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Visual Novels







Magic the Gathering (127)

1 Name: Ameterasu !Ly7MRw0CGU : 2011-08-22 22:29 ID:3U3RqPyd [Del]

So i didn't see anything that said games meant only video games, come on people who plays this fantastic game? What do you run?
where do you play at?

2 Name: mr.tophat : 2011-08-23 00:41 ID:68nqkFCK [Del]

the bored one slivers and vamps and the game one artifacts

3 Name: Egerod !U.FlFSg2r. : 2011-08-23 01:37 ID:boUS6bOn [Del]

I play it abit, mainly with my school mates, but I'm already playing Yugioh competitiv, and I don't have the time to play both games on an high level, so it's mostly just for the fun =)

4 Name: Invader Kiwikami : 2011-08-23 15:03 ID:Cgtwqmk3 [Del]

My friend's father is so obsessed with that game I play it almost every time I visit them. He literally knows every card, and has literally hundreds, if not thousands, of decks that he's made along a theme... there was one he called the 'Lion King' deck, which contains nothing but feline-related cards. o.0

Anyways, I don't play much aside from with them (he plays competitively, and the rest of the family plays just for fun), but it's still an awesome game.

5 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-08-24 00:25 ID:oFp9Pg0N [Del]

Ahh, I used to play Magic. Wasn't much good at it, but I played.

In fact, the only person I got to play against was my brother, using my newly bought shit decks. He had all the good cards from years ago, and pretty much facerolled me every game.

I always played Green/White. I could last a really long time, but never do much damage to my opponent. Wasn't the most effective strategy, but I didn't want to buy other decks lol

6 Name: DAK075 : 2011-08-24 22:36 ID:g++2ARXe [Del]

I usually run my green deck, which fairs well against friends who have been playing for years now. Want to make a Green/Red deck though.

7 Name: Firo : 2011-08-25 09:50 ID:tRwDZSYo [Del]

I just picked up on this card game a couple weeks ago and I'm pretty much par with my veteran player friends. im using my white/green knights deck and red dragon deck that i bought and customized along the past week with those packs of 15 cards. i really want more knights and dragon creatures, but i dont really know what series/generations to buy so i can get some of those certain creatures.

8 Name: Ameterasu !Ly7MRw0CGU : 2011-08-25 22:49 ID:3U3RqPyd [Del]

Well this is good to here!
there are many different game types and formats to change things up or make them more fair for newer players, new players shouldn't be forced to play against old cards because they'll get destroyed, which defeats the entire purpose of the game which is to have fun.
i guess i should say what i run haha
red/white boros deck
blue/black mill deck
black/white orzhov deck
blue/white myr deck
green elf deck
white cat deck
just a few lol

9 Name: Ameterasu !Ly7MRw0CGU : 2011-09-02 16:17 ID:3U3RqPyd [Del]

anyone looking forward to the innistrad release?

10 Name: Mahiru : 2011-09-02 22:03 ID:YnTxhXH/ [Del]

I have a cat deck and a red, black, and white deck XD which was actually really hard to build.

11 Name: Akuto Sai : 2011-09-05 12:39 ID:65vG86xQ [Del]

The new set, Innistrad, sucks

12 Name: Ameterasu !Ly7MRw0CGU : 2011-09-05 18:29 ID:3U3RqPyd [Del]

It's not even out yet, how can you say it sucks?
personally i've always loved classic horror so i'm really looking forward to it.
the designers on the project are some of the same ones that put out the best sets in the games history, including my favorite, ravnica.
i'm DEFINITELY looking forward to it lol

13 Name: Akuto Sai : 2011-09-06 03:20 ID:WiTeuWbJ [Del]

But the cards themselves aren't that good and the new keywords are a waste of time

14 Name: Firo !D9YDuldeCw : 2011-10-04 21:09 ID:tRwDZSYo [Del]

i want to build another deck, someone should give me an idea.

15 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-10-05 00:19 ID:oFp9Pg0N [Del]

Make a pure green deck comprised solely of those little shits that spawn a lot of 1/1 tokens.

Survive as long as possible.

