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3DS friend code group? (i hope this is the first) (379)

1 Name: Geo : 2011-12-13 17:49 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

hey everyone. if anyone has a 3DS we should exchange friend codes. mine is 0430-8270-4467 my name is geoffrey on the 3ds (also in real life)add me if you want and post your code for others to c and add you. hope to be playing 3ds with anyone over wifi soon :)

2 Name: Socks !CTOykyu6cw : 2011-12-13 19:51 ID:SByjDjqr [Del]

Name: Socks
Code: 3737-9532-7475

3 Name: PhantomZero09 : 2011-12-13 22:08 ID:b8IlsNPM [Del]

Phantom 0001-3411-6900
hope to meet some nice ppl

4 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-12-13 23:41 ID:9177hRkI [Del]

i don't have a 3DS, but i'd like to get one. you guys think it's worth it if i already have a DSi? (p.s, rather than hoping it's the first thread of its kind, it's better to actually look through the existing threads)

5 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-12-14 00:05 ID:Vhh66Qd9 [Del]


6 Name: Socks !CTOykyu6cw : 2011-12-14 03:10 ID:SByjDjqr [Del]


Well considering games like Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3D Land, Resident Evil Revelations and other great looking games will never be available through the DSi store or playable in a DS, i would say yes you should get one at some point.

7 Name: SolSan : 2011-12-14 09:37 ID:ANQhAIvI [Del]

Any Street Fighters for the 3ds?

8 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-12-14 09:43 ID:2W2s3DhZ [Del]

>>6 hell, i'd do it for ocarina of time 3DS, but at the same time i dont wanna be getting an almost $200 HANDHELD for just 3 or 4 games

9 Name: Geo : 2011-12-14 19:59 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

>>8 well there are also games to look foward to. like kingdom hearts. its mostly about if your willing to take the risk for the future of the 3ds. there could be many great games that will come out that havent been announced yet. (also, i did check to see if there was a 3ds friend code thread and couldnt find one but i thought i could of been careless hence the "i hope this is the first")

10 Name: Geo : 2011-12-15 15:28 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]


11 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-12-15 15:45 ID:2W2s3DhZ [Del]

>>9 yeah. but i'd rather wait until some of the better games come out and the 3ds is more established. though i wouldnt mind getting the Zelda 25th anniversary edition 3DS....badass

Also, i see what you mean now, it just seemed like you were being lazy and not checking for other threads and i apologize if i seemed a bit rude. it wasn't my intention in the first place, but looking back on the comment i see that it can be taken the wrong way.

12 Name: Geo : 2011-12-17 00:17 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

>>11 i agree with you on the 25th anniversary 3ds. it looks great. the games i have for 3ds are dead or alive: dimensions. blazblu. devil survivor: overclocked, and zelda ocarina of time. the games i want are starfox 64, mario cart 7, and mario land 3d. games coming out that i want r metal gear solid, kid icarus, and kingdom hearts.

13 Name: Neku : 2011-12-17 18:44 ID:HQvRFF40 [Del]

I have a 3DS. i post my friends code soon, most likely tonight

14 Name: Neku : 2011-12-18 00:10 ID:HQvRFF40 [Del]

my friends code is 1719-3203-7487

15 Name: Geo : 2011-12-18 21:06 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

neku, socks, and takara dont appear in my friend list after i enter the code. have any of you entered mine?

16 Name: Neku : 2011-12-18 21:56 ID:HQvRFF40 [Del]

>>15 Not yet. i will soon

17 Name: Zmanx : 2011-12-19 00:44 ID:U8acNE9S [Del]

I am Zachary and I just added geo 's mine is 4554-0355-6151

18 Name: Zmanx : 2011-12-19 00:50 ID:U8acNE9S [Del]

There is a kingdom hearts game comeing out
I got the Zelda one Friday and it is awesome

19 Post deleted by user.

20 Name: Neku : 2011-12-19 02:42 ID:HQvRFF40 [Del]

>>7 i have Super Street Fighter IV.
im happy that you guys have 3DS

21 Name: Geo : 2011-12-19 18:43 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

>>20 funny thing. both me and my friend got super street fighter 4 as out first 3ds game but in the end both of us ended up losing it. we were cursed lol

22 Name: Neku : 2011-12-19 18:57 ID:HQvRFF40 [Del]

>>21oh no! how did you lose it

23 Name: Zmanx : 2011-12-20 00:00 ID:U8acNE9S [Del]

I only own Ocerina of time but I am getting Mario 3d land and street fighter

24 Name: Zmanx : 2011-12-20 00:02 ID:U8acNE9S [Del]

Oh geo did any one put my code in yet

25 Name: Neku : 2011-12-20 00:10 ID:HQvRFF40 [Del]

>>23 i have ocarina of time and street fighter

26 Name: Zmanx : 2011-12-20 04:20 ID:U8acNE9S [Del]

>>25 cool I love oot i played it for 9 hours yesterday

27 Name: Neku : 2011-12-20 10:20 ID:HQvRFF40 [Del]

>>26 i added you, but you haven't added me yet

28 Name: Geo : 2011-12-20 19:29 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

>>24 i got you. i still dont have socks and takara. i guess that they dont still check this thread for updates. i make sure to check this once a day for any new friend codes lol. >>22 i lost it at my school wen i let my friend use my 3ds to trade pokemon to himself. >>23 hows super mario land 3d. i heard its rlly good

29 Name: Neku : 2011-12-20 20:14 ID:HQvRFF40 [Del]

>>28 aww that sucks

30 Name: Neku : 2011-12-22 20:53 ID:HQvRFF40 [Del]

do you guys like the 3DS?

31 Name: Geo : 2011-12-24 08:27 ID:y2j+C7Zo [Del]

i love having the 3ds. now with the swapnote application i can talk to anyone in my friends list. i always look foward to street passes. i am an ambassador so i get to play the 20 free games wich is always fun so i can play a lot of games on it. there r so many games coming out that i can look foward to. even though the built in games and programs might eventually get boring. there r still games being made for it that r gonna b epic (im looking foward to kingdom hearts 3d) its just like having a ds with a lot of upgraded features. (i think i wrote too much lol)

32 Name: Neku : 2011-12-24 10:50 ID:HQvRFF40 [Del]

i agree the 3DS is so cool. being ab ambassador is a honor. i love the swapnote, but getting a note takes forever

33 Name: Geo : 2011-12-25 14:11 ID:r0IEtD1l [Del]

lol yea but swap note is better than nothing. maybe it will be improved with updates

34 Name: Kinra : 2011-12-25 20:58 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

Hey I just got my 3ds today! My friend code is 0473-8261-3378. My name is nikadom.

