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Visual Novels







Guild Wars 2 (330)

1 Name: blauherz : 2011-05-10 15:18 ID:4S2PdncX (Image: 256x256 png, 122 kb) [Del]

src/1305058686321.png: 256x256, 122 kb
Anyone here who is waiting for GUILD WARS 2 just as bad as O do??

I'm SOOO looking forward to it, and probably will be one of the "nerds" sitting infront of the store hours and hours before it openens at the relase day xDD

2 Name: WiseWolf : 2011-05-10 15:49 ID:iag3yk6p [Del]

Same here, I'm still waiting for them to put out a release date.
In the mean time I need to decide if I wana play Charr or the Asura...

3 Name: Dainn : 2011-05-11 05:05 ID:Kq04JVQ0 [Del]


4 Name: Mael : 2011-05-11 06:51 ID:DVAEw959 [Del]

oooh man, its gunna be sick lol i cant wait either. HEY we should start a dollars guild when gw2 comes out!

5 Name: WiseWolf : 2011-05-11 16:19 ID:iag3yk6p [Del]

I support this idea.

6 Name: blauherz : 2011-05-29 15:39 ID:TmR84A2J [Del]

we have to do that :D
wouöd <3 it!

7 Name: shi : 2011-05-31 04:13 ID:zuuj1LEa [Del]

yo de momento estoy haciendo logros en el guild wars para el 2 tmb a la espera XD, apoyo la idea de un gremio drrr!! :)

8 Name: Misuto : 2011-05-31 12:22 ID:YGp1eRG9 [Del]

Depending on what MMO I'm currently addicted to (or not) when this comes out, I'd definitely consider giving this a shot.

9 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-06-20 17:05 ID:/AXbMcAU [Del]

So I finally looked into this, and it appears to be really awesome. I've been looking for a new MMO to play for a while, so I hope they come out with a release date for this soon.

I'd also definitely join a DBBS guild if one was made. Getting a bit too excited for the game since I was reading about it.

What class/race is everyone going to play when it comes out?

10 Name: Mael : 2011-06-21 15:46 ID:aGSmzi0b (Image: 610x360 jpg, 64 kb) [Del]

src/1308689206779.jpg: 610x360, 64 kb
>>9 Man, i want to make a charr and a sylvari the most... as for classes my favorites are the Engineer, Thief, and Necromancer. I'm pretty freakin psyched about this. I really want to fight that dragon.

11 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-06-21 17:36 ID:/AXbMcAU [Del]

I'm probably gonna play Human Elementalist, unless I can get over how fruity Sylvari looks.
They are plants.

But I always had a problem playing the elf-like race.

And that dragon looks amazing. I watched gameplay vids of this game in beta (or alpha, whatever that was) and it looks amazing. Everything looks so smooth in terms of gameplay and graphics alike. Can't wait to see what that shit looks like in person.

12 Name: Mael : 2011-06-23 04:16 ID:aGSmzi0b [Del]

Lol yeah i know what you mean about the sylvari...

But yea man, the Shatterer. That is probably the coolest dragon i have ever seen.

Heres a link to a fight with it. Its pretty fucking badass. Also the gameplay looks incredible... It hurts me to have to wait for this.

13 Name: Mael : 2011-06-23 04:41 ID:aGSmzi0b [Del]

This is probably a better version of the fight, and explains the gameplay pretty well.

14 Name: NotASlasher : 2011-06-24 14:59 ID:TAauAM6I [Del]

Only problem I see with this is the fact that for a guild to exist in GW it needs a leader, but in the dollars no one leads. I personally love the idea of a guild like this, but my IRL friends are planning to make a guild with me... I'm so torn... perhaps our guilds could be in alliance then at least? *Wink wink* :)

15 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-06-24 15:58 ID:s96j+flk [Del]

Guild Leaders can be nothing more than a figure head of sorts. I used to be in a guild that functioned more like a small community than any type structured organization, so just because you are the leader or founder means very little in the overall scheme of the way your guild is run.

16 Name: NotASlasher : 2011-06-24 16:11 ID:TAauAM6I [Del]

I'll probably be an Asura Engineer, by the name of Silverblood or Silver Blood (simply because I tend to use that name, or Sandjy, when playing video games). Anyone care to post what they think their name will be so we can already start throwing friend requests when the game begins?

17 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-06-24 16:29 ID:/AXbMcAU [Del]

My name is going to be Misuto.
If that is taken, something else ending with -suto. Probably Hatsuto.

And hm, I like the idea of having multiple guilds under an alliance too. We could have a central guild for DBBS and just affiliate ourselves with others. I don't know the in-game mechanics for guilds, but we could just keep a list of other such guilds.

18 Name: NotASlasher : 2011-06-24 16:45 ID:TAauAM6I [Del]

The way it worked in GW 1 was there was 1 guild that lead the Alliance, in this case, that could be the Dollars. Their leader could invite other guilds, and those guilds' leaders would accept or decline. If I'm correct, up to 9 guilds could be in 1 alliance. There was an alliance chat and a guild chat. Guild chat, only guild members could hear you. Alliance chat, every guild in the alliance heard you. Although, if want more than 9 guilds (or guilds that want us but we already have 9), we could add to a list. You're right :D

19 Name: Koko : 2011-06-24 20:24 ID:zu9pb8rH [Del]

I really want to play this when it comes out! I'm such an MMORPG nerd. I totally think that this game will be a lot better than pretty much every MMORPG I've played. I just hope I don't lose interest, but I don't think I will.
I'm probably going to be a human thief. I love assassin/thief-type classes :D

20 Name: Mael : 2011-06-24 21:30 ID:DVAEw959 [Del]

>>17 Well if the naming system is anything like the first game, then you need a first & last name. However if thats not the case in this one then my name is gunna be Mael... for my first character at least. Shit, I'm gunna try out every class at first and see what I enjoy the most.

And yeah, it doesn't really matter who starts the guild. However when it is started we will need to collaborate and invest in a Hall etc. So ya know, we can be fancy ;D As for the alliance ideas, I think it will be fun to ally ourselves with other guilds affiliated with the dollars in some way. But I'm wondering what the PVP will be like in this game (I haven't looked into it much yet), if GW2 is as harcore pvp as the first one, then I'm probably going to be all up in that for a while (if so then I'm probably going to be contributing alot of points to the guild lol), and hopefully there will be territory control like in Factions. I really enjoyed that. But whatever the case, I'll be having fun lol, and it will be fun playing a game I've waited for for so long with alot of the dollars members. :D

21 Name: NotASlasher : 2011-06-24 23:45 ID:TAauAM6I [Del]

Mael, were you Luxons or Kurzicks? I was Kurz :D Lol. Anyway, I'd be glad to donate for a guild hall, even if I'm not in the guild! :D Thats how awesome the Dollars are.

Anyway, the PVP has 2 forms: (1) Server vs. Server PVP which is COMPLETELY unbalanced, they literally said it could be 30 vs. 300 and they don't care. The other type is (2) 5v5 Arena-like matches if I'm correct, which has scores and what-not to place you against people with relative equal skill. They didn't mention anything yet about factions and guild vs. guild which slightly depresses me.

The game appears to focus more on the PvE dynamic events system. I know personally my friends are talking about holding one town and basically staking it out. If any dynamic event takes place attacking that town , we die defending it or retaking it, lol.

22 Name: Mael : 2011-06-25 04:37 ID:DVAEw959 [Del]

>>21 I was Kurzick all the way, although i did like the jade sea etc. but the Kurzicks were badass... And hell yeah, any donations will be awesome, I'm planning to revive this thread when the game comes out if it happens to die lol.

And cool, Server vs. Server sounds fun >_> But I'm positive theres gunna be guild battles, I mean... its Guild Wars lol. I'm just wondering if theres gunna be alliance battles, I had the most fun with those in PVP.

But yeah I see that PVE is WAY bigger in this game since the level cap is 80 as opposed to the previous 20. The dynamic event system is gunna prove to be interesting lol... I'm looking forward to this game so damn much. >:|

23 Name: NotASlasher !Ly7MRw0CGU : 2011-06-25 17:56 ID:TAauAM6I [Del]

I agree! GW redefined old MMO's. I pray GW2 redefines new MMO's, forcing them to actually become living worlds lol. I agree, there better be guild battles though. I'd be depressed if in Guild Wars, Guilds couldn't War. I also heard from a little unofficial birdie occasionally it will be 3 servers in 1 battle, though it might just be 2 servers vs. 1 which I THINK I read on the official site (I won't guarantee that because if I did read it, it was about half a year ago and I may have confabulated that memory).

24 Name: Valerie : 2011-08-07 19:09 ID:NSM3dm/d [Del]

YES I can't wait for it. I've been playing Guild Wars for years, seriously, been playing it since I was 12. I did quit a couple times but I always couldn't resist going back to it. Now I'm 17 and I still love it, I'm so excited for GW2. True it is taking forever for them to release it, but to be honest I'm glad about that. Arena Net said they want it to be the best it can be before they release it, which is great to hear. And at least their keeping us busy with new updates on GW. But ya I'm working on getting titles for it, doubt I'd ever get GWAMM though. I'm personally much more of a PvE person, I PvP when I'm bored really. I hope they finish mentioning the proffessions soon, I'm going to have trouble deciding between a ranger and elementalist for my first character, cause I absolutly love them both, I wanna be a Norn though ^^ And I wonder if Kurzicks and Luxons will be in it again, I'm a Kurzick at heart ;) All this talk it getting me so damn excited lol

25 Name: OseH57 : 2011-11-25 19:38 ID:yguFzH5g [Del]

I didn't play the first GW but I have been really excited about the sequel ever since I looked into it. I used to play WoW but got bored of it, only took ~3-4 yrs. :P GW2 looks like it will fix every mmo related grievance I had while playing WoW. Plus, I might actually like its pvp what with the even playing field gear wise and it's said to be influenced by moba games. And such deep character creation, armor customization, and lore... *_* Gah, I want it sooo bad. I read the first two novels of the trilogy that spans the gap between the two games to try to help tide me over, but now I'm agonizingly awaiting the last novel AND the game itself. ;_;

>>14 No worries, since in GW2 you can be in multiple guilds! Just one of the many awesome things GW2 does differently than other MMOs. We'll just have to make sure we all roll characters on the same server. Initially my first race was going to be Charr, but ever since the Sylvari redesign and their lore week they have become my favorite race. I love the details about the non-existence of gender roles in their society and their views on romance. As for class, I have no idea. I'm sure I'll try them all eventually.