16 Name: Thurirl !FzAyW.Rdbg : 2011-10-05 10:51 ID:jn7K54rq [Del]

i just play for fun but i use a black/green/and yellow combo deck that my mom and dad cant beat lol

17 Name: Ameterasu !YKgt7dotn2 : 2012-03-12 15:00 ID:shxXcddG [Del]

Ok at this point i agree innisrad is fairly lacking. Although i have two standard decks that are pretty dang good made with cards from the set.

18 Name: Name !broNAMEpvE : 2012-03-12 18:05 ID:PhGpQNEs [Del]

The post you are about to read has nothing to do with the thread or the game. But is something I've observed.

Just saying, ever notice how all the people who play Magic: The Gathering have either huge beards or a mustache, or at least did at some point/are growing one?

19 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-03-12 18:28 ID:YWJdTxmB [Del]

>>18 I don't.

20 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-03-23 00:24 ID:jfZIey0K [Del]

>>18 It's pretty true... I've never noticed until now :o

21 Name: AeternaAuroraEtCrepusculum!3BjC1sBg5. : 2012-04-24 00:07 ID:L6PnyJeu [Del]

How many of you play the other formats, like Legacy and EDH?

22 Name: NoirGrim !nI5ayVXEKo : 2012-04-24 01:03 ID:SFWEDtA+ [Del]

I played with a tribal decks. my main and favorite deck was goblins. but soon i made me a blue/black deck with discard spells, vampires, and control of creature spells. it was fun until i made a draw and discard deck. my friends got mad at me for doing it. but it was fun and op. I am now banned from playing with that deck of some of the card shops around my town. it was fun while it lasted though.

23 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-04-24 01:45 ID:jfZIey0K [Del]

>>22 You play standard?

24 Name: AeternaAuroraEtCrepusculum!3BjC1sBg5. : 2012-04-24 20:16 ID:L6PnyJeu [Del]

I'm mostly playing standard; I have BW Infect, BW tokens, UW Spirits, and RB Vampires.

The Vamp is nowhere near standard though.

I also have a Teysa EDH.

25 Name: NoirGrim !nI5ayVXEKo : 2012-04-24 21:48 ID:SFWEDtA+ [Del]

>>23 we play a bit weird to make the games go by faster.

we play at your draw phase if your out of cards, you draw 7. also if you have any (standard/normal) mana in your hand you can just lay all of it down in one go. all other rules the same. (we play standard when i play my draw and discard deck cause with those rules it's way unfair. but it's still pretty mean without house rules.)

we don't always play that way. but we started that so we could play on lunch breaks at school and work.

26 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-04-24 23:06 ID:jfZIey0K [Del]

>>24 Lol, I have RB vampires that are standard right now, but what I rellay want to do is build werewolves. They're just so expensive right now... I mean Huntmaster of the Fells is 30 bucks...

>>25 That's neat

27 Name: AeternaAuroraEtCrepusculum!3BjC1sBg5. : 2012-04-24 23:30 ID:L6PnyJeu [Del]

I used to play that way, but then I took a Hail of Arrows to the knee.

Seriously though, I used to play like that, but then I realized the shenanigans that could happen. Like, turn one Darksteel. I think we stopped playing that way when we discovered that I could turn 3 have 500 creatures.

Well, Avacyn is coming out soon and you don't need Huntmaster to make a good deck. 4 Mayors and 4 immerwolfs do a pretty good job all on their own. And Wolfir Silverheart promises to be terrifying.

28 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-04-25 00:01 ID:jfZIey0K [Del]

>>27 Right now i have 1 Immer, and 1 Mayor (and only 2 reckless waifes). I'd focused too much on vampires :( What I'd like to do is trade my vampires for an ok Werewolf deck.

In my vamps I have 4 Nobles, 2 bloodline keepers, and 1 Olivia Voldaren (Only one shop even had 1, and only had one)

29 Name: Iron Fear !hcugXK.swA : 2012-05-21 12:42 ID:eleW09OF [Del]

I want to start playing this again.

30 Name: Alkaradius !jdLjIZssCM : 2012-06-21 16:16 ID:uzQeSM1w [Del]

Blue/Red cards FTW

31 Name: Pioatreides : 2012-07-04 21:33 ID:r6gYI1qp [Del]

I just started playing this game a couple weeks ago and I'm already addicted. I've been playing a lot with some friends who've been playing a while, and with some friends I introduced it to. I already ordered a large amount of cards online haha. twice.

