Dollars BBS | Games










Visual Novels







Kingdom Hearts BBS (55)

1 Name: Dotachin-san : 2011-10-03 20:06 ID:mk51zMVe (Image: 1280x800 jpg, 306 kb) [Del]

src/1317690413500.jpg: 1280x800, 306 kb
Guys I wanna Know KHBBS Fans from the Dollars !!
Yoroshiku ne ~ !!

2 Name: Marianna : 2011-10-03 21:34 ID:sCjCzgJP [Del]

OH I love that game, I'm still haven't finished yet but I love that game.

3 Name: PAMDLC : 2011-10-03 23:10 ID:Pphi4VUT [Del]

I have it and I have no idea about whats happening im just playing it for the fights and music

4 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-10-04 01:16 ID:kLUJygH5 [Del]

Oh look, Kingdom Hearts.

I know this thread is specifically for BBS, but I feel like the game could have been discussed in the other kingdom hearts threads. My word is not the end-all law, though, it's just a remark.

Anyway, never did play BBS, though I played the other games. I don't own a PSP.
inb4 Ayanavi again

5 Name: Crow : 2011-10-04 19:46 ID:R0aQqBPW [Del]

i didn't expect this game to be thst good, but then I played it and it was amazing. :D

6 Name: DAK075 : 2011-10-04 21:22 ID:g++2ARXe [Del]

Great game, but once you beat it on Proud or Critical mode, its boring.

7 Name: MastaT : 2011-10-05 17:11 ID:2LzNoqpS [Del]

>>6 I agree :[... I wanted more story but it definitely entertained me the whole way through. I did get hooked and beat the game although I don't think I reached all the achievements. Maybe I should try finishing that sometime ~_~;

8 Name: Junjo-Blu !7Ems1RtZWs : 2011-10-05 18:04 ID:KSqnrglW [Del]

Me! I love Kingdom Hearts~

9 Name: Kuhn : 2011-10-05 20:37 ID:s1VENaRn [Del]

Oh man, I want this game so bad! As soon as I get a psp, this is the first game I'm getting.

10 Name: ENRIQUEDRR : 2011-10-06 19:21 ID:Zoi5UypA [Del]

Its not that bright Kuhn. it get boring after a few days. i miss kingdom hearts 1. it was sooo fun! i liked the nightmare before christmas level the most.... ahhh memories. ^_^

11 Name: Ta-Kun : 2011-10-08 20:00 ID:AO4JzTic [Del]

This is one of the greates game series ever and i cant wait for KH3 mainly because Sepheroth is on Sora's side or and xeahnort is back.

12 Name: Weems !0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-10-08 23:25 ID:4/ocTtz8 [Del]

when will it come out?

13 Name: Sougonj : 2011-10-09 20:51 ID:edewO21V [Del]

has anyone heard of Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance?

14 Name: Ta-kun : 2011-10-09 21:11 ID:4rUvgm52 [Del]

>>12 After Kingdom Herats 3D: Dream drop distance.
>>13 Yes i have and it makes me whant to get a nintendo 3Ds so i can get it.

15 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-10-10 08:14 ID:Vhh66Qd9 [Del]

>>13 I have. I find myself only wanting the game for Neku instead of for the game itself. I really like the storyline in all of the Kingdom Hearts games, but I really don't like actually playing the game.

16 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-10-10 08:16 ID:Vhh66Qd9 [Del]

>>13 I have. I find myself only wanting the game for Neku instead of for the game itself. I really like the storyline in all of the Kingdom Hearts games, but I really don't like actually playing the game.

17 Name: Shizuo : 2011-10-10 16:56 ID:Adw8EMZO [Del]

i love this game, even though i already beat it.
now im just trying to get ventus to level 100 and beat the mysterious figure.

18 Name: TsuyuKusa : 2011-10-10 19:52 ID:nnhiC5nQ [Del]

Kingdom hearts in particular is one of my fav games i've beat them all except re:com the ones beaten include KHFM, KHIIFM+ and KHBBSFM and the original (american original)releases.

