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Visual Novels







LoZ: Majora's Mask (4)

1 Name: Oni : 2013-03-17 23:56 ID:MgL20T0u (Image: 723x1104 jpg, 390 kb) [Del]

src/1363582564602.jpg: 723x1104, 390 kb
I've scrolled through like, 500 boards on the the gaming threads and I haven't found one MM one, so here I am.
I'm gonna explain some of the points I like about Majoras Mask, and if anyone else has played, I'm gonna ask a few questions for myself.

So I first found out about it when my niece and I were scrolling through YouTube. We came across the MM walkthrough by chuggaconroy ad decided to watch the last few ones.
Thus love was born.
Gaffe a while of the two of us getting hyped on about it, I actually started doing some research. Looked up the masks, the storyline, hell, even the BEN creepy pasta. After a while of knowing tons about it I finally decided to get it.
For a while I was scared. The three day limit puts a pressure like no other on you. But after a while of know that you are going to accidentally forget about it and let the moon fall, you get in the rhythm and you really start to play. You complete all the side quests, get all the bonus' and finally get the ultimate goal. The Fierce Deity's Mask.
And like that, it's over. The game you've been striving over is done, but you can't resist playing it again and again and again.
I fell so hard for this game. It doesn't matter if its under rated because of how many people couldn't get past the first day. All the stories drew me in and never let go.
Now that my testimony is over, now for your turn. These are my questions, and I expect them to be answered truthfully.
- How did you hear about Majora's Mask?
- First impression playing it?
- What was your favorite side quest?
- What was your favorite mask?
- Favorite temple?
- Favorite song?
- Favorite form?
- Favorite group of NPC's? (Zora, Deku, Garro)
- And last of all, what did you feel when you finally beat the game? (If you did. If not,how did you feel after beating a temple.)

I leave this for you to discuss. Belief or disbelief rest in you.

2 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-03-18 00:01 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]
ctrl/cmd + f, you failure.

3 Name: Oni : 2013-03-18 08:54 ID:k6cT6LIL [Del]

Well now I feel like a fool ^^

4 Name: Hatash : 2013-03-18 09:31 ID:MQn0+zMs [Del]

It does have a nice picture, though. Maybe this thread can be-NO.