I just finished designing a Blue/White deck mixed with some red. I have 4 Darksteel Ingots in it to supply the mana, plus Islands and Plains, no mountains. haven't tried it out yet so not quite sure how it's gonna fare

32 Name: RyuKente!3GqYIJ3Obs : 2012-07-04 21:58 ID:fcuq4CPW [Del]

I PLAY IT!!! green deck though, i just loves mah spiders and elfs...and i have the baconhawk too!!! i cant play it though xD (watch DesandNate on youtube to find out what the baconhawk is)

33 Name: Pioatreides : 2012-07-04 22:31 ID:r6gYI1qp [Del]

Does anyone play Duels of the Planeswalkers? I was thinking of getting it, is it any good?

34 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-07-04 23:16 ID:Q4xSpalz [Del]

>>33 The videogame?

35 Name: Jupiter : 2012-07-04 23:48 ID:gH8YW0ba [Del]

I was thinking about trying the online one too since I don't always have someone to play with. If anyone knows if it is anygood let us know!

36 Name: Pioatreides : 2012-07-05 01:16 ID:r6gYI1qp [Del]

>>34 yeah, the videogame. I downloaded the demo from steam, it's pretty fun. takes a few turns to get used to the UI, but it's not too hard. the cards are from M13 i think so it's pretty interesting

37 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-07-05 01:43 ID:Q4xSpalz [Del]

>>36I'd get it to get the sneak peak of m13's set.

38 Name: Aeterna!3BjC1sBg5. : 2012-07-21 12:01 ID:BDZUp/T3 [Del]

M13 is out right now.

Also, Return to Ravnica releases this fall; I hope to grab both of the Legendary Orzhov creatures that are coming out. More love for Black-White? Heck yes.

39 Name: Skwishy !WdDCrt9EHs : 2012-07-23 14:28 ID:RYUgEwZC [Del]

I just got back into this game a few months ago. I always run a goblin deck, but this one isn't as good as my old one (never should have sold those cards). But even though it's still a pretty good deck, I can't beat my brothers ninja deck. Mainly cuz I don't have any flying goblins to block his "ornithoptor?" I think it's called. Any tips or help would be welcome lol.

40 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-07-23 15:45 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

>>39 Fling or Goblin Grenade with Goblin Arsonist. When Goblin Arsonist dies, it deals 1 damage to target creature or player. So Goblin Grenade your opponent for 5 to the face, then carry Arsonist's 1 damage over to Ornithopter. Problem solved, and you did 5 damage to him in the process.

41 Name: Ventias : 2012-07-23 22:39 ID:t12Fr25a [Del]

I got into this game after going to warped tour and getting three free decks haha

42 Name: RyuKente!3GqYIJ3Obs : 2012-07-24 02:20 ID:12dcqJPl [Del]

I sat in my 6th period latin class and played this game like every day. It was so much fun.

43 Name: Aeterna!3BjC1sBg5. : 2012-07-24 21:26 ID:BDZUp/T3 [Del]

Ornithopter is a 0/2 flier. There are a couple of Goblins with flying, Goblin Sky Raider comes to mind. If you're really having trouble with flier though, you should try to outpace them. Goblins are rather notorious at doing that.

Plus, Krenko just came out in M13, meaning that you'll always have goblins. And if you have Goblin Chieftain, you'll be hitting big, every turn.


And anyone here play EDH?

44 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-07-24 22:38 ID:Q4xSpalz [Del]

>>43 Well damn.I thought Ornithopter was 0/1. You could aways Bolt or Shock... Unless you want standard but it sounds like your deck isn't. If you're going for standard, then Geistflame since it has flashback. Actually, pretty much any burn will take care of Ornithopter...

I've wanted to play EDH. Is it very fun?

45 Name: Aeterna!3BjC1sBg5. : 2012-07-25 08:48 ID:BDZUp/T3 [Del]

It is. We've had so much hilarity ensue; I've been killed in one hit while at 200 life and I've gone infinite and taken out three players in a single turn. Different games, of course.

