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Ark's updated Wii Library (8)

1 Name: Ark : 2011-06-15 20:00 ID:FawbX9p+ [Del]

No More Heroes
No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle
Trauma Center: Second Opinion
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes
Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love
Metroid: Other M
Monster Hunter Tri
Super Smash Bros: Brawl

Dont hold back, tell me more you may know :D

2 Name: Bubbles : 2011-06-16 12:50 ID:W/3OD1Ub [Del]

I'm glad you got monster hunter 3 ^^ and.. do you like mario games? like "new super mario bros wii" and the super mario galaxy games? Or what do you say about slaughtering a bunch of zombies in "Dead rising Wii"? :)

3 Name: Sad : 2011-06-17 11:14 ID:bQin7tjR [Del]

Ew... I don't know if you have any consoles, but if you do, pick up Dead Rising for anything but the Wii.

The mall is smaller, bosses are removed/ replaced with tougher zombies, you can't jump, Frank West, the photojournalist can't take pictures, and one of the best parts about Dead Rising, the huge hordes of zombies, is of course scaled back for the Wii. Oh and it looks uglier.

4 Name: Ark : 2011-06-17 11:34 ID:195yrl7n [Del]

>> 3

Well, I plan to buy the PS3 and the 3DS sometime this year.PS3 for Catherine and all the games that come soon after, and the 3DS for Kid Icarus and Devil Survivor Overclocked.

Till then, Im stuck with the Wii and its limited supply of awesome games XD

5 Name: Ark : 2011-06-17 11:34 ID:195yrl7n [Del]

>> 3

Well, I plan to buy the PS3 and the 3DS sometime this year.PS3 for Catherine and all the games that come soon after, and the 3DS for Kid Icarus and Devil Survivor Overclocked.

Till then, Im stuck with the Wii and its limited supply of awesome games XD

6 Name: Pintapau : 2011-06-17 13:55 ID:j313+eEO [Del]

The only decent Wii game I can thing of from my own limited library that you don't already have would be Paper Mario (but then again, I've always loved the series, so it may in fact not be as awesome as I think). Avoid the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicals games like the plague.

And when you get that PS3, make sure to grab a copy of Valkyria Chronicals if you can find it. It sells for around $20 now and is well worth the price.

7 Name: Bubbles : 2011-06-17 16:14 ID:W/3OD1Ub [Del]

>>3 But it's a great game if you've never known the great graphics of other games :|

>>6 have you even played "the crystal bearers"? It's nothing like the other crystal chronicles games (Which are awesome but doesn't exist on the wii), in it you've got this crystal power which allows the main character to lift any object with the wii remote pointer and fling it at opponents allowing for some suprisingly awesome combos!

Ark, Check out this gameplay video and hopefully you will see what an amazing game this is :)

8 Name: Sad : 2011-06-17 17:00 ID:bQin7tjR [Del]


Still. Dead Rising is a good game. Dead Rising Wii is taking a good game, turning down the graphics, reducing the size of the mall, and taking away hordes of zombies, but in return there are silly mini games and Wiimote wagglin'.

Ark, if you're getting a PS3, you may want to pick up Dead Rising 2. The only problem there is a DLC epilogue exclusive to the 360. You could also wait for Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, which is improving upon DR2 and has a non-canon storyline.

Also, definitely get Valkyria Chronicles.