26 Name: Sharkie Pants !.pQQznQlsU : 2012-02-17 02:01 ID:/gi1TGFX [Del]

/mighty bump from the grave
I heard about GW2 ages ago, but I didn't look into it.(There was no release date and it would torture me if I really wanted to play it)
That was until I saw a video by TB that announced a lot of upcoming beta content on his channel, and I went to check out his previous GW2 demo videos. Now I REALLY want to play this, and there is STILL no release date ; A; /sobs
I don't really play more than one MMORPG at a time, so if I can wait until this releases without getting into another one, I look forward to playing this. As for what class/race I'll go for I'm not sure yet, but (unfortunately) I'll have a long time to decide. :I (If the name wasn't already taken, I would have made a Charr called Mr Cuddles for the lulz)

27 Name: Sharkie Pants !.pQQznQlsU : 2012-02-22 21:12 ID:/gi1TGFX [Del]

9 hours ago the Guild Wars 2 beta sign up page went live. Unlike the last press release beta, this one is open to the general public. The sign-up page is open for 48 hours, but even if you miss out on this one, you will have more chances in the future to participate in the beta testing.

The beta sign-up page is here (The link can also be found on the official Guild Wars 2 Facebook page.)
Sign-ups close at 10:00 a.m. PST Friday.

28 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-23 15:16 ID:YWJdTxmB [Del]

Signed up for that once I heard about it. Here's hoping some of us can get in :U

29 Name: Bacurik : 2012-04-26 20:41 ID:vocavaL/ [Del]

So who's playing the beta this weekend?

30 Name: AnoBasho !2F1CQOhsn2 : 2012-04-28 15:22 ID:qbU/FZVl [Del]

I'm playing beta :P so is a ton of people, its ridicuous. The games amazing even though its in beta

31 Name: Efini17 : 2012-08-22 13:07 ID:agDH6cYA [Del]

Hey, anyone want to start a GW2 guild? I'll be on the Sacntum Of Rall server

32 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-08-22 14:41 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

Oh good lawd. I'm not sure if I want to play a ranger or thief more :O

33 Name: Efini17 : 2012-08-26 04:39 ID:agDH6cYA [Del]

Hey guys, if theres anyone playing on the server "Sanctum Of Rall" Look me up. My name on there is Axislight (for my main) I'v started a guild called Claiomh Solais, named after the celtic Sword Of Light. Right now it's only me and a good friend. I'm a lvl 18 Sylvari Gaurdian, so look me up.

34 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-08-26 12:53 ID:93L1KoLq [Del]

Between several months ago and now, I've started having doubts about going out of my way to buy this game. I've heard mixed reviews about it, and I'm not sure if I want to shell out $60 for it on the off chance it's actually not that great.

But I have heard from some that it really is great, and from others that it's pretty meh. Can anyone provide another opinion on this? How is the game so far?

35 Name: Dragpent !RB4FUCKYOU : 2012-08-26 16:34 ID:RLC9tuRX [Del]

If anyone's on the world Isle of Janthir add me! Dragpent


I've been having quite a bit of fun on it. Launch was great, the downtime was very minimal compared to some other games (cough Diablo 3, cough).

The world is absolutely amazing to look at, the dynamic events that occur are an interesting aspect to the game. I don't play MMO's often and I must say this is quite fun. I'm not terribly far into the game yet as I deleted the character I was playing (wanted him to look different before I really started to get to high levels haha).

Regardless, I'd say it's definitely worth the $60. There isn't a monthly fee so if you played play-to-play MMO's this will be a bit off the ol' wallet.

If you get it now, you can join Isle of Janthir before it potentially gets full!

Also you can climb onto just about anything in the environment, something I find pretty neat.

36 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-08-27 23:46 ID:joHiFwnu [Del]

Some friend of mine and I are rolling Jade Quarry.

Hear that Misuto? No forgiveness if you roll a different server.

37 Name: Dragpent !RB4FUCKYOU : 2012-08-28 11:19 ID:RLC9tuRX [Del]


Transfer to Isle of Janthir.

38 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-08-28 13:17 ID:XbxZeDOH [Del]

Ahh shit. The group my friend started at my college is on Dark Haven.

Did you already start, Navi?

39 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-08-28 20:45 ID:O/z39EEk [Del]

And then everyone rolled DarkHaven.

Except Dragpent. What the hell, Dragpent?

I actually didn't have a say in this, Misuto begged on his hands and knees while crying. and naked.

40 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-08-29 00:18 ID:hUFdUOUp [Del]

You keep adding conditions to that.. I don't remember being naked

Anyway, I made two characters on Dark Haven to try them out:
A human engineer named "Kane Suto" (level 7ish now)
and a sylvari elementalist named "Lucia Suto" (level 4ish now)

It's fun so far :U

41 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-08-29 13:36 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

>>40 You mean Kane Suto, like from Demon King Daiymo?

42 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-08-29 13:41 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

>>41 That was Kane Sota. ...*facepalm*

43 Post deleted by user.

44 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-08-29 22:29 ID:mNx/i/No [Del]

>>40 But you really were begging on your hands and knees while crying, naked and covered in oil.

I made a Sylvari Mesmer - level 7 so far, going on 8 soon.

45 Name: Zeo : 2012-08-30 08:41 ID:IhVILECu [Del]

Its awesome! just hit 53 i think.. or was it 54? as a Norn Ranger! that damn Dragon (The Shatterer) was a real ass to get down xD

46 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-08-30 13:15 ID:5dnQxjKJ [Del]

All the QQ in game is hilarious. I haven't seen so many people bitch about insignificant problems since BBS drove out the weaboos a year or so back.

Game is still amazingly solid - And that's including the fact that we lack the ability to trade, send mail to each other, and some quests are bugged.

It's quite the accomplishment to be able to legitimately say that with all the problems they're having during these early days of public launch, the game is still a real joy to play.

47 Name: Dragpent !RB4FUCKYOU : 2012-08-31 19:11 ID:RLC9tuRX [Del]

Any of you make a Dollars guild or something?

48 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-08-31 23:52 ID:RIbQ03M8 [Del]

Well, I made a guild. It's not Dollars though.

Dollars welcome to join, mind you =T

Touch Fluffy Tails~

49 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-09-01 01:05 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

>>48 Once again, reminds my of Demon King Daiymo, lol. Pull the Lyradins tail to turn it off.

50 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-09-03 06:10 ID:aLVPx3OI (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 367 kb) [Del]

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Because fuck you.

So proud of my server.

51 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-09-03 06:11 ID:aLVPx3OI (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 351 kb) [Del]

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Just to rub it in.

52 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-09-03 19:16 ID:E+lyCJVC (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 334 kb) [Del]

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I'm immortal!

53 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-09-12 08:56 ID:RBAVyguw [Del]

So, for those it may concern:

Misuto, myself, and some others have transferred to Isle of Janthir. Darkhaven's WvW community went to shiiiiit after FPS guilds like RUN dropped in.

54 Name: Ghost : 2012-09-12 21:12 ID:QnXPm3I8 [Del]

This is an insanely well-made game, and I hope it lasts for years to come.

55 Name: Dragpent !RB4FUCKYOU : 2012-09-13 10:26 ID:RLC9tuRX [Del]


A boom, add me and I'll be sure you're followers only for a short while. 5896 by the way.

56 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-09-13 19:43 ID:1Iu/pURR (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 312 kb) [Del]

src/1347583429718.jpg: 1366x768, 312 kb
>>55 Added and mailed you, but no response. Way to drop the ball, Dragpent.

In other news, randomly wandering around... I ran into my second world boss. Screenshots incoming.

57 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-09-13 19:44 ID:1Iu/pURR (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 319 kb) [Del]

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I had to get a closer look.

58 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-09-13 19:45 ID:1Iu/pURR (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 336 kb) [Del]

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Apparently so did he.

59 Name: Michael : 2012-09-14 16:51 ID:mbHX1esm [Del]

Anyone want to make a guild?

60 Name: Next The Square : 2012-09-16 06:18 ID:V7GlKbSC [Del]

Why the hell is this not on top? Bumpage.

Also, I support the earlier idea of making a Dollars Guild.

61 Name: Tsuki : 2012-09-16 18:26 ID:q7HG4KXn [Del]

So..where's the dollars guild?

62 Name: Saeko : 2012-09-16 19:16 ID:CpB7vNOm [Del]

I'm looking for more Dollars to play with~! I just made a guild with one other Dollar, but it's name isn't really relevant.

63 Name: Windborne !SOtqYouajk : 2012-09-18 11:20 ID:FCBb2tmZ [Del]

They announced a Mac client is being made as of today, september 18th. Sadly I can't play it on my machine, even though it's a top end machine from 2008, 8 cores :(.

64 Name: Dragpent !RB4FUCKYOU : 2012-09-18 15:25 ID:RLC9tuRX [Del]


Of course not haha, you don't get a mac and expect to play video games.

65 Name: Windborne !SOtqYouajk : 2012-09-18 15:25 ID:FCBb2tmZ [Del]

>>64 my computer can run games just fine, it's a computer with plenty of power, just not the right chipset.

66 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-09-18 16:15 ID:RBAVyguw [Del]

Power is great - But Macs are notoriously incompatible with games. I would say ALL games, but we're in 2012 now!

...So it's only most games. Primarily because games are built with consumers in mind, and most consumers own PCs - Because they can come in a variety of specs and strengths, favoring one field or another, and one range of expertise to another. They're also cheaper, and - here's the kicker - compatible.

So bow down and praise the gaming gods that GW2 and has deigned the Mac Community to be worthy of it's glory.

67 Name: Death : 2012-09-20 17:06 ID:mbHX1esm [Del]

Yo made a guild. Dollars Bbs and my in-game name is Mcdooglemuffin. Msg me for an invite.

68 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-09-20 17:20 ID:9JfKtGCU [Del]

>>67 But what server?

69 Name: Death : 2012-09-20 18:16 ID:mbHX1esm [Del]

>>68 Isle of Janthir.

70 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-09-20 18:29 ID:9JfKtGCU [Del]



71 Name: brad!BREADU25mg : 2012-09-21 22:39 ID:F8xgJ+Oz [Del]

>>70 aren't you on Isle of Janthir? :T

72 Name: Saeko : 2012-09-25 13:16 ID:tiAa1Sxt [Del]

I'm on Maguuma.