35 Name: Neku : 2011-12-25 21:25 ID:HQvRFF40 [Del]


36 Name: ReLic : 2011-12-25 21:56 ID:uawWFTio [Del]


37 Name: ReLic : 2011-12-25 22:03 ID:uawWFTio [Del]

Mine is 3995-6602-5050

38 Name: Neku : 2011-12-25 22:04 ID:HQvRFF40 [Del]

>>34 are you sure that's your code? when i enter it is says it's invalid

39 Name: Neku : 2011-12-25 22:07 ID:HQvRFF40 [Del]

>>37 what's your name?

40 Name: Kinra : 2011-12-25 22:32 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

››39 yeah thats his code. i just added him in. hey Neku are you gonna add me in?

41 Name: Neku : 2011-12-25 22:49 ID:HQvRFF40 [Del]

>>40 i meant your Kinra. i can't add yours

42 Post deleted by user.

43 Name: The ? : 2011-12-25 23:50 ID:sc9zCVJ4 [Del]

Mine is 2921-9563-3346 Sora.

44 Name: Kinra : 2011-12-26 03:20 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

››41 thats weird. i know i put the code in right. 0473-8261-3378

45 Name: Neku : 2011-12-26 03:37 ID:HQvRFF40 [Del]

>>44 i know, i don't know why though

46 Name: Kinra : 2011-12-26 03:56 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

hmmm... you do have internet right?

47 Name: Neku : 2011-12-26 04:01 ID:HQvRFF40 [Del]

yeah i do

48 Name: Kinra : 2011-12-26 04:06 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

weird you sure you got your code in right?

49 Name: Neku : 2011-12-26 12:10 ID:HQvRFF40 [Del]

i did

50 Name: Neku : 2011-12-26 16:50 ID:HQvRFF40 [Del]

>>48 what could be wrong?

51 Name: Kinra : 2011-12-26 17:57 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

››50 idk its weird... i tried putting your code in agian it wont work...

52 Name: Neku : 2011-12-26 18:33 ID:HQvRFF40 [Del]

>>51 that's strange

53 Name: Geo : 2011-12-26 18:37 ID:r0IEtD1l [Del]

I'm about to put in all the codes. did anyone else here add kinra and get him registered?

54 Name: Kinra : 2011-12-26 18:42 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

››52 Hey neku! it worked! i got you as a friend!

55 Name: Neku : 2011-12-26 19:00 ID:HQvRFF40 [Del]

i did. it works

56 Name: The ? : 2011-12-27 02:33 ID:sc9zCVJ4 [Del]


57 Name: Osterzones : 2011-12-29 23:46 ID:KPz4OuMd [Del]

FC: 2148-8724-6591
Currently have Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, I'm up for play, just set your message "Join me" or somethin' and I'll join ya. Also, big Swapnote user. :P

58 Name: Kanra~Chan : 2011-12-30 10:26 ID:e+trQEhC [Del]

My friend code is 4339 2481 6785!

Name: Zelda


59 Name: Kishin : 2011-12-30 11:13 ID:Is2Q7eOI [Del]

My friend code is: 3222-5832-7290

Name: Demiku

I have Nintendogs plus Cats and Legend of Zelda Orcarina of Time. Also I have Swapnote! ^_^

60 Name: Osterzones : 2011-12-30 12:14 ID:KPz4OuMd [Del]

Added you two!
This is a tad confusing since you don't know if people added you or not. xP;

61 Name: Kishin : 2011-12-30 15:52 ID:Is2Q7eOI [Del]

>>60 I don't know bc when I added you it worked...

62 Name: Kishin : 2011-12-30 16:01 ID:Is2Q7eOI [Del]

it shows if they added you when their mii pops up

63 Name: Osterzones : 2011-12-30 17:06 ID:KPz4OuMd [Del]

Yeah, it's just a bit of a hassle when you want to keep track of who you're gonna add or if the other person's going add you.

64 Name: Neku : 2011-12-30 17:22 ID:5e2Y+VZd [Del]

did you guys add everyone elses FC? i have Super Street Fighter IV, Dead Or Alive, OCOT, Blazblue, Mario Kart 7, and Super Mario Land 3D

65 Name: Kishin : 2011-12-30 17:32 ID:Is2Q7eOI [Del]

I added everyones just in case... ^_^

66 Name: Neku : 2011-12-30 18:12 ID:5e2Y+VZd [Del]

cool i also have Swapnote

67 Name: The ? : 2011-12-30 18:18 ID:sc9zCVJ4 [Del]

Tell me if you added me so i can add you.

68 Name: Neku : 2011-12-30 18:32 ID:5e2Y+VZd [Del]

i did added you

69 Name: Kishin : 2011-12-30 20:09 ID:Is2Q7eOI [Del]

>>67 I added you

70 Name: Kinra : 2011-12-31 10:17 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

>>67 Hey the ? did you add me? I already added you..

71 Name: The ? : 2011-12-31 20:25 ID:sc9zCVJ4 [Del]

>>70 i think i did does a mii pop up for my name?

72 Name: Kinra : 2011-12-31 21:48 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

no. You said your name was Sora right?

73 Name: The ? : 2012-01-01 01:09 ID:sc9zCVJ4 [Del]

>>72 yes yes it is.

74 Name: Zmanx : 2012-01-01 05:47 ID:SPYxoh/n [Del]

I have added everyone so far>>1>>2>>3>>5>>14>>37>>59>>58>>57>>43
So add me >>17

75 Name: The ? : 2012-01-01 16:18 ID:sc9zCVJ4 [Del]

>>72 I entered your friend code.

76 Name: Kinra : 2012-01-01 23:08 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

››75 yeah i have u as a friend now.

77 Name: Nogitsune !JqnQWUVX4Y : 2012-01-02 20:02 ID:36KSfmgf [Del]

hey everybody just got a 3DS of my own ^_^ name is luke and my code is 1075-1323-9515 :) already added all of you guys btw lol

78 Name: Geo : 2012-01-03 07:24 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

i added everyone. in case someone forgot to add me cuz i posted my friend code a while ago, 0430-8270-4467. i have dead or alive:dimensions, blazblu, zelda oot, and devil survivor overclocked

79 Name: The ? : 2012-01-05 00:43 ID:sc9zCVJ4 [Del]

>>77 Do you have mine?

80 Name: Kishin : 2012-01-05 17:50 ID:Is2Q7eOI [Del]

>>2>>3>>5>>37>>58 I added you ^^

81 Name: Tatsuki !0UZD1OR/j. : 2012-01-07 02:31 ID:KrfzUmb8 [Del]

Name - Tatsuki
Code - 1375-7727-5169

82 Name: Neku : 2012-01-07 11:06 ID:5e2Y+VZd [Del]

>>81 i added you.

83 Name: shadow : 2012-01-07 22:27 ID:hrOb6i3c [Del]

i added you.

mine is: 0645-6335-0788

also i added you Tatsuki

84 Name: Neku : 2012-01-07 22:55 ID:5e2Y+VZd [Del]

>>83 are you sure?

