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Tales of fans (53)

1 Name: Niko : 2011-09-02 19:34 ID:wrs/VCC4 (Image: 600x425 jpg, 133 kb) [Del]

src/1315010049749.jpg: 600x425, 133 kb
any Tales of fans anyone?

2 Name: DaniV : 2011-09-03 00:39 ID:1Bb/Szig [Del]

Vesperia ftw

3 Name: flere : 2011-09-03 00:46 ID:gI3VScXP [Del]

Can't wait for Tales of Xillia! :D

4 Name: Valkair : 2011-09-03 01:48 ID:nBqeQLmr [Del]

Tales of symphonia 1 on GC and 2 on the Wii

5 Name: bb20142 : 2011-09-03 22:56 ID:myNOnQE4 [Del]

finally Tales of Graces F for ps3

6 Name: Skwishy !WdDCrt9EHs : 2011-09-04 16:10 ID:kjE7pMes [Del]

>>2 I hear ya :D just started playing it. I hope they make another tales game for the xbox 360.

7 Name: Riu : 2011-09-04 16:51 ID:yVMJo4+A [Del]

OO!I've been playing this series for a long time.
I've play Tales of symphonia,Tales of symphonia 2, Tales of Phantaisia, Tales of the Abyss, and Tales of Radiant mythology. :D

I think TOA is the best besides the 1st TOs. :D

8 Name: Niko : 2011-09-06 18:43 ID:wrs/VCC4 [Del]

bought the Japanese version of Radiant mythology 2 and 3 ... cant understand it but its fun ^.^

9 Name: Weems : 2011-09-08 15:52 ID:4/ocTtz8 [Del]

Cant wait for Xillia... but why do they never release any north american versions?

10 Name: TipoXD : 2011-09-08 19:52 ID:eThyf0Ag [Del]

Hopefully it will, with abyss and graces coming out soon.

11 Name: The Fade : 2011-09-08 21:19 ID:okaFwMNf [Del]

Tales of Symphonia is my very favorite, though I don't have much experience with the series.

I've played Symphonia, Vesperia, and Abyss.

12 Name: Weems : 2011-09-09 05:38 ID:4/ocTtz8 [Del]

Try out Phantasia on a Rom. I played most of them, and other than Symphonia, Phantasia is my fav.

13 Name: Quatre Winner : 2011-09-11 20:46 ID:pL2VBMb+ [Del]

Got started on Symphonia and was hooked! It was the whole reason I bought a gamecube :D

Looking forward to Graces f in English and Abyss 3D!

14 Name: flamefist96 : 2011-09-12 21:27 ID:4v70TOgI [Del]

i wish i could find some cheap tales games

15 Name: soul : 2011-09-13 17:17 ID:Cg+vp/SA [Del]

hells yeah man i love the tales games! i wanted tales of vesperia for ps3 but i can go with tales of graces that comes out next year!

16 Name: greenhair : 2011-11-01 18:29 ID:kx5WHDag [Del]

i can't wait for the re-imagine of tales of innocence... I LOVE TALES and it will always have a special place in my heart

17 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-01 18:44 ID:1Bb/Szig [Del]

Vesperia is the best imo

18 Name: DaniV : 2011-11-01 18:44 ID:1Bb/Szig [Del]

Vesperia is the best imo

19 Name: soul : 2011-11-02 11:52 ID:ZbFjFVRS [Del]

>>18 true that

20 Name: Seika Chugo : 2011-11-02 20:04 ID:rbeaU2wp [Del]

I've only played Symphonia, but I loved it x3

21 Name: Ninja_Zero : 2011-11-13 00:30 ID:mWTDAixe [Del]

w8ing for 2012 Tales of Graces F for xbox 360

hope the world dont end b4 that xD

22 Name: Weems !0UZD1OR/j. : 2011-11-15 19:52 ID:FZjYsvFX [Del]

Xillia better come out for N A. seriously Namco Bandai, stop torturing me.

23 Name: Ciel !TeEhECyY7k : 2011-11-16 00:33 ID:yj6SDTd6 [Del]

>>21 Pretty sure the world will end before that since Graces f is PS3 only

24 Name: Nighttime : 2011-11-16 15:48 ID:XiBZnc5y [Del]

now this looks cool i would totally consider playing this thing!