73 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-09-25 19:50 ID:W2isiVuw [Del]


No, I'm in Darkhaven. God bread, you'd know this if you played it with us.

74 Name: bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-09-25 22:21 ID:F8xgJ+Oz [Del]

"Misuto, myself, and some others have transferred to Isle of Janthir. Darkhaven's WvW community went to shiiiiit after FPS guilds like RUN dropped in."

75 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-09-25 22:55 ID:W2isiVuw [Del]


Like I said, if you played with us you'd know that was old information. We're in Darkhaven.

76 Name: Ehrlich : 2012-09-25 23:09 ID:RzWq8Vfx [Del]

Just got this game, yesterday night, still a nublet on there, but, if anyone wants to add me, I'm Ehrlich.8096, and I'm on Northern Shiverpeaks, if I recall.

77 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-09-28 20:09 ID:tL7tDGas [Del]

level 80 now. Went from 10 -> 80 doing nothing but WvW. It was glorious.

Now I'm off to farm up equipment and amass a glorious treasure trove of money and crafting ingredients.

Here's a status update:

ID: Resha Navi
Server: Darkhaven
Profession: Mesmer
Level: 80
Guild: Touch Fluffy Tails

78 Name: Ehrlich : 2012-09-29 02:51 ID:RzWq8Vfx [Del]

>>77 I was wondering where I had met you, I hadn't actually seen your username in the thread xD Thanks again, very much, for the help when I first started! That 50 silver was a Godsend, I'll have to pay you back somehow.

Need an 8-slot pack, btw? I've got one to spare xD

79 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-09-29 14:01 ID:4Tceqx5z [Del]


I don't. I've enslaved a guildy of mine to make me a bunch of backpack stuff - two or three dungeon runs and suddenly my entire backpack is full, even with 10-slot packs in every slot. Madness I tell you.

Feel free to send me mail or post here if you get questions regarding something, though.

80 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-09-29 20:57 ID:B8EKlK2k (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 355 kb) [Del]

src/1348970275443.jpg: 1366x768, 355 kb
Wandering around, exploring the maps... Suddenly I heard this big ass roar.

Apparently I wandered into the Claw of Jormag dynamic event

81 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-09-29 21:02 ID:B8EKlK2k (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 386 kb) [Del]

src/1348970526077.jpg: 1366x768, 386 kb
Customarily, I figured since it was a bigass group boss... I should go take a closer look.

82 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-09-29 21:03 ID:B8EKlK2k (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 352 kb) [Del]

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After a while, we ripped its wings off and shoved bazookas into it's face repeatedly.

83 Name: Ehrlich : 2012-09-29 21:30 ID:RzWq8Vfx [Del]

>>82 and how did that go, in the end?

Also, adding you, 'cause, awesomeness and such. :D

84 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-09-29 21:33 ID:B8EKlK2k [Del]

We killed the shit out of it, naturally.

There is a weird "bug" for Mesmers fighting this guy - Our GS phantasms aimed at it's head spawn at it's head. just floating in front of it's eyeballs.

None of it's attacks can hit them up there, or none of them ever did for me. So I had a trio of berserkers spinning into it's face the entire time.

85 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-10-08 00:49 ID:/4neSrxk (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 176 kb) [Del]

src/1349675357246.jpg: 1366x768, 176 kb
After me and another guy heroically duo'd a champion troll - Jesus christ they heal too much, took like twenty minutes - the two of us stumbled upon the Splintered Coast in time for a quaggan to come shitting itself onto shore screaming


... Yeah, well, it took to the sky.

86 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-10-08 00:51 ID:/4neSrxk (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 213 kb) [Del]

src/1349675466372.jpg: 1366x768, 213 kb
Luckily, unlock Jormag's claw a while back, there was a small force already on the beach ready to intercept him. Unluckily, reinforcements never arrived to help us.

So said small force had to bust their ass in order to take this thing on.

87 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-10-08 00:52 ID:/4neSrxk (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 238 kb) [Del]

src/1349675539512.jpg: 1366x768, 238 kb
It took a while, but we finally managed to drive it back into the ocean.

This ugly bastard didn't even have the grace to die when we killed it - It just had to retreat.

88 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-10-08 01:05 ID:rrIi4AUX [Del]

Just checking, is this one of those games with a monthly fee, or a one time fee?

89 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-10-08 01:09 ID:/4neSrxk [Del]

GW2, like it's predecessor, is a B2P game.

you buy it, and then it's free to play for as long as you own it. No bullshit monthly fees.

90 Name: Tsuki : 2012-10-08 06:26 ID:tO7V9M+N [Del]

You all know you want to play on DarkHaven. That's because I'm there. Dancing. In a bikini. On top of fires and in front of polar bears.

91 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-10-08 11:48 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

>>90 Seems legit

92 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-10-11 18:48 ID:KF/YYcp5 [Del]


93 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-10-11 18:53 ID:IkEka820 (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 238 kb) [Del]

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Incidentally, sleep saved me the trouble of digging this thread out of archives.

Unlike Tequatl and Jormag's Claw, I actively went hunting for this guy. He was kind of elusive, because apparently no one present knew the conditions for his Pre-event... That took some time and effort. Big Boss pre-events like this are not meant to be done by two people...

Shortly after that horrendous ordeal however, he came skidding in out of nowhere.

Ladies and gentlemen - The Shatterer.

94 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-10-11 18:55 ID:IkEka820 (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 200 kb) [Del]

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Visually this guy is really impressive. If I got more than 2 FPS with full post-processing turned on, I'd probably be blinded by how shiny he was.

He spawns in a level 50 zone, so he's technically the first dragon you can take on if you know where to go (or just accidentally wandered into him).

95 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-10-11 18:58 ID:IkEka820 (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 283 kb) [Del]

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The fight however is pretty standard, and really only serves to give you a taste of what fighting a Wyrm really means.

Flank his breath attacks, avoid his radio-active electric claws, and try now to get killed by his occasional wing-based AoE. He also has a "block" phase which is a token "this happens" to prepare you for Tequatl's occasional barrier, and Jormag Claw's incessant shields and passive AoE-DoT.

All in all, fairly easy to take down if you know what you're doing. A good learning tool to get used to future Wyrm fights.

96 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-10-13 18:20 ID:IkEka820 (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 388 kb) [Del]

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So we were taking on the Shatterer again recently. Pre-battle had a bunch of us forming up to preform the dragon summoning dance - and... well, pink happened.

97 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-10-13 18:22 ID:IkEka820 (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 354 kb) [Del]

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As of last night, the Shatterer became the official GW2 breast cancer awareness dragon in Darkhaven.

98 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-10-13 18:23 ID:IkEka820 (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 327 kb) [Del]

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Good fun was had by all. Whether you wanted to or not.

Only a couple people out of the entire zerg taking on the Shatterer didn't join our fun and run around pink with us.

99 Name: Tsuki : 2012-10-23 08:30 ID:QdWXUNDl (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 203 kb) [Del]

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100 Name: Tsuki : 2012-10-23 08:31 ID:QdWXUNDl (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 444 kb) [Del]

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Navi likes pink. A lot.

101 Name: Tsuki : 2012-10-23 08:31 ID:QdWXUNDl (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 307 kb) [Del]

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I found my long lost sister as well.

102 Name: Tsuki : 2012-10-23 08:32 ID:QdWXUNDl (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 318 kb) [Del]

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The Shatterer, looking badass.

103 Name: Tsuki : 2012-10-23 08:33 ID:QdWXUNDl (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 383 kb) [Del]

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104 Name: Tsuki : 2012-10-23 08:33 ID:QdWXUNDl (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 370 kb) [Del]

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105 Name: Tsuki : 2012-10-23 08:35 ID:QdWXUNDl (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 347 kb) [Del]

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106 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-10-23 10:17 ID:I0bfe2eg [Del]


Fuck Physics.

107 Name: Testarossa : 2012-10-28 16:27 ID:uSVC1c3a (Image: 1280x1024 jpg, 368 kb) [Del]

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Celesital Dye.
It's not just white, it's all of the colors.

108 Name: Testarossa : 2012-10-28 16:28 ID:uSVC1c3a (Image: 1280x1024 jpg, 403 kb) [Del]

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Waiting for Jormag at Frostgorge.

109 Name: Tsuki : 2012-10-28 16:31 ID:4AC4DIEw (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 349 kb) [Del]

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Waiting for a dragon.

Found a giant talking pineapple.

110 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-10-28 16:32 ID:+Jtunb/P (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 254 kb) [Del]

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No new bosses this time - Sorry guys, I forgot to take screenshots of Mad King Thorn!

Here's the Mad King Thorn costume for halloween though.

111 Name: Tsuki : 2012-10-28 16:32 ID:4AC4DIEw (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 362 kb) [Del]

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It "evolved" into a tree.

I'd say it was more "devolved".

112 Name: Tsuki : 2012-10-28 16:33 ID:4AC4DIEw (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 328 kb) [Del]

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P.s, I'm so fucking sexy.

113 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-10-28 16:34 ID:+Jtunb/P (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 379 kb) [Del]

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Also, my guild has official guild color schemes now. It sounds cheesy, yeah, but you can't argue with how fabulous you look in groups!

114 Name: Testarossa : 2012-10-28 16:35 ID:uSVC1c3a (Image: 1280x1024 jpg, 468 kb) [Del]

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Splintered Coast is a magical place.

115 Name: Testarossa : 2012-10-28 16:36 ID:uSVC1c3a (Image: 1280x1024 jpg, 493 kb) [Del]

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More of the Guild Colors

116 Name: Testarossa : 2012-10-28 16:38 ID:uSVC1c3a (Image: 1280x1024 jpg, 349 kb) [Del]

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Was trying to show off magical girl colors, tried to screenshot during /cheer animation.
... Ended up making the Home Alone face.

117 Name: knightlotus : 2012-10-28 17:10 ID:798Q/xRx [Del]

testarossa , are you italian?

118 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-10-28 18:07 ID:+Jtunb/P (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 379 kb) [Del]

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I felt bad, so I went back in specifically to get you guys some screenshots.

119 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-10-28 18:10 ID:+Jtunb/P (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 256 kb) [Del]

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Once you enter his dungeon, you're teleported to a multi-level series of platforms. You have to do a short game of "Mad King Says" before the fight actually begins - Be careful though! He spawns a ton of mobs during this game, and they can overrun you quickly.

