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Visual Novels







Persona 3 Anyone? (52)

1 Name: Akasha Arts : 2011-03-19 20:42 ID:LXO1WHmL (Image: 300x300 jpg, 21 kb) [Del]

src/1300585365093.jpg: 300x300, 21 kb
I'm not the only one that is completely obsessed with Persona 3, am I? This is P3P, for PSP, by the way.

2 Name: king : 2011-03-20 01:12 ID:onPx4mZG [Del]

oh hey... i love this game. played through it way too many times

3 Name: Prince : 2011-03-20 15:37 ID:5wzrekFK [Del]

I love you.

I've got the game, but my PSP broke a few months ago... T_T I was only able to get the Bad End for the female MC, and was in the middle of the beach trip with the male MC. I beat the game two times on the PS2 though, though I have yet to finish The Answer.

4 Name: king : 2011-03-20 17:22 ID:onPx4mZG [Del]

the bad end isn't hard to avoid. did you get it on purpose?

5 Name: Prince : 2011-03-20 21:11 ID:5wzrekFK [Del]

Yeah, was underleveled and didn't want to level grind.

6 Name: Akasha Arts : 2011-03-20 23:09 ID:llSVksZw [Del]

You should take Elizabeth/Theodore's requests if you don't want to be underleveled. The ones where you have to go into Tartarus and kill certain Shadows to reviece certain items. Those increase you level a lot

Also, I recoomend rotating your party members around every so often. That way, in order to get all of SEES at roughly the same level, you need to make numerous trips into Tartarus, meaning the MC will never be underleveled

7 Name: Delic : 2011-03-21 21:38 ID:sj5r2jmW [Del]

I am such a huge fan of this game xD I've played Persona 4 but I really thought that Persona 3 was so much better. I haven't gotten to play P3P due to the fact that I don't have a PSP xD But, I've seen the game play, and it's pretty nifty.
It's one of the few games in which I didn't find a bad fault to rant hysterically on it, and could actually replay it the second I beat it x3

8 Name: Anonymous : 2011-03-23 04:54 ID:wV5JRlzN [Del]

TOOOOOOOTALLY obsessed with it~~ i miss this game~~ p-q

9 Name: Kikkuri : 2011-04-23 04:38 ID:xH6wio7z [Del]

One of the best game-stories ever imo. =D I'm so obsessed with this game... I possess all three versions of it. (P3 Original PS2; P3FES PS2, P3 PSP) ... And I gotta finish the maleMC-route on the PSP-version so I can finally play the femaleMC-route. >=D

10 Name: Xay : 2011-04-23 10:48 ID:5IEOd70q [Del]

Oh, Definitely!! :D
Persona 3, is one of the best games I've played!
P3P also made big changes. Like the battle system,
Some of the storyline, and of course... Choosing of gender.
I really love this game. :)

11 Name: アルビレオ : 2011-05-18 03:48 ID:9VeaRDBB [Del]

I finished Persona 3, FES, and P3P, and I still keep replaying it. I really liked the storyline and I think it's the reason why I still keep replaying Persona 3 games :)

12 Name: LostDragonfly : 2011-05-18 23:00 ID:36J+okqv [Del]

I LOOOOVE THIS GAME!!!!! I keep playing FES over and over again, no matter how much I cry at the end I keep playing it again.:D

13 Name: Eon. : 2011-05-19 03:28 ID:8JsS6S+J [Del]


Though I'm kind of irritated w/ it now 'cause Akihiko's not inviting me for christmas, lol.

14 Name: PeiJing : 2011-05-19 07:18 ID:llhiLyJ6 [Del]

I'm playing Persona 4 but I've got Persona 3, Ihave to finish P4 before being able to playing P3, it looks absolutely awesome and I can't wait for it *_*

15 Name: 慧子 : 2011-05-24 10:21 ID:li5fmrZq [Del]

I have a PSP and P3P but I really want to ask, have they made an English version of Persona 3: FES for the PSP? That is the only Playstation console I have...

16 Name: Irk !Y7kBtlCaVo : 2011-07-08 05:04 ID:nBBOxuOt [Del]

I just got P3P a few weeks ago.
I'd never played a Persona game before,
but I love this goddamn game.
Especially the social aspect of it.
And the fact that when I've beaten it,
I'll have to play through again at least twice,
cause I've tried to stay away from any walkthroughs the first time around,
but I've come across a little, and I think I've missed out on a lot of stuff, haha.
And of course another time as the female character.

17 Name: sebby : 2011-07-10 02:53 ID:s/hJ7NCZ [Del]

i only have persona 3 im going to get persona 4 soon though it looks amazing :)

18 Name: Seta Souji : 2011-07-10 07:03 ID:dIgkNfwr [Del]

PERSONA 3 IS AWESOME!!!! though i think Persona 4 is awesomer, but still! IT'S AWESOME!!!

19 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2011-08-22 07:01 ID:Vhh66Qd9 [Del]

>>18 Reeeeally?

I liked the Story line for P3, the ending was sad, but I like the characters in P4 better.

20 Name: Zer0 : 2011-08-22 21:14 ID:w5RdoaJn [Del]

I hated that all the guys I like become dead (Ryoji) or the love someone else (Junpei). I mean, what's up with that?

