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Yu-Gi-Oh! Players? (65)

1 Name: Deadman !oCGJ.ggqF. : 2013-07-18 14:48 ID:+SXsmM3k [Del]

Does anyone here play Yu-Gi-Oh! ? I have played since the US got the game. I just want to know if you play, retired, or haven't. If you want to tell me what type of deck you use, that's fine too. I use Evil HERO/Junk Synchron Deck.

2 Name: Marno : 2013-07-19 00:53 ID:K1Lfq8fW [Del]

retired besides my deck's 1st-4th gen

3 Name: Zodiac_Libra : 2013-09-27 03:40 ID:pPz7R0wL [Del]

I play, I just actually revamped my deck with cards from the new saga of the blue-eyes white dragon structure deck and I have to say azure-eyes silver dragon is awesome

I run a dragon/warrior/chaos deck
( by chaos I mean tributing 1 light and 1 dark monster to summon cards like envoy of the beginning and light pulsar dragon )

4 Name: BlazeTitan !baDxLlGC7c : 2013-09-27 06:59 ID:PUGPYx95 [Del]

Been a while since I played. The last deck I had was the best deck I had ever built. It was essentially a prevention deck because it had alot of cards that would "remove from play" the opponents cards, and mine but I either had cards to bring them back or had specific monsters that would automatically be brought back to the field/hand. It was a really good deck and in the right situation awful to go against but I was never really able to get it to a "masterful" level.

5 Name: Heruko !wxFgSMZig2 : 2013-09-27 12:46 ID:dgzxgw66 [Del]

Well if anyone still plays, we can hit each other up on dueling

6 Name: PresidentWalrus : 2013-09-27 14:14 ID:jFxBIIKx [Del]

i played for like a year but then I went back to magic the gathering, then i stopped having disposable income, now I only play online tcgs

7 Name: Djmumblesz : 2013-10-01 15:07 ID:Ahk4VKkt (Image: 2048x771 jpg, 432 kb) [Del]

src/1380658020704.jpg: 2048x771, 432 kb
I still play and the dueling network I barely ever get a full duel and I play on 2000 life points out of the duels I got (3) only forgot and two just left the game within two turns. I don't get why everyone hater card trooper and doesn't understand how trap cards work.

8 Name: JasperInABin : 2013-10-03 13:31 ID:z5L2/bCg [Del]

I play and I have for about a year and a half. I run Evil HERO and watt's. And I do have a DN account, I just don't get on much. Sekai123 if you want to add me.

9 Name: VDUSquad : 2013-10-04 01:06 ID:tjJ3fYud [Del]

I have played since about the GX era, and now I run a hieratic deck in real life which I think i'm going to try to go pro with, especially now that it is revamped with the new saga of blue eyes. Also I have DN account which I play somewhat often.

10 Name: Vanilla : 2013-10-07 05:57 ID:yn10Pf0X [Del]

I've always been a big Yu-Gi-Oh fan, and I still collect pretty cards that interest me. As for my deck, I use toons! They fit my personality the best. I don't really care about winning duels, I just like using my favorite cards :3

11 Name: Vaan99 : 2013-10-07 08:49 ID:7CGJyLKZ [Del]

I run Pure Crystal Beast

12 Name: Feralwolf : 2013-10-08 04:53 ID:vAN4S9Vx [Del]

I run my Injection Lily/Watt Deck

13 Name: KuroNekoKaede : 2013-10-09 14:31 ID:NFJBpn3S [Del]

I play Yu-Gi-Oh although I'm not very good. Does anyone also do DS or online games? I have a few DS games, mainly the championships

14 Name: Ao!xbaEGjJEyU : 2013-10-09 15:50 ID:pdWz0Suz [Del]

It's been a long time since I've played Yu-Gi-Oh!, but with my home boy comin' back in December I think I'll pick up 40 or so of my 500+ and duel him, just like old times. I still remember the rules and have my personal deck intact, and hope to perhaps meet up with and play some of you guys eventually, even though I suck haha

15 Name: panzermecha98 : 2013-10-10 14:26 ID:fi69o+S6 [Del]

I took a Marik Ishtar deck and modernized it so it could compete with other decks. the same idea FeralWolf had with Injection Fairy Lily (i put in the infamous Yata garusu)i am starting 2 play again and i live in America

16 Name: Ao!xbaEGjJEyU : 2014-01-19 22:37 ID:pdWz0Suz [Del]


Kuz I got some Q's that I hope will generate some A's.

