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Visual Novels







Psychonauts (9)

1 Name: rolling girl : 2012-06-25 23:01 ID:XxtNNVF/ [Del]

"Psychonauts is based on the exploits of Raz, a young boy gifted with psychic abilities who runs away from the circus to try to sneak into a summer camp for those with similar powers in order to become a "Psychonaut". He finds that there is a sinister plot occurring at the camp that only he can stop. The game is centered on the widely strange and imaginative minds of various characters that Raz enters as a Psychonaut-in-training/"Psycadet" in order to help them overcome their fears or memories of their past, so as to gain their help and progress in the game. Raz gains use of several psychic abilities during the game that are used for both attacking foes and solving puzzles.
Psychonauts combines traditional console platformer elements with the kind of strong storytelling, humor and dialogue found in adventure games. The camp itself is fully explorable by the player to find hidden arrowheads that can be used to purchase items at the camp store and psi cards that help to improve Raz's Psi Ranking, to talk to other campers and camp advisers, and to make way to the various "levels" within the game. There are also areas in the "real world" of the camp, including a nearby insane asylum, that the player will explore during the course of the game. Throughout these areas are characters whose minds Raz can enter, either through their own actions, or by use of a small door that Raz uses on the character's forehead. Each of these character levels has its own unique visual design and set of challenges, related to the demons, nightmares and secret memories of the mind that Raz is exploring; for example, within the mind of the lungfish that terrorizes the camp lake, Raz is seen as a giant monster attacking a city filled with lungfish beings (in a level designed to parody most elements of the kaijū genre), while within the mind of Boyd, the insane security guard at the asylum, Raz finds a town, twisted and askew, with cameras and eyes hidden everywhere, which tune in with Boyd's paranoia. Within the mind levels, the player can collect various "figments of imagination" which can also lead to increasing Raz's Psi Ranking, locate tags to match with various "emotional baggage" within the level to advance ranks and unlock concept art and destroy "mental vaults" to unlock a slideshow that helps to explain the background of that character and his or her mental problem. The player must also avoid taking damage from censors that attempt to remove Raz from the character's mind. Each mind level typically ends with a boss fight that represents the main cause of the character's mental problems.
Raz gains new psychic powers through the game through either instruction by the camp counselors, or by increasing his Psi Ranking. These powers include telekinesis, levitation, invisibility, pyrokinesis, clairvoyance, Psi Shield, Psi Blast and confusion. Additional Rankings increase the range, duration or potency of these abilities. These powers are directly involved in the puzzle-solving aspects of the game as well as to defeat foes within the game, and allow the player to tailor the solutions to his or her own playing strengths. The player also gains items that can be used either for solving puzzles, to escape from a mind level if they become stuck, or to get advice for solving some of the puzzles. Raz can also communicate with an older member of the Psychonauts for hints. However, due to a curse placed upon his family, he is unable to touch water and will die if he comes into contact with it too much." - Wikepedia
So, has anyone here played Psychonauts? Anybody want to play it after reading this?

2 Name: Karloz : 2012-06-26 00:45 ID:ISwBfHW2 [Del]

I remember this game :) Really think they should make some kind of sequel.

3 Name: wolf !Fv0xOpKcjQ : 2012-06-26 02:23 ID:d4ua8GCJ [Del]

Been one of my favorite games since it came out. I seriously love it so much. Great story, memorable characters, hilarious jokes/lines, fun gameplay, all around great game. Been thinking about getting a Psychonauts tattoo for a while now because of how much this game means to me. May get it this weekend, actually. Birthday's coming up, and I'd love a Psychonauts tattoo :)

4 Name: rolling girl : 2012-06-26 10:09 ID:XxtNNVF/ [Del]

>>3 Nice. What will it look like, you think?

5 Name: Aswang : 2012-06-26 12:52 ID:uBD/eQTE [Del]

They are making a Psychonauts sequel

6 Name: rolling girl : 2012-06-26 14:43 ID:XxtNNVF/ [Del]


7 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-08-24 22:10 ID:U09yORn1 [Del]

Bringing this thread back.
I played Psychonauts a few years back and absolutely loved it. This game is a true work of art.
It is really sad, because everyone who plays the game loves it, but it sold like crap.
I can't express how much I love this except by showing you my crappy little computer doodle of Sasha and Raz.
Sasha was always my favorite character.
My favorite quote was: "Ha! You can't! That is the purpose of the goggles!" Or maybe all of the G-Men quotes.
But, while I did see some post about a sequel, I don't think there was ever a serious effort, if any, put into making one.

8 Name: whatsupdoc : 2014-08-27 16:08 ID:Fare+3pk [Del]

This game. Money well spent.<3

9 Name: juu : 2014-08-27 18:14 ID:vecC++t/ [Del]

LOVE this game. Flashbacks of playing this when I was little. So great. Funny. Dark. Creative. Underrated.