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Visual Novels







ICO (8)

1 Name: Baka ni Baka : 2012-05-26 21:09 ID:3ETI7SeY (Image: 750x562 jpg, 106 kb) [Del]

src/1338084585341.jpg: 750x562, 106 kb
Did't there was a proper thread yet. Her you go.
Created by Team ICO, it's a minimalist action/adventure/puzzle with a simple "boy meets girl concept". ICO is a village boy who is unlucky enough to be born with horns. Because of this, he is taken to a gigantic fortress where he is sealed up in in a sarcophagi. Mircausly, a tremor sets him free. AS he wanders around the castle, he meets a shining girl in a cage named Yorda. Unable to understand each other through language barrier, they decide to escape together from the castle and the mysterious shadow beings that try to take her away.

Very simple, the graphics are truly amazing with soft lighting and beautiful architecture design. The soundtrack is also simple but is certainly tranquil and very fitting. sure the entire game is pretty much an escort mission but the creators actually make it fun! Yorda actually helps ICO as they try to escape and really makes the player bond with the characters. The atmosphere is one of the best I've ever experienced. This game is for those who want a good story, characterization, puzzles, and great graphics

2 Name: Mr.Kuma Bear : 2012-05-27 08:23 ID:3cff/72W [Del]

I really REALLY love this game! I would have to say this is one of my most favourite games of all time! As you said in the opening comment it has a great story, soundtrack and everything! 10/10!

3 Name: Mr.Kuma Bear : 2012-05-27 08:24 ID:3cff/72W [Del]

Oh and Funny How I made ICO and Shadow of the Colossus right under eachother!!

4 Name: Baka ni Baka : 2012-05-27 13:27 ID:XYfqP0o3 [Del]

>>3 you don't say!

5 Name: Mr.Kuma Bear : 2012-05-27 18:46 ID:G1G3BzsT [Del]

>>4 ;)

6 Name: Mr.Kuma Bear : 2012-05-27 18:46 ID:G1G3BzsT [Del]

>>4 ;)

7 Name: Tanimura : 2012-05-28 17:40 ID:2S1IykoA [Del]

I never got the chance to play this and went on ahead with Shadow of the Colossus. Fortunately it's on PSN. I know what to get next.

8 Name: Baka ni Baka : 2012-05-29 23:31 ID:ZeWQ7y6l [Del]

>>7 I think everyone should play sotc first as it is the prequel. Buying the ps3 set is awesome as both games would be on the same graphic level