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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1/2 (13)

1 Name: Tsuchimikado : 2012-12-14 19:39 ID:yXPEadPJ (Image: 400x286 jpg, 68 kb) [Del]

src/1355535571092.jpg: 400x286, 68 kb
No KotOR thread? What?!
Well yeah, Knights of the Old Republic, 1 and 2.
Both are fabulous games.
Let's get this straight, I'm a HUGE Star Wars fans. And I love RPGs. Put them's pure sex.
This picture shows Xbox versions, but I have them on PC, anyone else?
I also think they need to make a third one. Yes there IS The Old Republic, but that doesn't count!

2 Name: Tsuchimikado !dCr9XtqDOY : 2012-12-14 20:38 ID:yXPEadPJ [Del]

I think I like 2 better though

3 Name: Doremo : 2012-12-14 21:41 ID:42aM90Pj [Del]

What, no description?

4 Name: Tsuchimikado !dCr9XtqDOY : 2012-12-14 21:44 ID:yXPEadPJ [Del]

Just assuming that people who would even post would know about them. And it's multiple games, so that would be even more. I'm not really showcasing them, just want to find other fans I guess. :3

5 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-12-14 21:48 ID:Vahx2eLT [Del]

I'm sure you can find some here:

6 Name: Tsuchimikado !fSq5qseG8. : 2012-12-14 22:32 ID:yXPEadPJ [Del]

Yee I saw that, but I guess I was just trying to be specific about my topic.

7 Name: The Doctor : 2012-12-18 11:21 ID:8sg2G8T0 [Del]

I've been waiting for a third on on 360, but was crushed when it was just "Old Republic" on pc.

8 Name: NEO : 2012-12-18 12:00 ID:FikGLhZE [Del]


9 Name: Kaisuke : 2012-12-19 11:35 ID:D7D0WLcu [Del]

>>7 Do you mean Star wars the old republic mmorpg ? which is arguably the Third installment in the series of them games.

I also have both games on PC though Bioware did a better job with the story in the first game,
unlike Obsidian story in the second game it wasn't terrible but could have been much better,but the only thing Obsidian did right was by making the interface better.

10 Name: The Doctor : 2012-12-20 11:53 ID:8sg2G8T0 [Del]

>>9 Yeah, I don't play games on the computer....

11 Name: : 2012-12-21 08:16 ID:tX15D/Kc [Del]

KOTOR 2 is the. best. thing. ever.
Everything about it is good. Its charactar development is more dynamic than even Fable and it's story is just plain awesome. If you have never played this game buy it and buy it now.
That is all.

12 Name: Aradjha : 2012-12-26 15:31 ID:eZmUheFM [Del]

The whole point as i saw it was not Star wars, but Bioware. I loved star wars for a long time, but the truth i found was that lucasarts produced mostly low quality games conceived to satisfy a fantasy based directly in the movies; the starfighter series, Bounty Hunter are two examples. The jedi knight games might have been decent; but KotOR floored all other SW games i've ever heard of. KotOR's classic storyline, voiced roles; fun and simple but strategic gameplay and compelling characters won it for me, for many years. But it was a simple game. KotOR two had promise, was a more advanced game with a more complex and interesting style; but ultimately it failed- it was a copout. Luckily for me, it was not Bioware made. My loyalty was cemented when Jade Empire came out. I bet The Old Republic is a very good, very Bioware game; but i can't play MMO's. For that you need a house and lots of time.

13 Name: Feric !Tqnr51kiR. : 2012-12-26 23:19 ID:jpSljVVi [Del]

>>12 With the old republic, there is a reason some have named it TORtanic. So, don't bother.