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Save Flipnote Hatena! (6)

1 Name: lonely wolf : 2013-04-07 19:47 ID:yFWOig06 (Image: 256x192 png, 0 kb) [Del]

src/1365382030376.png: 256x192, 0 kb
If you don't know what Flipnote Hatena is, it's a fun place where kids, teens, and adults post flipnotes that they have created on a site for others to enjoy.
it has been a place for people to express themselves and share funny stories, but unfortunately Nintendo has confirmed that the Flipnote Studio will be shutting down for the DSI and open on the 3DS.
I am truly happy for those who have the chance to experience the 2nd generation on the 3DS, but i don't understand why they have to close the original studio.
i have just found out about this sit less then 3 months ago and now it is going to end
please for all the people around the world who love Flipnote Hatena help and sign this to keep it alive
Thank You!

2 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-04-07 21:12 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]

theyre still going to because they would get more traffic on the 3ds than the dsi, or dsi is getting barely any

3 Name: Issun : 2013-04-07 22:20 ID:c/sRBEQ2 [Del]

Well, I'm not someone who pays attention to things like studios or what they exactly do, but there's something I really know about, and it's the properly way to copy and paste a site :B
Really, next time be sure to copy all the link, paying attention to see if there is a "/.../" in the link you just pasted. Otherwise, people won't be able to acess it 8D
Anyway, good luck with that petition.

4 Name: Dstar89!0UZD1OR/j. : 2013-04-08 01:52 ID:JuucWm6r [Del]

I made some flipnotes in the Dsi days, but it kinda was expected to happen. Since it first started out on the DSi, and ended up being nothing but pictures of girl's favorite boy bands and star beggars. So maybe, change to the more up to date system would be best.

5 Name: Beach : 2013-04-14 01:05 ID:HZonT6Lw [Del]

Pfffffffffft...who uses the DSi? Probably not enough people currently for Nintendo to care. I'll admit, I used the Hatena back when the DSi was amazingly popular, but when I upgraded to the 3DS(which I eventually sold)I felt as if it was lacking the Hatena. If Nintendo shut down the Hatena on the DSi, it would be safe to assume that they'd think it would push DSi to get a 3DS, which would mean a profit for Nintendo.

6 Name: Anime : 2013-04-26 10:48 ID:yALXMfI4 [Del]

i love flipnote, but, i like the idea of flipnote 3ds because, A. it will have more colors
B. it will have more layers
C. you will be able to save it with the sound attatched
and finaly D. as far as i can tell, this, "small monthly charge" thing is nothing. i mean come on people are allready giving out there 3ds friend codes, and thats all you need to post and view flipnotes. just add as many people as you can.