Dollars BBS | Games










Visual Novels







Dishonored (3)

1 Name: VivaLaPanda !ziER5e3k1o : 2013-02-03 14:54 ID:t2Ndc0AP [Del]

Set in the fictional, plague-ridden industrial city of Dunwall, Dishonored follows Corvo Attano, the Empress’s legendary bodyguard. He is framed for her murder and forced to become an assassin, seeking revenge on those who conspired against him. Corvo is aided in his quest by the Loyalists, a resistance group fighting to reclaim Dunwall, and the Outsider, a powerful being who imbues Corvo with magical abilities.
The game is played from a first-person perspective and allows the player to undertake a series of assassination missions in a variety of ways, with an emphasis on player choice. Missions can be completed through stealth, combat or a combination of both. Exploring each level opens new paths and alternatives for accomplishing mission goals, and it is possible to complete all missions, eliminating all of Corvo’s targets, in a non-lethal manner. The story and missions are modified based on violent actions, or lack thereof, committed by the player. Magical abilities and equipment are designed to be combined to create new and varied effects.

The game has been criticized for shortness, but since when is not having tons of filler a bad thing. I've been playing the stealth method due to the advice of several people because it makes the game last much longer. The camera feels natural and the gameplay is awesome, with magic and tools providing different ways of sneaking. I'm very early in the game because I'm going for 0 fatalities which is very difficult.

2 Name: Acid Shampoo : 2013-02-04 09:42 ID:fw16kXCP [Del]

ive looked at this game, ive played this game... as i played it all i could feel were the mechanics of bioshock...

and i fucking loved bioshock

all up despite that the game ends abit quickly i think its a really great turnout for something that was named game of the year two days after its release...*

*(i veer away from games that get voted game of the year by ign or just anything voting it too early to its release[ign dont do proper reviews and votings now adays, its just who puts a wad of cash in ign's hand that decides whether the games good or not])

4/5 gruesome jabs in the wind pipe with a knife.

3 Name: Hatash : 2013-02-11 17:41 ID:MQn0+zMs [Del]
