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Visual Novels







The Walking Dead Game (23)

1 Name: AriaOfTheDead : 2013-01-30 14:30 ID:hgjfDcPK (Image: 284x177 jpg, 9 kb) [Del]

src/1359577813027.jpg: 284x177, 9 kb
Any Walking Dead Game fans here? I loved the game it was so beautiful with it's storyline. It's a point and click horror game that will definitely make you cry. It's worth a try or if you can't buy it just watch it! It's so dialogue based it's almost like a film.

2 Name: Witch : 2013-01-30 15:52 ID:Xex3HZPO [Del]

i watch the TV shows but i don`t play XBox though. But it is very sad in the 3rd season.Seeya!!~

3 Name: Acid Shampoo : 2013-01-31 09:12 ID:fw16kXCP [Del]

play the whole thing being nothing but an absolute asshole for every potential choice... you will have so much fun...

4 Name: Hatash : 2013-02-12 09:19 ID:MQn0+zMs [Del]


5 Name: xobybr : 2013-02-13 20:24 ID:U9eUeyZe [Del]

this game was one of the greatest games i have ever played. not only did your choices change the game completely (unlike a lot fo other games with choices) but the story was really gripping and kept me playing for hours straight. i havent gotten around to playing it a second time but i definitely plan on it. i also heard that theyre making a season 2 for this game so i am super excited for it

6 Name: Hatash : 2013-02-13 20:39 ID:MQn0+zMs [Del]


7 Name: nighthawk : 2013-02-19 18:34 ID:bPL2czJC [Del]

they better make a season two for this game. even after all that transpired, i felt it was unresolved with the ending. im guess ing they will put the main character as clementine, showing transition after transition of her growing up for the story, but i could be wrong. all in all, i liked the way it felt. definitely worth getting and for 40 u.s. dollars its a steal.

8 Name: Setton_Dayai : 2013-02-20 07:17 ID:eKuwTlKA [Del]

Ive only finished like episode 2 :3

9 Name: wing night : 2013-02-20 09:10 ID:HSTDQG6W [Del]

the ending with lee was sad but you could kind of see it coming all in all it is an amazing game .
also they are already in the works of season 2

10 Name: wing night : 2013-02-20 09:11 ID:HSTDQG6W [Del]

the ending with lee was sad but you could kind of see it coming all in all it is an amazing game .
also they are already in the works of season 2

11 Name: wing night : 2013-02-20 09:11 ID:HSTDQG6W [Del]

the ending with lee was sad but you could kind of see it coming all in all it is an amazing game .
also they are already in the works of season 2

12 Name: wing night : 2013-02-20 09:11 ID:HSTDQG6W [Del]

the ending with lee was sad but you could kind of see it coming all in all it is an amazing game .
also they are already in the works of season 2

13 Name: wing night : 2013-02-20 09:11 ID:HSTDQG6W [Del]

the ending with lee was sad but you could kind of see it coming all in all it is an amazing game .
also they are already in the works of season 2

14 Name: wing night : 2013-02-20 09:11 ID:HSTDQG6W [Del]

the ending with lee was sad but you could kind of see it coming all in all it is an amazing game .
also they are already in the works of season 2

15 Name: wing night : 2013-02-20 09:11 ID:HSTDQG6W [Del]

the ending with lee was sad but you could kind of see it coming all in all it is an amazing game .
also they are already in the works of season 2

16 Name: Day/Dia : 2013-02-21 09:23 ID:hSJDMNHO [Del]

Duck turns into a walker and Katjaa kills herself 'cuz of that. Duck turns 'cuz him being bitten during an attack by bandits because a shipment of drugs Ben promised the bandits was not delievered. Lily shot Doug/Carley (whoever you saved during the attack on the pharmacy) on accident trying to kill Ben and she is either left behind or she steals your RV. The homeless guy you meet dies. The farmers are cannibals and tried to eat you.

I'll stop there for now. On a good note, Lily's dad dies 'cuz of a heart attack after being locked up by the farmers. Kenny either drops a salt lick on him or Lee shoots him in the head. :3c

17 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2013-02-21 10:49 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]

Dude seriously? Ive already played it but come on, learn to spoiler alert people.

18 Name: Hibari? : 2013-02-21 11:55 ID:3gS54XzF [Del]

Sup with the spoilers? Anyway, I love watching Matt and Pat Play This on there YouTube channel thesw1tcher. Never played it myself though.

19 Name: Day/Dia : 2013-02-21 12:04 ID:sgnbWjth [Del]

>>16 >>17 >>18 'Cuz it's funny. BTW, Lee dies in the end due to him being bitten. :3

20 Name: AriaOfTheDead : 2013-04-02 06:22 ID:hgjfDcPK [Del]

Yeah, I love Mat and Pat's playthrough. I hated ~Kenny and they did too :D

21 Name: Hatash : 2013-04-03 10:17 ID:MQn0+zMs [Del]

>>19 Stop spoiling, it just makes people hate you.

22 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2013-04-03 11:35 ID:6/xMQFBH [Del]

>>21 hate you more**

23 Name: Snow : 2013-04-05 13:21 ID:N5RlLRQs [Del]

There are zombies.