85 Name: Kishin : 2012-01-08 10:23 ID:Is2Q7eOI [Del]

>>83 I added you... ^_^

86 Name: Zelyka : 2012-01-08 16:19 ID:Zuhmb2hB [Del]

omg i has a 3ds ima go find mien

87 Name: Neku : 2012-01-08 17:46 ID:5e2Y+VZd [Del]

>>86 cool

88 Name: Edowādo : 2012-01-09 02:04 ID:bMWz11x4 [Del]

My friend code is 1934-0760-3687. If you add me, let me know and leave your friend code too.

89 Name: Tatsuki !0UZD1OR/j. : 2012-01-09 18:00 ID:KrfzUmb8 [Del]

>>88 I added you

90 Name: Kishin : 2012-01-10 10:10 ID:Is2Q7eOI [Del]

>>88 I added you
my friend code is >>59

91 Name: Merr !CTpMx8GjEY : 2012-01-12 21:49 ID:ABE7foOD [Del]


92 Name: Neku : 2012-01-12 22:14 ID:5e2Y+VZd [Del]

>>91 it say's the code is invalid

93 Name: Merr !CTpMx8GjEY : 2012-01-12 22:19 ID:ABE7foOD [Del]

>>92 thats what it says mine is.

94 Name: Neku : 2012-01-12 22:25 ID:5e2Y+VZd [Del]

i'll try again

95 Name: Neku : 2012-01-12 22:52 ID:5e2Y+VZd [Del]

i added everyone FC, but i don't know if everyone else added on, who has not added me yet?

96 Name: Matt-kun : 2012-01-13 00:07 ID:u/cB65ni [Del]

I don't have my 3DS around me at the moment D:
I'll come on tomorrow after school and post it here though.

97 Name: Neku : 2012-01-13 00:59 ID:5e2Y+VZd [Del]

>>96 cool

98 Name: meister : 2012-01-14 23:30 ID:4ycNJo4m [Del]


99 Post deleted by user.

100 Name: akito !yOtkeBN2P2 : 2012-01-15 07:58 ID:cCvOgPP8 [Del]

add me xD

101 Name: Tatsuki !0UZD1OR/j. : 2012-01-15 21:58 ID:KrfzUmb8 [Del]

>>100 i added you

my code is >>81

102 Name: Geo : 2012-01-15 23:49 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

i just finished adding everyone since my last post. srry for any delays for ppl who added me.

103 Name: Neku : 2012-01-16 00:07 ID:5e2Y+VZd [Del]

>>100 i added you
my FC is >>14

104 Name: akito !yOtkeBN2P2 : 2012-01-16 06:39 ID:cCvOgPP8 [Del]

oh my gosh this is amazing...*sniff. I've never had so many (gaming) friends in all these years.. Ugghhnnnn*sniff... I got all excited and added everyone who posted their codes ^^ OTL

105 Name: Neku : 2012-01-16 14:01 ID:vEqTGY0z [Del]

>>104 dawwwwwwwwwwww

106 Name: A : 2012-01-16 16:52 ID:IthfCX/C [Del]

i added you

107 Name: Neku : 2012-01-16 17:28 ID:vEqTGY0z [Del]

>>105 i added you

108 Name: Kanra~Chan : 2012-01-18 19:06 ID:e+trQEhC [Del]

My friend code is 4339 2481 6785!

Name: Zelda


109 Name: Kinra : 2012-01-19 13:34 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

Hey sorry it took me so long to add you all. I just added every one my friend code is >>34 My name is Nikadom.

110 Name: Sixclaw Sixto : 2012-01-21 15:52 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

Oh wow this thread is long, took me a while to get to the bottom of the page. Anyway, here's my friend code and stuff: 0645-5998-3046 Name:Takeishi

I haven't added anyone yet, but I'll probably do it later on tonight.

111 Name: Neku : 2012-01-21 16:44 ID:vEqTGY0z [Del]

>>110 i added you

112 Name: Geo : 2012-01-22 14:56 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

i never thought the day would come where i would have to many 3ds friends on my friend list. its so beautiful lol

113 Name: Neku : 2012-01-22 16:33 ID:vEqTGY0z [Del]

>>112 nice. how many friends can you put on the friends list?

114 Name: Kinra : 2012-01-22 16:53 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

>>113 the book said it goes up to 100.

115 Name: kanra : 2012-01-22 23:19 ID:ME+5gl+5 [Del]

my name is death

116 Name: kazeneko !O5bszJGlew : 2012-01-23 04:41 ID:cU6uJErh [Del]

Yo just reply if you add my code, the only multiplayer game I have is MK7... that makes me wonder if there's a Dollars community on there? Anyone heard anything, if not we need to start one.

FC: 1075-0877-4771

117 Name: Kinra : 2012-01-23 10:25 ID:czcduxPq [Del]

I'll add you later. My code is >>34. And we did make a mario kart

118 Post deleted by user.

119 Post deleted by user.

120 Name: Neku : 2012-01-23 18:30 ID:vEqTGY0z [Del]

>>115 it says your code is invalid.
>>116 i added you

121 Name: Kinra : 2012-01-23 18:46 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

>>116 I added you
>>115 Your code is invaled

122 Name: Geo : 2012-01-23 19:31 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

>>116 added u. and same as the others b4 me, >>115 it says invalid

123 Name: Geo : 2012-01-24 21:46 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

who here had tried the Resident Evil: Revelations Demo? i got SO FREAKIN SCARED.

124 Name: Mugetsu!QySUCX4GUE : 2012-01-24 22:38 ID:i+0p7u1T [Del]

Name: Mugetsu
Code: 4596 - 9838 - 0424
The only online game I have at the moment is Super street fighter. might be a while before I get another online game...

125 Name: Mugetsu!QySUCX4GUE : 2012-01-24 23:04 ID:i+0p7u1T [Del]

also i added everyone on here. except >>115 cause it said invalid.

126 Name: kazeneko !O5bszJGlew : 2012-01-24 23:16 ID:cU6uJErh [Del]

>>117 Added you guys too

Also, is the RE demo on the eShop? I'd check but my DS is dead at the moment

127 Name: Mugetsu!QySUCX4GUE : 2012-01-24 23:22 ID:i+0p7u1T [Del]

yes the demo is on the eShop.

128 Name: Neku : 2012-01-25 01:16 ID:vEqTGY0z [Del]

i added everyone so far

129 Name: Kinra : 2012-01-25 04:54 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

>>124 I added you

130 Name: Sixclaw Sixto : 2012-01-25 13:05 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

>>123 LOL I played that... at night... I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night, I thought those weird mummy things would jump outta my closet >.<

131 Name: Kinra : 2012-01-25 18:44 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

>>123 & >>130 I swear there are so many people who said that game was scary. Its so funny LMAO!

132 Name: Sixclaw Sixto : 2012-01-25 19:01 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

>>131 It isn't funny! Do you know how much I was shaking in school? I thought those mummies would jump outta my locker too! >.< plus the door to the basement. I was so paranoid.

