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Online gamers? (10)

1 Name: MastaT : 2011-08-12 21:23 ID:7fx6VEmd [Del]

Does anyone here play any mmo's they wanna mention?

2 Name: mr.tophat : 2011-08-12 23:59 ID:68nqkFCK [Del]

dynasty warriors online

3 Name: Egerod !U.FlFSg2r. : 2011-08-13 06:36 ID:fp8s1lNx [Del]

World of Wacraft, server: EU-Argent Dawn, Egerod if you wanna find me ingame =)

4 Name: alfrancism : 2011-08-13 06:50 ID:Dh4q92e1 [Del]

Vindictus! fun free and the gameplay is different. supported by Valve's Source Engine, and the story is actually not bad for an MMO. it's kept me in for over a year which is a lot more than any other f2p game kept me in. give it a try, you might like it

5 Name: HyeMi : 2011-08-13 10:55 ID:QXIvpt6U [Del]

SA !!!!!!!!

6 Name: Chye : 2011-08-13 16:39 ID:OCKmN+fw [Del]

Second Life? I honestly think there are NO restrictions to what you can make your avi look like. That's the main reason I play. Other MMOs I've played always lack creative freedom with your avis, and you can either follow a pre-established story or create your own.

Though, this may just appeal more to me because I'm a writer/artist. I like to be able to freely create.

The game itself is free, and you can find a lot of free items in the market place if you know how. There are also whole areas full of free and/or cheaply priced items for either new players or people who don't have/want to spend the money to buy items.

If you do, you use real money to buy "Lindens" (<-L$) which is the in-game currency. Don't know about other places, but in US$ its like this: $4 = L$1000

7 Name: MastaT : 2011-08-13 21:38 ID:7fx6VEmd [Del]

I've always wanted to try WoW, It just seems like a game I'd feel comfortable playing.
I played Vindictus with a couple of people.. I think I stopped around lv 20?... it was just too laggy for me. If that could be fixed I'd play it more.
i.. dont know what SA is :c...
I see Second Life all over the place but I've never thought of trying it before.. Maybe I could try it just for the sake of trying it.

The only game I always find myself going back to is S4 League.. It's a free2play futuristic shoot em up game. The graphics are pretty hot and its got all kinds of cool weapons and skills.
I've played Ragnarok,Soul Masters, Grand Fantasia, Gunz, Dungeon Nest, Audition, Megaten, GhostX,Shaiya, Maple Story, Mini Fighter, RayCity, Project Powder, Dungeon Fighters, Cabal... and a bunch others that i cant remember :| .... right now...

8 Name: マシンガン : 2011-08-13 22:29 ID:6hx7vpu2 [Del]

>>2 Dynasty Warriors is pretty fun, but I like to have a lot of options for customization, and there aren't that many.

>>4 Vindictus, like many other Nexon games, is meant to suck the life out of you. If I recall (I was in beta) you have to pay REAL MONEY to run dungeons...that's worse than when you had to be a "premium member" in Mabinogi to participate in the storyline (generation quests).

Although, I did/do enjoy Mabinogi. Add me I'm Chirushi on Tarlach. xD

9 Name: Egerod !U.FlFSg2r. : 2011-08-14 08:55 ID:fp8s1lNx [Del]

>>7 I play S4 aswell, it's a great shooting game!

10 Name: alfrancism : 2011-08-14 23:16 ID:Dh4q92e1 [Del]

vindictus has completely changed since beta lol never had to pay real money for dongeons though