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Go! Go! Igo! (29)

1 Name: Paracelsus : 2011-09-08 12:27 ID:fexKorwU (Image: 1280x960 jpg, 586 kb) [Del]

src/1315502835418.jpg: 1280x960, 586 kb
It's the oldest boardgame still played today. It's also the best. Any of you guys play go?

2 Name: johnson : 2011-09-08 14:25 ID:d6tFajIy [Del]

what is IT?

3 Name: TWNOLHD : 2011-09-08 15:37 ID:7kvrl3iG [Del]

I used to play alot but it's been a long time since I last played

4 Name: 砂漠雨 : 2011-09-08 18:08 ID:dd88/m1g [Del]

I absolutely love the board game. Though no one else around me plays. :(

5 Name: Getsu : 2011-09-08 20:07 ID:fLQNwpsK [Del]

I rock at this game!

6 Name: Paracelsus : 2011-09-09 01:16 ID:TqWqCNfr [Del]

@砂漠雨 You can play it online on various websites, like and

@Getsu Play me. I'm Paracelsus on KGS ( too.

7 Name: hikitori : 2011-09-09 09:33 ID:7qMiVuDb [Del]

lol, the game runs in my family. my uncle is a 1st dan, and my grandmother is a 3rd dan

8 Name: MastaT : 2011-09-09 16:53 ID:hhBfg4yH [Del]

I use to play go online, but never irl.
I would love to play it irl, It just seems more awesome >_<;;
Go boards are expensive :|...

9 Name: Paracelsus : 2011-09-09 17:18 ID:fexKorwU [Del]

You can register online at to find go players in your area, and then you can challenge them to games o:

10 Name: MastaT : 2011-09-09 20:03 ID:hhBfg4yH [Del]

Lol, no one within a 30 mile radius plays go where i live XD...

11 Name: Nyx : 2011-09-09 22:47 ID:9JMJXMWQ [Del]

I'm always trying to get my family to play with me, with little success. I have little to no skill, so I don't feel comfortable playing online. XD I do love the game, though.

12 Post deleted by user.

13 Name: Paracelsus : 2011-09-10 05:07 ID:TqWqCNfr [Del]

"I'm not good at go, so I'm scared to play in tournaments/online/at the club" Is the lamest excuse I keep hearing from people. You'll never get better if you don't challenge yourself. The point of go having such a workable handicap system is that it's relatively easy to find an opponent you can play a good game against.

It is said that backgammon is a game of man vs. kismet, chess is a game of man vs. man, and go is a game of man vs. himeself.

14 Name: KatsuKuroyama : 2011-09-10 17:11 ID:yxP4lenK [Del]

I love Go but unfortunately am not very good at it. I think I'm like 30 kyu :x

15 Name: Paracelsus : 2011-09-10 22:33 ID:TS+5cZX/ [Del]

Well the only way to get better is to play :P

16 Name: Ribon !/u7dT3gKM2 : 2011-09-11 05:48 ID:7T6d0s1f [Del]

I play Go, but I'm not that good at it. I'm about 16 kyu. I don't have any real life friends who play, but sometimes I play online. I'm hoping I can get some people interested, though. It's so much more fun to play in person!

17 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-11 09:03 ID:7p5UJwDV [Del]

I am interested in Go, but every time I try to play the rules confuse me.

18 Name: Ribon !/u7dT3gKM2 : 2011-09-11 09:19 ID:7T6d0s1f [Del]

>>17 Have you checked tutorials online? This is a good one, and it's interactive, too. You may want to check it out, if you are interested.

19 Name: Kaisuke : 2012-08-05 11:10 ID:D7D0WLcu [Del]

I am new to playing GO/Igo, I know most of the basic stuff just need to learn the japanese form/move names :P

also I am on KGS go online, at the mo it says I am about 27 kyu

20 Name: Kalos : 2013-01-07 19:49 ID:3YUBkEsA [Del]

Love this game

21 Name: Anonymous : 2013-01-08 19:08 ID:2qxbj3VE [Del]

I play Go. I have a Go club at my school. I'm also on KGS, I'm at 19 kyu. Anyone else?

22 Name: Kaisuke : 2013-01-09 11:32 ID:D7D0WLcu [Del]

>>21 I am still learning this game I even got a book to help, but I have not not realy been on KGS for a little while as I was just messin with some of the bots on their, which the book said it was a bad idea to keep playing :p.

my name is the same as it here

23 Name: Vallian : 2013-01-10 21:31 ID:St0L0MRh [Del]

Awesome game, KGS is a really good place to play it. I'm around 5-kyu, name is Darman if anyone wants to friend me.

24 Name: Anonymous : 2013-01-11 17:54 ID:2qxbj3VE [Del]

>>22 Why don't you play real people instead of bots? Use automatch. Or try the Beginners room, there's a lot of people there that'll play you.

25 Name: Anonymous : 2013-01-11 17:56 ID:2qxbj3VE [Del]

>>22 Also, I can play you, if you want. Name's Sieja.

26 Name: Kaisuke : 2013-01-12 08:21 ID:D7D0WLcu [Del]

>>24 yeah I know I was beening a bit silly playing the bots :P

Ok cool guys, btw I live in England/UK

can't seem to add people on the fan/buddy list, think I did it once when I played someone :/

27 Name: Anonymous : 2013-01-12 09:26 ID:T0oliKN/ [Del]

I always though "Fun With Words" was the oldest board game still played today.
Maybe I was wrong.

28 Name: Anonymous : 2013-01-12 14:52 ID:2qxbj3VE [Del]

>>26 Well, all you have to do is go to their profiles and check the fan/buddy boxes. That's really it. Anyways, I fanned and buddied you.

29 Name: Kaisuke : 2013-01-13 06:49 ID:D7D0WLcu [Del]

>>28 ok cool, and thanks.