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Visual Novels







.hack (10)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2011-05-12 16:06 ID:s1VENaRn [Del]

what's your opinion on the game series, .hack

2 Name: Mael : 2011-05-13 04:38 ID:DVAEw959 [Del]

Lol to be honest, I never played the first 4... But i played GU which i loved! I hear from some that the first 4 are better, and some say that they suck lol. I plan on playing them soon though.

3 Name: Sad : 2011-05-13 15:39 ID:yn4ZjONu [Del]

I've read Legend of the Twilight and seen .hack//sign, but I've never actually played the games. It's too bad there'll likely never be a .hack MMO ; _;

4 Name: Mael : 2011-05-13 17:48 ID:aGSmzi0b [Del]

>>3 That would be the shit if there was though. :P They should just create 'The World' so we can all be happy..

5 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-05-13 18:24 ID:YBv1UYW2 [Del]


Actually there was. At least twice that I know of. The first was an official distribution that never saw an english translation - It closed down some time ago due to low player base, falling behind the MMO crowd in terms of gameplay, and, interestingly enough, there actually were glitches that could wipe your entire character or set monsters with essentially unlimited HP.

The second was a fan production that I was following for a while, but haven't kept up with since. It would most likely just be for the most hardcore fans, as it wasn't anything amazing to look at - Even the demos of it were fairly bland. The community was all very .hack oriented though.

As for the games - God I loved the IMOQ quartet. I dumped more hours of my life into those four games than any other series except Disgaea.

Skeith is like your wake up call boss, if you're not prepared correctly then the fight can very easily start going into the 1-2 hour length. Yes, 1-2 hours of nothing but constant healing, maneuvering, buffing, attacking and micromanaging. It's insane.

6 Name: Bacurik : 2011-05-14 23:24 ID:oE2/OJHx [Del]

>>5 I sadly had to deal with the hours of fighting him, just to lose at the end. I raged to a point that I dropped the game for a while, beat the G.U series then came back to it. After gaining 3 levels I beat him. Don't know why 3 levels made such a difference, but I have never felt such happiness in my life.

7 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-05-15 01:53 ID:humXUl81 [Del]


I too suffered the hours of fighting him, but I somehow managed to win at the end of it all.

It felt as if I had just finished swimming up a waterfall and discovered that the lake on top was made of victory.

8 Name: Akito : 2011-05-16 01:32 ID:jNn5ILGX [Del]

>>5 what. that sucks, i wish i could play the mmo xD that would be pretty fun.
i never played any of the games though, i always assumed that if there were an mmo it would be 10x more fun than the console games :/

9 Name: haseo : 2011-07-10 14:37 ID:KF7rFiR/ [Del]

.Hack is my favorite series in the entire world i have played all the games numerous times especially gu. as you can probably tell from my name my favorite character is haseo, i have been told by my friends that i remind them of haseo. I have spent many hours searching online for the sound tracks from all the games and shows, and im trying to get a copy of hack links for the psp which is currently only in japan.

10 Name: りゅう : 2011-07-12 17:32 ID:CA7nCj1G [Del]

I barely beat .Hack//Infection (a lvl or two under the default //Mutation's starting lvl).
I got stuck in //Mutation because I don't like all the grinding, especially when all the monsters start getting tough.
In the G.U. series, the grinding is a lot easier and lvling seems quicker, so I was able to get to the last game, but then I suddenly had to fight Ovan again.... I haven't played it since then. Johnny the Stray Grunty ftw!!