Dollars BBS | Games










Visual Novels







Dollars&Dragons (9)

1 Name: Zomboss222 : 2012-12-05 03:14 ID:wPh8U6Ss [Del]

Hello everyone. Zomboss222 here. I have an idea. What if (Now hear me out) I made a weekly Dungons&Dragons quest for anyone who wants to participate. I will be the dungon master of corse. Any generation of D&D can count. But you have to start a new person and know how D&D works because i dont want to explain how it works. Im not trying to be mean. And if we are in a quest and you want to join you have to start a new guy/girl. When i make a weekly quest the first 7 people to ask to join will join. I do this because if every person who asked were to join it would be hell to keep track of all of those people. The first quest will start next week on wensday after 4:00 p.m every week. On certain wensdays when im not in school it will probibly be an earlyer time. And i will let you know when i do. When your going to join you need to give your persons name,race,class,items,alignmemt and stats. And if you want to your persons backstory. you dont need dice because i have any needed dice. You all start out with 3000 Gold to buy whatever you need. So you have all week to make your person and buy what you need. To get more gold for more items you need to come to daily quest. After every completed quest everyone gets a default of 100 gold and whatever you get on the quest. Oh and a little clue for anyone who is joining the quest next week you will need torches or a spell that lights the area. For any more questions just put in comments below. I hope to see you next week ^u^. (p.s sorry for any duplicts of this and any spelling errors i make.)

2 Name: Zomboss222 : 2012-12-05 04:58 ID:wPh8U6Ss [Del]

The name of the quest is called:
Quest for Umbraga. The quest intro is as followed:
The king of Umbraga is in need of some heros. Your group is the only one that can help. He needs you to save his son from the orc warior Fro-Ma-Gra. He took his son because he knew his son was the only heir to the throne and if king Lannister dies and there is no heir Fro-Ma-Gra will overtake the throne and be king of Umbraga. And if your group commplets the quest than you and your group will get 1800 gold each and a secret reward. (This is my first made up quest so comment on this too.)

3 Name: Zomboss222 : 2012-12-05 15:13 ID:wPh8U6Ss [Del]

Oh by the way when your giveing me your persons info i also need to know what langueges they speak. (I know i spelled langueges wrong) ^U^

4 Name: Animart9 : 2012-12-05 17:05 ID:wPh8U6Ss [Del]

That sounds cool. I might join next week. As the Dragonborn Wizard Kriv Bloodburn!

5 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-12-05 17:20 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]

Delete your duplicate.

6 Name: Zomboss222 : 2012-12-05 20:16 ID:wPh8U6Ss [Del]

It wont let me on my dsi xl for some reason. Hope its not a problem. ^±^.

7 Name: Bass-o-matic68 : 2012-12-06 13:11 ID:wPh8U6Ss [Del]


8 Name: Zomboss222 : 2012-12-07 06:28 ID:wPh8U6Ss [Del]


9 Name: Zomboss222 : 2012-12-07 06:28 ID:wPh8U6Ss [Del]
