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The WarZ (12)

1 Name: Saimin : 2013-01-29 02:18 ID:DHP9HMP3 (Image: 624x349 jpg, 104 kb) [Del]

src/1359447494248.jpg: 624x349, 104 kb
The War Z: First Zombie Game MMO

The War Z is the world's first survival mmo Zombie Game. You may have played Zombie Games before - now it's time to live one.

It's been five years since the outbreak; leaving in its wake a post-apocalyptic nightmare with ninety-five percent of the human population gone. In order to stay alive, you will need food, weapons, and other supplies. Some of you will be able to scavenge as you navigate the terrain, others will be forced to fight for survival as you encounter zombies and other players. Every decision will have an impact on whether you live or how quickly you die.

The War Z: Zombie Game No Classes

Create your own survival experience by selecting one of the available characters, customizing them and helping them to navigate through hostile world of The War Z.

No classes and restrictions, no levels, or unrealistic stat modifications.

Your goal is to survive this Zombie Game and the ones that survive longest will be victorious!

Is someone playing this game ? From which country ? How long ? What's your opinion ?

2 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2013-01-29 03:02 ID:j313+eEO [Del]

Nice hype, but no thank you. After all the bad press the game had I'm not touching this at all. However, one of my friends was rather unfortunate enough to buy into it, and he said it's the worst purchase he made in 2012.

Short version of his criticisms:
Zombie AI is absolutely terrible
Can't swim (want into that city? Sure, your only route is via a highway bridge covered in zombies, no creativity allowed)
Stealth doesn't exist
Random fall damage from walking down slopes
lolrealmoneycashshop and the fact things are geared towards making you want to buy from it (no seriously, it is p2w)
The only places anything happens is around the major places marked on the map, everything else is completely empty
Almost every asset is recycled from War Inc
All the broken promises that were made when it was being sold on Steam as a full game

tl;dr - no, don't touch this piece of shit

3 Name: Saimin : 2013-01-29 03:44 ID:DHP9HMP3 [Del]

"it's the worst purchase he made in 2012."

Now many bugs are fixed, map is larger, it's more entries to Boulder City and others locations. Many items which are in shop you can find for exaplme at ranch. There are many servers, you don't have to play on full server, you can collect items where are 5-10 players, not 70. So it's not p2w. If you are looking for some frags you can go on more popular server and there killing others. Map is bigger so there're more fun. I know nothing about their promisses, but many things is fixing and they added many options.

4 Name: Kazuki N. : 2013-01-29 05:02 ID:V/xId8q1 [Del]

sadly, the concept was good, but they never really followed it through. it's only a mere concept for now. T-T

5 Name: Kazuki N. : 2013-01-29 05:02 ID:V/xId8q1 [Del]

sadly, the concept was good, but they never really followed it through. it's only a mere concept for now. T-T

6 Name: Yukio : 2013-01-29 19:08 ID:ZGUyXocZ [Del]

If you mean it's the world's first Zombie MMO IP then you're right, if not, then Day Z beat it to the punch even though it's a mod to ARMA 2.

7 Name: SanityJinx : 2013-01-30 06:26 ID:caxPVnam [Del]

Actually, DayZ Was the first to do this. WarZ Is more of a Unruled sequel. But good Overall.

8 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2013-01-30 07:14 ID:j313+eEO [Del]

Okay, just bothered to do some research, and holy fucking shit is this the biggest pile of shit that I've seen in a long time since Big Rigs (and the guy who made that is also working on WarZ - imagine that)

It's been a while since I've used the bbs code so I'm just going to drop urls to prevent creating broken links, my apologies for the amount of clutter this is going to cause.

Okay, first up I'd like to present 3 articles wirtten by Erik Kain that detail a lot about not only the Steam controversy but other things that the game did wrong like almost wholesale recycling assets from War Inc and art theft.

Next up an interview with the Producer Sergey Titov responding to the Steam scandal, where he acts like an unapologetic asshat blaming customers for trusting what they put up on Steam presenting as a final build:

Next, evidence that they were too lazy to make their own Terms of Service and decided to just rip the one from League of Legends and just Ctrl+V the entire thing in:
(taken from )

Finally, Total Biscuit playing what was presented as the full build that was sold on Steam:

Frankly, they may have fixed some stuff since December 18, but considering they presented this as a finished product before their backpedaling and "Nooooo, it's only a FOUNDATION release" (which is equivalent to being out of Beta, which the game clearly fucking isn't), I've stop caring. Such incompetence on such a grand scale ensures that these people will never see my money in any form and makes me believe that it will not become substantially better in the future. In short, the game gets 0/10, OP gets 7/10 for making me research and respond.

9 Name: Acid Shampoo : 2013-01-31 09:10 ID:fw16kXCP [Del]

its the first zombie apocalypse mmo that is stand alone engine... you needed arma2 to run dayZ which is not really its own game then.

10 Name: Hatash : 2013-01-31 18:59 ID:MQn0+zMs [Del]

>>8 I salute to thee.

11 Name: Nick : 2013-02-10 18:36 ID:uWLFgMGs [Del]

I play warz solely because I don't believe my computer can run arma 2 having said that i think warz is a good thing. I really hope warz and dayz are able to constantly neck and neck so that as gamers we are able to get most awesome zombie survival mmo we can get whether it's warz or dayz. But for anyone who is a warz fan once I get to 20 hours and can make a clan I have wanted to make a dollars clan so send me your names an I will send you invites to join and stuffs.

12 Name: Quig : 2013-02-11 03:51 ID:8XojSDDW [Del]

I played WarZ for a couple of weeks. Despised it. I guess it's for some people, just not for me. I've been playing DayZ for over half a year and love it.