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Visual Novels







Demon Souls (18)

1 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-06-01 10:55 ID:ppjAbcKX (Image: 620x393 jpg, 74 kb) [Del]

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Recently I've been playing this a lot, and with the advent of discovering that R3 locks on for aiming, I've been enjoying it on a whole new level.

The setting is thus: Humanity once stood united under a benign rule, owing its prosperity to the Soul Arts - However, a lust for power awakened the Old One, and ushered forth a colorless fog around the land of Boletaria. With the fog came demons, who prey upon the souls of man as sustenance and amusement - Leaving in their wake twisted monstrosities of what used to be, soul starved madmen who must devour the souls of others to stay sane themselves, and even a select few who are still sane... but no less dangerous.

Choose your friends and foes wisely, every person you talk to may heal you just as soon as hurt you. Gather your wits, your equipment and your patience - The greater demons await you.

So getting through that, Demon Souls is one of the old fashioned Nintendo-Hard kind of games. The controls can take some getting used to - Your shoulder buttons will surely get a work out - as can things such as learning the icons for stats.

However the real crown and jewel of Demon Souls is this: gameplay.

You start your illustrious journey as one of a wide spread of classes - I personally enjoy starting with Hunter or Wanderer, though Royal is also a nice choice due to starting with a ring that slowly regens MP and a pre-learned spell, as well as the lowest starting level.

After you start, with gratuitous character customization, you traverse through a very shitty location and, in an act that foreshadows what you will be doing the rest of the entire game: you run across something so absurdly dangerous with no real forewarning as to what it is, or what it can do, or how to fight it.

And you die. Get used to that.

luckily your revived in the Nexus, where you can store equipment, upgrade/repair equipment, and a variety of other things - provided you know who to talk to and what you need to do in order to get the desired result.

From there you get your first experience with... the basic run of Demon Souls. Thrust into a world where the enemies have all the best spots manned, with traps - both obvious and very not obvious - littered around the area. You can die from falling, from fighting, to traps, to your own misthrown attacks...

Even better, once you beat the game - you can start a New Game+, which increase all the monsters stats and difficulty by roughly 40%.

Then, just to tack on how brutal the game gets, every beaten time after that raises the bar by another 8% roughly. Infinitely.

Another facet to this game is that it tells you nothing. At all. It rarely warns you, it never explains to you what it wants. The name of the game is Trial and Error. One tidbit I will give you is this - in the first stage of Boletaria, you can run across a ledge with chains on it. If you break the chains it will release items on the ground - Run back down to find a jade hairpin.

Stockpile Thomas back in the Nexus, if you talk to him, mentions having had a daughter. The jade hairpin description says it might have belonged to a young girl. Take it back to him to get a very useful ring.

And take note - Thats the kind of thing this game is. Nothing gives you the idea you could break those chains, nothing tells you the items were even there - and you don't notice them there unless you go back down.

And unless you make those connections, that ring is pretty much lost forever.

Anyway, anyone play this? I've been doing it in offline mode, and its something else. Most strategies you find online are PvP based, and even then - the ones that aren't seem to be written on the basis that you already know everything about the game. The funniest thing - The few PvE walkthroughs you find? tend to start of by saying "summon help".

Encouraging, isn't it?

2 Name: Combustible Lemon : 2011-06-02 00:10 ID:sG/tON65 [Del]

This is a great, great game. Oh btw, this site helps..ALOT.

3 Name: Sirnak : 2011-06-02 07:04 ID:PCsKpMv5 [Del]

Indeed a wonderful game. Too bad masterpieces like that, that displays truly new and challenging ideas, do not get close to having half the attention a game with big hype can have. Guess that's the price of having the game business getting so big.

4 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-06-02 14:26 ID:tJTLSKca [Del]

It got IGN's best game of the year, but yeah - its still amazingly niche. Its sad when most people are like "what is that?" when you try and talk about it.

5 Name: Puck !OTHETEnDOU : 2014-05-23 15:13 ID:AvqVAK4v [Del]

Just you wait till Dark Souls and Dark Souls II guys!
gonna be great!

6 Name: JZwei : 2014-06-20 09:15 ID:CcXtVzSU [Del]

Anyone still playing this?
I've got a PvP build sitting in the 120 range, but everyone seems to have migrated to Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2.

7 Name: RavenBiter : 2014-06-24 10:59 ID:o/iBwWcD [Del]

I still play this game its still the best

8 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-06-24 22:26 ID:oVYyAckl [Del]

I started playing this game recently. I've clocked in a good 10 hours, and I'm fucking loving it.

9 Name: MilMo : 2014-06-26 05:48 ID:ca38DQC9 (Image: 1024x768 jpg, 132 kb) [Del]

src/1403779714835.jpg: 1024x768, 132 kb
Check out this game! You can play it on Facebook and
It's called MilMo

10 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-06-26 09:45 ID:z3Ph/tbH [Del]

>>9 Get out of this thread.

11 Name: Venundreb : 2014-10-26 13:45 ID:1j1dp/ox [Del]

Today the Return To The Nexus event starts.
Check it out:

12 Name: Shikai : 2014-10-26 17:22 ID:BpVxPPcL [Del]

Atlus is a god of good video games for me, everyone of em' that i have played have been absolutely cherry! But yes the game is amazing, however the ending kinda left me hollow...guess thats the point though. :P

13 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-28 13:22 ID:5ACAsjrs [Del]

Demon souls. It's the the worst souls in the series but, there are still idiots who still play it. I found nine of them on this thread and, this is their stories.

14 Name: Venundreb : 2014-10-29 19:27 ID:3+asm9Us [Del]

>>13 At first I wanted to ignore your bullshit but reading this again I just feel like I have to ask, is this a joke?

15 Name: BloodGallade : 2014-10-29 21:06 ID:cbErDR8g [Del]

>>13 We all question your sanity sir/madame because you obviously haven't learned "You Troll, Shizuo Executes"

16 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-30 05:17 ID:n4YBXZMf [Del]

>>14>>15 demon souls was the worst in the series, sorry.
Though, Dark Souls 2 was pretty shitty too.
Demon souls wasn't shitty like DS2 is, but it's still shitty.
Dark Souls 1 is where perfection is. They should just redo that game with some of the mechanic tweaks from DS2, maybe some siq graffix too.

17 Name: Venundreb : 2014-10-30 20:05 ID:KK0dlA9L [Del]

>>16 Why do you think Demons Souls is so bad?

18 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-30 21:15 ID:zXks9AN7 [Del]

>>17 it just didn't engage or move me like Dark Souls did.
To be fair though, I played Dark Souls before I played Demon Souls and I think if that wasn't the case that i would have liked it a lot more than I did. Dark Souls set the bar for me.