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Visual Novels







The Legend of Dragoon (18)

1 Name: Merr : 2011-09-20 17:27 ID:YhS48iYE (Image: 493x500 jpg, 72 kb) [Del]

src/1316557640089.jpg: 493x500, 72 kb
Anyone else played this game back in the days of the ps1.
this was my first rpg so it stays as one of my favorite games.
4 discs and about 70hrs. long definately took a chunk out of my childhood.
I still thouroghly enjoy the combat system and story.
so who else spent large periods of time in the world of endiness.

2 Name: Thurirl : 2011-09-20 18:20 ID:hP8H4KcP [Del]

im with you man, i totally love this game. me and my brother even came up with a dragoon movie idea

3 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-09-20 22:34 ID:KIeJRNAW [Del]

I spent so much time with this game, it's literally one of the staples of my gaming collection - And I personally believe it's one of the last great RPGs made by square.

I don't care what the story says, Dart/Rose is the OTP. Fuck Shana.

Also, Meru is badass. She hammers like a boss and doesn't afraid of anything.

4 Name: Blodhgarm : 2011-09-20 23:39 ID:02iIdEGZ [Del]

OMG this was my first rpg game and i forgot its name so i've been going crazy lookin for it XD tyvm

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: Liberykiller : 2011-09-23 00:26 ID:mNvJEiPD [Del]

Had this game as a kid, though I lost all 4 discs, need to rebuy them now

7 Name: Tsukiko !OLAi9VIw7M : 2011-12-15 11:25 ID:dglxCAj6 [Del]

i swear it's by far my favorite video game.
I bought it back when i was in grade school and i still have it.

i always hoped they would make a sequel…

8 Name: Thiamor !0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-12-15 20:15 ID:yuzadCfc [Del]

I have 2 copies of this.
1 that I play on the PS1 daily.
Another that's never been opened.
It's really good.

9 Name: sanjo : 2011-12-16 00:04 ID:fcjtolcc [Del]

i love this game

10 Name: Yamie : 2011-12-16 11:59 ID:yJjpm/aY [Del]

I remember my older brother playing this game. It's a classic!

11 Name: Paul : 2011-12-16 16:18 ID:rnRf4+9T [Del]

I love this game.

12 Name: Stag !2JiKLZO9zc : 2011-12-19 00:25 ID:MomN+eCK [Del]

My God! It's been so long since anyone's mentioned this game around me! I thought me and my best friend were the only ones who liked it. Also, YES. Dart/Rose IS the OTP. Though I'm fond of Miranda too. Either way, Dart/Lavitz even ends up being more believable/preferable than Dart/Shana in my eyes. *Chuckles*

13 Name: Tsuzuku !QVSWEXJfns : 2011-12-19 00:33 ID:4Bv0VGy0 [Del]

Dart and Lavitz... they just so happen to be MY OTP. I remember how they interacted with each other throughout the game. They were always there for one another and the way they goofed off? Hilarious. They had a much better bond than Dart and Yuck did. (Yuck is Shana, by the way.) However, I was pretty fond of Dart and Rose together. That scene in the cave... beautiful. *Grins* This game brings back a lot of memories....

14 Name: sleepology : 2011-12-19 01:27 ID:OSc1HlGt [Del]

I absolutely hated shana/shana2.0. They were sooo boring! My team was almost always dart rose n kongol

15 Name: Tsuzuku !QVSWEXJfns : 2011-12-19 02:24 ID:4Bv0VGy0 [Del]

Shana was pathetic. A complete waste of a character. I hated how useless she was most of the time. I have no problem with those who did, in fact, enjoyed her character. But for me? I could stand the sight of her. -_-"

16 Name: Lobo : 2011-12-21 00:47 ID:XokOEg0B [Del]

Oh yeah. I love this game. The timing on additions is still engrained in my muscle memory. They could have done a better job casting VAs for Shana though. Other than that, awesome game.

17 Name: Tsuzuku !QVSWEXJfns : 2011-12-21 02:36 ID:4Bv0VGy0 [Del]

I actually love the gameplay! It was so different from any other game I have played. It was pretty freaking awesome. Unfortunately, the VAs for a lot of the characters were not that great. But I agree with you, Lobo. It was a very great game.

18 Name: frevor4ever : 2011-12-21 17:30 ID:o5VnlxCP [Del]

Isn't there a Dragoon in Kirby games???