133 Name: Kinra : 2012-01-25 19:56 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

>>132 Ok I understand that. Its just you and Geo are like the 5th person to say they were scared. But I understand... it's just unbeleivible. And by the way there not mummys there zombies.

134 Name: Kanra~Chan : 2012-01-25 19:57 ID:e+trQEhC [Del]

Still scary though

135 Name: Kinra : 2012-01-25 20:26 ID:721BjSYA [Del]


136 Name: Sixclaw Sixto : 2012-01-26 22:37 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

Oh... well they looked like mummies. XD I was just introduced to Resident Evil, haven't played any of the other games besides the Revelations demo, so I have no idea how it works. At all. :p

137 Name: Kinra : 2012-01-26 23:46 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

lol thats cool. just note that the all resident evil games all zombies in them. i only played one RE game before the demo. i only knew about them through the movies lol.

138 Post deleted by user.

139 Name: Geo : 2012-01-28 00:30 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

>>132 i almost threw my 3ds when the zombies fell from the ceiling. at that point i was thinking "ok, ill just run through this as fast as i can and this way enemy appearence will b less suspensefull" but i didnt expect them to fall from the ceiling...

140 Name: Sixclaw Sixto : 2012-01-29 00:42 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

>>139 I literally flinched when they fell, ended up being dead. XD

141 Name: Neku : 2012-01-30 23:12 ID:nlriCgBz [Del]

are you guys really for next month and march?

142 Name: MastaT : 2012-02-01 18:16 ID:5mc4HYoL [Del]

I just got a 3ds o-o.... lookin for sum friends :o
name: mii
Friend Code: 3566-2294-7896

143 Name: Neku : 2012-02-01 19:16 ID:nlriCgBz [Del]

>>142 i added you. my friends code is >>14

144 Name: Kinra : 2012-02-01 20:44 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

»141 whats next month?
»142 just added you. mine is is »34. SEE YOU ONLINE! :D

145 Name: Neku : 2012-02-01 20:59 ID:nlriCgBz [Del]

>>144 this month is Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D, Rhythm Theft, and a few others. Next Month is Kid Icarus Uprising

146 Name: Kinra : 2012-02-01 21:08 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

››145 OH HELL YEAH!!!! I want metal gear and kid iccarus. and next month kh3d comes out in japan!!!

147 Name: MastaT : 2012-02-01 22:31 ID:5mc4HYoL [Del]

>>144>>143 added you both also 8D

148 Name: Geo : 2012-02-01 22:54 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

>>142 i added you, my friend code is the first one all the way at the top lol. i want MGS snake eater, kid icarus, and of course KH 3D!!!

149 Name: Neku : 2012-02-01 23:03 ID:nlriCgBz [Del]

i can't wait. hopefully MGS Snake Eater demo comes out this week

150 Name: MastaT : 2012-02-01 23:14 ID:5mc4HYoL [Del]

>>148 added you back

Im interested in checking out the Metal Gear, Kid Icarus, and Kingdom Hearts game :o

151 Name: Kinra : 2012-02-01 23:26 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

I cant wait for metal gear!!

152 Name: Neku : 2012-02-02 01:55 ID:nlriCgBz [Del]

it's going to be great

153 Name: Sixclaw Sixto : 2012-02-02 17:55 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

Oooh, Kid Icarus sounds good to me right about now

154 Name: Melfar !es03uFYdrI : 2012-02-03 14:44 ID:IgB1UZkx [Del]

Username: Brett1991
Friend Code: 3437-3162-9349

add me if ya please :P

155 Name: Kinra : 2012-02-03 18:17 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

››154 i added you. my code is ››34

156 Name: Neku : 2012-02-03 18:26 ID:nlriCgBz [Del]

>>154 i added you. my code is >>14

157 Name: Geo : 2012-02-03 19:41 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

>>154 i added u, code is >>1

158 Name: MastaT : 2012-02-03 20:33 ID:5mc4HYoL [Del]

>>154 I added you, my codes >>142

159 Name: Sixclaw Sixto : 2012-02-03 22:08 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

>>154 I got you, my code's >>110

160 Name: Geo : 2012-02-07 19:57 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]


161 Name: Kinra : 2012-02-16 13:54 ID:raszPOgy [Del]


162 Name: MastaT : 2012-02-16 14:19 ID:5mc4HYoL [Del]

>>159 i added you :o...

>>142 still lookin for some 3ds friends :c

163 Name: makida : 2012-02-16 20:35 ID:yDL8FLDi [Del]

my code 4811-7527-6701 and the name is crappergx

164 Name: Neku : 2012-02-16 21:41 ID:nlriCgBz [Del]

>>163 i added you. my code is >>14

165 Name: MastaT : 2012-02-17 18:55 ID:5mc4HYoL [Del]

>>163 i also added you >>142 is my code :o

166 Name: Sixclaw Sixto : 2012-02-26 17:26 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]


167 Name: Kinra!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-03-04 15:55 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

Man i havent been on my 3ds in so long... i ended up with 60

168 Name: Neku : 2012-03-04 17:53 ID:Y1Gv6Vw8 [Del]

>>167 dang that's alot

169 Name: static : 2012-03-04 18:03 ID:VYsS4yQ4 [Del]

name: wen
code : 0087-2709-9244
yo thnx for the add~

170 Name: Neku : 2012-03-04 18:36 ID:Y1Gv6Vw8 [Del]

>>169 is your code right it says it's invalid. well my code is >>14

171 Name: Kinra!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-03-04 19:55 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

>>168 Ikr.. My mom took it from me so it was crap loads of notes to read and reply back.. lol

172 Name: Neku : 2012-03-04 21:25 ID:Y1Gv6Vw8 [Del]

>>171 aww that sucks. lol

173 Name: Sixclaw Sixto : 2012-03-05 21:25 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

I just realized how awesomely water resistant the 3DS is *O* Even against salt water...

174 Name: Neku : 2012-03-05 23:39 ID:Y1Gv6Vw8 [Del]

>>173 it's water proof?

175 Name: Kinra!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-03-06 17:02 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

>>173 Thats Awesome!!!