Also, the biggest problem with Ornithopter is that it costs 0! Seriously, powerful as hell. And while Ninja isn't nearly as powerful as Affinity, the two new ninjas are awesome. Sakashima's Student is a clone and Silent-Blade Oni steals cards from your opponent and plays them! Oh, so much fun.... I need to fix up my Ninja EDH now that I think about it....

46 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-07-25 20:13 ID:Q4xSpalz [Del]

>>45 They're doing ninjas again in the M13 set?! Are they still blue-black?

And Heartless Hidestugu from Betrayers of Kamigawa was fun. Tap to do 1/2 of your opponents life total rounded down.

47 Name: Aeterna!3BjC1sBg5. : 2012-07-25 22:13 ID:BDZUp/T3 [Del]

No, but there were Ninja's in Planechase. And yes, still blue-black.

Hidetsugu was awesome. Have you seen his friend, Overblaze?

48 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-07-26 02:19 ID:Q4xSpalz [Del]

>>47 I have not :O I remember I had Hidestugu and Yukora the Prisoner though

49 Name: Aeterna!3BjC1sBg5. : 2012-07-26 08:22 ID:BDZUp/T3 [Del]

Overblaze is a red sorcery that doubles the damage target permanent would do this turn. So you target Hidetsugu with it and proceed to make the game a draw. =D

With Gisela around, if you have both out, you can kill your opponents and still live with Hidetsugu. Oh Magic, combos with you are funny.

50 Name: Skwishy !WdDCrt9EHs : 2012-07-26 15:31 ID:RYUgEwZC [Del]

Usually I have to use shock, but I just added some destroy artifact spells. I think it will help. Thanks for the advice guys! Also, >>43 I have Krenko, and I also get my coat of arms on the field not long after him.

51 Name: Aeterna!3BjC1sBg5. : 2012-07-27 11:24 ID:BDZUp/T3 [Del]

Oh god, Coat of Arms.... That brings me back....

It's almost as bad as the Silvers....

52 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-07-27 16:34 ID:j8H638pU [Del]

>>50 Try Ancient Grudge. It's a 1R to destroy target artifact. It has a G flashback cost.

53 Name: Aeterna!3BjC1sBg5. : 2012-07-30 10:33 ID:BDZUp/T3 [Del]

Smelt just came out in M13. Destroy target artifact at instant speed for R? Sounds good.

54 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-07-30 11:55 ID:Q4xSpalz [Del]

>>53 Whaaaaaaat? That's freaking awesome :O

55 Name: Aeterna!3BjC1sBg5. : 2012-07-30 12:54 ID:BDZUp/T3 [Del]

That was my reaction. I felt kind of bad for Shatter. I don't normally play destruction though; I prefer exiling EVERYTHING. Or making you SACRIFICE EVERYTHING.

56 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-08-01 23:22 ID:Q4xSpalz [Del]

>>55 Exile? Did I hear someone say infinite mana combo with Red Sun? :O

57 Name: Aeterna!3BjC1sBg5. : 2012-08-02 20:32 ID:BDZUp/T3 [Del]

Oh god, just thought of all the crazy combos in Red. Stupid bloody, Red Sun's Zenith. Ugh.... Hate that card. My roommate pegged me with it for 30 one game after top decking Koth....

58 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-08-03 15:17 ID:Q4xSpalz [Del]

>>57 I was playing against turbo fog and Red Sun'ed my opponent for 19 to the face. He made me destroy my Mountains, but I was able to draw 4 cards next turn, drew into a mountain and red sun and wrecked him lol. Now Myrs. Myrs are ridiculous.

59 Name: Aeterna!3BjC1sBg5. : 2012-08-03 16:37 ID:BDZUp/T3 [Del]

TurboFog is quite..... annoying, to say the least. Most of my decks tend to focus on life drain or poison, so I'm safe. I also like to add a bit of recursion to stop mill decks. But what was he running for land destruction in Fog? For that matter, how were you drawing four IN A RED DECK!?

And yes. Myrs are ridiculous. Not as much as slivers, but they do get up there. I know a guy (we call him BirdMan because he is obsessed with all of the Bird creatures) who liked to call his deck "The Myr Machine Gun." It ran all sorts of 'fun' stuff, like Cometstorm and Myr BattleSphere.