25 Name: Feral : 2011-11-18 16:14 ID:XzMKsX9e [Del]

You wouldn't believe how long it took me to get my hands on a copy of ToS: Dawn of the New World. I absolutely have to play every one of these games and so far, so good.

26 Name: Weems !mcKHokXXuA : 2011-11-19 14:08 ID:FZjYsvFX [Del]

>>23 yeah, you're probably right. I can wish though. And even still I'll probably get an Emulator for it on my PC. I've played most of the TAles games (even Destiny 2), so even if it doesn't come out for N.A. I'll probably get it anyway.

27 Name: Flame : 2011-11-20 11:16 ID:DAkzUnfn [Del]

It really is lame that the Tales of series is freakishly awsome but only few are in N.A. And I really want to play all the Tales of series too.

28 Name: Weems !mcKHokXXuA : 2011-11-20 12:22 ID:FZjYsvFX [Del]

>>27 do it. They are really interesting to play.

29 Name: [Lucifer !kpcjRgy3HE : 2011-11-22 10:59 ID:ORAYrxA0 [Del]

Anyone else excited to see if they bring the 3DS port for Tales Of Abyss to NA? Personally Destiny and Abyss were my favourite out of the series. Symphonia 1 and 2 were dissapointing to me in that they were so blatantly friendship and peace preachy.

30 Name: Quatre Winner : 2011-11-22 13:22 ID:pL2VBMb+ [Del]

>>29 I thought that I'd read already that ToA 3D was coming to America. Since there's no new content it's just a straight port, but playing it in 3D promises to be awesome.

As far as the games we haven't gotten yet, I really wish we'd get the rest of the Radiant Mythology games. My copy of the game is threatening to come apart on me, I've played it so much. I also wish we'd get the DS ones. Is it me, or does Namdai seem more interesting in bringing over the console games? Not all of us can afford a PS3 D:

31 Name: [Lucifer !kpcjRgy3HE : 2011-11-22 14:35 ID:ORAYrxA0 [Del]

>> 30 Really? I hadn't heard wind of that yet. If I get a 3DS, it'd just to be able to play it. Even if I can't use the 3D function.

But yeah, I really wish theyd bring over Radiant mythology, and the rest of the purely fan-service installment crossovers they made. Instead of having to dig for translations. Unless i'm once again out of the loop and they did a few of them already.

32 Name: Kaito-Chan : 2011-11-23 05:23 ID:cGAocLSe [Del]

:D ! This game looks awesome ! What console is it for ~? :3?

33 Name: Kuro-chan : 2011-11-23 11:57 ID:fG4vNhIB [Del]

Tales of RULES!!! Played ToS 1..didn't finish ToS 2, nor ToP...Currently playing Tales of Innocence and Tales of the World 2...but I lost my psp...T-T ToW Radiant mythologie 1 was so great!!! when i finally had a patch for the second one...
First time I heard of Tales of Graces will be release outside Japan?!

34 Name: Raven : 2011-11-23 13:21 ID:qA/EWrDf [Del]

So far I've only played 360 Vesperia, really wish they would localize the ps3 version. :(

35 Name: Kazu Ni : 2011-11-23 16:59 ID:x6JqD9qR [Del]


36 Name: Weems !mcKHokXXuA : 2011-11-24 06:20 ID:FZjYsvFX [Del]

>>29 ToS was my fav. I really liked how they touched upon the themes of discrimination and racism.But Abyss and Phantasia are close runner-ups.

>>35 impressive, most people I talk to don't even know about the Narikiri Dungeon games.

37 Name: Ezry : 2011-12-16 23:28 ID:VXrQJil1 [Del]

There isn't quite a word to accurately describe how much I like these games. The character development, the battle system, the plots, the music, the worlds.... I just love it.

Favorite is Abyss though. I like how most of the game isn't some epic quest, it's just you 6 people, trying to stop your dying world from collapsing completely. Who are you 6 people? No one other than: The tool who was going to be used to end the world, the sister of the man who wants the world to end, the man who made the villain's plot possible, a girl forced to leak information to your enemies by circumstances she cannot control, and a princess who really knows what it means to be a noble.