Once that's done, the fight begins. Your first order of business will be cleaning up what's left of the mobs before you take on Mad King Thorn.

120 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-10-28 18:12 ID:+Jtunb/P (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 100 kb) [Del]

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Once you clear the mobs, you just need to pluck away at his health. It won't take long - maybe 20% of his HP or so - until he retreats to a platform further down.

He's not done with you yet, though.

121 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-10-28 18:14 ID:+Jtunb/P (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 231 kb) [Del]

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getting to the Mad King requires you to walk through spiders. Goddamn Spiders. They're fast, they hit relatively hard, and some of them can even stack confusion on you.

Confusion is a bitch. I'm a Mesmer, I should know.

There's an entire fucking field of them, so you and/or your party will need to clear them out before you can proceed to kick his ass.

122 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-10-28 18:23 ID:+Jtunb/P (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 227 kb) [Del]

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The majority of the fight takes place on this platform.

The Mad King has a few things to look out for, and is without a doubt one of the more fun bosses to fight.

Sword Beams: He starts a combo of these. He'll fire off two ranged crescents that deal 1-3k per crescent. They are fired with a short break between them, so they aren't hard to deal with if you pay attention.

Sword Beams (Ground): After his two crescents, he fires off three more crescents that travel along the ground and spread out in a frontal-arch pattern. These can be dodged through, or, if you've got the room, simply stood between to avoid. If you're near by though, this can be painful - all three of them will hit you pretty hard, and it's difficult to dodge at melee range.

Moon Shield: Potentially one of the most painful skills he has, but also one of the easiest. He'll toss his shield at you occasionally through the fight - It's large and white and easy to see - if it hits you, that bitch will bounce and keep going. Meaning you may dodge it, but if your team screws up, it'll hit you anyway... And Vice Versa. If there are only two of you, this gets ugly fast.

However, the moment it misses, the attack stops - So make sure to dodge ASAP.


After that, you have is AoEs.

Pumpkins: he'll randomly spawn a field of pumpkins all over the place. Each pumpkin is a bomb that can and will deal around 2-5k damage, and these pumpkins often overlap. They're a delayed effect, meaning by the time they explode, you'll likely be dealing with his actual attacks as well. Be careful about where you stand, and try to find a good hole in their net.

Scarecrow: He spawns a scarecrow. Obviously. This thing has two primary effects to it!

One, if you stay in it's radius, it'll permanently call down ravens to chip away at your health. It's tolerable, but annoying over time.

Two, they can and will AoE fear you and your party. This means they'll fear you into the pumpkins, into his attacks, or if you're really unlucky, clean off the platform. For this, and this reason alone, make someone's role in the party specifically "fuck up scare crows". It makes the fight less irritating.

As for mobility - He doesn't walk much. occasionally he teleports to his target, so when you see him vanish, immediately dodge roll and start swiveling your camera to get distance and re-acquire target.

123 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-10-28 18:32 ID:+Jtunb/P (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 137 kb) [Del]

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After all of that, he teleports down to the bottom most platform for the last leg of the fight.

There are no guard rails up here, and the platform is long and narrow - If you get feared by a scare crow, it's gonna be ugly.

But at this point, you know all of his tricks - So it's time for the treat. Whittle away at the last bits of his HP and collect the chest for your hard efforts. Mine gave me an exotic weapon, so woohoo... Though I hear it also drops the Exotic Halloween skins as well.

Final Tips:

Scattered around the map, there are gazeebos. They are your friend. If you jump inside a gazeebo, most of the pumpkins he spawns will be LoS'd by the walls, so you're be damage free from them. His shield can be LoS'd by them as well!

If a scarecrow spawns, you'll be covered in ravens, but the fear won't do anything worse than make you run 2-3 feet before a gazeebo wall stops you. So it's just a matter of popping out to smack him, then popping back in. This is a great way to solo him, and even with a party it is nice to use for the person who currently has his aggro.


If he gets to the third platform and you all die, he'll teleport back up to the second platform. you can finish the fight there, then climb back down to the bottom and get the chest. Careful though, the spiders respawn when he teleports back up!

All in all, this was an awesome boss fight for the Halloween Event. I recommend duoing him with a friend, not because of difficulty (because soloing him is possible once you figure out his patterns), but because of how amazing it feels to tag-team Mad King Thorn.

Happy Halloween!

124 Name: Testarossa : 2012-10-28 18:48 ID:uSVC1c3a [Del]

>>117 Nope, I just like the name. My entire genetic makeup comes from the British Isles. /o/

125 Name: Tsuki : 2012-10-29 01:47 ID:4AC4DIEw (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 354 kb) [Del]

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And while Navi was away, I dragged Potato in to have another look at the Mad King Thorn.

126 Name: Tsuki : 2012-10-29 01:47 ID:4AC4DIEw (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 330 kb) [Del]

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Am I impressed? HELL no. Also, my breasts look fantastic.

127 Name: Tsuki : 2012-10-29 01:48 ID:4AC4DIEw (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 253 kb) [Del]

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Navi, the chest popped out Black Dye. I didn't even know you could GET black dye. I thought that was Abyss.

128 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-10-29 02:15 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]

You two are making me sad that my computer isnt good enough to play this

129 Name: Tsuki : 2012-10-29 04:04 ID:h6Y1fmqK [Del]

I have a piece of shit integrated graphics card that wasn't even up-to-date when I got the damn machine. No idea why you can't play it.

130 Name: Tsuki : 2012-10-29 04:10 ID:h6Y1fmqK [Del]

Gonna leave some details on here for people if they'ye thjnkjng of joining us.

Server: Darkhaven
Guild: Darkhaven Riskbreakers

Um, Aya went crazy and decided that we needed a new guild name, hence the switch. Darkhaven gets pretty packed so might might want to try changing to Darkhaven a few times be caused people do move servers sometimes, so don't panic if it says it's full.

131 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-10-31 16:13 ID:B0QDLOGw (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 179 kb) [Del]

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Rolled a thief alt after a friend bished for a bit about how "you only play Mesmer, you don't know how hard it is to survive for other professions!" as an excuse for why she kept dying - She was a thief.

Anyway, level 11. strolled into Kessex Hills (15-25 area she was in), proceeded to solo level 15-17 events without dying. with level 5 gear. Took for-fucking-ever, but it was awesome.

Turns out, Thief's survivability is hilariously higher than Mesmer survivability, and it's damage also far-outclasses Mesmer's damage, and it's instant rather than set-up.

And did I mention how brain numbingly simple it is?

I killed more mobs, got more loot, and acquired more money in 3 hours of playing this and running in a circle hitting "2222222222222222222222" than I usually do with my Mesmer over the course of like half a day. And this is at level 10-15, when gear sells for 30 copper, instead of 1.32 silver at level 80.

What the fuck, man.

The mind numbing simplicity of it is driving me mad. I'll probably push this alt to 80 for farming purposes, but god I hate playing it.

132 Name: Tsuki : 2012-10-31 16:59 ID:jI2q8Id2 (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 229 kb) [Del]

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Riel's apples.

Dem apples.

133 Name: Tsuki : 2012-11-13 07:55 ID:xjq2Kl5u (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 302 kb) [Del]

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Bear bot army. Rampaging through the woods.

134 Name: Tsuki : 2012-11-13 07:56 ID:xjq2Kl5u (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 316 kb) [Del]

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135 Name: Tsuki : 2012-11-13 07:57 ID:xjq2Kl5u (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 332 kb) [Del]

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>Flaming sword of doom.

Yes please!

136 Name: Tsuki : 2012-11-13 07:57 ID:xjq2Kl5u (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 273 kb) [Del]

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This is the guild HQ.

137 Name: Tsuki : 2012-11-13 07:58 ID:xjq2Kl5u (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 289 kb) [Del]

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And then I turned into a zombie.

138 Name: Tsuki : 2012-11-13 08:03 ID:xjq2Kl5u (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 312 kb) [Del]

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I hate jump puzzles.

Fuck mushrooms.

Fuck hexagons.

Fuck Sharksmaw Cavern.

Fuck everything.

A side note on jump puzzles: Guild Wars 2 gives you achievement points for clearing jump puzzles that are hidden throughout the game. Some are quite easy to find whilst others are hidden really well.

The mushroom one is on a part of a zone which can only be accessed by a portal, which only appears after you defeat its guardian. The puzzle itself requires you to gather four cantles with which you can then use to open the chest. The Cantles of Sky and Sun are the worst things ever to get, the Sky Cantle is located at the top of a cliff in which you have to scale all the way from the bottom. The Sun Cantle is at the top of this massive tree and requires you to jump and walk very carefully up tree branches and...mushrooms. The Earth Cantle in comparison is easy in that all you have to do is walk up to it, it's just sitting there on the ground.

Vexa's Lab is the reason why I hate hexagons.

139 Name: Testarossa : 2012-11-14 00:10 ID:xAeSNwhT (Image: 1280x1024 jpg, 458 kb) [Del]

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140 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-11-21 20:42 ID:9DTpnjMj (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 283 kb) [Del]

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Got a bit of an update for the new Karka mob located in Southsun Cove - a map added during the Sea of Sorrows mini-expansion.

These things are pretty laughable since they're primarily melee and really slow. You can kite them to death without a care in the world, but you do need to be very careful of one thing in particular.

They have a single ranged attack this is kind of like a barrage of shots - each one dealing 1.5-2k. In total it can and will knock off around 10-14k in a single salvo, and this can be ugly... Especially if you had the misfortune of aggroing two of them, or a karka and something else.

141 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-11-21 20:44 ID:9DTpnjMj (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 307 kb) [Del]

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There is a neat trick though. Some professions have a skill which reflects projectiles... and that's really all you need to know about this trick.

In my case, I'm a mesmer traited for focus skills to reflect projectiles - So I run up and spawn an Illusionary Warden on the Karka. This thing will deal damage and stack bleeds on it's own, but what's really important is the projectile reflection.

142 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-11-21 20:49 ID:9DTpnjMj (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 311 kb) [Del]

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Without firing another skill, the Karka's opening salvo pretty much murders itself. My Warden phantasm finishes it off - If you're not using the Warden Phantasm, expect it to only have about 30-40% of it's HP left. Which, honestly, pretty much means you can just nuke it to hell instantly.

