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Visual Novels







Final Fantasy XIII (13)

1 Name: The ? : 2012-02-05 17:02 ID:sc9zCVJ4 [Del]

What are your views and opinions on this game what did you like or not like about it and are you going to get the next game? I had just beaten it and i loved it im excited to get the next one but I would like to hear the thoughts or opinions of others.

2 Name: Shade : 2012-02-05 17:30 ID:5FlUzn7/ [Del]

I liked Final Fantasy XIII alot. It was fun, I loved the story, etc. It was my first Final Fantasy game. Though, I could do without the constant need to lvl up. I like to play through a game and enjoy the story. But when I have to stop, kill alot of things, and lvl up, it just gets frustrating and annoying because its taking longer than it should. Not to mention i'm not a turn-based gameplay fan or any variation of it. thats why I havn't picked up XIII-2 yet, but i'm probably going to get and extremely enjoy Versus XIII and probably Type-0 when it releases over here in NA.

3 Name: brady : 2012-02-05 17:43 ID:MLJERhv9 [Del]

It was a great game and i am getting xiii-2 which also is amazing. i played the demo for it.

4 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-05 18:23 ID:9177hRkI [Del]

eh. i liked a lot of the themes that were dealt with in the game. the story was decent, and the gameplay itself required a lot of strategy, which is a good thing in most parts of the game, but it just felt like throughout the game it was nothing but "we don't know what to do, so lets do what the bad guy tells us, just not in the way he tells us to do it, but then do it his way anyways and still have everything turn out alright anyways somehow." aside from that confusing sort of, what i consider to be a, minor plot hole it was a fun game.

5 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-02-05 19:21 ID:WmWuagpU [Del]

I hated it. It was the single most expensive and extravagant cutscene that ever required me to rubberband the analog-stick forward (god damn this one long hallway, are those fucking TREES?) and get one of those water-sipping birds to hit X for me occasionally.

the story was okay - Honestly, I liked the concept. I hated Snow. If he died in the prologue and never showed up again, it would be far too soon. I cannot tell you how much I loathed that blond bastard acting so optimistic about everything. Much like lightning in that regard.

Not giving up is one thing. But not giving up a chipper attitude with a hero complex? AHAHAHA- Die, Snow.

I enjoyed the combat quite a lot. The strategy aspect of it was nice - When it was required. If you wanted too, you could just set everyone to auto launch off Blitz or AoE attacks and then hit X and you'd win at everything for life (optional marks and bosses not included. Usually.)

Letting me upgrade my weapon instead of buying new ones was a hilarious feature - I say hilarious because it meant anyone willing to grind for a bit lol'd their way through pretty much everything. I enjoy grinding.

I hated how I couldn't backtrack - Backtracking and world exploration is part of what makes FF.... FF. Do any of you remember the PSX or SNES era of FF? Sequence breaking all up in that bitch. You want to go buy end-game spells? Fuck yes, you can - if you can survive monsters capable of murdering you in their sleep.

You know, real adventure.

FFXIII was a beautiful game, the story was nice... But some of the characters just pissed me off. It was a very forced game that resulted in me feeling trapped and pressured into doing something I didn't give any shits about. At all. No puzzles to solve, no mazes to navigate, no sidequests or amazing hidden weapons/spells to find...

To me, it felt like FF had finally died. Then they announced FFXIII-2, supposedly squeenix realized that the fanbase was outraged about FFXII, and added changes.

But they're not changing it. FF was never about continued story lines. Each installment was that world's last chance. It's Final Fantasy. Similarities in plot aside, because there are always crystals to save or something, they were completely unique games with intriguing characters that meant something to you.

I feel like Squeenix has lost that. Even the creator of FF feels they've lost that. Even Sakaguchi wants this shit to stop. He made the damn series I grew to love.

The FF series has always been one that tried new things. Different ways of handling things. From the materia system to the junction system to the skills inherent in equipment - Even Tactics, which was dynamic as all hell. Doing new things is almost a staple for this series.

Which is why it pains me so damn much to see them constantly trying to "go back to its roots". The series isn't about roots - It started because it did things differently. Trying to go back to what it used to do is spitting on that entirely.

It's paradoxical - But I want a new Final Fantasy that's like the old Final Fantasy. Where they throw caution to the wind, try something new, and then wing it from there. I want an open world, a new and interesting way of levelling up and adjusting my characters, I want characters who I can truly see as complex entities again.

I... have derailed into ranting.

tl;dr - I thought FFXIII was a great concept, but executed poorly. Also, Snow should die.

6 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-05 20:16 ID:9177hRkI [Del]

>>5 *claps* i may not have felt as strongly as you do about some areas of the game, but i feel like you captured the essence of what i sort of feel about it. i wrote my earlier comment while focusing on this game as a game in and of itself, rather than how it stacked with earlier installments of the series. I grew up in a PS1/PS2 era, but it was the NES, SNES, and other things like that that really made me get into gaming. FF is one of my all time favorite series, which is a bit odd in the sense that almost every game requires grinding to some extent, which i loathe. i think what it comes down to is really what i said on the modern gaming thread. FF is by no means the worst offender in the things i stated there, but i feel as though it's sort of....lost it's touch, i guess.

7 Name: Firo !D9YDuldeCw : 2012-02-05 20:51 ID:2tp0mXKT [Del]

>>5 this.

8 Name: Phantom : 2012-02-05 22:29 ID:j1Eyw4Wv [Del]

hhaters of ff13 …this is why ff13-2 was that fans coukd enjoy noels trashing on

9 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-05 22:51 ID:9177hRkI [Del]

>>8 it's not "hating" if you give legitimate reasons for not liking it.

10 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-02-05 23:12 ID:pBTzXFUG [Del]

I hate the fact that you can't save on the demo. There is so much you can do, running around on the demo alone, yet it only AUTO-SAVES for the fact you can retry in battles, or the puzzles. That is lame.

11 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-02-06 03:26 ID:PosTrsE7 [Del]

The one thing i despised about it was noah/noel and his additude. He bothered me to no end. That and the fact the lightning was chopped liver in comparison to fang.

12 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-06 08:43 ID:2W2s3DhZ [Del]

>>11 that bothered me as well. seemed like lightning should have been the best cammando. doesn't matter though, cuz her ultima weapon served me better with her as a commando

13 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-06 08:43 ID:2W2s3DhZ [Del]

>>12 *Ravager. my bad.