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Visual Novels







Dungeons and Dragons (15)

1 Name: Firo : 2011-08-25 09:56 ID:tRwDZSYo [Del]

Not to sound like a total nerd here, but I've been wanting to play this game for many year.I finally got to play it with my friends for the past month and it has been one of the greatest shit ever. I dont know how else to describe it other than there's a lot of role playing and imagination going around. Also a lot of rolling those D20's and hope you get lucky with the roll. Anyone else plays this game? What do you guys think of it?

2 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-08-25 11:27 ID:oFp9Pg0N [Del]

Ah man. I used to play DnD, it's a fun game. The only problem I ever had with it was making it consistent - keeping up with it and playing frequently enough for things to progress. I even tried doing it online with friends once, but that didn't work because of how long it took to calculate rolls. In person, though, it's a great game.

I find RPing is fun in both this way and in the free-RP sense, the latter of which involves acting out a character with restriction only in what you or the others deem appropriate. You don't get the gratification of leveling up a character and such, but you have way more options. This is, of course, a blatant advertisement for Hekatonkheires in the Literature board, which is exactly that.

3 Name: Firo : 2011-08-26 01:02 ID:tRwDZSYo [Del]

I'd imagine online would be hard to keep consistent because of time differences and schedules during the week. And yes, when I started playing dnd I remembered right away that what you guys were doing on that RP story was pretty much the same, minus the stat sheets and the dice.

4 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-08-26 01:42 ID:7v6EXcrV [Del]


I knocked Red the fuck out.
Then We did it as a team.

Best. Session. Ever.

5 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-08-26 02:03 ID:oFp9Pg0N [Del]

That totally happened.
And it was glorious.

I have to admit though, one thing free RPing doesn't have that DnD does is the anticipation of great failure or success by dice roll. The chance occurrences balance things out, but can also make things really shitty or fucking awesome.
Like rolling extremely low even when your character is supposed to have high skill at something, or rolling a 20 when you attempt something near impossible.

Like punching out Red.
Charizard had to save his ass like a little bitch.

6 Name: Tarquin : 2016-06-21 07:10 ID:lNgUvsTW [Del]

Enthusiastic bump!

7 Name: Tarquin : 2016-06-21 07:27 ID:lNgUvsTW [Del]

@HellsBlacksmith (I may type this in multiple parts btw,the wall of text would kill even me xD)

Not so long ago in the distant land of Yiell, there lived a kingdom as cliche as always and ever will be in the of...Yiell. Suddenly one normal and peaceful afternoon, the king's daughter had been kidnapped! Upon this realization the king decided to bring in the most handsome and brave individuals from their kingdom to help find his daughter, unfortunately for the king none of that kind stuff existed in Yiell, so he decided to just grab the 4 most heard about individuals and bring them to help. The party was made up of a half-elf ranger, a human necromancer, and two dragonborns with one being a thief (that was me) and the other being an average fighter (if you wish to know any backstories for them then feel free to ask).

The kingdom eventually reached out to all of the misfit adventurers and had them meet at the crack of dawn at the front of the king's main palace. Upon reaching the front entrance the party had met each other shortly before being grabbed by a 7-foot tall guard and thrown into the palace as if we were being shot out a cannon. We all landed inside the palace unharmed but landed at the foot of the throne that our king had sat upon. We all spoke with the king and asked what he had summoned us for, while he had been in the middle of explaining this however, one of our more intelligent party members, the half-elf, had leaned over to the dragonborn asking if he spoke english. This completely interrupted the king which somehow gave him Nam flashbacks.

Due to the king's inability to now speak properly, one of the king's knights gave us the rest of what we needed to know. He had informed us that the daughter was most likely taken north due to some unusual tracks found the morning after she went missing. We thanked the knight, but before he left he wished to accompany us and said he would pay for any and all transactions we would need on this journey. Obviously we aren't stupid and decided that bringing him along was an excellent plan! We got our equipment ready and soon set out to find the princess!

8 Name: FireRed : 2016-07-03 07:22 ID:EloO2ws9 (Image: 1280x654 png, 233 kb) [Del]

src/1467548535101.png: 1280x654, 233 kb
I've only started playing it this year, but I am playing in a dungeon and am also DMing one as well.
The one I play in is 1e and I play as a (Now chaotic evil after I let a skeletal dragon loose on the world because I made a deal with a demon... I wanted daggers, OK!?) Drow Thief. And am DMing a 5e game where I've got a group of unruly characters who are at the moment taking on a load of bounties.

Attached is the drawing I did of my Drow called Yoru Shadowblade

9 Name: |M|esh : 2016-07-23 08:54 ID:jwwauN+6 [Del]

I started playing last November, I think? I've really enjoyed it, and am now DMing for a group of my friends who haven't ever played it before so it's a bit of a mess.
Just wanted to throw it out there that Roll20 is a pretty good website for play D&D through. It does the nice rolls for you, the DM can set up a map and tokens so that the players can move their own character, sections of the map can be revealed, music can be played and there is optional voice/video chat. It's also free. (Although you can pay for some ~extra~ features, which aren't necessary.)

10 Name: HippoHipster : 2016-07-23 14:38 ID:wjXvhyOU [Del]

>>9 Yeah Roll20 is really nice especially if you can never find a time to meet or you're friends live far away.

11 Name: Leena !aaFUCKyePQ : 2016-07-24 19:10 ID:Xp7AKWER [Del]

>>10 *your (sorry)
My dad used to DM and told me about all his fun times, and I got interested through youtube videos and all that. Though the books at my local game store cost fifty dollars each. None of the campaigns on Roll20 interest me, and all of my friends are just like "ew, nerdy".
This world is annoying.

12 Name: demoness : 2016-08-11 04:48 ID:o7owhTz6 [Del]

my dad taught me how to play D&D when i was a kid- i love it! I've also been looking for a playing group, i could even DM if need be, but the options are truly limited where I live haha

13 Name: Syncrossus : 2016-08-15 11:23 ID:GQM5TL41 [Del]

I've been playing D&D 1.0 since I was 5 with my dad. It's glorious.

14 Name: Enigami : 2016-08-15 14:55 ID:uss/niTM [Del]

Played for one night a couple years ago. It was fun.
Planned to play again, but it never amounted to anything.

15 Name: Minea : 2016-08-19 16:55 ID:8NYyV+V6 [Del]

MY school actually has a DnD club and it's always fun to play. (Although honestly, we don't do it correctly half of the time and we do a lot of one-shots.)