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Visual Novels







Sims 3 (4)

1 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-09-08 13:24 ID:KF/YYcp5 (Image: 255x360 jpg, 57 kb) [Del]

src/1347128672489.jpg: 255x360, 57 kb
The Sims 3 is built upon the same concept as its predecessors. Players control their own Sims in activities and relationships in a similar manner to real life. The gameplay is open-ended and indefinite. Sim houses and neighborhoods are entirely in one continuous map. The developers stated, "What you do outside your home now matters as much as what you do within." One of the biggest changes to the franchise is the use of rabbit-holes. Sims aren't allowed to go inside the majority of city buildings; instead, they simply disappear inside for a certain amount of time—a feature known in video games as a rabbit-hole—while the player is given several choices on what happens inside using a text-based notification.

The game includes an optional feature called "Story Progression," which allows all Sims in the neighborhood to autonomously continue as if the player were controlling them, such as grow up, get married, get jobs and promotions, have children, build or buy their dream house while the player isn't playing. Sims live for a set duration of time (adjustable by the player) and advance through several stages (baby, toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult, and elder). Sims can die of old age or they can die prematurely from causes such as fire, starvation, drowning, electrocution, (as of the World Adventures expansion pack) Mummy's curse, (as of the Ambitions expansion pack) a meteor, and (as of the Late Night expansion pack) by thirst (vampires only). One of the major new additions to gameplay is Opportunities, tasks that Sims can complete to earn rewards. These challenges occur randomly based on aspects of each Sim's lifestyle, such as relationships, skills and job. Career opportunities such as working overtime or completing special tasks can yield a pay raise, cash bonus, or relationship boost. Skill opportunities are requests by neighbors or community members for Sims to solve problems using their acquired skills for cash or relationship rewards. If the opportunity is connected to a Sim's school, the reward may be increased school performance.

2 Name: Medoli !sL/00ZELDA : 2012-09-08 22:02 ID:OJ8mAa+i [Del]

Why i didn't think about it before...Of course this is the best game ever!
I have the ambition and "vacation" (where you go to paris,china and africa (if i'm not mistaken)) plug-in.

3 Name: Yuki : 2012-09-09 13:15 ID:DNnk8l9i [Del]

Your feaking stole my thread -_-

4 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-09-09 21:15 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

>>3 Well, it's your fault for making 2 horribly detailed threads.