If you're (un)lucky enough to aggro multiple karka at the same time, this same principle can be applied for devastating results. Entire hordes of Karka will more or less just mow themselves down and leave you with one of the easiest and most carefree looting runs of your level 80 career.

The salvo animation is pretty noticeable, so if you don't feel confident enough in tricking it into using it as it's first attack - then take some time to learn and adapt to timing it when you see the animation start. Or, take the time to learn how to bait it into doing it first - whichever works better for you.

143 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-11-26 22:46 ID:9DTpnjMj (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 258 kb) [Del]

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Got a new computer.

Gw2 now runs on max graphics at around 88-98 FPS.

I have been so distracted by how beautiful everything is that I completely sucked at combat for almost two hours. I couldn't even focus on killing things when I'd be completely derailed watching a river or some other stupid shit.

It's glorious.

144 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-11-26 23:00 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]

>>129 because I never answered as to why I cant play:
I have a 2.0 single core processor, 2.0gb ram, and a raedon 3000 gpu

145 Name: Hatash : 2012-11-26 23:00 ID:MQn0+zMs [Del]

>>143 dat water.

146 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-11-27 02:09 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

Getting a laptop that's worth half a damn soon. Should I play GW2 with you guys?

147 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-11-27 02:18 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]

>>146 or, better idea, take that money and build a computer better than the laptop would be

148 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-11-27 07:16 ID:RBAVyguw [Del]

>>146 Yes
>>147 This too.

Desktop master race.

149 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-11-27 19:38 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

>>147 Need a laptop for college, plus it's a Christmas present.

>>148 I'll definitely join up with you guys then :D

150 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-11-27 20:57 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]

Computers are able to be mobile.

151 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-11-28 01:32 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

How does Dagger/Dagger thief fare vs a Sword/Dagger type?

152 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-11-28 07:58 ID:9DTpnjMj [Del]

Both are viable. Sword/dagger is capable of chain-stunlocking in sPvP and PvE, but Dagger/Dagger is more of an AoE-DPS melee set up that relies on evasive maneuvers and getting in/out quickly.

Essentially it's hit and run Vs shanking.

153 Name: Testarossa : 2012-11-28 10:01 ID:PW4G6QBm (Image: 1110x825 jpg, 333 kb) [Del]

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Just did a run of the final dungeon "Ruins of Arah" last night.
This dungeon is like... made for barrierbitch!Guardians. Unfortunately I wasn't mine and our 2 Guardians weren't partial to the idea of REFLECTING THE MANY PROJECTILE BOMBARDMENTS BEING BESTOWED UPON US.
At first you're gathering 3 Power Cores for airships. This requires fighting bunches of Risen (Like you'd expect) and 3 Bosses.
The first of which being this big ol' Wraith fella. His attacks are:
An AoE Knockback (This is kinda annoying I think he uses it before he teleports, the bastard.)
2 sets of danmaku-esque groundbound spread shots that will 2-shot you if you let them. Though, if you're paying attention they're not too bad. Sidestep or jump over them because dodge rolling will usually propel you into other shots.
A large, single-target typical Necromancer "flying black and green grabby hand of death" that isn't too dangerous. It has no sideffects and didn't even make my sqeeushy little thief's health dramatically decrease much.
He teleports around and it's very important to stay at a distance from him for the sole reason of dodging his danmaku.

Your next bossperson will be a Huuuuuuuuuuuge Bloated Creeper-lookin dude. He doesn't move much and is an Elementalist's favorite kind of enemy: A big fatass that will take whole meteor showers and other AoEs to the face because of his mass.
His gimmick is that he will summon fucktons of grubs. They won't do you much harm and will just kinda crawl towards the boss. Doesn't sound scary but it is vital that you KILL THE FUCK OUT OF THEM BEFORE THEY REACH HIM. He will eat them and not only steal their health, but get and increase in power and armor that stacks the more he eats. This makes his attacks a lot scarier and capable of one shotting. His attacks are:
AoE Poison Bombs (Like the ones Tequilla throws, about as deadly depending on how many stacks he has)
Projectile Ball of much one-shottage. (This one is kinda slow moving but if you don't see it and dodge it will one-shot you.)
The good news (sorta) is that this guy plays favorites heinously. He likes to pick on one player until their downed penalties result in him insta-killing them and them having to walk back from Waypoint. As such, it's best to spread out and find somewhere where your downed skills work well. For Eles and thieves I found this lovely jut of rock right at the opening of where you fight him that you can stand on top of and shoot at him and if he decides you smell nice and starts laying his destruction on you, you can use your downed 2skill to teleport behind it and he can't get you /o/

This last guy is the biggest bitchnugget of them all though.
Okay, so getting to him is an adventure in and of itself. You must walk up a narrow hallway fulla traps and Orrian Eye Turrets. The Orrian Eye turrets fire this rapid burst of light purple bullets that will take out your whole health bar if you take the whole thing. If you have a Guardian with you and they are not using [Wall of Reflection] you have my permission to slap their shit.
So after you get up the hallway you are met with a rather annoying fight in only a medium-sized cave. The Boss here is a Champion Risen Knight. In case you don't know they're pretty much Risen melee harpies. He's not much of a problem, just kite his ass and make sure he isn't evading when you use your nukes.
What is a problem is all of the fucking Risen Bloated Creepers and Plague Carriers that will be spawning and charging at you the whole time. I was so busy dodging these bastards that I didn't get to see what the Champion Risen Knight was doing attack-wise. Sorry... ^^;

But after you fight all those fellas and their underlings you board an Airship. You like fighting Risen in close-quarters several hundred feet in the air? ...Wuzzat? You said no? Too baaad~!

154 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-11-28 12:21 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

>>152 Then I'll probably go Dag/Dag.

155 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-11-30 13:12 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

Would a Norn thief feel too... Clunky?

156 Name: Live 2 Die !3Sd75li6/6 : 2012-11-30 21:26 ID:72o78lBM [Del]


157 Post deleted by user.

158 Name: Kyoraki : 2012-12-02 17:09 ID:KvUNwOxz [Del]

@Crisis never stopped me from stealthing Skyrim missions as a nord in full heavy armour and a battle axe.

159 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-03 07:07 ID:JYnu8tBj [Del]

>>155 Not really sure what you mean by clunky. The races themselves don't particularly have any effect on the professions apart from some cultural skills that you can get past level 30.

If you mean appearance wise, I personally don't really notice he size diffence between players since it runs the whole gamut of giant to super tiny :v

Also, what. >>156>>158

It sure would be nice if those posts were relevant at all.

Which they are not.


160 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-12-03 16:09 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

>>159 That's what I meant. I mean, it just wouldn't seem right if the 7'5" tall, 3' wide guy was the fast and agile one while an average 5'7" human was slow and heavily armored.

161 Name: LuisE99 : 2012-12-04 22:36 ID:1o2PVMNQ [Del]

I love this game <3

162 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-12 13:06 ID:jcF1F/DL (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 353 kb) [Del]

src/1355339197337.jpg: 1366x768, 353 kb
Sailor Scouts, fighting for LOVE AND JUSTICE!!!

163 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-12 13:08 ID:jcF1F/DL (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 359 kb) [Del]

src/1355339287946.jpg: 1366x768, 359 kb
That stupid three day Southsun Cove event chain was a complete waste of time.

>Go into tiny room where an npc is supposed to be.
>No sign of npc, not that you could see since everyone and their dog was in the room at the same time.

164 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-12 13:08 ID:jcF1F/DL (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 388 kb) [Del]

src/1355339339670.jpg: 1366x768, 388 kb
I was fighting a Veteran Boar.

...Champion Wasp Queen decided to join the party.

165 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-12 13:10 ID:jcF1F/DL (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 310 kb) [Del]

src/1355339429204.jpg: 1366x768, 310 kb
Elementalists are not squishy.

I offer proof, with a picture of me taking down a Champion on my own. That fucker took over half an hour, but it was worth it just for bragging rights over people who say Eles are weak.

166 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-12 13:11 ID:jcF1F/DL (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 191 kb) [Del]

src/1355339460771.jpg: 1366x768, 191 kb
There's something in the sky.

Run the fuck away.

167 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-12 13:11 ID:jcF1F/DL (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 217 kb) [Del]

src/1355339500073.jpg: 1366x768, 217 kb

Nobody knows. ;-;

168 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-12 13:12 ID:jcF1F/DL (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 305 kb) [Del]

src/1355339561006.jpg: 1366x768, 305 kb
>Port to a camp waypoint in Orr

>Surrounded by corpses.

169 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-12 13:13 ID:jcF1F/DL (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 283 kb) [Del]

src/1355339586918.jpg: 1366x768, 283 kb
Fuck Pig Iron Quarry.

170 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-12 13:13 ID:jcF1F/DL (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 312 kb) [Del]

src/1355339623157.jpg: 1366x768, 312 kb
Fuck Morgan's Leap.

171 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-12 13:14 ID:jcF1F/DL (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 288 kb) [Del]

src/1355339656602.jpg: 1366x768, 288 kb
Fuck Angry Zelda Chickens.

Just...fuck everything.

172 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-12 13:16 ID:jcF1F/DL (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 192 kb) [Del]

src/1355339798932.jpg: 1366x768, 192 kb
Another screencap of a stupidly difficult jump puzzle.

This one requires both accuracy and speed, since you're supposed to jump across these floating hexagons of light (Fuck Asura and their hexagons) to reach different towers. The hexagons themselves only stay active for a short period of time so you need to reach each tower before they all disappear. Or you end up faceplanting into a giant pit of lava. Then die.

173 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-12 13:18 ID:jcF1F/DL (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 274 kb) [Del]

src/1355339885968.jpg: 1366x768, 274 kb
This dynamic event was hilarious.

>"Hey, you! Go kill that Veteran Risen of Lyssa."

>"...Which one, you bastard."

174 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-12 13:18 ID:jcF1F/DL (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 293 kb) [Del]

src/1355339934126.jpg: 1366x768, 293 kb
Due to precise timing, we ended up with les-yay.

175 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-12-12 19:34 ID:y5PDGjzK (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 269 kb) [Del]

src/1355362476460.jpg: 1366x768, 269 kb
Sometimes I throw my sword up in the air.

Sometimes it doesn't come back down.

Come back, sword ;~;

176 Name: Testarossa : 2012-12-12 19:45 ID:ctECwQ+p (Image: 1110x807 jpg, 333 kb) [Del]

src/1355363147579.jpg: 1110x807, 333 kb
My Elementalist's spine glitched and I snapped a picture.... Elementalists are by no means a weak class... but I am a weak Elementalist.