19 Post deleted by moderator.

20 Name: Akira malfoy : 2011-11-03 14:28 ID:szkSSZKe [Del]

I have it! but i'm stuck....I was idiotic enough to go to the place with sandstorms (i cant remember what its called) and now I can't leave until I finish it....

21 Name: Psyche : 2011-11-28 08:54 ID:V6W3dlcR [Del]

I almost beat the whole game! but I got so frustrated with Xenort (how ever its spelled) when I was playing as Terra...I think its the last battle...

22 Name: Socks !2.i0e1tSwc : 2011-11-28 09:12 ID:SByjDjqr [Del]

Kingdom Hearts is one of my favorite series of all time. I own all the games, although I am a bit behind on beating them.

Kingdom Hearts=Beaten
Kingdom Hearts:Chain Of Memories=Beaten
Kingdom Hearts II=Beaten
Kingdom Hearts (VCast)=Beaten (sadly yes I bought it when I had my Razr)
Kingdom Hearts-RE:Chain Of Memories=Still in the beginning
Kingdom Hearts:358/2 Days=Beaten
Kingdom Hearts:Birth By Sleep=On the Last Episode
Kingdom Hearts-RE:Coded=Haven't started

And I will be getting Kingdom Hearts 3D:Dream Drop Distance

23 Name: clipherd !fUKT4wdYs6 : 2011-12-01 21:22 ID:Om7KjYuu [Del]

Oy, this game was one of the main reasons I ever bought a PSP. This and P3P. I thought the new command deck feature was/brilliant and such a welcome addition to the already fast-paced Kingdom Hearts formula. Part already established combat system, part CoM, it combined the two aspects so well and made the gameplay much more quick flowing.

I played it "out of order". Techincally, the canon order of play is Terra, Ventus, Aqua. I played it Ventus, Terra, Aqua. Which was super difficult going from heavy hitting Terra to graceful Aqua. Ventus I feel has the best spells/commands in terms of diversity.

24 Name: Kisuke Tanaka : 2011-12-02 00:35 ID:z8rpPWXA [Del]

Best KH game made thus far. Can't wait for KH3!!!

25 Name: Valerain : 2011-12-04 09:17 ID:MJiS5RvM [Del]

have any of u played the final mix?

26 Name: kokoka : 2011-12-04 11:49 ID:zIDwZa1k [Del]

KINGDOM HEARTS RULES hah I've played all the games except for re:coded and I remember last year I beat BBS in like a week and a half! Definitely the best game out of BBS/Days/Coded

27 Name: CacoPhoniA : 2011-12-04 13:52 ID:6dzd6wl4 [Del]

Love ALL the KH games,
but BBS makes me really really sad. :(

28 Name: kitty1099 : 2011-12-04 15:18 ID:AQ35uZFV [Del]

i love kingdom hearts

29 Name: The ? : 2011-12-04 22:50 ID:sc9zCVJ4 [Del]

I have played the 1st,CoM,2,358/2days,and parts of BBS.

30 Name: DEX : 2011-12-05 07:39 ID:hSJDMNHO [Del]

im in love with this game and im hoping to get all of the games soon

31 Name: COMPOSER : 2011-12-05 19:31 ID:Q6gaFDA7 [Del]

I like this game alot. It was great to FINALLY fight Xehanort in his prime.

32 Name: wightwizard8 : 2011-12-05 23:23 ID:7+p1cVlE [Del]

yeah, this game was one of the reasons I got a PSP too. it was great to have a game that completely tied all the others together. I'm a huge fan of the series, and have played all the games except for coded, and I'm not sure I will. looking forward to Dream Drop Distance!

33 Name: mechfanboy : 2011-12-06 11:20 ID:3sB0vPiI [Del]

Re:Coded is the only game in the series so far that I haven't played yet.

