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Visual Novels







Ar Tonelico series (15)

1 Name: Pintapau : 2011-05-18 09:02 ID:j313+eEO (Image: 1024x768 jpg, 330 kb) [Del]

src/1305727343499.jpg: 1024x768, 330 kb
Opinions? Personally I think it's one of the better RPG series out there because it tried something a little bit different and mostly succeeded (no comment on Qoga's battle system though).

2 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-05-20 07:03 ID:vtnJylrz [Del]

Definitely no comment on Qoga's battle system...

I loved AT:II's soundtrack and battle system though, as well as the built in dating-simesque dive features.

Fleshing out the characters like that was great - Especially loved going through Mir's cosmosphere... Though between Mir and Cloche...

3 Name: Pintapau : 2011-05-21 09:30 ID:j313+eEO [Del]

MIR! I found her cosmosphere extremely interesting - or at least what I remember of it. I played the second shortly after it came out, but I've somehow forgotten mostly everything about it and the first game, so I'm juggling replaying 1 and 2 whilst clearing Qoga. It is literally the only series of games I can claim to have felt completely new when I've replayed them, with all new surprises waiting around every corner. Not even Final Fantasy can claim that.

4 Name: Pintapau : 2011-05-21 10:06 ID:j313+eEO [Del]

Note to self: Making posts at midnight is not the best idea. Above points still stand though.

5 Name: Akito : 2011-05-26 00:27 ID:jNn5ILGX [Del]

I almost got to play that today :0 but one of my friends said I wouldn't like it soi didn't get to.. I'll try and play it next time, fur shur. >:|

6 Name: The Doctor : 2012-05-27 19:26 ID:6zFLRkQj [Del]

I love Ar Tonelico 2, But I can't seem to beat it, towards the end, where you fight that Robot Maid who mistakes you for an enemy, right in the middle of the fight, my game freezes......
tried to replay it, but at the same spot, it froze again....
I found a crack in the disk, so I got a newer, clean one...... AND IT FREAKIN FROZE AT THE ....EXACT....SAME....SPOT!!!!!!!

And it's only this game, all my other games are fine, can anyone help me out on this?

7 Name: Zero : 2012-05-28 02:36 ID:oiv2iSJi [Del]

I have two and three.

I'm stuck on the robot with the tuba on its back in two, and i can't remember with three (aka Qoga) overall I LOVE this series!!!

8 Post deleted by user.

9 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-05-28 17:37 ID:JzUAKdiH [Del]


Ar Tonelico II has this weird issue - Well, two of them technically. One of the end bosses will actually deal so much damage that your system says "fuck it, I give up".

I forget whether that boss was your maid or not, though. The solution was literally to just beat the boss before that happened.

Edit: Make sure you've found and subdued as many Reyvateils as possible to power Cloche's orbital laser. If you get it powered up enough, you can more or less just point it at the boss and call down your annihilation of love and justice to wipe them off the face of the earth.

If the game provides you the option of befriending people Nanoha style, then it is always the best option.

10 Name: The Doctor : 2012-05-29 10:41 ID:6zFLRkQj [Del]

>>9 Thanks

11 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2012-05-29 15:41 ID:j313+eEO [Del]

>>10 One thing to note however is that this issue only occurs on the NTSC version of Ar Tonelico II. I've managed to play the game with both the NTSC and PAL versions, and I can confirm that for whatever reason the PAL version doesn't have this bug.

Also, I keep on meaning to remake this thread. Every time I look back at it, I keep on thinking what a lack of time and effort I put in. It's kind of an old shame really.

12 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-05-29 17:23 ID:xk/A6I2k [Del]


The overflow is a coding error, if I recall correctly. It has to do with how the damage formula is calculated/compiled and it fucks with the western released PS3s.

I actually didn't have this problem - Mainly because I endorse Nanoha Befriending and it never got a chance to freeze :V

13 Name: Kion Stelz : 2012-06-01 01:06 ID:LMCGOms5 [Del]

im currently playing it on a friends ps3 well Qoga at least
the game is so funny and find myself playing it just to see if it gets funnier and it dose... battle system is confusing.

14 Name: TheMattVis : 2012-06-06 03:20 ID:02NGnbIL [Del]

>>9 Yeah i know, but I actually beat it (just the normal story though) while defeated her for 15 times to get a bonus pic i can't do that,,, I'm just win using 3 turns before she attack just until the 7 level.

That makes me just get one the bonus pic...

15 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-06-06 14:27 ID:eIWzTqp0 [Del]


Qoga's battle system? Confusing? The game does a bad job of actually telling you what to do, so I'll lay out the gist of it for you:

1. Begin battle

2a. Set Reyvateils to combat-stripping

3. Have your white haired idiot of a protag smack things with his implausible weapon until Reyvateil is naked

4. Aim her at someone you don't like

5. Unleash her annihilation of love

6. If for some reason they aren't dead, repeat steps 2-5.

And as a final note, Remember the rules of combat-stripping: The enemy can look, but not touch. If they attempt to interact with your combat-stripper, shove a V-board or steeplejack-hammer-scissor-sword thing up their ass. (hit Circle to instantly pop out of nowhere and pimpslap them away from your Reyvateil)

And the most important thing to remember is that unlike Ar Tonelico II, Qoga's protagonist is an unattractive dipshit. Cocona style song-magic will always be the correct path to go.

For that matter, unlike Ar Tonelico II, the blonde in this one is an unlikable clutz. Twintails Tsundere will always be the correct path to go.