177 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-12-13 02:30 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

>>175 I throw my sword up in the air sometimes, sayin' "
ay-oh, I'm a thug, yo".

178 Name: FaizAkmal : 2012-12-13 08:48 ID:CEGskpo2 [Del]

we have to download right????????

179 Name: zero : 2012-12-13 17:12 ID:g0j8IWyA [Del]


180 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-12-13 22:41 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]

>>178 no its online! Fucking.. what kind of question is that??

181 Name: Testarossa : 2012-12-15 01:48 ID:kuGUWN4u (Image: 1194x891 jpg, 297 kb) [Del]

src/1355557732002.jpg: 1194x891, 297 kb
Wintersday is up and I wasted no time getting festive.

182 Name: Testarossa : 2012-12-15 01:49 ID:kuGUWN4u (Image: 1194x891 jpg, 243 kb) [Del]

src/1355557785745.jpg: 1194x891, 243 kb

183 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-12-15 02:57 ID:y5PDGjzK (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 439 kb) [Del]

src/1355561879804.jpg: 1366x768, 439 kb
Happy Wintersday, everyone!

184 Name: Testarossa : 2012-12-15 02:59 ID:kuGUWN4u (Image: 1194x891 jpg, 294 kb) [Del]

src/1355561964891.jpg: 1194x891, 294 kb

185 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-12-15 08:24 ID:y5PDGjzK (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 414 kb) [Del]

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Holiday Festivities are simply not complete without a Big Goddamn Spider Wielding A Wave Motion Laser Cannon.

186 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-12-15 19:00 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

>>183 Mesmer?

187 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-12-16 06:01 ID:y5PDGjzK (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 415 kb) [Del]

src/1355659272792.jpg: 1366x768, 415 kb
Fate found a fun place.

188 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-12-16 06:02 ID:y5PDGjzK (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 446 kb) [Del]

src/1355659322263.jpg: 1366x768, 446 kb
It's really amazing. Probably my favorite place in the game now.

189 Name: Testarossa : 2012-12-16 07:06 ID:kuGUWN4u (Image: 1194x891 jpg, 213 kb) [Del]

src/1355663197273.jpg: 1194x891, 213 kb
I should really stop exploring and finding things. I seem to have broken the Hinterlands...

190 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-12-16 17:03 ID:y5PDGjzK (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 423 kb) [Del]

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191 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-12-16 17:04 ID:y5PDGjzK (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 372 kb) [Del]

src/1355699094888.jpg: 1366x768, 372 kb
Guild photos. weeee.

192 Name: Testarossa : 2012-12-18 04:01 ID:kuGUWN4u (Image: 1194x891 jpg, 387 kb) [Del]

src/1355824906311.jpg: 1194x891, 387 kb
Remember that Claw of Jormag event Aya was talking about? Well, we managed to propel one of our lower level guildees through it. He even got credit for it too!

193 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-12-18 06:24 ID:y5PDGjzK (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 357 kb) [Del]

src/1355833469847.jpg: 1366x768, 357 kb
Walking makes me carry my sword so awesomely. The Males don't do this - Female Master Race.

194 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-12-18 06:25 ID:y5PDGjzK (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 300 kb) [Del]

src/1355833523155.jpg: 1366x768, 300 kb
Happy Wintersday again, from Gw2 Darkhaven! And Fate and I.

195 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-18 20:13 ID:xxVFnonl (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 363 kb) [Del]

src/1355883219815.jpg: 1366x768, 363 kb
Divinity's Reach: The city where pigs are locked in eternal conflict with giant candy corn monsters :v

196 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-18 20:14 ID:xxVFnonl (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 353 kb) [Del]

src/1355883261782.jpg: 1366x768, 353 kb
We found the end of the world.

197 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-18 20:16 ID:xxVFnonl (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 369 kb) [Del]

src/1355883373173.jpg: 1366x768, 369 kb
Divinity's Reach is also the home to giant spiders and pink flamingoes.

198 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-18 20:16 ID:xxVFnonl (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 355 kb) [Del]

src/1355883418672.jpg: 1366x768, 355 kb
>When you strip naked, your boon duration decreases :l

199 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-18 20:18 ID:xxVFnonl (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 144 kb) [Del]

src/1355883495127.jpg: 1366x768, 144 kb

200 Name: Tag : 2012-12-18 23:15 ID:/moivZ3U [Del]


201 Name: Antandy : 2012-12-19 15:19 ID:iancYboR [Del]

>>199 where the hell were you?

202 Name: Testarossa : 2012-12-19 21:30 ID:kuGUWN4u [Del]

>>201 He's in the Harathi hinterlands.

203 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-12-21 21:53 ID:rF3Hutqt [Del]

Just got it installed. Updating now.

204 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-12-21 23:12 ID:EOYc8YC5 [Del]

And thew world is Darkhaven, correct?

205 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-12-22 08:18 ID:y5PDGjzK [Del]

Correct. Username?

206 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-12-22 16:36 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]


207 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-12-23 01:39 ID:y5PDGjzK [Del]

Noted, added you. We'll see how you fare.

208 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-23 09:30 ID:7Nrq4nfB [Del]

Delicious new meat.

209 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-12-23 12:41 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

>>207 Quite possibly not well for the time being. I'm running it on my new laptop on my lowest settings, and it still gets laggy when lots is going on. As soon as I get shocks and struts for my car, I'm going to see about getting a better graphics card.

210 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-12-23 14:55 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]

You still bought a new laptop instead of just building a computer with that money? Why crisis why???

211 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-12-24 00:52 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

>>210 The laptop was a Christmas present. I also need it for college classes this spring. I also found a program that may have been Norton using like 80% of my computers CPU. Like... Dafuq?

212 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-12-24 03:10 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

Also, if you guys want, I can post my specs for you to see. I don't really know much about PC stuff since I'm used to a console being my main system.

213 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2012-12-24 19:06 ID:j313+eEO [Del]

I'm actually finding this hilarious, as it sounds like I've got the exact same problem as Crisis with the difference being that my laptop is 4 years old.

Still, if Norton is taking 80% of your CPU, this means one of two things (or possibly both): 1) Norton is a piece of shit, and 2) You got a netbook instead of a proper laptop.

214 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-12-24 19:10 ID:y5PDGjzK [Del]


1 is always true.
2 is a possibility.

Norton is a known, identified, and ostracized anti-virus program because it's a gluttonous resource hog that does it's job incompetently. Why anyone utilizes it is beyond me - and most other computer users.

215 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-12-24 19:15 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

>>213 Norton is definitely shit.

>>214 I'm only using it right now because it's free, and I don't yet have the money for a decent anti-virus.

216 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-24 19:22 ID:BT/cuuBx (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 211 kb) [Del]

src/1356398577734.jpg: 1366x768, 211 kb
>buying an anti-virus.

I don't even.

To get over that horrible thought, here's a hot springs episode!!

217 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-12-24 19:23 ID:y5PDGjzK [Del]

Have you even been on Gw2? I added Terrandar and got some guy "JHoward", who is never online. Ever.

218 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-24 19:23 ID:BT/cuuBx (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 196 kb) [Del]

src/1356398596254.jpg: 1366x768, 196 kb

219 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-24 19:23 ID:BT/cuuBx (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 188 kb) [Del]

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220 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-12-24 19:40 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

>>217 I am 0.o JHoward is probably me. It says you've added me. Re-add me. I'll remake my character right now. Same name.

221 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-12-24 19:44 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

Aaaaaannnnd I'll remake him later. Getting connection errors right now.

222 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-12-25 07:32 ID:3RDeIXpI [Del]

Triple post for the epic fail: I've remade him

223 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-27 00:34 ID:tviw9bae (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 176 kb) [Del]

src/1356590046284.jpg: 1366x768, 176 kb
Posting some screencaps from my adventures in the Fractals

224 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-27 00:34 ID:tviw9bae (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 147 kb) [Del]

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225 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-27 00:35 ID:tviw9bae (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 253 kb) [Del]

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Navi told me not to press H.

So...what did I do...

226 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-27 00:36 ID:tviw9bae (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 145 kb) [Del]

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And then we went to fight Cthulhu.

227 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-27 00:36 ID:tviw9bae (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 126 kb) [Del]

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228 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-27 22:41 ID:tviw9bae (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 325 kb) [Del]

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229 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-28 21:31 ID:tviw9bae (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 187 kb) [Del]

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230 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-28 21:32 ID:tviw9bae (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 272 kb) [Del]

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231 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-28 21:32 ID:tviw9bae (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 158 kb) [Del]

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232 Name: Tsuki : 2012-12-28 21:33 ID:tviw9bae (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 180 kb) [Del]

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233 Post deleted by user.

234 Post deleted by user.

235 Name: Acid_Shampoo : 2013-01-09 08:42 ID:SoAoF5ev [Del]

>this game is atrociously terrible...
for an online game... it isnt very community friendly...
its just playing a game and having other people walking around and occasionally attacking the same thing you are...
end game came too quick
the game is somewhat fun...
until you finish leveling then youve got nothing to do exept shitty pvp and sit around showing off your shitty looking gear...

236 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-01-09 13:17 ID:qW9q9Dy5 [Del]


... I get the feeling you're just generally bad. The community tends to revolve around actual personality and skill rather than people being geared out. One of the selling points of the game was that open world PvE didn't really need a party, because there would be no kill stealing - Only helping.

And in that regard, no other MMO has successfully created an MMO where other players will jump in of their own free will and help you with something without being asked to in so many instances - Or where someone will stop to revive you simply because they can. These instances of good nature have spawned a lot of connections in game, and general adventures as they stumbled their way through maps.

Another selling point of the game was that players at all levels could experience the End Game. Saying "it came too quick" is like saying "guys, I was born able to breath. Way too fast, here" - You were meant to be experiencing end game since level 1, even in the tutorial.

There wasn't a specific end-game to arrive, because you had access to almost all of the content related to what is generally considered "end game", such as massive WvW, PvP, massive bosses, dungeon raids, etc. was available to you from as early as level 30 (first dungeon) or even earlier for literally everything else.

And then once you finish leveling, literally the entire world is open to you. Every dungeon, every map, every dynamic event, every jumping puzzle, every crafting profession, every piece of gear. Your "End Game" reward is the freedom to do literally -anything- you want. To pursue -anything- you want. From map completion, to legendaries, to the dungeons you prefer, to maxing crafting professions, to specific aesthetics and experimenting with your profession.