60 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-08-04 02:29 ID:Q4xSpalz [Del]

>>59 It may have been Celestial Purge or Venser Sojurner. But It was his card that allowed both of us to draw an extra card per turn, and he had 3 of them.

61 Name: Kendar!!RdsHSZW+ : 2012-08-04 05:25 ID:zTyDnURJ [Del]

Once I made myself a ramasuri deck and my friends were going insance because it was way to overpowered xD

62 Name: Aeterna!3BjC1sBg5. : 2012-08-04 21:57 ID:BDZUp/T3 [Del]

..... Neither of those do extra card draw. I think you are talking about Howling Mine though..... Very fun GroupHug card.

I am unfamiliar with Ramasuri. Please explain.

63 Name: zolraK : 2012-08-05 00:32 ID:KNyz9514 [Del]

I don't play it. But there's a group of guys at school who would play every day and I would watch. I didn't get at all what they were doing though. I kind of miss the Pokemon/Yu-Gi-Oh fad.

64 Name: Aeterna!3BjC1sBg5. : 2012-09-02 13:37 ID:BDZUp/T3 [Del]

Well, all of the new abilities for Return to Ravnica have been released. Safe to say I now hate the Azorius and Jund.

65 Name: Kvothe : 2013-01-24 09:43 ID:g5a89j8q [Del]

i run mono black based around damage from draw/discard

66 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-01-24 12:20 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

>>65 Completely unrelated, I imagine you've read the Name of the Wind?

67 Name: InquisitorAeterna!HERESYxWhE : 2013-01-24 21:31 ID:gcj60YZ6 [Del]

Do you go primarily permanents or spells?

I have no clue what you're talking about.

68 Name: Feral!/AFattYDZQ : 2013-01-24 22:14 ID:ddMq9COa [Del]

I'm primary GW Angel Population, ramping off Moonsilver Spears and Entreats. A bit slow, but man can it be scary.

Going Boros (RW) tomorrow.

69 Name: Qzxzzy : 2013-01-24 22:40 ID:fHAX0nyy [Del]

I'm running colorless Eldrazi tron for modern.
Monogreen fight club with stuffy doll for standard
and momir Vig EDH.

The new simic stuff looks super fun.

70 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-01-24 22:40 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

>>67Kvothe is the name of the main character in that book, and it's also >>65's username.

>>68 Get a couple Avacyn's Pilgrims.

71 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-01-24 22:40 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

>>67Kvothe is the name of the main character in that book, and it's also >>65's username.

>>68 Get a couple Avacyn's Pilgrims.

72 Name: SIFU : 2013-02-24 23:29 ID:nJKMIQM3 [Del]

YES! Right now I'm still only running 2 decks because I don't have the money and haven't put aside the time to build a new deck. My senior year my friends all started a MTG club at school. It was pretty fun. I run a Red Goblin Token deck and a Black and Green Infect. They were both super fun to play. Both of them are quick and I can usually win in the first few rounds. I love MTG! XD

73 Name: Crimison : 2013-02-25 07:10 ID:Z2PWdgYe [Del]

Cool thread. I run a mono black, working on a zombie counter deck. I also have a minor blue/green. But beware the zombies. You can find me at a place called phoenix rising in salisbury, Maryland, but that's all the info I'm disclosing to find me. :D

74 Name: Aeterna!HERESY3OoI : 2013-02-25 19:29 ID:gcj60YZ6 [Del]

Well then.....

I'm busy constructing two additional EDH decks; One is a 5color Sliver Deck, the other a BWU Epser based around Sen Triplets.

Again, I recommend the EDH format to you all; It is an incredibly fun slower casual format.

Oh yeah:

Slivers are evil and Slivers are sly,
And if you get eaten then no one will cry.

75 Name: Day/Dia : 2013-02-26 08:22 ID:hSJDMNHO [Del]

Guys, if you want to play online against each other, use Cockatrice.

It's basically MTG online. - Windows Version

76 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-02-26 20:22 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

I can't even go to FNM because I work every fucking Friday...

77 Name: Aeterna!HERESY3OoI : 2013-02-26 21:46 ID:gcj60YZ6 [Del]

I don't go to FNM because the nearest one is over 40min away.

And because I don't play Standard.


78 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-02-28 19:02 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

>>77 We have 2 places for FNM in town, luckily.

