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Dissidia 3? (17)

1 Name: xX_Lament_Xx : 2012-03-29 20:32 ID:bgkl1WBG (Image: 640x376 jpg, 70 kb) [Del]

src/1333071120130.jpg: 640x376, 70 kb
OK seriously, dissidia is one of my favorite games of all time. I've put in over 300 hours of play time on the first game and about 200 on Duodecim. I really hope they come out with another dissidia game. There's so much more potential in the series! Does anyone agree with me? and if so, what characters do you think might be added if they make another? personally, I don't really care about any of the Final Fantasy games but VII, and I'm hoping that they add Vincent, Zack, Genesis, maybe Kadaj. also, I think Auron from FFX would be cool.

2 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-03-29 21:01 ID:Mm7gEt0Z [Del]

Well you should care about the others, because if it's mainly characters from FF7, it wouldn't be much of a game.

It's meant to mix characters from (if not all) a lot of Final Fantasy games.

Otherwise, they should just do a whole new series altogether with FF7 involved, or just finally remake 7 and call it quits on that.

Also from what I recall, it's just a button mashing, fighting game. I personally think, to get a proper Final Fantasy feel, they should actually add in an a classic rpg setting.

So, maybe have it where you can walk around in a world, as different characters, playing a story.

Otherwise it only gives off that generic "beat-em' up" feeling that you get with a lot of already released fighting games.

Final Fantasy has a specific feel, and inner-workings, that you can't get just by adding in some story, then the rest is button-mashing-fights.

3 Name: xX_Lament_Xx : 2012-03-29 21:26 ID:bgkl1WBG [Del]

Have you even played dissidia? I assure you, there is no button mashing. And they also made the story mode a lot better in duodecim, and there is an explorable world, at least to some extent. and when I said I only really care about FF7, i didn't mean I dont want any other characters, I'm just most excited about who they might add from ff7

4 Name: Zero : 2012-03-30 10:46 ID:GfiynFg7 [Del]

Have it, love to play it. It keeps the boredom away, plus it helps to get to know the characters.

5 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-03-30 11:52 ID:Mm7gEt0Z [Del]

My bad, reason why I said "From what I recall". Based on what I heard from friends, in bits and pieces. So, again, my bad.

6 Name: ninjaswag : 2012-03-30 12:30 ID:1NhRsXaq [Del]

sazh or fang from XIII and cid or vincent from VII.. i play this game all day, its the best ever. although i still havent beat feral chaos in duodecim...:(

7 Name: Doremo : 2012-03-30 13:25 ID:fh9sI4y+ [Del]

I would like to see another Dissidia game, but I hope they would put more effort into the story. The world map was okay, but they shouldn't have put those gates that just take you to the same boards as the first Dissidia.

Feral Chaos was also pretty easy, just time consuming with his absurd amount of HP. It was nice they put him in as a playable character though.

8 Name: Feral : 2012-03-30 15:16 ID:kKjnEjoj [Del]

I was a little displeased with the character choices for Duodecim, namely Laguna. I want more fist fighters, Zell of FF8, for instance. Also wouldn't mind seeing Vivi from FF9 or good ol' Cid Highwind of FF7.

I couldn't really feel a new game coming from this series. Yeah, it's fun, (I've spent nearly 400 hours on the first game and 200-something on Duodecim) but I can't really see another story arch that wouldn't end in the exact same fashion as the other two. Gotta have some variety if you want to make a better-than-the-previous sequel.

9 Name: Riceball Melody : 2012-03-30 15:24 ID:/XdfpIFz [Del]

I think it would be cool if they made a prequel. I don't play this game for the story, but for the combination of all the characters. And the music. :) If they made one I think it would be awesome if they had Zell and Auron.

10 Name: Lentia : 2012-03-30 17:52 ID:7qO28mAB [Del]

i have the game, but i hope they put ALL the final fantasy characters in there

11 Name: Zero : 2012-03-30 18:38 ID:4H0mDnQG [Del]

>>10 agreed!!

12 Name: Leroy : 2012-03-31 21:52 ID:za2m5tSe [Del]

Please tell me it's for ps3 my brother has it for psp.

13 Name: Doremo : 2012-03-31 22:12 ID:fh9sI4y+ [Del]

>>12 No, it's only for PSP

14 Name: Leroy : 2012-04-01 02:18 ID:za2m5tSe [Del]

Nooooooo!!! awww...

15 Name: Nes : 2012-04-02 17:38 ID:3s6+Zw5m [Del]

I'm pretty sure they will make one because they made one right after FFXIII came out just to add Lightning and some other older characters. So they will possibly make one. But I do hope they add some other characters in there. Like a KH character or something? Special characters like Neku from TWEWY. Something!

16 Name: Doremo : 2012-04-02 17:46 ID:fh9sI4y+ [Del]

>>15 I'm pretty sure Nomura said he didn't want KH characters in Dissidia even though other staff members were for it and I highly doubt they would throw TWEWY characters in, or any character that's not from a Final Fantasy game.

17 Name: TallFry : 2012-06-10 05:18 ID:bXJCEZTP [Del]

Well, first, I don't think any KH characters would really fit into the setting, since they actually technically already know the characters, and only alternate version of those characters.

Second, for characters I think would be awesome to add for the possible 3rd game, here it comes.
Thief: Final Fantasy I, due to having an emphasis on speed, he could dart around the stage as the fastest character in the game.
Guy: Final Fantasy II, he's big, he's strong, he's basically pure power. Let's see how that works.
I don't have any ideas for Final Fantasy III unfortunately
Edge: Final Fantasy IV, dual wielding, throwing, and Ninjitsu for his HP attacks. Very interesting character.
No ideas for Final Fantasy V either, sorry.
Edgar: Final Fantasy VI, his various tools could provide an interesting challenge for the game.
Red XIII: Final Fantasy VII, Why him and not Vincent? Two reasons. First off, even though Vincent is totally viable for the playstyle, it wouldn't make any sense at all having a guy who TURNS INTO CHAOS trying to take down CHAOS. Second, it works pretty well cause it adds a new character style to the mox. Aside from Feral Chaos, how many quadropeds are there?
Rinoa Heartly: Final Fantasy VIII, she has a very interesting weapon and could add a little more to how Squall interacts with everyone. Laguna could look at her and see a bit of Julia as well.
Vivi: Final Fantasy IX, let's just face it, if they packed any more awesome into this guy, it would blow up time. Extremely potent black magic could really make a difference.
Wakka: Final Fantasy X, I know Auron is the popular choice, but there's already two sword-users from X in there, let's add something new to the mix. Wakka could add random status effects to his throws, hitting from a distance and moving as if through water. He also adds more to Tidus' side of the story as the two may meet in battle.
No clue who would work for Final Fantasy XI, again, sorry.
Balthier: Final Fantasy XII, he's just awesome, really. He's the leading man and he won't let you forget it, adding some suaveness to the story, he'd also take his own twist on the license board, utilizing magic along with his weapons.
Final Fantasy XII is one I've never played, so I have no idea.

OK I know every one of those was for Cosmos but I'm not as good with villains as I am with heroes. Still, you have my suggestions.