176 Name: Geo : 2012-03-06 22:06 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

>>173 y did u find that out? lol

177 Name: Geo : 2012-03-06 22:08 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

>>169 i added you. my code is >>1

178 Name: Kinra : 2012-03-08 17:23 ID:721BjSYA [Del]

>>169 I just added you. Im >>34

179 Name: robert of light : 2012-03-21 00:08 ID:9zU4sf8x [Del]


180 Name: Neku : 2012-03-21 02:54 ID:Y1Gv6Vw8 [Del]

>>179 i added you

181 Name: robert of light : 2012-03-21 22:55 ID:9zU4sf8x [Del]

thanks neku hope to see you in the drrr chat again

182 Name: Kinra : 2012-03-26 11:58 ID:czcduxPq [Del]


183 Name: Jackie : 2012-03-26 12:03 ID:ba5PxQ/v [Del]

Let this thread never end ;__;

184 Name: Kinra : 2012-03-26 12:08 ID:czcduxPq [Del]

We will never let this thread die!!! XD

185 Name: MastaT : 2012-03-26 18:50 ID:5mc4HYoL [Del]

>>179 added you :o
my codes >>142

186 Name: Geo : 2012-03-28 20:25 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

so glad i made this lol

187 Name: xX_Lament_Xx : 2012-03-29 16:50 ID:bgkl1WBG [Del]

my friend code 0345-007-1691
name: Dark
please add me :)

188 Name: xX_Lament_Xx : 2012-03-29 17:11 ID:bgkl1WBG [Del]

I added everybody, so if u wanna be friends just add me! >>187

189 Name: Neku : 2012-03-29 21:00 ID:Y1Gv6Vw8 [Del]

>>187 i added you

190 Name: Neku : 2012-03-29 21:03 ID:Y1Gv6Vw8 [Del]

>>187 did you forget a number, because it doesn't fit

191 Name: xX_Lament_Xx : 2012-03-29 21:28 ID:bgkl1WBG [Del]

oh yea, I didn't notice that. its actually 0345-0071-1691

192 Name: Sixclaw Sixto : 2012-03-29 22:30 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

>>184 Unless we reach our post limit, and then we'll have to have to make a part 2. And by "we", I'm leaning more towards Geo, since he created the whole thing in the first place XD

193 Name: Kinra : 2012-03-31 05:36 ID:T5IIGhU9 [Del]

››191 Hey i just added you. Mine is ››34

194 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-04-01 21:52 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]


195 Name: Kinra : 2012-04-02 14:29 ID:T5IIGhU9 [Del]


196 Name: Geo : 2012-04-03 21:20 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

>>192 nice, and yea i will make the part 2. What is the post limit btw? just wondering

197 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-04-04 12:17 ID:4g53ydDg [Del]

>>196 Somewhere around 1160 something, er, well somewhere around that number >.>

198 Name: Kinra : 2012-04-04 12:23 ID:T5IIGhU9 [Del]

>>197 But we're on 197 Do we really need a 2nd thread if the limit is around 1160?

199 Name: Geo : 2012-04-04 20:41 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

>>198 one day maybe in the far future lol

200 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-04-04 20:59 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

>>198 OR we can try to make this thread magical like The Wishing Thread, and go beyond our post limit XD

201 Name: Ragna the Bloodedge : 2012-04-04 21:47 ID:qL8K8vGi [Del]

5069 4399 Restriction 666 Released 8

202 Name: Kinra : 2012-04-04 22:36 ID:T5IIGhU9 [Del]

>>199 ok
>>200 i would like that lol
>>201 is that a code? o.O

203 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-04-05 15:32 ID:4g53ydDg [Del]

>>201 Restrictor power level 1 -ninja glare-

204 Name: Kinra : 2012-04-05 19:39 ID:T5IIGhU9 [Del]

is that some type of game or something?

205 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-04-05 22:15 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

>>204 No, I just got bored, plus, Ragna's post reminded me of Hellsing Abridged >.> Ah, good times.

206 Name: Geo : 2012-04-11 11:05 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

>>201 what is that?

207 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-04-13 15:50 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]


208 Name: Geo : 2012-04-14 13:57 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

>>207 nice

209 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-04-14 23:12 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

And the goddesses foretold: "Let there be LIFE!" and there was zombies, sprawling everywhere, so bump this goddamned thread up!

210 Name: Kinra!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-04-16 21:02 ID:T5IIGhU9 [Del]


211 Name: Geo : 2012-04-20 22:23 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]


212 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-04-24 15:06 ID:XJ6y0lGu [Del]

So much for not letting this thread die. -. -

213 Name: Neku : 2012-04-24 20:34 ID:cc1ZA6cX [Del]

Firmware update is out

214 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-04-26 10:24 ID:XJ6y0lGu [Del]

Bumpy bump? @.@

215 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-04-28 11:13 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]


216 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-04-29 16:54 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]


217 Name: Kinra : 2012-04-29 18:36 ID:T5IIGhU9 [Del]


218 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-04-29 18:51 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

Thank you Kinra! Finally someone helps me bump this thread >.>

219 Name: Geo : 2012-04-30 14:52 ID:qYWrIYDL [Del]

this thread won't die!!!

220 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-05-02 17:51 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]


221 Name: rolling girl : 2012-05-03 09:12 ID:Hu/uh2N7 [Del]


222 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-05-03 19:35 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]


223 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-05-05 14:20 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]


224 Name: Geo : 2012-05-06 11:04 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]


225 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-05-06 19:39 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

asdfghjkl.,mnbvcxdfrtyuikl.,m nbvcfgh~!

226 Name: driftingsakura : 2012-05-07 04:56 ID:TFdhx0N8 [Del]

I have no idea how to find my friend code - I've been searching for days T_T

227 Name: Neku : 2012-05-09 01:28 ID:cc1ZA6cX [Del]

>>226 go to your friends list

228 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-05-09 17:15 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

>>226 Like Neku said go to your friendlist, which is located at the top of the 3DS menu with the orange square head

229 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-05-10 14:45 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

Nyan nyan nya~

230 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-05-11 18:59 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]


231 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-05-14 14:02 ID:XJ6y0lGu [Del]

Without me, this thread would be deep in the dumps.

232 Name: ダニエル : 2012-05-14 20:51 ID:7M4rcrIP [Del]

Name: Vakarian!
Friend Code: 3437-3581-1802

233 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-05-15 20:27 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

>>232 You have been added by the almighty Sixclaw. May you forever remember his friendcode because it is >>110

234 Name: Neku : 2012-05-16 01:12 ID:cc1ZA6cX [Del]

>>232 i added you my code is >>14

235 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-05-16 20:51 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

Nyan nyan nyan nyan- OW my finger @.@

236 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-05-18 16:08 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]


237 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-05-20 23:27 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

FUS RO DAH! -opera singers come in-

238 Name: Kishin : 2012-05-21 12:49 ID:Is2Q7eOI [Del]

>>232 I added you mine is >>59

239 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-05-21 17:35 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

Ha herra derr

240 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-05-22 21:30 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

>.> <.< ^.^ V.V

241 Name: Kinra : 2012-05-23 08:35 ID:czcduxPq [Del]

>>240 Nice job bumping the thread.. Sixclaw...

242 Post deleted by user.

243 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-05-23 16:48 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

The mighty Sixclaw will always bump this thread because it has gained his favor~

244 Name: Geo : 2012-05-23 22:36 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

>>232 i added you, my code is>>1

245 Name: ~Yukari~ : 2012-05-24 14:35 ID:5G0pGo7W [Del]

Bump! Mine is 1118-0235-2255! Reply if you add me, I'll add you back! Name is L

246 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !I/7tfzIuaQ : 2012-05-24 22:17 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

>>245 The awesome-and-totally-not-janky Sixclaw will add you in the morning. In the meantime his code is >>110 I think... Somewhere along those lines, I'm just too lazy to open up the entire thread.

