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Visual Novels







Dollars Tweeria Guild (37)

1 Name: SnowYeti : 2013-01-25 04:23 ID:Up8OPz/c (Image: 1337x525 png, 273 kb) [Del]

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I've created a guild for Dollars on Tweeria! Tweeria is the 'laziest MMO ever!' and it uses twitter to play. If you have twitter and a member of Dollars (wink wink :D) feel free to join!

2 Name: Muttsurini : 2013-01-25 07:15 ID:Ot90DuHV [Del]

seems legit.
can i join?

3 Name: SnowYeti : 2013-01-25 07:23 ID:Up8OPz/c [Del]

Sure! it's open and anyone can join!

4 Name: SnowYeti : 2013-01-25 07:24 ID:Up8OPz/c [Del]

Just so people know, I'm gonna hold guild raid and guild wars regularly

5 Name: SnowYeti : 2013-01-28 18:44 ID:Up8OPz/c [Del]

6 members have joined! Yay!

6 Name: Ruji Hasuna : 2013-01-30 13:35 ID:YCbL6I7J [Del]

i will now have to make a twiiter so i can join l.a.b

7 Name: NoLifeKing !iSQNAQKEEo : 2013-01-30 22:15 ID:ETQTH4Ql [Del]

How do you play?

8 Name: SnowYeti : 2013-01-31 02:53 ID:Up8OPz/c [Del]

Simple! By tweeting! Literally, there is a reason why it's called the 'laziest MMO ever.' You cannot do anything to control the character. The only time it does something is when you tweet (usually killing monsters and players around you). You have to log in to Tweeria with your Twitter account to customise your weapon and magic set, however. You can also hold raids, guild wars and guild raid on Tweeria page. Read this for more info:

9 Name: SnowYeti : 2013-01-31 03:05 ID:Up8OPz/c [Del]

A war against allSTARs! This Saturday lunch time (Feb 2nd, 12:30 US time), for an hour, we will be having a guild war against allSTARs guild. In guild wars, you battle by tweeting a lot within the time frame of the war. If you want to participate go to:

10 Name: Dakoren : 2013-01-31 11:44 ID:prjOX7hG [Del]

Hey ! Can I ask a question ? I wanted to join but then I saw the app for Twitter.. as it says it will have the right to send tweets in your place, and also to change your profile.. well I'm a bit skeptical about it x) I don't like the idea of someone other than me sending tweets in my name and changing my profile.. So, what kind of tweets does it send ? and what changing in the profile did you have ?

11 Name: j-taxton !WABCAFs6Hg : 2013-01-31 20:19 ID:Du9+NAa3 [Del]

Does anyone wanna help me with a raid I'm doing To Great Salt Lake my twitter name is TheLeeDynasty

12 Name: VivaLaPanda !ziER5e3k1o : 2013-01-31 23:50 ID:+xdLp3uO [Del]

I have joined the guild! I'm amoosii

13 Name: SnowYeti : 2013-02-01 00:22 ID:Up8OPz/c [Del]

@Dakoren um i guess it does say it, but it doesn't really do anything. The only thing they do to control your account, i guess, is that it tweets your achievements. But you can disable it

14 Name: SnowYeti : 2013-02-01 00:24 ID:Up8OPz/c [Del]

@j-taxton I will organise a raid if you want! Just tweet me! You should be able to find my twitter account on our guild page.

15 Name: Dakoren : 2013-02-01 11:04 ID:corZIRwY [Del]

@SnowYeti okay thank you ! I'll definitely join then. :)

16 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2013-02-01 11:43 ID:HwZikHaO [Del]

is their a limit to how many people can join the dollars guild?

17 Name: Dakoren : 2013-02-01 12:10 ID:corZIRwY [Del]

Oh my, I don't know if I am retarded or what, but I'm just like 'I have no idea what I am doing'. xD *ashamed of being such a stupid newbie*

18 Name: SnowYeti : 2013-02-01 19:38 ID:Up8OPz/c [Del]

@BH2 nope! I believe the number is limitless

19 Name: SnowYeti : 2013-02-01 19:39 ID:Up8OPz/c [Del]

@Dakoren Don't worry! It's a bit lengthy, but read this if you don't know what you're doing.

20 Name: Dakoren : 2013-02-02 03:52 ID:5R3/PZ0f [Del]

@SnowYeti yeah I've read it. I think I got it x)

21 Name: SnowYeti : 2013-02-03 01:00 ID:Up8OPz/c [Del]

Hey! Thanks for participating a war against allSTARs! We lost, but it was great!

Um, I was asked to orgainse a guild war with Fairy Tail guild, so I have. Please participate! 6th of Feb, 20:00.

