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thoughts on DMC and Dantes new look (34)

1 Name: DSOTM889 : 2011-09-15 23:34 ID:GVriRrdA [Del]

i played all games in the devil may cry series and i will play DMC but what are your thoughts on it ?

2 Name: ginger : 2011-09-16 01:06 ID:Q18KN/VS [Del]

dude its a reboot a new story, new dante, not the same old dante, i dont get it people cant under stand it, personaly i thought he looked gay, at first , but now i think he matches the story that n.t. is try to tell. screw the haters.

3 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-16 01:23 ID:1Bb/Szig [Del]

>>2 wasnt it a prequel to DMC3? i thought it was about Dante's teen years when he was going through an identity crisis, rejecting his demon half, longing to be human. thats y he changed his name to anthony redgrave as seen on the file of the first trailer. plus as seen in the gameplay he had no devil trigger because this is b4 dmc3 so he just turns from anthony to dante with white hair and red coat. this is just my guess

4 Name: ginger : 2011-09-16 01:32 ID:Q18KN/VS [Del]

dude, its a prequal but a retelling, ninja theiory hasnt realsed to much about the story, just wait and see, but im sure that this new game has nothing related to the old game, anime and books.

5 Name: 7th Heaven : 2011-09-16 01:52 ID:uManBMSu [Del]


6 Name: Chris !NtMOh6TBfo : 2011-09-16 10:12 ID:aG36K7/w [Del]

It's a reboot, Dante now has a devil trigger AND an angel trigger, it does not follow the original DMC storyline at all.

7 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-16 14:09 ID:1Bb/Szig [Del]

>>6 angel trigger? source please :) +i recently saw new gameplay from TGS and it seems that devil trigger makes dante stronger and slows time

8 Name: Xissx : 2011-09-16 18:47 ID:6GCdFaPS [Del]

I don't care even though he does kinda remind me of this lead singer of an Emo band from England I don't remember then name pretty sure it started with a "P" though.

9 Name: Tommy : 2011-09-16 18:50 ID:haVjwVae [Del]

Oh it was at an interview with Tameen, now apparantly, dante is half demon and half angel, he has three weapons as i know of now, when your in angel mode, you use a scythe, when youre in human mode, you use rebellion, and when youre in demon mode, you use an axe. Its a reboot of the entire series, it is not a tony redgrave thing, sadly. So in essence, dante is half demon and angel, but if you want to get technical, a full demon because angels are pure unless fallen, once fallen they are demons, in my opinion, i hate new dante, and i hate how the gameplay looks, if you notice, the graphics are poor, and the gameplay isnt as fluid as a reg. dmc, no i havent played it, but just look at the videos closely and you can see it, reg. dmc btw is 60 frames rate, and this reboot is 30, most of your battles in the reboot will be in the air, as you do better, apparantly there will be screaming vocals in the music, o and his DT is just him with white hair and a red coat, and time slows down, as shown in the E3 trailer, im very disappointed, i'll play the demo to see if it can surprise me, but from what i seen so far and read, dont count on it, i think, i read somewhere that someone from NT or Capcom (4got which) said dont get your hopes up, or to lower your expectations, which means that they didnt make the best Dmc game, if you recall, that was the intention, soooo yea, my expectations are very VERY low but i'll try nonetheless, but im not buying it unless im surprised by reviews, gameplay footage of when its released, and the demo.

btw, i know that capcom turned down the rumor of the HD dmc collection, but actually, ESRB has recently rated dmc 1-3, which means, there may be a DMC HD collection, plus i hope this can give capcom the chance to re-do DMC2, i liked dmc2 but the gameplay was dull and not challenging, so maybe they can spice it up

10 Name: Tommy : 2011-09-16 18:55 ID:haVjwVae [Del]

>>7, i think, im not sure, the source of the angel trigger is at the Gamescon interview, but i read it on ps3

11 Post deleted by user.

12 Name: Liberykiller : 2011-09-23 00:30 ID:mNvJEiPD [Del]

Yeah, the info Tommy gave only renforced my decision to hate this game

13 Name: Ciela : 2011-09-23 11:01 ID:TcZ1nHXJ [Del]

I haven't played the games, but i've followed the story line and know most of it. after hearing about dmc i wanted to play the knew one, because i thought it was gonna be kinda like a prequel. but know after reading >>9 i've really reconsidered, and i might just wait until reviews and demos that come out. but i would still like to give it a try. Hopefully it's worth m time and money

14 Name: Sakazaki : 2011-09-23 17:43 ID:1oRrp9QK [Del]

it sucks. in fact all DMC Games were way too hard.