247 Name: Neku : 2012-05-25 01:57 ID:UrXYIVGu [Del]

>>245 i added you and my code is >>14

248 Name: Kinra : 2012-05-25 07:34 ID:czcduxPq [Del]

>>245 hey my code is >>34. I'll add you later..

249 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !I/7tfzIuaQ : 2012-05-25 15:42 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

aswdferght LIVE

250 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !I/7tfzIuaQ : 2012-05-28 21:29 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

You know, I can't keep bumping this thread forever. What if I suffer a terrible desease called Sixclawsomnia and die? Who will bump this thread then?

251 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !I/7tfzIuaQ : 2012-05-29 13:50 ID:XJ6y0lGu [Del]

-cough cough- I have Sixclawsomnia X_X

252 Name: RandomMuffens !fSlkVwNVw6 : 2012-05-29 20:15 ID:T8F9Pg8P [Del]

>>230 Is that 96猫 reference?

253 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !I/7tfzIuaQ : 2012-05-29 20:58 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]


254 Name: Geo : 2012-05-30 17:49 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

>>245 i added you

255 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !I/7tfzIuaQ : 2012-05-30 22:14 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

The weird thing is, I say that I could get Sixclawsomnia, amd poof, the next day I wake up with a terrible cough, also classified as Sixclawsomnia.I'm gonna die soon!

256 Name: Geo : 2012-06-05 19:32 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

E3, yea. nintendo conference. bump

257 Name: Kinra!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-06-12 08:12 ID:czcduxPq [Del]


258 Name: Geo : 2012-06-12 20:54 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

who is looking forward to the new games coming out this year?

259 Name: Neku : 2012-06-12 21:36 ID:LdbIy4L4 [Del]

>>258 i am! i getting the Wii U at launch. i can't wait for the 3DS games as well

260 Name: Kinra!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-06-15 08:22 ID:srX018sz [Del]

Kingdom Hearts 3D ALL DAY!!!!

261 Name: Geo : 2012-06-16 17:42 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

>>260 so hyped for kingdom hearts
i also want paper mario when it comes out

262 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !I/7tfzIuaQ : 2012-06-17 01:14 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

Awww, you guys finally bumped this thread without my help. :D But I still wish they could've said something about MH4 coming for 3DS...

263 Name: Geo : 2012-06-17 11:30 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

castlevania also looks good

264 Name: Kinra : 2012-06-17 13:13 ID:akQV7CR9 [Del]

>>262 Did MH4 come out in japan already?

>>261 Ive been waiting for paper mario for the longest time!!!!!!!

265 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !I/7tfzIuaQ : 2012-06-17 23:24 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

>>264 I don't think so. The only MH game released is MH 3G. Japan only I think. But I've seen the trailer for MH4 AND I WANT IT RELEASED.

266 Name: Geo : 2012-06-24 14:49 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

im not sure why the epic mickey game is in 3d but that also looks really good

267 Name: Geo : 2012-07-06 01:06 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]


268 Name: Master-sama : 2012-07-09 08:59 ID:5FSzBAV4 [Del]


269 Name: Kinra!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-07-09 20:49 ID:2TGx4SgT [Del]

If only I had the cash for the game... the demo was awesome!!! XD

270 Name: Geo : 2012-07-11 16:39 ID:/EXiiEav [Del]

im trying to conserve my demo playthroughs but it is hard to resist playing it

271 Name: Markus : 2012-07-12 00:08 ID:8NnZqjsb [Del]

I can´t wait for it to come out wanna now if roxas is gonna appear has as dream

272 Name: Geo : 2012-07-25 07:23 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

so close to the release date. SO HYPED

273 Post deleted by user.

274 Name: gavin : 2012-07-29 13:57 ID:oHm+78Vz [Del]

anybody want my fc i already have geo. fc:4811-7527-6701 fc name:gavin

275 Name: Em !1PZuOSuEBg : 2012-07-29 15:25 ID:+li7GHsm [Del]

Name: Allie-Kat
FC: 0216-1124-3862

Add me! ^_^

276 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-07-29 19:03 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]


>>274 >>275 Added by the way. My FC's >>110

277 Name: Em !1PZuOSuEBg : 2012-07-29 19:36 ID:+li7GHsm [Del]

>>276 Ack! I'm seriously jealous. Dx I'm not even a real KH fan, but I got the demo today and realized how awesome it is... >.>

278 Name: Kinra : 2012-08-01 14:20 ID:T5IIGhU9 [Del]


>>274 and >>275 I already added you. Add me FC: 0473-8261-3378

279 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-08-01 15:03 ID:fyA9GM0E [Del]

>>278 I envy you. So much.

280 Name: Neku : 2012-08-01 20:56 ID:VKU5xCFH [Del]

add me >>14 is my friend code. i just got Kingdom Hearts 3D yesterday. i like so far

281 Name: Link : 2012-08-02 16:09 ID:99F1PY8D [Del]


282 Name: shadow : 2012-08-02 23:20 ID:hrOb6i3c [Del]

my code is- 0645-6335-0788

i just got Dead or Alive Dimensions so if anyone wants to face me then they can

283 Name: Kinra : 2012-08-04 11:25 ID:T5IIGhU9 [Del]

››282 add me im ››278

284 Name: Geo : 2012-09-01 19:36 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

wasnt KH so good?

285 Name: Kaoru : 2012-09-03 23:56 ID:EcdS2q3E [Del]

Name: Kai
Code: 4940-6237-8270

Add me. And KH 3D is totally awesome.

286 Name: Geo : 2012-09-06 15:49 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

>>285 i added you

287 Name: Kinra!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-09-14 06:30 ID:T5IIGhU9 [Del]


288 Name: sk8erkid19897 : 2012-09-15 11:33 ID:m0aNgfib [Del]

My friend code is 3136-7089-1464 I also have the new kingdom hearts game for 3DS so add me if u have that game too btw my name is Rosa

289 Name: Kaoru : 2012-09-15 23:24 ID:7swxHuXr [Del]

Heyo I've got Kingdom Heart 3D DDD!! (love it to death)
Name: Kaoru

290 Name: Geo : 2012-09-17 19:14 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

>>288>>289 i will add you guys in a sec, im just not near my 3ds at the moment

291 Name: Kaoru : 2012-09-17 20:34 ID:7swxHuXr [Del]

Okay. ^_^ i also have Harvest Moon Tale of Two Towns if that's one of the online games. I added you Geo. ^_^ i tried adding everyone else, but my 3ds is being uncooperative. -.-'

292 Name: Geo : 2012-09-17 23:37 ID:7c0CKseD [Del]

>>288 my 3ds keeps telling me friend code invalid

293 Name: Kinra!wqLZLRuzPQ : 2012-09-21 13:11 ID:VtK00gC8 [Del]

Hi people! Add me Ill add you back soon... >>278

Thank you... and BUMP!!!!!