Okay, so the guys all agreed I suck at making decks. Lots of powerful cards, no way to use them, only one way to bring them out, more or less a thick piece of paper with a big number on it at that point. So they got together and made me a Gusto deck (which I have edited accordingly, as well as to my tastes). I am now able to compete with my buddy's Blackwing deck and recently defeated said buddy. (got two daigusto egullz on the field and tore dat ass UP) Anyhow, I would like to ask if any other members here are going to be attending the US, North Carolina Animazement convention in Raleigh. I'll sharpie a dollar sign ($) onto the back of my left hand in black, if you see me. If any others are interested in joining me in a duel or to trade PKMN via Gameboy Advance or just talk about why I'm dressed up as one of the least respected anime characters of all time (Kamon, of FLCL), just look for me.


17 Name: Lariel : 2014-01-24 01:05 ID:Q32/nEK3 [Del]

Uhm if you wanna play yu-gi-oh on your pc against others try this website: - manual playing..just like a normal click to draw,summon,etc. or download an online game - Automatic system and updated to new cards up to Zexal. Just wanna share if you are interested.

18 Name: Ao!I94GMMnlgM : 2014-02-15 23:05 ID:pdWz0Suz [Del]

Anybody else up here use DN?

My username: "SunshineJoker" (friends idea)

19 Name: Lumina : 2014-02-17 16:30 ID:RAC93dKW [Del]

i play the card game Yugioh and i use a yubel Deck. i still play the game by the way

20 Name: dillon : 2014-02-17 18:56 ID:hEQybZ54 [Del]‎ thats a site were you can play yugioh online (its hard to work it out at the start but after a while it becomes fun)

21 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-02-21 01:35 ID:mp3F1Cyy [Del]

22 Name: kid mage : 2014-04-04 09:50 ID:CWqAjhtJ [Del]

i play yugioh i have a dark worlds deck

23 Name: Ao!I94GMMnlgM : 2014-04-04 10:01 ID:GpD6QnvD [Del]

>>22 I have a Gusto deck

24 Name: Toro : 2014-04-05 18:56 ID:QDaGOPKS [Del]

i have an elemental, dragon, and my machine decks

25 Name: Kuroneko : 2014-04-06 08:05 ID:0fg+vLe2 [Del]

i have the mainstream hero deck UTOPIA

26 Name: TallFry : 2014-04-06 18:46 ID:H1wt6K92 [Del]

I play, but not as much as I used to. I'm more or less building one last deck as a "last hurrah" with one of my favorite sets before I pretty much only collect the cards for collector's sake and watch the anime cause the anime generally rocks.

27 Name: kingcard2 : 2014-04-30 04:23 ID:ARctqLCf [Del]

I've been huge into Yu-Gi-Oh since I was a kid. I lost my original deck and cards in a house fire but I've started collecting the past 5 months. I mostly focus on dragons.

28 Name: Buraddorī : 2014-04-30 13:06 ID:kmmLS2ui [Del]

Yu-Gi-Oh! is awesome and i have been playing it since i was a child. We have a club at school every Wednesday in which an entire community of us duels. I use tons of decks, however the main one i use is a Elemental Hero/Destiny Hero/Evil Hero deck. It may seem like a few cards, but it has always worked well for me!