22 Name: SnowYeti : 2013-02-03 01:16 ID:Up8OPz/c (Image: 1103x552 png, 195 kb) [Del]

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There are a few things I would like to ask of you all! I would like to keep this guild fun and active, so please regularly check this thread for upcoming guild runs and wars! Also, when guild run/war is running, please actively tweet (thus helping the raid and war). It's especially important since we are only 10 people guild, it's really hard going up against other big guilds.

Do note that when you tweet in guild run/wars you can add hashtag tweets to get more bonuses. Since they will be different each time, do check what they are!

23 Name: SnowYeti : 2013-02-03 01:24 ID:Up8OPz/c (Image: 819x639 png, 175 kb) [Del]

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Pro Tip!
If you are one of top 5 players of the guild (currently consisting of me, blowjobking, Pervert_Ninja, Xobybr and Leyuco_Lime), you can make guild runs/wars yourself!

Everybody in our guild is welcome to make their own, but please don't forget to declare the war to the leader or orgainser of the opposing guild (if war) and then post the event's link and time on this thread!

24 Name: Dakoren : 2013-02-03 04:28 ID:tMfHOnwS [Del]

Er but how could we win ? ;_; in addition with the fact that we're only 10 in the guild, the others are quite high leveled in comparison with us. o_o
I joined the war all the same. ^^

25 Name: Dakoren : 2013-02-03 06:01 ID:tMfHOnwS [Del]

Oh and also, what time zone is it ?

26 Name: Dakoren : 2013-02-03 15:15 ID:prjOX7hG [Del]

Forget my question, I found out, it's gonna be 9 am for me. ^^ Well.. I may be a bit late then.. how long does it last ?

27 Name: SnowYeti : 2013-02-04 03:51 ID:Up8OPz/c [Del]

@Dakoren It's supposed to last about an hour, but our last war lasted about an hour and a half. Thanks for participating!

28 Name: Dakoren : 2013-02-04 10:31 ID:prjOX7hG [Del]

@SnowYeti Ok thanks ! It's gonna be ok then, I'll be here in time, just a bit late. ^^ And you're welcome, I'm already addicted to that game !

29 Name: Dakoren : 2013-02-04 10:49 ID:prjOX7hG [Del]

Oh and, I'm sorry for asking a lot of questions but, is it ok if someone who's not part of Dollars join the guild ? A friend of mine would like to join. (er.. actually I told her she could before asking to you, sorry >_<)

30 Name: SnowYeti : 2013-02-15 14:32 ID:Up8OPz/c [Del]

@Dakoren It's fine!

31 Name: SnowYeti : 2013-02-15 14:47 ID:Up8OPz/c [Del]

Hey! Sorry for not updating for a while. Unfortunately we lost our war against Fairy Tail. Good news is though, that we gained four new members! Yaaay

Anywho. I organised a guild raid in Great Salt Lake on 19th of Feb (Tues) at 11:36 so please participate! A guild raid is where only guild members participate to complete a dungeon.
The hashtags for this event will be #raid #dollars #guild_run #slender_is_here Don't forget to use them!

32 Name: Dakoren : 2013-02-16 04:31 ID:7v8t4d16 [Del]

I wish I could participate but unfortunately it's gonna be 00:36 for me, and I have class so I can't get to bed that late.. sorry. :\

33 Name: Dakoren : 2013-02-26 13:04 ID:39z8s1+1 [Del]

Hmm I found another guild called The Dollars, exactly like ours, but there is only one member. I wonder who did that (who within Dollars I mean) and if that person knows about SnowYeti's guild... ?

34 Name: SnowYeti : 2013-03-09 19:22 ID:Up8OPz/c [Del]

@Dakoren Hey! umm actually that's one of our ex member. He had a guild called Durarara so I was like hey why not make it Dollars. makes more sense. He agreed to it but he never did it so it I made our guild. I asked him to join and he did join but soon he left and make his own Dollars guild. Don't really know why, but he did it.

35 Name: SnowYeti : 2013-03-09 19:24 ID:Up8OPz/c [Del]

Hello guild members! chinicchi has set up a guild raid in Great Salt Lake for 18th of March, 00:00! Please participate!
Tags are #Raid, #Dollars

36 Name: Dakoren : 2013-03-10 05:13 ID:9+urnU/w [Del]

>>34 Oh I see.. that's not really fair. He could at least have chose another name.

I guess I'll be able to participate this time, it's gonna be 1pm for me. ^^

37 Name: SnowYeti : 2013-03-15 22:13 ID:Up8OPz/c (Image: 942x616 png, 233 kb) [Del]

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Just a reminder that our guild run is coming up soon!

Also I would like to celebrate that we are now 18 member guild! Quite an improvement from 10, I would say!