79 Name: dami-kun : 2013-02-28 20:18 ID:MlTuydCa [Del]

I have a balck and white deck, and a green and white deck. My fav color of all is black though. Lol.

80 Name: Hibari? : 2013-03-08 14:21 ID:B+RpzDFl [Del]


81 Name: FeralOnADifferentCompHurrDurr : 2013-03-08 15:29 ID:DHcSwd6h [Del]

So, running Boros rage... I feel so dirty playing red, but the wins are soooo tasty. Running at least 3-1 at my local FNM, playing against 2012 World Champ.

82 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-03-08 22:48 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

Changed my vampires to mono-black with Rakdos Guildgates and Rakdos Keyrunes for red mana to cast Olivia Voldaren and Stromkirk Captain. Much faster, and I love Shadowalley Denizen.

Also, going to build an EDH deck around Avacyn.

83 Name: Firo : 2013-03-08 23:04 ID:57lWQKuE [Del]

So after a year of playing (not competitively), I have created what my friends believe some of the best decks they've ever seen (and refuse to play if I use them). Modern only tho.

-Black/Red Wither with the help of Unleash and Unearth (fast)
-Black/Green Golgari with Scavenge and Morbid (medium)
-Mono White Soldiers with Darien King of Kjeldor (fast)
-Mono Red Dragons with Utvara Hellkite (medium)

I have more, but those are some of my favorites.

84 Name: Aeterna!HERESY3OoI : 2013-03-09 00:44 ID:gcj60YZ6 [Del]


Random Card suggestions:
True Conviction
Planar Cleansing
Mana Tithe
Land Tax (If you can get one, I envy you)
Strata Scythe

Modern is God-Tier; although Legacy takes a close second.
I have a B/W Modern Infect that is a pain to play against; One touch is all I need.

85 Name: Firo : 2013-03-09 15:54 ID:57lWQKuE [Del]

>>84 I've been wanting to create an infect for some time now. My first shot at it was Blue/Green with Proliferate, but it was too slow because everything was expensive.

86 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-03-09 18:35 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

>>84 Haven't played it yet. Wanting to try it out thought, lol.

87 Name: Firo : 2013-03-22 00:25 ID:57lWQKuE [Del]

I'm finally trying out EDH for the first time, but I need an idea to build a deck out of.

88 Name: Aeterna!HERESY3OoI : 2013-03-22 09:49 ID:Gr1QsYg9 [Del]

Do you have a general in mind? I know a lot of awesome combos if you can name one.

89 Name: Live 2 Die !3Sd75li6/6 : 2013-03-22 22:07 ID:QiRId030 [Del]

Have yet to play it. But I now want to.

90 Name: Live 2 Die : 2013-03-27 18:11 ID:QiRId030 [Del]

Just got mah first deck.

91 Name: sean : 2013-03-28 19:16 ID:4uMM/VFd [Del]

i have four decks, and i play against friends. i once went to a camp where people played it nonstop. it was like they worshiped the game.

92 Name: (Aeterna)!HERESYxWhE : 2013-05-22 07:24 ID:w3KwNGUX [Del]

What are you playing?

Random question: Which camp? I've noticed many camps that I go/went to play the game religiously.

93 Name: Feral!/AFattYDZQ : 2013-05-23 21:15 ID:ddMq9COa (Image: 236x385 png, 10 kb) [Del]

src/1369361750205.png: 236x385, 10 kb
Have a Boros Blitz build that seems to work fairly well, but it doesn't feel quite right. Thoughts or suggestions?

94 Name: (Aeterna)!HERESYxWhE : 2013-05-25 13:59 ID:w3KwNGUX [Del]

Well, it's very creature dependent. You'd need 4 Legion's Initiative (HAVE A NICE TIME GETTING THEM) to get around many of the tricks that are being played. It would also use some enchantment removal: Blind Obedience would shut this down.

Any deck running white would just sideboard in a few copies, along with some board wipes; some form of recursion would help. I suggest Angel of Glory's Rise: You have enough humans to make it viable. You may need a few more lands to play it effectively, but it would be at the top of your curve and allow you to come back from destruction.