294 Post deleted by user.

295 Name: Fogcloud : 2012-09-29 13:10 ID:uS/QN6jX [Del]

My 3DS fc is 3609-2321-1181. Please tell me when you added me so i can add you. Thanks.

296 Name: Fogcloud : 2012-09-29 16:15 ID:JreoglD6 [Del]


297 Name: Fogcloud : 2012-09-30 00:22 ID:JreoglD6 [Del]

Sorry my 3DS name is Pablo

298 Name: Kinra : 2012-10-09 20:49 ID:T5IIGhU9 [Del]

>>295 i just added you..
mine is >>278

299 Name: Kinra : 2012-10-14 11:12 ID:T5IIGhU9 [Del]


300 Name: Fogcloud : 2012-10-15 08:51 ID:GLUuCNCs [Del]

Ok i added you now.>>278 I've been busy these past few days.

301 Name: Fogcloud : 2012-10-15 09:02 ID:jZwjiKKL [Del]

Geo I added you, mine is >>295 and name is Pablo

302 Name: fogcloud : 2012-10-17 09:25 ID:3rvjXiFn [Del]


303 Name: fogcloud : 2012-10-19 09:27 ID:3rvjXiFn [Del]

bumpity bump mcbumpitons :P

304 Post deleted by user.

305 Name: fogcloud : 2012-10-29 12:07 ID:3rvjXiFn [Del]

my code is >>295 . NAme is on >>297

306 Name: Xobybr : 2012-10-29 22:52 ID:U9eUeyZe [Del]

I just got a 3DS (and ocarina of time) today and thought this would be the perfect place to get friends for it

My code is 0216-2247-0640 and my name is xobyb

Just reply to this or whatever if you are going to add me so i can add you too

307 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-11-22 01:21 ID:D9ek/qhZ [Del]


308 Name: CapitalHat//Mysterion : 2012-11-22 13:32 ID:mTaPKzGG [Del]

I don't go on mine as often as I used to, but I go on to play MK7 and Theatrhythm sometimes, so for those who play MK7 or just want to up their friends list.
My FC is: 1246-9204-8251

>>306 I added you, because yours was right there anyways.

309 Name: Geo : 2012-11-27 20:51 ID:j4OXzF99 [Del]

>>305>>308>>306 i got you guys

310 Name: Lavi : 2012-11-27 21:51 ID:eRE7VMxc [Del]

i added thru post 100. my code is 3823-8635-5278. name is me

311 Name: NEO : 2012-11-28 15:14 ID:xfRRQEFY [Del]

Ill have one after christmas this year ill have pokemon black 2 and white 2 and ill post my character name later when i figure one out but my 3DS chracter name will be NEO.

312 Post deleted by user.

313 Name: Neku : 2012-12-02 17:39 ID:5KDNgzNN [Del]

hey guys it's been awhile

314 Name: Robert of light : 2012-12-04 00:08 ID:9zU4sf8x [Del]

yes quite

315 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-02-07 12:48 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]

forced to bump.

316 Name: NEO : 2013-02-07 13:56 ID:eXxh0wOE [Del]

Anybody for Kid Icarus?

317 Name: NEO : 2013-02-07 14:40 ID:eXxh0wOE [Del]

my friend code is 3668 7487 5891

318 Name: Kinra : 2013-02-23 12:41 ID:T5IIGhU9 [Del]


319 Name: fogcloud : 2013-03-05 14:18 ID:3rvjXiFn [Del]

i'll bump for luigi's mansion coming soon

320 Name: Neku : 2013-03-07 17:31 ID:yV9vn/hj [Del]

My code is >>14

321 Name: KIDD : 2013-03-09 01:37 ID:XNoi07sq [Del]


322 Name: Kodaka : 2013-03-09 05:29 ID:WAP2Vn42 [Del]

if your playing harvest moon 3d Plzz help me !!!!
Mine is (1306 - 5370 - 1949

hpe you will add me ill tell my real name if you add me !

323 Name: Dark : 2013-03-09 06:19 ID:+6j9xTbN [Del]

Mine is 2895 - 6307 - 6182

Anyone play Harvest moon a new beginning?
If yes, help me please!!

324 Name: Neku : 2013-03-20 22:56 ID:yV9vn/hj [Del]

Code >>14 i have MK7, Kid Icarus Uprising, Super Street Fighter IV, Dead Or Alive, Code Of Princess, Super Mario Land 3D, Adventure Time, Metal Gear Solid Three Snake Eater, Kingdom Hearts and Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time. i also have Swapnote. let me know if you registered me

325 Name: kinra : 2013-04-02 22:27 ID:T5IIGhU9 [Del]


326 Name: Dstar89!0UZD1OR/j. : 2013-04-15 20:29 ID:JuucWm6r [Del]

My code is:


Looking to make a bunch of gamer friends on it!

327 Name: Hamster : 2013-04-17 18:13 ID:yxGZK/4e (Image: 1944x2592 jpg, 536 kb) [Del]

src/1366240404278.jpg: 1944x2592, 536 kb
I have this game and is "popular"

328 Name: Hamster : 2013-04-17 18:20 ID:yxGZK/4e [Del]

I erase the image sorry D:

329 Name: RussiaMustang : 2013-04-17 20:31 ID:RpbY9qCw [Del]

Friend code: 3781-0132-7975

Call me RUSSIA =3

330 Name: Neku : 2013-06-03 19:34 ID:q3L3OgI0 [Del]

Who's ready for Animal Crossing New Leaf? also my code is >>14

331 Name: Seiji : 2013-06-09 10:39 ID:2FgJyvGc [Del]

Anybody pick up New Leaf yet? My code is 1547-5990-8251

332 Name: Bill : 2013-06-09 15:09 ID:Mb+btQdN [Del]

I'm Bill, my friend code is 0087-3584-0529
I have no games though, only temporary ones. (I borrow them from my neighbour) :/

333 Name: Jengi : 2013-06-09 15:58 ID:NTcwlbjt [Del]

Sounds like fun. My Friend code is 1461-7010-0079

334 Name: Sasquatch : 2013-06-11 01:43 ID:MNcTBh1N [Del]

Please this is my FC: 0662-3075-9587 :D Someone plays Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate?

335 Name: Narutokingsta : 2013-06-11 08:31 ID:DGAHJx4Z [Del]

i'll be getting a 3DS when pokemon X and Y come out later this year <3

336 Name: James : 2013-06-11 19:42 ID:NfzulJtJ [Del]

FC: 1950-8061-2317
I only have Zelda and Fire Emblem atm, but i'll be getting pokemon x/y whe it comes out :)

337 Name: Neku : 2013-06-13 00:42 ID:s3zecH3+ [Del]

i have MK7, Dead Or Alive Dimensions, SSFIV, Adventure Time, MGS3, Kid Icarus Uprising, Ocarina Of Time, Super Mario 3D Land, Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance and Animal Crossing New Leaf. feel free to add me >>14 that is ny friend code. let me know if you added me.