38 Name: jamison the reaper : 2011-12-17 05:29 ID:DyTFhYF/ [Del]

Abyss all the way

39 Name: Weems !mcKHokXXuA : 2011-12-17 06:47 ID:FZjYsvFX [Del]

>>37. hate to break it to you, but that plot can be used to dscrbe most tales games. symphonia, abyss, symphonia 2, vesperia all have the tool that would destroy the world in the party. Symphonia its Colette the chosen. Abyss as you said is Luke, Symphonia 2 it is Ratatosk, and Vesperia it is Estelle, the Child of the full moon. While all of these are similar, they all have fantastic gameplay and amazing other main characters that are unique to their own games.

40 Name: Ohasumi : 2012-02-08 03:14 ID:rAWh8iTh [Del]

Pre-ordered Tales of graces f! :D I saw a promotional poster at my local gamestop!! Made me day! So happpyyyy they're doing promotions~~ <3

41 Name: KingZeoX : 2012-02-09 10:07 ID:GXDYJL1A [Del]

YES! Final Fantasy for those that hate Final Fantasy, my friends. My only regret is not owning the other important Playstation consoles so I can play the rest of these, like Graces f, since we're not getting the original version ;>.> Seriously, I could rant on Graces localization all year...

42 Name: Aizen : 2012-02-17 11:58 ID:6jd17jkr [Del]

Symphonia Dawn of the new world has a great story, good bye emil *sniff*

43 Name: KingZeoX : 2012-03-19 09:01 ID:GXDYJL1A [Del]

Out of curiousity, anyone else here start geeking out about Tales of The Heroes: Twin Brave like I did when they first heard about it? If it hadn't been late at night, I'd have done a few earsplitting fangirl screams, and I'm a dude with a low pitched voice >.>;
I guess the biggest reason I was geeking out was that both Emil and Asbel are in it, and as much as I like Zelos, I absolutely adore Emil and Marta together XD (No really, I'm a manly man. I just had to rip up another man card for using the word "adore")

44 Name: Kunar Shugane !q9yoJKUgVY : 2012-03-19 12:26 ID:F5zOCzSd [Del]

I have been a devout follower of the "Tales of" games. However since I don't own a PS3, I can't play a lot of the newer ones :(

Also, I'm not sure how I feel about not seeing my two favorite characters (Chester Burklight and Lloyd Irving) not in the OP pic lol

45 Name: Necromancer : 2012-03-19 15:34 ID:o5VnlxCP [Del]

Tales of the Abyss is my favorite game ever. Jade is especially beastly.

46 Name: yasuo : 2012-03-20 08:16 ID:W1QdK16d [Del]

Tales of symphonia will always be my favorite XD gotta love lloyd Irving lol

47 Name: pecel : 2012-03-21 02:53 ID:BkAMPmsZ [Del]

Where I can Download it? TTvTT I want Play It,,,,,, Help senpai,,,,,,

48 Name: Kion Stelz : 2012-06-01 00:59 ID:LMCGOms5 [Del]

these are great. i have played only 3 though.
1 Tales of Ledgenia
2 Tales of the Abyss
3 Tales of the World: Radiate Mythology

49 Name: Grim Reaper : 2012-06-01 01:56 ID:LL5IpV1C [Del]

1:Tales of the abyss
2:Tales of symphonia
3:Tales of Graces

50 Name: Dr. Acula : 2012-06-01 11:28 ID:eQjjbPO+ [Del]

Tales of The Abyss
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Destiny 1+2

51 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2012-06-01 16:33 ID:Mi01FRBq [Del]

Tales of Vesperia
Tales of the Abyss

52 Name: eelface : 2012-06-01 16:45 ID:2wQBLpKS [Del]

Tales of the Abyss

53 Name: Weems!DHaiysageU : 2012-06-01 19:26 ID:FZjYsvFX [Del]

>>50 when you say destiny 2 do you mean Destiny 2 or Eternia?