95 Name: Scepnex : 2013-07-02 23:00 ID:h1DuvjMv [Del]

Oh my god the cat deck. My friends and I joke about making one all the time, but I never thought someone actually would xD

Anyways, I play a RW human token deck. Burn at the Stake is so jokes. Also curses of Bloodletting and Pierced heart :P

96 Name: zachary-kun : 2013-08-26 10:22 ID:/pkjZN7y [Del]

i play a green white deck that has 4 trostanis summoners, 4 alive and wells, odric master tactitian, 2 unflinching courages, 2 armored wolf riders, 3 bronzebeak moa's, a maze sentinal and maze behemoth, and emmara tandris. also i play a black red rackdos and goblin deck that almost never gets going.

97 Name: Aeterna!HERESYxWhE : 2013-09-03 11:04 ID:w3KwNGUX [Del]

Theros Spoilers have begun.

Oh god, that Elspeth. Do want.

98 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-09-03 18:54 ID:IUzDiHVo [Del]


99 Name: Xenon!!1iXgfdW/ : 2013-09-08 23:39 ID:Do1F8DvB [Del]

I just started a few months ago and I've only played 2 games so far so I'm a beginner. My main deck is a Green Red deck based around powering up my creatures. I'm also working on a White Red deck and a Black Red deck but I haven't actually tried them out yet.

100 Name: Aeterna!HERESYxWhE : 2013-09-09 08:21 ID:w3KwNGUX [Del]

It sounds as though you are playing either Standard or Modern (pleb). While there are a number of ways to play any of those three, I would have to ask what your budget is. Even on a low budget, you can make those decks work wonders, especially the Gruul Aggro.

Goddamn, I hate the Gruul. Way to straight forward.

101 Name: chii : 2013-10-08 00:29 ID:kT36uiOh [Del]

i started a year ago and play in my school after classes. Luv the game since my sis and my old health teacher showed me MTG :3 . I now have 3 decks.

Green/Blue - Slow and steady with evolve and cards that allow me to draw more cards.
White/Blue - More control and slightly faster. Tapping creatures and detain
Black/Red - Not my strong points in MTG, although fast with haste and blasters

102 Name: blackest dust : 2013-10-09 18:32 ID:N8/cJa7g [Del]


103 Name: Rien : 2013-10-10 10:36 ID:8fzxZVc7 [Del]

My friend plays this game!! She's pretty obsessed with it. She's willing to explain it to me, so I might be playing it sometime. :)

104 Name: Vanitas : 2015-06-05 00:24 ID:M3OXHPDH (Image: 258x196 jpg, 12 kb) [Del]

src/1433481870519.jpg: 258x196, 12 kb
Hey! this is an old thread! XD

Anyway, hey guys, my current favorite deck is a Selesnya Token deck, i call it my Tolkien deck, since a lot of the tokens it generates are reminiscent of creatures you would find in J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.

I did have a question for you guys though, currently the Tolkien deck is a casual deck, and im looking to turning it into a competitive modern deck, what would be some good cards to consider?


105 Name: Brighten : 2015-06-05 03:38 ID:fe8fMEyd [Del]

Ooh man. I stopped playing like a few months after Journey Into Nyx came out. This post is really making me want to play. I usually run a black/blue mill deck, or a mono blue control deck. I know i'm a douche, haha.

106 Name: Vanitas : 2015-06-05 11:47 ID:M3OXHPDH [Del]

Actually, black blue mill is my other main deck XD

its always so hard to play though cause, it almost guarantees that people will be pissed at you, that's what i love about it though XD

107 Name: Brighten : 2015-06-05 17:18 ID:gck+gv/0 [Del]

>>106 YES EXACTLY!! hahaha. I use a Phenax and a Consuming Abberation to double the graveyard every turn. If I can manage to pull my jace memory adept and ashiok, that's a plus

108 Name: Vanitas : 2015-06-05 22:05 ID:M3OXHPDH [Del]

My buddy has a Phenax that i'm dying to trade with him, but he won't have it cause he is already using it in some other deck of his!

And while i don't have access to a Consuming Aberation i instead run a Bonehard, not quite as good, but its got it's own pros.

However, my favorite card has definitely got to be Traumatize

109 Name: Sigiled Hawk : 2015-07-09 15:30 ID:rRpq2dkl [Del]

I'm so glad I found this post. I'm such a huge of that game. I'm a bant player. And play mostly the format commander. What commanders do you guys play?