Which brings you to the point that a ton of the gear is literally just aesthetics. I can't name a single other MMO that, at launch, had this many skin options interchangeable for you to determine exactly how you wanted your character to look - To acquire the exact design you prefer, up to and including color scheme, which can even be changed and altered on demand.

The game has a number of short comings, glitches that need to be worked out, and meta in a variety of areas that need to be administratively stablized. It is by no means a perfect game, and for many the atmosphere of it is simply not their preference.

But if you're going to call it bad, then at least be educated about it. Every thing you're complaining about is either incorrect, working specifically as intended and being used as a selling point, or just blatantly wrong and/or evidence of laziness the world has never before seen.

237 Name: Tsuki : 2013-01-10 03:17 ID:w/ERS/55 [Del]

>The ability to transmute whatever fucking level gear you want to a level 1 character.

238 Name: Falcus : 2013-01-10 10:05 ID:PvwolCvU [Del]

>>236 Summed up exactly how I feel on it.
Personally I'm glad there isn't gear progression as that's not what I play MMOs for.
I like the fact that I have plenty of long-term goals, even if they're just for aesthetic rewards.

239 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-01-12 22:14 ID:FfVidEyr (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 300 kb) [Del]

src/1358050443769.jpg: 1366x768, 300 kb
Took some screenshots of an area in Kessex. The scenery of this game never ceases to amaze.

240 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-01-12 22:16 ID:FfVidEyr (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 226 kb) [Del]

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241 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-01-12 22:17 ID:FfVidEyr (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 445 kb) [Del]

src/1358050620041.jpg: 1366x768, 445 kb

242 Name: Tanashi !JzQoO8EnWY : 2013-01-13 10:38 ID:l3oj3Hb7 [Del]

Very impressive scenery.

243 Name: Tsuki : 2013-01-14 21:51 ID:HRWk8r3Q [Del]


Obviously you're a massive fan of grinding for days just to get to the next level. The whole concept of Guild Wars 2 is that it's supposed to be a game that can be picked up by casual gamers to allow them to get from 1 to 80 in a relatively short space of time. Anet themselves have said that they want GW2 to be the kind of game that you play for a bit, forget about, and then come back to later on. It's not supposed to keep you hooked on it for months on end, like some games *coughWoWcough*.

I actually find that perspective refreshing and far more in line with real life, since most people are ACTUALLY FUCKING BUSY SOMETIMES. Not all of us can afford to spend fucking 18 hours each day on an mmo. We have like, classes and jobs and shit. So I feel fucking grateful that I don't have my gaming experience completely shat upon just because I follow a routine like regular people instead of being a fucking useless bum who sits at home like a fucking parasite, leeching income and resources from their family like a blood sucking tick.

244 Name: Testarossa : 2013-01-28 13:57 ID:W+QCVFmJ (Image: 1126x875 jpg, 359 kb) [Del]

src/1359403028090.jpg: 1126x875, 359 kb
Do other MMOs let you create fabulous rainbows of 3?

245 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-01-28 14:00 ID:9fCX4CaD (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 484 kb) [Del]

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246 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-01-28 14:16 ID:9fCX4CaD (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 456 kb) [Del]

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247 Name: Testarossa : 2013-01-28 15:09 ID:W+QCVFmJ (Image: 1126x875 jpg, 418 kb) [Del]

src/1359407397990.jpg: 1126x875, 418 kb
"Chaltier! Y-your immortality!"
"I must become mortal now, Goggle... Anet has willed it."

248 Name: Testarossa : 2013-01-28 15:11 ID:W+QCVFmJ (Image: 1126x875 jpg, 233 kb) [Del]

src/1359407484639.jpg: 1126x875, 233 kb

249 Name: Testarossa : 2013-01-28 17:51 ID:W+QCVFmJ (Image: 1126x875 jpg, 340 kb) [Del]

src/1359417069897.jpg: 1126x875, 340 kb
"Chaltier! We can still be awesome!"

250 Name: Axis : 2013-01-29 12:36 ID:SFkv9sr1 [Del]

Ah man! I hoped I was the only one who knew about that area! I love to just go there sometimes just to relax and look at the scenery.

251 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-01-31 20:09 ID:inWC8L5Y [Del]

Bumping this up because some silly person thought we didn't have a gw2 thread.

Also, for Mesmers - The official mesmer meet is now scheduled for Sea of Sorrows, on friday and saturday at 9pm EST in Rata Sum.

Use guesting to get there, if SoS isn't your home server!

252 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-02-05 08:15 ID:A6a+CDYp (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 413 kb) [Del]

src/1360073726616.jpg: 1366x768, 413 kb
Here's a screenshot of me dying to Risen High Wizard of Orr, in front of the gates of Arah!

.... On my level 67 (66 before the waypoint) elementalist.

.... Wearing level 45 gear.

253 Name: Acid Shampoo : 2013-02-05 08:28 ID:fw16kXCP [Del]

shit this game had potential...

now they may as well have just made it single player...
would feel the same...

254 Name: Testarossa : 2013-02-05 11:40 ID:W+QCVFmJ [Del]

>>253 On what grounds have you come to the conclusion that this game aims to be single player? '-' Or, in fact, would have been better/unchanged by being so?

255 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2013-02-05 11:55 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]

>>253 why is it that every damn game you comment on seems to of "had potentional"?

256 Name: Acid Shampoo : 2013-02-06 08:57 ID:fw16kXCP [Del]

>>255 because all online games are burning to the ground...

257 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2013-02-06 12:22 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]

>>256 or maybe youre just too damn negative/shouldnt be playing online games, since you obviously cant enjoy them for more than 5 seconds before saying it failed.

258 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-02-06 14:07 ID:jJsZYe3X [Del]

>>257 This. Online games are largely only getting better and evolving in a variety of ways - paving new grounds in both payment platforms and gameplay mechanics.

Just as DnD introduced the standard professions and roles, then introduced multi-classing allowing for a declassification of roles in favor of a more personal approach, so to are online games beginning to follow this trend of breaking down traditionally assigned roles and giving freedom of choice to the player.

They're beginning to merge aspects of different genres together, creating more intricate gameplay suitable to a wider array of players.

Just being part of this history and seeing it in action is amazing in and of itself, but the games themselves aren't that bad either. If anything is burning to the ground, it would be the community - Which would fall on your shoulders. Everyone can say "oh, the community is shit", but everyone is part of the community. If it's terrible, then part of that blame falls to them.

tl;dr - If all your online games suck, look for a common variable. Like, the player.

259 Name: Acid Shampoo : 2013-02-07 00:00 ID:fw16kXCP [Del]

>>257 you obviously havent played the expansion for rift...
or properly played the old republic

i swear that WoW is the only mmo that hasnt turned into an unstable buggy mess

260 Name: Tsuki : 2013-03-04 07:23 ID:KKgCjOPm [Del]

I think it's really bizarre that all the people I've come across who have complaints about Guild Wars 2, are the ones who are avid proponents of WoW and it's virtues. I don't know why this is.

261 Name: Tsuki : 2013-03-04 07:26 ID:KKgCjOPm (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 285 kb) [Del]

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Bumping because Navi needs to see how weird DR is.

262 Name: Tsuki : 2013-03-04 07:27 ID:KKgCjOPm (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 266 kb) [Del]

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263 Name: Tsuki : 2013-03-04 07:27 ID:KKgCjOPm (Image: 1366x768 jpg, 315 kb) [Del]

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The moose totally interrupted me.

264 Name: Tsuki : 2013-04-10 22:25 ID:CSbgmAd0 (Image: 1600x900 jpg, 500 kb) [Del]

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265 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2013-06-16 09:42 ID:RO1Vrq2Q [Del]


266 Name: DangerOtter !5odG3hOGbw : 2013-06-28 05:13 ID:ETQTH4Ql [Del]

anyone else on the crystal desert server?

267 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2013-06-28 22:40 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]

I finally got a comp that can run this... i must get it!

268 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-06-29 21:43 ID:MQn0+zMs [Del]


269 Name: Tsuki : 2013-12-29 06:47 ID:3K3GAB/S [Del]


No, Darkhaven is where it is at.


Hit me back with your character name or account name or whatever the fuck it is. What server are you on?

270 Name: Tsuki : 2013-12-29 06:48 ID:3K3GAB/S (Image: 1600x900 jpg, 583 kb) [Del]

src/1388321296128.jpg: 1600x900, 583 kb
Your gaming experience is not complete without Sailor Scouts.

271 Name: Tsuki : 2013-12-29 06:49 ID:3K3GAB/S (Image: 1600x900 jpg, 576 kb) [Del]

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This was before we had an option that limited attack effects.

272 Name: Tsuki : 2013-12-29 06:49 ID:3K3GAB/S (Image: 1600x900 jpg, 589 kb) [Del]

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Testarossa breaking the world map again.

273 Name: Tsuki : 2013-12-29 06:50 ID:3K3GAB/S (Image: 1600x900 jpg, 198 kb) [Del]

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Doing some map breaking in Caledon Forest.

274 Name: Tsuki : 2013-12-29 06:51 ID:3K3GAB/S (Image: 1600x900 jpg, 69 kb) [Del]

src/1388321475623.jpg: 1600x900, 69 kb
Some more map breaking in Divinity's Reach.

275 Name: Tsuki : 2013-12-29 06:53 ID:3K3GAB/S (Image: 1600x900 jpg, 299 kb) [Del]

src/1388321629655.jpg: 1600x900, 299 kb
My charr says hello.

276 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2013-12-29 12:22 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]

tsu how to get good? i just bought this game and Im already stuck at a noticeably painful gap between my lvl and the monsters around me that im supposed to be killing level

277 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-11 02:51 ID:3n9X+CsC [Del]

Anybody want to group up 'nd play a bit? Planning on buying it sometime this week.