34 Name: Shadow Blade : 2011-12-06 20:06 ID:8724nrQH [Del]

I have had this game since Christmas 2010 and STILL have no PSP. But it looks VERY promising

35 Name: Toast : 2011-12-07 02:01 ID:ZeYINQu7 [Del]

Love this game. Wish it was on a ps3 though, for the sake of the graphics. Next on my list to play are Re:Coded and Dream Drop Distance (when it comes out)

36 Name: wings from hell : 2011-12-07 07:56 ID:rZeLX1is [Del]

damn this good is good, i love it, and recently bought Re:Coded and its awesome, now just waiting for Dream Drop Distance n.n

37 Name: PsycheBunny !mfbNb4JzaM : 2011-12-07 11:29 ID:dvM3v1ep [Del]

>>35 I got re:Coded when it came out. I haven't played it in a while because I got stuck on a level. Personally I think BBS is better, but once I get a 3DS I'm deffinatly getting Dream Drop Distance

38 Name: Fate : 2011-12-07 16:23 ID:HFDERrLJ [Del]

I have to get Dream Drop Distance because BBS was a really awsome game

39 Name: Nami-Tsu : 2011-12-08 05:22 ID:Tty01RIU [Del]

I'm looking forward to KH 3D, its finally a KH game that takes place after KH2, haha. Plus, Neku is going to be in it!

40 Name: Anonymous : 2011-12-08 17:53 ID:YjOzwdBw [Del]

Awesome game!!!

41 Name: SUNBURST : 2011-12-08 19:18 ID:kVsyT9wZ [Del]

I want KH 3D so bad. BBS was the best KH game so far and I have played all of them

42 Name: Neruson : 2011-12-09 10:28 ID:GDrs5IhE [Del]

I thought the combat system in this game was exceptionaly good. I too have played all the games. I also quite enjoyed the way they told the story from three different perspectives.

43 Name: X-Blade Light : 2011-12-09 13:43 ID:CcaJloai [Del]

Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep was such an amazing game... :D

44 Name: grimreaper1234 : 2011-12-10 02:37 ID:SdRRKFGl [Del]

I got to say I love kingdom hearts my favorite game is kh2

45 Name: User : 2011-12-10 05:03 ID:7YePtdlQ [Del]

That is the best game ever!

46 Name: Impulse : 2011-12-10 07:25 ID:zBIKAFJ9 [Del]

I want
the next one. T_T

47 Name: Mikuko : 2011-12-11 04:15 ID:9kpaXFh3 [Del]

I love this game, i have two out of the three stories done and I'm stuck in Terra's story

48 Name: sanjo : 2011-12-11 08:49 ID:FF+8em1X [Del]

i love this game i beat all the stories and i am working on the extra stuff

49 Name: Zane : 2011-12-11 08:52 ID:h9kpRHF/ [Del]

Love Kingdom Hearts, beat all of 'em with really good times :D Definitely devoted a good amount of time to this one especially, loved the Final Episode :D I wish we'd get news on Volume 2 though :l

50 Name: Seraph321 : 2011-12-11 09:12 ID:upqrhObw [Del]

KHBBS is great. I like Aqua's story the most, but the whole game was amazing. I can't wait for more KH games

51 Name: フェリキタス : 2011-12-11 09:43 ID:L84KidWf [Del]

I love this game! I managed to unlock the secret ending which took forever to do and let me tell you, I cried a bit when I saw it

52 Name: shiniomi : 2011-12-11 15:05 ID:I6x2qKHI [Del]

dude i love that game and the other ones

53 Name: Plushy : 2011-12-11 19:05 ID:15ojlTqq [Del]

I like all the Kingdom Hearts games but this one is my favorite one out of all of them ^^

54 Name: Seika Chugo !!dZlEviJU : 2012-02-21 20:02 ID:rbeaU2wp [Del]

I just got this game the other day. I love it already.
So depressing though ;n;

Ventus is so adorable though, so is young Kairi, Riku and Sora, and it's great seeing the somebodys!

I'm having trouble with Aqua in Olympus, don't think I'm underleveled, but he fights take forever, and because there's a time limit, it kills me! Bah!

55 Name: wawa : 2012-02-21 22:57 ID:gGLvNI9r [Del]

The gameplay was revolutionary, but the overall worlds seemed to lack substance. Maybe a few more subplots and some more interactive characters in the background would have made it rival even the console versions.