15 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-24 02:22 ID:1Bb/Szig [Del]

>>14 i loved that! that was some of the appeal, the difficulty. some games are just better off being hard like demon souls,dark souls,ninja gaiden, etc

16 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-09-24 08:57 ID:yc5s1ZWu [Del]

I've actually never been able to understand Devil May Cry games being hard. I mean once you got up to the more extreme difficulty levels, then yeah - But just playing through on normal? Or hell, even just on Hard mode? Everything is fairly easy to predict, so all you have to do is make sure you don't get carried away attacking and can GTFO the way quick enough.

17 Name: Bacurik : 2011-09-24 09:25 ID:g8W/oqJa [Del]

>>16 This.

DMC was only hard once you started playing Dante must die mode (or doing Heaven or hell on leviathan in part 3). Even in Dante must die mode you can tear apart just about everything if you get your jump cancels down (which in turn makes it easier to get SSS on every mission).

I truly hated the design for the new DMC, because at the time I was still comparing it to the previous serious. Taking into consideration that it's a unrelated game altogether, then I have no reason to hate it AS much. The thing that irks me though is how choppy everything is (I was hoping it was because it's still in development, but it's running at 30 FPS?). The only thing that would make me get it is if they manage to keep jump cancels.

18 Name: Sakazaki : 2011-09-24 15:54 ID:J/HR1Qi8 [Del]

>>17 not only that,his new look is terrible. i would rather create dante in another game that has the create mode. although he's awesome in viewtiful joe and Marvel Vs. Capcom 3. and that mode...yikes.

19 Name: Tommy : 2011-12-09 18:02 ID:haVjwVae [Del]

>>18 dont forget about shin megami tensei's nocturne which features dmc2 dante but is not as quiet as dmc2 dante ;) he was almost in soul calibur III but was later rejected

20 Name: Thiamor : 2011-12-09 21:10 ID:mIit8Yfq [Del]

It's an alternate reality, a parallel universe, meaning the original Dante that we know and love, still exists.

21 Name: Ta-Kun : 2011-12-09 21:41 ID:4rUvgm52 [Del]

I don't care as long as dante is a bad ass and a smart ass

22 Name: grimreaper1234 : 2011-12-10 02:33 ID:B+RpzDFl [Del]

Dante + demons equals dmc

23 Name: Ulrich : 2011-12-10 21:32 ID:Olh8J3WF [Del]

Dantes new look makes him look like a badass. but They could have gave "him" the devil bringer instead of nero. I mean the series is based on date after all.

24 Name: Ulrich : 2011-12-10 21:32 ID:Olh8J3WF [Del]

>>23 Dante. sorry typo

25 Name: Seraph321 : 2011-12-11 09:21 ID:upqrhObw [Del]

I'm a little torn on the new look. I think the game looks/sounds great, and i don't mind Dante's look if the game is good. As far as the combat being slow or choppy, I think it still looks fun as hell, so I'm gonna get it.

26 Name: Thiamor : 2011-12-12 15:05 ID:yuzadCfc [Del]

The combat looks and acts differently, because of the different engine used in making it. They changed up the engine Capcom normally used, to something different.

27 Name: DAK075 : 2011-12-13 00:46 ID:g++2ARXe [Del]

Good thing that this Dante is not the Dante we all know and love.

Looks fun to play, but I'll hold back and wait for it to become cheaper. Unless the collector's or limited edition will come with some pretty sick goodies.

28 Name: dante : 2011-12-13 07:59 ID:HSTDQG6W [Del]

>>9 dmc2 will be remade and the bosses will be stronger, have less openings and their might be a easy difficulty for the pussy that don't like as much as a challenge.

29 Name: Thiamor : 2011-12-13 11:17 ID:yuzadCfc [Del]

Got any proof for that?

30 Name: Zentetsuken : 2011-12-13 11:21 ID:BwZ1toJn [Del]

You know that in the trailer it look like one of the bosses from dmc 1 or 2.

31 Name: Shuriachi : 2011-12-13 12:11 ID:lL2Z/4FL [Del]

I honestly have nothing against the new Dante or the game. I just watched the escape trailer and I like it a lot. The only thing that gets me is that how the story is changed. I hate it when fangirls keep spazzing over his new looks. Because he's supposed to look "pretty" his entire life.

32 Name: Thiamor : 2011-12-13 13:00 ID:yuzadCfc [Del]

Alternate Reality.
It isn't our Dante. It's a new Dante in a different reality. Thus making it possible to continue on with 2 stories without fucking each story up.

They didn't change our Dante up. This Dante isn't meant to look the same.

33 Name: Thiamor : 2011-12-14 13:00 ID:yuzadCfc [Del]


34 Name: Thiamor !0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-12-17 13:28 ID:yuzadCfc [Del]