338 Name: Shinku no Bara : 2013-06-14 05:10 ID:d1NuznK5 [Del]

Well, well. I've been waiting for one of these. I'll most likely be playing New Leaf, so feel free to join me!


339 Name: Neku : 2013-06-19 01:56 ID:AD+aSZ/V [Del]

>>338 i added you

340 Name: TheArteek : 2013-06-19 09:20 ID:CFYAH0ln [Del]

Sugoi! My code is 3411-1111-1926.

341 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-06-29 14:02 ID:/sE0UxFI [Del]

So, I just pre-ordered the new Shin Megami Tensei that's coming out in two weeks on a whim. I don't know much about the game, but I heard that it's pretty good. Can someone fill me in over here?

342 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-06-29 21:42 ID:MQn0+zMs [Del]


343 Post deleted by user.

344 Name: Shizuku : 2013-09-02 21:46 ID:wfaANQ8u [Del]

dang,wish i'd seen this earlier XD,soo many codes,and here's mine: 0146-9204-7471 ,name: Shizukusan

345 Name: Neku : 2013-10-11 20:17 ID:U/Uy5OX8 [Del]

Who is getting Pokemon X or Pokemon Y?

346 Name: KamishiniMask : 2013-10-11 20:28 ID:CgHXl0A4 [Del]

My friend code is 1091-8464-0361. I mostly play Animal Crossing but I cant wait to get Pokemon X when it comes out.

347 Name: Tekato : 2013-11-24 00:16 ID:uueI16Nj [Del]

1177 7997 1543

348 Name: Andyfire : 2013-11-30 04:53 ID:Ih1CPJUA [Del]

I just got mine this last wednesday and I love it! I only have Zelda but thatsbwhy I love nintendo, everything is backward compatible. My code is 4527-8768-9173. the name I use on it is pretty much consistent with what I use everywhere. Fair warning the internet I'm getting kida sucks.

349 Name: BlueRose : 2013-12-06 18:08 ID:Hidf89sn [Del]

Name: Michelle
Friend code: 0216-1502-0474

350 Name: Andyfire : 2013-12-06 19:10 ID:Ih1CPJUA [Del]

>>349 ok just added you.

351 Name: BlueRose : 2013-12-06 20:49 ID:Hidf89sn [Del]

>>350 ok just added you too

352 Name: Lumen Serpens !/vLWmfl/gg : 2013-12-07 22:15 ID:F/C1hMLd [Del]

Name: Jack
Friend Code: 0946-3587-0803

353 Name: Saphire : 2013-12-08 00:01 ID:mNtV6/Bi [Del]

Name: saphire
code: 5172-0703-1786

354 Name: Andyfire : 2013-12-08 00:20 ID:Ih1CPJUA [Del]

>>353>>352 I just added both of you.

355 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-12-10 23:01 ID:IUzDiHVo [Del]


356 Name: Kinra!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2014-02-06 11:18 ID:sRyeEAR7 [Del]


357 Name: SavageDark : 2014-02-06 22:26 ID:J6fBp5Ak [Del]

FC: 4425-1919-2762
Need a normal ditto safari and a frogader safari DX

358 Name: Grimly !0clQOa6qhY : 2014-02-12 12:56 ID:gRkQsAWr [Del]

FC: 2921-9664-9808
After 2 hours of fumbling around I've added all of you.

359 Name: Sisdoodle : 2014-02-14 14:43 ID:aG0NXYZN [Del]

My FC is 1779-0254-2019 and I play Pokémon and ACNL I'll add whoever adds me! Thanks!

360 Name: Facade!9AXo.0M08g : 2014-04-04 14:56 ID:3rvjXiFn [Del]


361 Name: Tee !pnicnCTgx. : 2014-04-17 05:39 ID:31MjBZLt [Del]

Name: Tee
FC: 4983-5467-4835
I've been playing ACNL a lot recently :P

362 Name: Revenant : 2014-04-18 23:03 ID:e7DqqV+M [Del]

FC: 3351-4964-9742
Anyone playing Bravely Default?

363 Name: Tee !pnicnCTgx. : 2014-04-21 09:53 ID:1NOfTyzo [Del]

>>337 I added you ^^

364 Name: Sakunya S.!/aPzExRzGw : 2014-04-21 16:58 ID:ZU5IIxY0 [Del]

name: Sakunya S.

365 Name: EmberJune : 2014-04-21 17:48 ID:bWvFEb4R [Del]

Hey my 3DS friend code is 0919-9652-2179, what's yours?

366 Name: Penguidox : 2014-04-21 21:11 ID:8MMdhJkE [Del]

Hello, for anyone willing to add and become friends with me, my friend code is 0061-1512-0528. I hope to get along with any and everyone! C:

367 Name: Penguidox : 2014-04-21 21:14 ID:8MMdhJkE [Del]

Whoops, sorry, my name is Doxii. >.<

368 Name: Sakunya S.!/aPzExRzGw : 2014-04-22 11:32 ID:PlAdQGOX [Del]

forgot to post here that I play a lot of pokemon x and Bravely Default. :P
Feel free to add me as a friend though :) it's at >>364

369 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2014-09-10 21:06 ID:T8wklH78 [Del]

Looking for people to play Pokemon X and Y with;
Friend Code: 1349-7027-7765
Can call me Bulma if it pleases you

370 Name: EndlessRain : 2014-09-12 21:01 ID:CZwiuZPq [Del]

Adding everyone who posts after me. I play Pokemon XY and Kid Icarus:Uprising, primarily.

371 Name: Anonymous : 2014-09-28 20:11 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]


372 Name: Daemon : 2014-11-24 08:08 ID:gpJLBzS2 [Del]

hi here is my friend code 3325-4113-6340

373 Name: fez : 2015-01-02 06:57 ID:f4n8EvBT [Del]

Here is mine 5086-1662-8104
I usually play fire emblem awakening and pokemon

374 Name: IdiotCandyCorn : 2015-01-02 11:32 ID:tXTPcVNz [Del]


I play smash bros XD

375 Name: tugh34 : 2015-01-02 14:09 ID:8PEcOKpX [Del]

friend cod: 3583-0004-1837
My name on 3ds is tugh, I play pokemon, and possibly some other stuff in the future.. not sure what yet.

376 Post deleted by user.

377 Name: Mickel : 2015-01-02 20:39 ID:PwhQrila [Del]


I'm going to the last ten or so people who commented :) I'm keen for egg groups on le Pokémon and Smash bros games!

378 Post deleted by user.

379 Name: Baconator : 2015-01-08 12:09 ID:nmpFPQhG [Del]


I'll go to the last five or so comments, looking forward to seeing anyone who play Super smash bros or Pokemon Y.