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Visual Novels







Etrian Odyssey IV (3DS) (5)

1 Name: Judas King !Anwmk0xmlw : 2013-01-30 21:51 ID:Mrufc+En (Image: 1280x720 jpg, 956 kb) [Del]

src/1359604285539.jpg: 1280x720, 956 kb
The fourth installment in the Etrian Odyssey series, entitled "Legends of the Titan" is due for US release on 02/26/13.

It was released in Japan as Sekaiju no Meikyuu (世界樹の迷宮 Sekaiju no Meikyū?, which translates roughly as "Labyrinth of Yggdrasill"

The games are dungeon crawlers with an emphasis on difficulty and map exploration. One of the key elements of the game series is the map which you will be drawing yourself as you explore the dungeons. The map drawing tools provided make this possible even if you have no map making experience.

Footage for Etrian Odyssey IV, detailing some of the classes and showing some gameplay can be seen at:

If you have played any of these games before, tell me about it. My first and favorite was Etrian Odyssey II the artwork and play style sold me for the rest of the series.

2 Name: Judas King !Anwmk0xmlw : 2013-03-04 06:23 ID:Mrufc+En [Del]

This game has a free demo on 3DS, so if you are on the fence try it for free.

If you like what you see you can load your demo progress into the actual game.

3 Name: LegitCondition !CjvvmK.lLw : 2013-03-04 08:55 ID:HSTDQG6W [Del]

I don't quite have a 3DS yet, and there's a whole assortment of games that I really want to get for the system. (AA5,SMT 4,ToA just to name a few) This is definitely one of them which I really want to get. Seeing how it basically upped all of the other 3 games with the 3D graphics, not that I don't like the art for the other games monsters. I just really would like to see what they would do FOE and Boss wise.

My first game of the Series is EO III though I haven't touched any of the older ones I really should because I love EO III very much so. Even if it made me cry with the first team I made... Though that being said Atlus makes me cry tears of blood on a daily basis so why should I be surprised.

I have no idea why I don't have a 3DS yet, maybe it's because I'm trying to decide if I should get a Vita instead... but the only game that pops out for me there is P4Golden and that probably be it.

4 Name: Akuto Sai : 2013-09-11 15:30 ID:QhyEVg/O [Del]

This game is incredibly difficult. I've been playing it for almost a month and I'm still not done. My current team is Landsknecht, Sniper, Nightseeker, Medic, and Fortress. I highly recommend it. I'm currently in the fifth stratum out of...I'm not sure.

5 Name: Akuto Sai : 2013-09-11 15:30 ID:QhyEVg/O [Del]

This game is incredibly difficult. I've been playing it for almost a month and I'm still not done. My current team is Landsknecht, Sniper, Nightseeker, Medic, and Fortress. I highly recommend it. I'm currently in the fifth stratum out of...I'm not sure.