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Visual Novels







Beyond Two Souls (15)

1 Name: Steve : 2013-07-24 09:36 ID:wKZmuuPI (Image: 367x425 jpg, 84 kb) [Del]

src/1374676602852.jpg: 367x425, 84 kb
The game, which features psychological, spiritual and thriller elements, is centered around questions about what happens after death. The game lets the player take Jodie Holmes through 15 years of her life (ages 8 through 23) on a journey to discover the true meaning of the entity Aiden, who has been alongside her throughout her life. The game's producer noted that players might be able to find out "what lies beyond" after playing it. Heres a 30min gameplay trailer for everyone:

2 Name: Monochrome : 2013-07-24 10:01 ID:XkxqZENu [Del]

Looks pretty cool. But unfortunately, I don't have a PS3. XP

3 Name: Steve : 2013-10-05 15:07 ID:wKZmuuPI [Del]

Thump cuz its out in 2dayz! ^^

4 Name: The Doctor !BH0Suck8DY : 2013-10-06 04:18 ID:XrRiH8WD [Del]

wait, you mean this isn't the sequel to Beyond Good and Evil!?!? crrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapppppppppppppppppp

5 Name: Zeckarias : 2013-10-06 09:34 ID:ddCGMyvs [Del]

Kinda love the fact that technology has advanced to the point where games have featured actors. @.@

6 Name: Sakunya S. : 2013-10-07 14:32 ID:o7pWvWVG [Del]

looks nice~ the graphics are really detailed, and I like those strange things like death.... 0_0

7 Name: Anonymous : 2013-10-08 18:38 ID:fh9sI4y+ [Del]

Hopefully the stiry isn't as bad as Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain.

8 Name: Zeckarias : 2013-10-08 19:27 ID:0N5JGP/j [Del]

>>7 I didn't really have an issue with Heavy Rain, aside from the fact that it's essentially a giant quicktime event buuut what can you do?

9 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-10-28 19:28 ID:IUzDiHVo [Del]


10 Name: gumina : 2013-10-28 21:41 ID:ya9AawDO [Del]

hey did u hear about the hack it was on t.v. a while ago google it

11 Name: koda kun : 2014-05-09 08:21 ID:LPcbDA+i [Del]

I cried. this game is magnificent

12 Name: Doremo : 2014-05-09 22:54 ID:fh9sI4y+ [Del]

Better than Indigo Prophecy, shittier than Heavy Rain.

13 Name: STARLING : 2014-05-10 11:01 ID:gY/ECjww [Del]

^^ Ditto. Though I enjoyed Heavy Rain more than Beyond, Beyond two souls was still amazing <3

I didn't get to play through them myself, but of course, Pewdiepie plays through all of quanticdreams' games. And every one of them are pretty damn good. Even if Indigo Prophecy was just considered as a rough first draft.

Beyond blew my mind, admittedly, and I can't wait to see what they make next.

14 Name: whatsupdoc : 2014-05-13 02:45 ID:Fare+3pk [Del]

I can't say I enjoyed this as much as Heavy Rain. I still liked it. I think the main problem I had with it was the lack of consequence to a lot of the choices the game presented to me. No matter what I did, the story flows the same outside of key moments. Heavy Rain was much better at balancing that out IMO.

15 Name: skidrow!e4dueLXoGQ : 2014-05-13 23:40 ID:spomxNgP [Del]

this game is kinda like a VN for me but still amazing though