110 Name: SpaceKnight : 2015-07-11 03:16 ID:W5F5l/73 [Del]

YAY!!! an MTG post :D. Yeah, I've only recently started playing it and only have 1 deck (Red/Blue) but in the future I'm hoping to get a Blue/Black deck... any ideas for good cards to put in either?

111 Name: Sigiled Hawk : 2015-07-16 06:31 ID:rRpq2dkl [Del]

SpaceKnight, depends on format and if you want to play competitive or casual/fun. But I'll give you a list of cards regardless. Steam vents (obviously) scalding tarn, sulfer falls, invoke the firemind, dominus of Fealty, mercurial chemister, steam augury, counterflux (love this card), mizzium morters, brainstorm, telling time, desolate lighthouse (good when in a pinch), reliquary tower (blue red loves to draw), izzet boilerworks, chasm skulker (gets really big really fast) reverberate, soothsaying (sometimes better than a Sol ring), Sol ring (good in just about any deck), Nin the pain artist (not only can you kill their creatures but you can draw off your own as well), pongify and rapid hybrid (blue removal). Goblin electromancer. Blue black I'll cover later in the day, gotta get to work.

112 Name: Sigiled Hawk : 2015-08-04 08:54 ID:MEYdJ9ji [Del]

Hopefully I may get a reply but I need assistance. I've looked on blogs and I've watched videos and they don't seem to be sufficient. I need help building my EDH Surrak dragon claw deck. Any suggestions that make this deck synergetic and a force to be reckoned with?

113 Name: Tempus Dues Machina : 2015-10-20 14:50 ID:n0p+g7IF [Del]

So what deck archetypes does everyone think will be best in the new BFZ standard?

114 Name: SigiledHawk : 2015-10-22 00:14 ID:6Yl4UaG/ [Del]

I honestly think allies will be good. But i play alot of commander. Ive noticed alot of 60 card players playing hangarback. It appears to be really good.

115 Name: Sora : 2015-11-21 17:19 ID:n0p+g7IF [Del]

I Found a MTG giveaway on youtube that i think some other people here may want to enter

116 Name: Diazex : 2015-11-22 11:47 ID:78b2I+KL [Del]

I run a rainbow deck ^-^ minimal red though.

117 Name: TitanKing !aeNeBYCTyE : 2015-11-22 13:19 ID:wQXEVoM/ [Del]

Modern mono green. Fear the mana ramp and aggro! >:D

118 Name: Foxhound !jaBq616JlY : 2015-11-22 19:28 ID:a2bbxPD1 [Del]

Slivers are the best.

119 Name: Jel : 2015-11-22 21:12 ID:5EbkR7xJ [Del]

I loooove black, but I also play with my rainbow deck sometimes.
I'm not very good, unless I'm playing against someone who just started, lol.

120 Name: Vidoro : 2015-11-23 01:58 ID:99d0oHKV [Del]

Blue and Green <3

121 Name: Yugen!tLonFZl0Bk : 2015-11-29 23:39 ID:TsUiEjyB [Del]

Black/red/green, Eldrazi/Golgari/explosions/swarming.

Slow. Needs to be severely edited. Late-game strength only. Promising, but sad.

122 Name: Kaput !NOmkIm4MDc : 2015-12-01 07:37 ID:eAfCfmhm [Del]

White/Red (Boros Burn Deck)

123 Name: Aivalte : 2015-12-01 15:14 ID:PITQf1t8 [Del]

I like to run a red and blue control deck with a few pingers just for kicks.

124 Name: Rykero : 2015-12-06 15:42 ID:zV/Vez2s [Del]


125 Name: Sigiled Hawk : 2015-12-30 08:35 ID:6Yl4UaG/ [Del]

Bump.. HUGE magic fan.

126 Name: TinyT99 : 2016-01-01 03:12 ID:l9k1DCvV [Del]

Cards against humanity anyone. Just played a game like 6 hours ago. So much fun but some of us will got to gamer he'll for some of our combination.

127 Name: sharo : 2016-01-02 01:46 ID:rUv1Iezm [Del]

Simic all the way...