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Visual Novels







Galerians (1)

1 Name: Tri-edge : 2013-01-09 18:49 ID:mjd+fylr (Image: 1024x768 jpg, 103 kb) [Del]

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Taken in the setting of the future, the game starts out with your character Rion waking up in michelangelo hosptial while in a observation room. After hearing a girl's voice (later to be known as Lila) begs him to awaken and come save her. After awakening and using his psychokinetic abilites to escape the room, he fights off the hospital security and staff with his new found powers. While going through all of that Rion does not know who he is and tries looking for clues to his past. After heading to a information "bank" (sorry can't remember what the thing is actually called) and confronting the human like but actual robotic head of staff, Rion escapes the hospital. From the information he had gathered he found his way home. After using his new powers he learned that he was the son of Dr. Steiner the man who, with Dr. Pascalle's help, designed and made s self-replicating artificial intelligence called Dorothy.

Dorothy being a growning artificial intelligence grew too rapidally for Steiner and Pascalle to control. Steiner then got the idea to tell Dorothy of the existence of "God" and how humanity serves God since God is what made them. So humans being the ones who made Dorothy she must abide as they have dictated since they were her God. Dorothy who seemed like she accepted this belief went on helping humanity as she did before, but unaware to Steiner and Pascalle. Dorothy ran data simulations and tests to prove the existence of God and humanity. She came to the conclusion that if their is no God, then why should she serve humanity if they have no God to serve? In this act Dorothy took it upon herself to become "God" and make humans her servents. Though seeing how she would need special servents too walk among humans and execute her orders psychically. She made the "G project" which stood for Galerians. Galerians were beings in human form who could use psychic powers.

Pass this part im not telling due to spoilers. So to make it simple but not giving too much away, Rion is tasked with finding out who he is, what is it he needs to do and to find out what it will cost him. Want to find out what happens..*^* play the game (-cough- or watch walkthroughs)