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Visual Novels







Digimon Masters Online (7)

1 Name: Fester73 : 2012-03-15 22:12 ID:4yoQNXM9 [Del]

Is anyone playing DMO? Digimon Masters Online? I personally think its an awesome game.
What's your favorite Digimon? Mine is Patamon

2 Name: Quatre Winner : 2012-03-16 01:56 ID:pL2VBMb+ [Del]

I have a DMO account that I play... whenever I feel like it. I feel that as a Digimon MMO it's about as good as can be expected - the digimon leveling is uncomplicated, switching between digimon is easy, and overall if you follow the plot you can get a full team easily.

However. When you try to specifically get a digimon, it's a pain in the butt. The randomization of the hatching ("oh look you've farmed these datas! Too bad, your digimon's not going to hatch. Better luck next time!") is annoying, especially when all you have to do is infuse it once more before you can call it yours. The worst part of it is that you can only farm certain digimon with a similarly-leveled digimon. What are you supposed to do if you level your party past the digimon you're trying to get the egg from!?

Another aspect of the game I find lacking is not having WASD movement controls, or minimap navigation. It's a pain in the butt to have to click everywhere.

Overall, I'd say the game is good for wasting time when Eden Eternal is down for maintenance. As a full-time game, though? I'd have to pass.

3 Name: Fester73 : 2012-03-16 21:34 ID:4yoQNXM9 [Del]

LOOL.. Nice. I agree with the hatching.. It's too long and difficult trying to hatch a Digimon. When hatching you would have to rely in luck. But I bought my Digimon from the shop.
Also, I hate the fact that we can't deposit our starter Digimon just because it goes along with the show. For some people, starters are just a waste of space in our slots.

4 Name: Kion Stelz : 2012-04-08 21:56 ID:LMCGOms5 [Del]

i want to try this out i have a account but i cant understand any of the stuuf cuz i can only find the chinese verson of the site so i can down load it.

5 Name: TallFry : 2012-04-18 02:30 ID:VMRXfbMw [Del]

I have an account, but I can't really pour any money into it, so the only Digimon really worth using for me is my Agumon, whose best form right now is RizeGreymon. Good game, though. I like how... well... it's just plain awesome.

6 Name: Xros : 2012-10-23 17:15 ID:dbS7c1qs [Del]

While hatching anything is a pain in the ass, hatching a 5/5 Digimon is the worst thing possible, even people that pay for the eggs don't get a 100% chance of getting a 5/5 egg.
While I did kick ass for a long time with my ShineGreymon Burst Mode, the game got really old for me. It's much more fun if you people to play with.

7 Name: Shinigami : 2013-08-24 11:05 ID:RMIlEv+2 [Del]

I like it, but I hate how hard it is to hatch an egg. I probably won't play much unless they make it less stupidly difficult to hatch eggs and find data.