D7D0WLcu [Del]

>>5 The only confirmed release date will from the developers them selfs on the their main websit for any game, anything els is pure speculation.

also supposed "leaked" release dates are treated as rumors and non factual.

8 Name: Misaki : 2013-07-30 15:44 ID:GuJAf8LK [Del]

Final fantasy XIII- xbox
Pokemon X/Y- 3DS
Persona 4 Arena- xbox
Super smash brothers universe- Wii U

That's all I can think of right now ^^

9 Name: Misaki : 2013-07-30 15:44 ID:GuJAf8LK [Del]

Oh, and GTA V =)

10 Name: OukaSilverwing : 2013-07-31 21:57 ID:wKQ4d5+u [Del]

I kinda have simple tastes. ^_^"

For owned systems:
Cathrine- Xbox360
Persona 4 Arena- Xbox360
Narcolepsy- Interactive Fiction

For other systems:
Yume Nikki- PC (I have a PC, but it's my mum's and I'm not allowed to download games)
.flow- PC
Pokemon X- 3DS
Devil Survivor Overclocked- 3DS
Devil Survivor 2 Break Record- 3DS
Persona 1-4 remakes- PSP/Vita

There are also a ton of older games from outdated systems I want to play, such as the original Megami Tensei game back in 1987.

11 Name: Casper : 2013-07-31 23:59 ID:vZZMCFwR [Del]

I want all the Touhou games in existence.

12 Name: Shabadoodle : 2013-08-01 00:37 ID:XIodkjWE [Del]

1.Kingdom Hearts III. Even though its not out yet.
2.Final Fantasy XV. Even though its not out yet either.
3.Final Fantasy XIII-2
4.Assassins Creed 4.
5.Final Fantasy Lightning Returns, which isnt out yet either.

13 Name: Jeff(Swindle) : 2013-08-01 12:52 ID:FopAeamd [Del]

>>8 Gotta warn ya on FF13... It aint easy and is a very tough grind

14 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-08-01 15:53 ID:PDUcX5Kb [Del]

1. Pikmin 3
2. Pikmin 3
3. Pikmin 3
4. Pokemon X

15 Name: Krowya : 2013-08-02 03:15 ID:V2opom6g [Del]

1. J-Stars Victory Vs-PS3

16 Name: GestroII : 2013-08-05 19:01 ID:Oh40VN6g [Del]

(No particular order)
1.Alan Wake American Nightmare
2.Aliens Colonial Marine
3.Batman Arkham Origins
4.Bioshock Infinite
5.Cod Modern Warfare 3, Black Ops 2, and Ghosts
6.Call of Juarez 2 and 3
7.The Darkness 2
8.Dead Island Riptide
9.Deadrising 2
10.Dead Space 2 and 3
11.Dragon Age Inquisition
12. Fall Out New Vegas, (and if the ever make a fourth one)
13.Fear 3
14.Gears of War Judgement
15.Halo 5 (woot woot!)
16.Mass Effect 2 and 3
17.Mirror's Edge 2 (or whatever they're going to call it)
18.Most of the Naruto games
19.Sniper Ghost Warrior 2
20.Most of the Splinter Cell games
21.Star wars the Force Unleashed 2
22.Most of the 007 games
23.All of the Metal Gear games
24.Overlord 1 and 2
25.All of the Fables
26.Army of Two the Devil's Cartel
27.Watch Dogs
28.Dying Light
This is all just the tip of the iceberg for me lol.

17 Name: Sasori : 2013-08-06 10:30 ID:BPZEZQ0h [Del]

The Last of us. <3.<3

18 Name: Kumo : 2013-08-06 11:34 ID:U475rCj6 [Del]

Well, I had an Xbxo 360, but it recently died so I won't be getting any games for that (cries)
on the PC, I'd like to get:
Counter Strike: Source
Prototype 2
Dragon Age Origins

There's a couple more, will add some more when they come back to mind :P

19 Name: Alexavier : 2013-08-06 13:28 ID:4xH3QXS4 [Del]

Pokemon X and Y
Tales of Xillia
A majority of the Disgaea series minus Disgaea Infinite (IT SUCKED!)

20 Name: Tekato : 2013-08-06 14:52 ID:uueI16Nj [Del]

Add Archeage :D

21 Name: noah !BYJt3AHQPc : 2013-08-07 05:47 ID:tXK7KU1g [Del]

Sims city

22 Name: B : 2013-08-07 06:16 ID:Et9RQc+a [Del]

The Last of Us for the ps3

23 Name: Shigeru : 2013-08-07 18:40 ID:q9z58nDd [Del]

Killer is Dead
Final Fantasy XV
Kamen Rider Battride War
Metal Gear Solid 5
Persona 5
Tekken x Street Fighter
Super Danganronpa 2
Ryu ga Gotoku 5
Shining Ark
Steambot Chronicles
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate

24 Name: Ragon : 2013-08-10 01:27 ID:CBOZJsHq [Del]

Halo 5 or Halo 2 Anniv for XBOX ONE
Maybe Destiny, and Watch Dog
I hope I have X Box One or A grea PC