278 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-11 03:35 ID:3n9X+CsC [Del]

*Just bought it

279 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2014-01-11 18:12 ID:8gZ1YjiT [Del]

if you find a way to lvl between quest gaps, ill play with you. the only thing ive found are the area event, n even those are kinda ehh

280 Name: maruru : 2014-01-11 21:18 ID:x1s1e8Cv [Del]

there are people who can level up from 1 to 80 in a day.
I don't know the details, but afaik they just run from skill point to skill point and take any quick exp on the way.
Sounds kinda boring to me... but seems to be a fast possibility to level without quests
It's also fast to take a high lvl player with you. They can pull you through the story or take you to monsters with higher levels where you will get a bit more exp/kill (maybe make sure it's someone who is used to farm them solo - but will take you with them xD)

281 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2014-01-12 00:53 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]

>>280 whats the fun in getting carried through the entire game :I

282 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-12 01:43 ID:3n9X+CsC [Del]

I power-leveled a bit when I was playing WoW and it wasn't much fun. I'd probably rather just enjoy playing/level at a decent speed.

>>279 What race are you, sleep?

283 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-12 01:45 ID:3n9X+CsC [Del]

284 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2014-01-12 02:04 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]

>>282 im gonna go ahead n guess that im hooman. super low lvl because i ran into a wall n didnt feel like grinding

285 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-12 05:20 ID:3n9X+CsC [Del]

I got the game today and am so far around level 10. Haven't run into a wall so far, so here's hoping.

286 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2014-01-12 10:17 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]

well fuck. maybe i did it wrong then

287 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-12 22:36 ID:3n9X+CsC [Del]

>>286 Get on and come level with me?

I'm a Sylvari so I'm fairly sure we'd be on the same side.

288 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2014-01-12 22:50 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]

Probably, but alas, I do not have the time. Whats your username so I can add you?

289 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-12 23:20 ID:3n9X+CsC [Del]

Just realised that we are probably in different worlds. Can you still add people in another server?

290 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2014-01-12 23:49 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]

come on solace, when are games ever that simple.
My "world" is eredon terrace, because at the time of joining it had the lowest murica population

291 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-13 00:16 ID:3n9X+CsC (Image: 597x720 png, 522 kb) [Del]

src/1389593801409.png: 597x720, 522 kb
Take my nooby Ranger.

Also, costs 1800 gems to transfer worlds.

292 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2014-01-13 00:32 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]

i can start over. Only a super lame lvl 7 or so mesmer.

293 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-13 00:54 ID:3n9X+CsC [Del]

I think once you've chosen a world you're stuck there for good until you make a completely new account or pay a ludicrous fee, which sucks.

Actually, just googled it. If you delete all your characters you can change servers. If you only have a level 7, just come over to my world and I'll get you back up in the starting area.

Make a Sylvari sumthin' if you do.
(yay somebody to play with)

294 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-13 00:55 ID:3n9X+CsC [Del]

(also I'm in the European server of Vabbi. It's one of two that are the population level of Medium)

295 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2014-01-13 01:15 ID:puYAeg02 [Del]

GDI solace why you gotta be aussie. Heres to hoping I dont have high as dicks ping

296 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-13 01:21 ID:3n9X+CsC [Del]

Hopefully the lack of population will make it smooth for you. Worst comes to worst, I can just switch to an American server because it will be the same level of ping anyway.

And if you don't want to be a Sylvarian, I am open to making another dewd jst 4 u

297 Name: Viron : 2014-01-13 15:23 ID:J3o8d8XC [Del]

Dollars in GW2, now this is interesting, and it seems I was not the only unlucky one to be in Vabbi xD anyways, if any newbies need tips or help, just PM Vironx from Ruins of Surmia :)

298 Name: Viron : 2014-01-13 15:31 ID:J3o8d8XC [Del]

oh, and Sleepology and Solace, if you dont have the cash or gold, you can just guest servers, only rule in that is that US can't guest EU servers as far as I know, but it's otherwise a free alternative if you wanna change things up a bit lol

299 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-13 20:43 ID:3n9X+CsC [Del]

>>298 Yeah we are Euro and American, unfortunately.

>>297 I will send you down a message, though.

300 Name: Viron : 2014-01-13 21:18 ID:J3o8d8XC [Del]

>>299 Am Euro myself, messaging works cross-region unlike guesting so feel free to add me -- Viron.8024 --
As for US playing on EU servers and vice versa, I think that can be only done via transfer.

301 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-13 21:49 ID:3n9X+CsC [Del]

>>300 What would you say is the best disciplines for a Ranger? I think I'm going to do leatherworking and something. Not hunstman if I can help it, because I'm going to use barely any of what I make.

302 Name: Viron : 2014-01-14 05:31 ID:pULby79R [Del]

>>301 When it comes to crafting, there is no bad craft, I myself had all of them maxed before the patch that raised the cap to 500 lol leatherworking would be useful cause you could make your own armour, but if you don't want huntsman, you could try weaponsmithing or cooking, believe it or not, cooking gives some pretty amazing buffs later. :)

303 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-14 07:32 ID:3n9X+CsC [Del]

>>302 I'll go for cooking if you're able to sell the later level dishes for high amounts. If not, I'll probably go with weaponsmithing.

304 Name: Viron : 2014-01-14 08:22 ID:pULby79R [Del]

>>303 You can make a good profit if you're not too lazy to gather ingredients, but even so, there are foods that aren't as tough to make yet people buy them in droves, the GW2 economy sure is a marvel, as for weaponsmithing, well, the prices for iron went up a notch, might not be the best time to level it tho it is one of the most useful crafts cause it supplies a wide range of classes.
Also, try finishing some daily achievements, if you've got some of that laurel, you can buy some of the crafting starter kits :)

305 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-14 09:10 ID:3n9X+CsC [Del]

>>304 I have one laurel so far, and won't be able to get onto the game for a while.

Maybe I'll do cooking for now, then. It's good to have a profession that you can just grind for money. The best weapon drops are generally better than the best crafted weapons, anyway.

And where do you spend the laurels at? I haven't seen a store around.

306 Name: Viron : 2014-01-14 09:16 ID:pULby79R [Del]

>>305 There are special laurel vendors in all major cities, they hang around the trading posts, they do offer some nice stuff, and those starting kits only cost 3 of em, you can buy a mats bag for 1 tho, it might be a good alternative :)
As for making cash with professions, you'd have to invest some time in researching the trading post, and you can make the top tier gear with crafting, but it doesn't look all too good lol

307 Name: Tatsuo !hylilKS3pw : 2014-04-30 00:14 ID:tWt0xSsk [Del]

Wow this thread has yet to be saged even with 300+ hits...
Anyway I would like to know what the GW2 players on here think about the new April 15th patch update.

308 Name: Anonymous : 2014-04-30 16:09 ID:cIc/VnMk [Del]

>>307 what the fuck are you even talking about

309 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-04-30 19:04 ID:IUzDiHVo [Del]

"Wow this thread has yet to be saged even with 300+ hits..."
Dumbass. I don't even need to explain how stupid this is.

310 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-09-17 04:40 ID:ZxHDUk+x [Del]

And now it's free

311 Name: Sunscreeen : 2015-09-17 06:22 ID:g3RRwkZA [Del]

"free". free players are missing a lot of features, and they dont even get WvW until level 70, as i recall.

312 Name: Onion Lust : 2015-09-17 08:42 ID:vfYXsImh [Del]

I have the game

313 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-09-18 06:29 ID:RqMiUYoe [Del]

>>311 And now I have WvW.... I play too much (only needs lvl 60 btw)

314 Name: Onion Lust : 2015-09-18 09:02 ID:Wy03rizo [Del]

Anyone get the expansion yet

315 Name: Onion Lust : 2015-09-18 09:03 ID:Wy03rizo [Del]

Do we have a guild and if we do how do you spell it is it Dollars or DOLLARS

316 Name: Radelos : 2015-09-20 15:51 ID:Fyoknhwx [Del]

Am bit disapointed as a player of GW2 now its going core game free and we get screwd up at least they should give as upgrade chance like 10€ for those who already own the game

317 Name: Sunscreeen : 2015-09-20 22:12 ID:g3RRwkZA [Del]

>>316 again I'll point out that the game is cheaper yes, but all games get cheaper over time. free players are missing quite a few features, and can hardly even be called "base game"

318 Name: Tsuki : 2015-10-04 17:33 ID:Qrvoezsu (Image: 1600x900 jpg, 486 kb) [Del]

src/1443998013148.jpg: 1600x900, 486 kb
Fun times

319 Name: Tsuki : 2015-10-04 17:34 ID:Qrvoezsu (Image: 1600x900 jpg, 347 kb) [Del]

src/1443998081028.jpg: 1600x900, 347 kb
I am SunCharr

320 Name: Viron : 2015-10-13 10:07 ID:AcFObgmV [Del]

Rather magnificent, Tsuki!
10 days till the expansion, wonder if the game will get more attention, it truly is one of those "hidden gems" lol

321 Name: Tsuki : 2016-02-29 04:06 ID:vTZklINv [Del]

if anyone wants to see Suncharr in action, come find me

Kitty Tsukitty

322 Name: Syntyr !mygAWRCTDY : 2016-09-22 07:59 ID:5FNnSLT9 (Image: 1680x1050 jpg, 308 kb) [Del]

src/1474549185173.jpg: 1680x1050, 308 kb
What do you guys think about the new map that came out on the 20th? And have some of you completed the jumping puzzle Chalice of Tears in Ember Bay? I needed reaaally long to finally make it to the top :D

323 Name: Viron : 2016-11-18 07:17 ID:RzW06Rab [Del]

Yeah, twas fun tho.
Word is that every new living world episode will include a new map, Far Shivepeaks next monday :D

324 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2017-02-21 09:30 ID:tZQ+5SV3 [Del]

bump. . .

325 Name: Viron : 2017-03-11 15:52 ID:UOptoi4G [Del]

Not too many of us on this thread, tleast regulars anyway, feel free to add me if ye wanna chat in game, character name: Viron Bloodline.

326 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2017-06-08 05:31 ID:8VqYWCK7 [Del]


327 Name: Mr Yuki (previously know as mr yuki sama) : 2017-08-25 14:48 ID:/FKw3EN/ [Del]

Anyone here still playing /hyped for the next expansion (PoF).

328 Name: Harley quinn : 2017-08-28 01:48 ID:H61Lgude [Del]

I lover the first guild wars and the computer game was awsome too I had know idea they made a #2 what system

329 Name: Mr Yuki : 2017-08-28 13:30 ID:/FKw3EN/ [Del]

For pc (and mac i guess) mmorpg. It's free to play so might as well give it a try (need to buy the game/expansions to get the content and trading post and such.)

330 Name: Noakinn : 2017-09-20 11:48 ID:jXcrnu8T [Del]

So excited! Two days left!!