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Visual Novels







Tom Clancy's EndWar (2)

1 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-02-29 06:32 ID:rNCYP3a4 (Image: 1280x720 jpg, 146 kb) [Del]

src/1330518770490.jpg: 1280x720, 146 kb
You know, I'm really surprised how this game gets no love. It's not the best game ever, but it utilizes so much potential that it seriously deserves praise for its ingenuity.

The Interface/Control System is completely driven by your voice. As seen in the above image, if you say, "Unit Seven Attack [Insert Hostile Here]" then unit seven will go after that enemy unit to attack. Every command in the game is like this, making you really feel like the colonel you play as. And it's that level of immersion that I think many wargames lack. So it surprises me that the technology was never expanded on.

Next, you had the displays for your units, your command points, the map showing uplinks, and finally, the Sitrep function which gives a holographic display of all objects moving in the field. Graphically, I like to compare it to the charting systems used in Code Geass.

Last but not least, you had the updating overworld map between missions, which would show which territories throughout the globe were conquered by which entities. Given that it could take anywhere from 40 to 200 battles to win the game, and that no playthrough is alike, I figured there'd be tons of replay value there too. Not to mention the unit upgrading system.

Who here has played it? What are your thoughts? And if you haven't played it, do you think you'd like to do so? It's on Steam after all.

2 Name: King of Shadows : 2015-03-08 03:22 ID:B9SbrIR7 [Del]

It's a fun game, but there are parts of it that were just, I don't know, clunky to me. There was a lot of potential and I would love to see a sequel that is more ironed out and polished.