29 Name: Athe : 2014-04-30 19:11 ID:4+b5Q237 [Del]

Yu-gi-oh! es hermoso recuerdo que cuando era pequeña jugaba con mi hermano y con el tiempo me volvi una buena duelista tambien iba alas convenciones a ver como jugaban y tambien a jugar un poco siempre quedaba en 2° o 3° lugar jeje ,tambn compraba todas las cartas originales que me gustaban, entrando a la secu conoci chicos que jugaban y en la actualidad jugamos todos los viernes .
porcierto mi deck siempre era de magos o tambien era de dragon

30 Name: Ao!OwbmWIWTOw : 2014-05-01 07:49 ID:GpD6QnvD [Del]

Relearning how to use my Gusto deck. None of the other guild members want to duel my dragons or fiends, and despise my Gusto's. How else am I supposed to practice without dealing with rule interpretations and ultra-noobs?

31 Name: Ao!OwbmWIWTOw : 2014-05-03 13:44 ID:pdWz0Suz [Del]

>>30 I mean on DN xD sorry

32 Name: ParagonF : 2014-05-03 20:08 ID:HrpN0jI+ [Del]

I use YGO Pro more than DN, it has alot of good features and records battles.

33 Name: KuroHane : 2014-05-04 01:03 ID:ILnZqj9y [Del]

me too, i'm always play YGO Pro.
cause it's more easier to play it

34 Name: Kira XGirlbikerX : 2014-05-06 04:21 ID:+Oh+V4JP [Del]

Yeah.I play Yu-gi-oh! too.I'm a big fan and I have couple of decks and some rare cads.I'm still trying to make my own custom deck.

35 Name: Dltwrn : 2014-05-07 09:41 ID:T1CiA+FE [Del]

I play yu-gi-oh also, i mainly run heraldics.

36 Name: Batoupar : 2014-05-07 15:38 ID:PerNxLq3 [Del]

I play with Ygo pro and in real life, I've got a blackwing deck.

37 Name: Dumah : 2014-05-07 19:03 ID:rolKgsFx [Del]

I love Yu-Gi-Oh!, and in real life, I run a Zombie deck. Though online, I run a few decks: Zombie, Skull Servant, and Arcana Force.

38 Name: Link488 : 2014-05-07 21:33 ID:q1rCjMW9 [Del]

Im running Blue eyes right now, and i also have a exodia ftk i just finished

39 Name: ParagonF : 2014-05-07 22:48 ID:HrpN0jI+ [Del]

I run Bujins or a Constellar deck irl and on YGO pro/DN

40 Name: infitix : 2014-05-08 06:01 ID:e/+W/3xe [Del]

I've got a Machine mayhem deck (5Ds), an elemental hero and destiny hero deck, and a random deck

41 Name: Ao!OwbmWIWTOw : 2014-05-08 12:00 ID:GpD6QnvD [Del]

I wish I could use YGOPro, my computer goofed up just trying to get to the download screen.

42 Name: wolf-man : 2014-05-08 21:19 ID:m4iJJ3uX [Del]

Hey, i'm actually a card collector for yu-gi-oh. I have over 500 cards, almost all the ones from the first generation of the show and game (dulest kingdom) and a lot from gx to 5d's. only little fron zexal.

43 Name: Kuyo : 2014-05-14 11:21 ID:ZqgI4iLd [Del]

Retire - Onslaught of The Fire Kings

44 Name: Cyber-Archangel : 2014-05-14 15:48 ID:1JhuV8tv [Del]

Actually I've been trying to teach a few of my friends to play. I'm still not that great though

45 Name: Ao!OwbmWIWTOw : 2014-05-14 16:43 ID:pdWz0Suz [Del]

I'm relearning my deck. I guess I'm not as bad as I thought. A buddy of mine visited me the other night and challenged me with a deck specially made to combat mine. Loaded with field nukes and swarms.

It was by the skin of my teeth, but I won. Hooray for Magic Cylinder!

