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Visual Novels







Dragon age 3: Inquisition (9)

1 Name: Solace : 2013-01-09 22:42 ID:7GsXxWri (Image: 1600x900 jpg, 177 kb) [Del]

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Now there is already a thread for Dragon Age but from what I have heard so far Inquisition will quite possibly be one of the best RPGs of 2013.

Not much has been released about the story of this upcoming game apart from it will be set in Orlais, a region in Thedas. Now for anybody who has played number 2; the entire size of that games map is roughly the size of one of Inquisitions areas.
They are planning on fusing aspects from Dragon age 1, 2 and Skyrim to make it more open world and roleplaying than its predecessors and there is also word they are including a dynamic castle system which allows you to build, maintain and shape your own palace/keep.
The engine this game uses will be heavily based of Battlefield 3's Frostbyte 2 engine but with added updates and tweaking to improve it. The combat is said to be more stop more strategical and based on preparation than the last 2 games, multiplayer is also said to be included.
That is the link if you wish to read more on it and I want to know what you guys think? Will it be a flop? Does it sound good? Did you have fun playing the earlier games? That kind of thing. Thanks.

2 Name: Acid_Shampoo : 2013-01-10 07:31 ID:SoAoF5ev [Del]

dragon age III will suck gigantic dragon balls because nothing with III/3 in it thats continuing from a base story is ever good... plus bioware are allready tearing themselves a new asshole with every game they publish, you really think they have enough money to pay to make this the best RPG of 2013...
honestly the only way this will be the best RPG of 2013 is if its the ONLY RPG of 2013... -__-

3 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2014-10-28 11:56 ID:gx/Ju1PS [Del]

So with this release date just around the corner, I'd like to rekindle this thread. Is anyone else planning on getting it?

4 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2014-10-28 12:14 ID:9L6uYJ+r [Del]

>>3 Bit scared it'll flop hard so i'm gonna wait around for reviews and such and maybe let the price drop.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-30 05:23 ID:n4YBXZMf (Image: 650x366 jpg, 74 kb) [Del]

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6 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-30 05:23 ID:n4YBXZMf (Image: 650x366 jpg, 109 kb) [Del]

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7 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-30 05:23 ID:n4YBXZMf (Image: 650x366 jpg, 91 kb) [Del]

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8 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-30 05:24 ID:n4YBXZMf (Image: 650x366 jpg, 62 kb) [Del]

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Skyrim was had better written dialogue.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-30 05:26 ID:n4YBXZMf [Del]

Also, they totally made my waiffu look like shit in this game when she is like, the only video game character I wish was real and would be my girlfriend. :/