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Which is Better?? (17)

1 Name: Azneth : 2012-07-17 22:38 ID:39qQC5VC [Del]

Which do u prefer? Xbox, or PlayStation?? Personally, I like PlayStation:DDD

2 Name: Anima : 2012-07-17 23:21 ID:zhXylxrP [Del]

I truthfully like the Playstation more! :D It has better graphics!

3 Name: Em !1PZuOSuEBg : 2012-07-17 23:37 ID:+li7GHsm [Del]

I'm more of a Nintendo person, to be honest... But, I vote Xbox.

4 Name: Azneth : 2012-07-17 23:39 ID:39qQC5VC [Del]

I agree:3 Plus I've always have been more for rpgs:D

5 Name: Sakazaki : 2012-07-18 01:34 ID:BHQotXpX [Del]

I Prefer Playstation. Xbox Lacks Reliability.

6 Name: DN : 2012-07-18 05:42 ID:UdaZaeih [Del]

Its gotta be PS3. The blue ray disks provide a cleaner finish on the games and the controller just seems easier to use, however I heard that PS3 lags more...

7 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-07-18 11:11 ID:QwgWbKSJ [Del]

Xbox. Allow me to explain why with a few points:

-The $400 Playstation has ZERO backwards compatability.
-The Xbox has 12 million users playing over Xbox LIVE, playstation has 3 million.
-Both have console-specific games. Personal choice there.
-(Downside) You have to pay for xbox live.
-I don't own any blue ray discs, so no point getting a console to play them.
-The internet browser (And this goes for the wii too) is slow as hell. My phone is faster than those things.
-Xbox typically releases updates from xbox live every once in a while to expand the backwards compatibility with games.
-(Downside)Xbox lifetime. Seriously, not hard to get a better heat sink. Come on, microsoft.
-Don't have to install disks. When I (rarely) visit my friend's house and we decide to play some MGS4, we usually walk the dog while we wait for the game to re-install the first part. Makes me want to an hero.
-Don't have to have a PS1 memory card, or a specific memory card for a game. Put in an xbox game, gets saved to HDD. Play a 360 game, chose to save it to either cloud storage or HDD.
-(Won't comment on cloud storage because I'm not sure if PS3 has it or not.)
-(Downside)Ties in with xbox life, freezes if overworked. Again, needs a better heat-sink.
-Both have amazing graphics. On my Standard TV, I can't tell the difference, so I don't really care.

Don't get me wrong, I like playstation too. Some of the games on that console are simply fantastic, see: Shadow of the Colossus, Kingdom Hearts(series), Metal Gear Solid(series). This simply means I prefer xbox, as others prefer Playstation.

8 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-07-18 11:12 ID:QwgWbKSJ [Del]

Almost forgot source for some statistics.

9 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-07-19 00:24 ID:Q4xSpalz [Del]

>>7 Actually, the PS3 is $300
-Playstation Network has over 25 million registered users, but so does Xbox Live.
-You should look into Bluray. The picture is beyond noticeably clearer.
-My internet browser isn't slow (PS3)
-You don't have to install most games, or if you do, it usually only takes about a minute fora one-time install, and it shortens loading times
-You can actually save PS3 content online. The only ones you'd need a memory card for are ps2/ps1 games, and there's no backwards compatibility (on the slim), so no troubles.

10 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-07-19 12:32 ID:GVIBaXWa [Del]

Sorry, my info's a bit outdated. Last time I used a PS3 was a few months after it came out. Back then, I tried to play MGS4, took (literally) an hour to install the first part. Not kidding. We managed to drive to the pool and hang out for a while, come back, and still had to wait for it to finish.

Still, if I need internet browsing, I'll use the laptop I'm on now. I remember PS3 did lower their prices way back when, but the middle priced version was the one that couldn't play PS2 games. Upsetting that you still need a memory card for PS1 though.

Honestly, I hope the next gen of consoles get here soon, so we can fix these obvious problems:
-Fix the freaking heat sink in xbox's. SERIOUSLY.
-Add more/ full backwards compatibility for all models on all consoles
-Don't re-polish games and sell them for full price (looking at you, nintendo)

11 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-07-19 14:36 ID:Q4xSpalz [Del]

>>10 Lol it's cool. I honestly see them as pretty much the same except for the fact that the PS3 has a Bluray player and free online. The PS3has potential for better graphics, but no game company is taking advantage of that, so it doesn't really matter :/ That's really a shame IMO

12 Name: Next The Square : 2012-07-19 15:32 ID:V7GlKbSC [Del]

Square Enix is definitely taking advantage of it. Have you seen Final Fantasy Versus XIII and Agni's Prophecy?

13 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-07-19 19:58 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

>>12 I stopped looking into Versus XIII Until they decided on a release date :O

14 Name: Next The Square : 2012-07-20 00:21 ID:V7GlKbSC [Del]

True that.

15 Name: EmRiIoCtAo : 2012-07-20 06:17 ID:dz3e9qxs [Del]

In My Opinion , PS is better OwO

16 Name: Link488 : 2012-07-20 10:14 ID:9dL3P6KO [Del]

PLAYSTATION!!! They dont have those problems like xbox does, red ring, pay for online. Playstation is all free!!!!

17 Name: RyuKente!3GqYIJ3Obs : 2012-07-21 09:02 ID:12dcqJPl [Del]

>>16 And free games every time PSN gets hacked xD