46 Name: Odd : 2014-05-14 19:34 ID:wYFrcn/m [Del]

Retired I use a cyber tech deck

47 Name: Gosick : 2014-05-22 17:14 ID:rMxmMRjK [Del]

Yeah, I play, I started playin' during hand-loop format and now I play wind-ups, inzektors, ghostricks, chain beat, fire fist and traptrix

48 Name: Puck !OTHETEnDOU : 2014-05-23 08:45 ID:gNu190Cl [Del]

I played it when I was little, but I had no idea how he rules worked...
I had one of those cool duel disks but after 30+ minutes of playing it got heavy for my tiny child arm. I would play against my neighbor; although it was never much of a fight. I would continuously summon black-luster solder and destroy his entire hand, that and he was too young to read.

49 Name: Luneth : 2014-05-24 18:29 ID:TAySCz7c [Del]

i'm retired but i always had a wall of token deck, the idea, make the other people deck out

50 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2014-05-24 18:33 ID:PuHKwkkk [Del]

I always use Exodia because he's cheap, and I always lost, so I thought my Deck was bad. But then I played the exact Deck in Dueling Network, and I started getting a 90% win record. Always going to the same tournament with the same Deck is apparently a bad idea.

51 Name: Kazaki : 2014-05-25 12:39 ID:MDEvkRpP [Del]

Im a player. I use Nordic cards, as wel as Noble Knight, in my town, people call me Crow because I'm the best blackwing player around.

52 Name: Mura : 2014-05-26 20:16 ID:eHlD/+Mi [Del]

used to play had a solid Blackwing deck and a Six Samurai deck. I still take challenges but its really rare.

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55 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-05-26 21:10 ID:cn5y4sP/ [Del]

I haven't actually played an actual game in ages, but I have been going through some of the cards I have, just for the hell of it.

Maybe I'll play Forbidden Memories again this weekend or something.

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58 Name: Tetsu : 2014-05-27 22:32 ID:mzSXSnlx [Del]

I used to use a Starter deck Symphony... now i use D.D deck

59 Name: Evan : 2014-05-29 11:55 ID:rntkXHJB [Del]

I use two different decks, a Machina deck and a Dragunity deck. Absolutely love them!

60 Name: Anonymous : 2014-05-29 15:34 ID:37VsxUI2 [Del]

i'm pretty handy with an agents deçk

61 Name: Dumah : 2014-06-08 15:15 ID:Y6NFyCaG [Del]

Any Florida Dollars that play the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG? I'll be going to a mall on Dollars Day, and I'll have my Yu-Gi-Oh! deck and duel disk. If anyone is going to be going to a Florida mall and wants to duel, bring a Duel Disk and deck. If you don't have a Duel Disk, oh well, we can always just duel on a table.

I hope to see some Dollars duelists. :)

62 Name: Draconis : 2014-06-08 23:34 ID:6aGgFUs5 [Del]

I'm semiretired. There's a tournament coming up in Chicago at Anime Midwest I'll be attending, so I have to rebuild my Graveyard deck, but otherwise I haven't played since they added syncro-monsters

63 Name: MDSHADOW : 2014-06-09 08:33 ID:xwKjnUzv [Del]

I'm retired but I play with three diff. decks. One is the dragon deck with a mix with yugi's, kiba's, and the guy with cartoon monsters. The second with was the the cyber deck with a mix of dark heros. The third deck was yuseis mix with his rival

64 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2014-06-10 11:14 ID:DqlMCgwb [Del]

Playing in the meta is both boring and frustrating.

So I always play in the lower tiers with stupid decks that shouldn't work, but do. Have four pictures of some of my Neos Wiseman Shenanigans.

65 Name: hiro : 2014-06-11 14:13 ID:OCwVc3za [Del]

i used to play a lot more than i do now since xyz's came into the mix

i made a deck out of a mix of all the probably non-banned old and other cards i picked up in the passed year or so that are just annoying. i havent spent money on yugioh since the 3rd grade. I got more into magic.