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Visual Novels







resident evil! (17)

1 Name: ~Malfoy~ : 2011-11-16 09:43 ID:y/dI02gl (Image: 356x500 jpg, 147 kb) [Del]

src/1321458212070.jpg: 356x500, 147 kb
^^ best game ever!!!

2 Name: shizuo h. : 2011-11-16 13:32 ID:y/dI02gl [Del]

love that game

3 Name: Yami : 2011-11-17 14:19 ID:yJjpm/aY [Del]

Nah man!!! You should play: "Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles." 8D

4 Name: shizuo h. : 2011-11-17 15:55 ID:y/dI02gl [Del]

yep played it took 3 days!

5 Name: Sakazaki : 2011-11-17 17:12 ID:wZX3fAvT [Del]

I Already Beat This Game Too Much Already. all characters too. Mostly wesker.

6 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-11-18 00:43 ID:9177hRkI [Del]

i need to get UC, DSC, CVX, and 0, but aside from that, i enjoy the hell out of the series.

7 Name: ~Malfoy~ : 2011-11-18 09:22 ID:y/dI02gl [Del]

^^ lol rez evil games r sooooo amaZING lol!

8 Name: Zombie-girl : 2012-01-15 14:36 ID:bFVwjuPV [Del]

I've only played the game once, but when I was little I watched my dad and my brother play it all the time. And I have all the movies. But I would like to get the games too.

9 Post deleted by user.

10 Name: Oko : 2012-01-16 06:46 ID:vqjhQv9S [Del]

I grew up with Re4 for the game cube, what a great game

11 Name: Neku : 2012-01-16 14:00 ID:vEqTGY0z [Del]

im stuck on the Wii version

12 Name: Izaya : 2012-01-16 17:31 ID:xoAQ3aoN [Del]

this has nothing to do with RE 4 but if you havent you got to play RE 5

13 Name: Clumzyy : 2012-01-16 18:11 ID:xsEXwdrS [Del]

my brothers got me into the Resident Evil series
Its freackin awesome

14 Name: Weems !mcKHokXXuA : 2012-01-17 05:50 ID:FZjYsvFX [Del]

Try the old resident evil games. Sooooo much awesome in those things.

15 Name: Zombie-girl : 2012-01-17 14:21 ID:bFVwjuPV [Del]

The one that my brother would play was resident evil 2. But it sounds like I need to play all of them to understand what happens.

16 Name: Yamie : 2012-01-17 15:45 ID:DJfT2E6N [Del]

Always watched my brother play it. I never liked playing RE games because I'm scared being alone in a game... :C

17 Name: Vanilla : 2012-01-18 14:05 ID:+FjOcM9e [Del]

The new RE games are not nearly as scary as the old ones, but I just bought the Lost In Nightmares extra for RE5 last night and the monsters in it scared the crap out of me! Haha. They need to make a RE game with the new control scheme and the "helplessness" of the old ones. Still, RE4 ans Code Veronica will always be my favorites.