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Visual Novels







Cube World - Picroma! (12)

1 Name: Jeike Dotacho : 2013-07-09 16:22 ID:u+S/FBXM (Image: 1191x670 jpg, 219 kb) [Del]

src/1373404930770.jpg: 1191x670, 219 kb
Infinite Worlds

A main feature of Cube World is the random world generation. In contrast to many games, worlds are not designed by a level designer, but generated procedurally by the game using math and random numbers. The result is an endless world (nearly endless, i.e. players can't reach the borders), so players can explore new landscapes all the time.

Players can generate their own worlds by specifiying one single number, the seed. The same seeds result in exactly the same world, so players can share their worlds with friends by telling them their seeds.

Worlds are generated on-the-fly while playing, so there are neither long precomputations nor huge save files at the beginning.

No borders

There are no artificial borders. You can literally reach each cube the world is made of. If you see a mountain on the horizon, you can climb that mountain. If you see a tree, you can climb on top of the tree. At least if your climbing skill is good enough. :)


Cube World consists of different lands with varying climates and themes. There are grasslands, snowy landscapes, wide oceans, dangerous lava lands, jungles, and deserts. Landscapes are full of mountains, caves, rivers, lakes, forests, rocks, dungeons, castles, ruins, catacombs, temples, villages, and more.

2 Name: Dantzig : 2014-01-12 12:39 ID:gQ8abYE4 [Del]

Anybody knows if there was an update after the June one? It's been a while..

3 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2014-01-12 12:54 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]

nope there has not been. either that or july. Its only two people working on it, so i expect it to take a really long time

4 Name: Colorless Energy (New Comp) !O1jzujos12 : 2014-03-24 19:43 ID:0o2Pfu4j [Del]

I'm gonna bump this cause I just started playing and it's awesome.

5 Name: zh : 2014-03-25 13:04 ID:IkCfE7ae [Del]


6 Name: Riam Niisan : 2015-05-19 20:20 ID:R/hZ6eW3 [Del]

Dang this is an old thread.

Anyways, I was wondering if Cubeworld was worth it, because if you have seen the page recently, you know the game download thingy is constantly down.

It's crazy cause I've seen a fan-made "monitor" which watches which parts of the website is down, and since when it has been down, and when you look at "shop" it says March Fourth. MARCH FOURTH. TODAY IS MAY NINETEEN. THAT IS TWO MONTHS. TWO ENTIRE MONTHS.

Basically, I was wondering if the developers even care about this game anymore, cause who just sees that no one can buy the game and leaves it like that for that long? Is it worth me monitoring the site to try and find a time it will come back up again?


7 Name: Riam Niisan : 2015-05-19 20:23 ID:R/hZ6eW3 [Del]

I was also wondering if there was a different place to get it. (That's Legit)

I'm holding up on just googling "Cube World download" cause I'd rather not get a virus.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-19 23:10 ID:z+TBESsg [Del]

What advantages are there to this game over Minecraft? Other than maybe cost and minimum specs required.

9 Name: Riam Niisan : 2015-05-19 23:26 ID:R/hZ6eW3 [Del]

I'm really tired of people always seeing a game that has a pixly art-style and immediately going, "how does this compare to minecraft?"

This game literally has nothing to do with minecraft except the art-style from what I've heard and seen on youtube.

It is an RPG style game in which you level up and gain stronger items by killing bad dudes and stuff. It is open-world so you can go wherever and just kill whatever, only restricted by your combat-prowess. And maybe your level.

10 Name: Anomnomnomymous : 2015-05-20 03:33 ID:EOXP/sss [Del]

>>9 In fairness, OP did just basically describe Minecraft, but without mining and building things. I myself was reading his description and the whole time thought "so how is it not a Minecraft ripoff again?"

11 Name: Riam Niisan : 2015-05-20 18:48 ID:R/hZ6eW3 [Del]

>>10 True. Lol sorry for riding you on that.

On another note, if you are generally interested in buying the game, as I said earlier, store is completely shut down at this point. You can get a pirated version, which is currently what I've used, but you can't play multiplayer because you don't have an account.

In all honesty, it seems the game is dead because the devs don't seem to care about what they've created. So, with NO updates on the way, which is what I think will happen, I can't recommend this game.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2015-05-20 19:01 ID:z+TBESsg [Del]

>>11 It was me, but whatever.
If the description is inaccurate, it's all I have to go on for the game. But, with no updates, it doesn't look very appealing.