21 Name: Jekal : 2011-08-24 00:39 ID:g+lfSTj2 [Del]

Atlus really improved with the Persona series with Persona 4. They know how to make a good game = )

22 Name: MastaT : 2011-08-25 09:02 ID:7fx6VEmd [Del]

Love this game. It introduced me to the anime which im in the process of watching. I Love the whole store and the characters the most. But I think the whole love thing between the characters are funny +_+ I gotta play the other games :o...

23 Name: Germany : 2011-08-25 17:22 ID:OU/jNvCV [Del]

I'm actually currently playing through it right now. A bit addictive I'd say...

24 Name: Dana : 2011-10-11 18:07 ID:zRGQEuzb [Del]

I saw this in a Gamestop recently. But it was M 17+ for sexual themes and some other run of the mill stuff. I'm not 17 yet, and so I'd have to get my parents to but it for me. But is it a really racey game or does it just have some scenes with sexual themes?

25 Name: Mani : 2011-10-11 23:23 ID:RYm6kDAX [Del]

holly hell i have this game p3 and fes!!!! (aigis!!!)
it probobly one thebest persona game

26 Name: Omni !aUFkpI.Ykk : 2011-11-26 21:05 ID:l+rbgTwN [Del]

I love P3, but I love P4 even more. Also started playing P2 on my PSP. I want to play the first Persona, but I can't stand the battle system...

27 Name: Nishihara : 2011-11-26 22:16 ID:ZqmZf2/h [Del]

could someone exlplain what persona is about? :3

28 Name: SolSan : 2011-11-26 23:05 ID:ANQhAIvI [Del]

P3 is fun, it's just over repetitive in my opinion. I still really like it though, I just don't like that the only dungeon is a giant tower.

29 Name: OseH57 : 2011-11-26 23:06 ID:yguFzH5g [Del]

Let's see... It's typically about a group of school kids who gain the power to physically manifest a part of their psyche, summoning them to do battle with demons/shadows. These are the eponymous personas and they most commonly take the form of various deities/demons/supernatural beings derived from religions, folklore, and mythologies from around the world. The game also draws a lot from elements of Jungian psychology, such as the persona (the mask or outward appearance one projects to the world at large) and shadow archetypes (the amalgamation of a person's repressed thoughts and anxieties). All of them can be classified as urban fantasies, taking place in modern Japan.

P3 specifically is about a group of persona users (the leader of which you play as) who operate under the guise of an extracurricular activities group to investigate the dark hour, an hour long time period occurring every night at midnight. During the dark hour time stands still for most people, who are transmogrified into coffins, and monsters called shadows appear. The main characters are of course not like most people and fully experience the time during the dark hour, using it to explore their school. A school that transforms into a giant tower named Tartarus during the dark hour. When you aren't dungeon crawling inside Tartarus, you hang out with the various people you meet in the city/at school in order to form and develop social links with them, bonds which strengthen your personas. This segment of the game is frequently compared to a dating sim, you talk with people and choose dialogue options, hopefully ones that put you on their good side. Good relationships = better personas to use in the more typical rpg dungeon crawling side of the game.

That about covers the basic premise. >.> sorry for the wall of text!

30 Name: Nishihara : 2011-11-26 23:40 ID:K1XCggHu [Del]

@oseH57 Haha it's ok, it sounds like a awsm game from what im hearing.....i saw it at game stop but wasn't able to buy it, so I bought kingdome hearts bbs

31 Name: Reaper : 2011-11-27 01:15 ID:cxtXAG5H [Del]

Person 3 Was a Awesome Game,I Played it on PSP and Ps2...Also Played Person3 FES! I Honestly Recommend getting this game if you could

32 Name: Riu : 2011-11-28 12:56 ID:OBOVcN6k [Del]

Persona 3 is awesome, first persona game I've ever played.
I have it on the PS2(Persona 3 FES) but I'm also getting it on PSP (this Christmas) :D I love the story and characters. xD

33 Name: xSK0P3Zx : 2011-11-28 16:50 ID:joIIMAaV [Del]

OHHH That Game Is Amazing!!!!!! i Play MEGATEN( SHin Megami Tensei) on PC but never persona games but they have something to do with each other yes?

34 Name: Adonis : 2011-11-28 17:37 ID:lBo3syBW [Del]

I love Persona 3! I'm playing through FES right now and I'm about 29hours in.

35 Name: clipherd !fUKT4wdYs6 : 2011-12-01 21:44 ID:Om7KjYuu [Del]

Word to the wise- Persona 2: Innocent Sin is nothing like Persona 3/P3P. So don't buy it expecting it to be great. It's boring. and the random encounter rate is ridiculously high.

That being said, the original Persona 3 was so incredibly difficult with the inability to control your party members' actions. Yukari was the worst (and she still is in P3P cause she's sooo weak.) But Yukai in P3 would never have the intelligence to use the spells that certain shadows were weak against. It was infuriating. I never even finished P3, until I bought P3P.

But the Social Link system remains to this day, to be my favorite contemporary video game concept. It combines aspects of visual novels and dating sims so effeortlessly into an already immersive and highly-customizable world.

36 Name: Kael : 2011-12-01 23:10 ID:C1K2AkHb [Del]

I got really into P4, then got p3 they both really kick ass.

37 Name: Adonis : 2011-12-02 14:08 ID:zoCRkODq [Del]

I've been dying to play persona 4!!

38 Name: Kyoko : 2011-12-02 17:52 ID:+Ss/luM4 [Del]

They guy with black hair looks like Japan from Hetalia. I would play that just too see him...;D

39 Name: Sakazaki : 2011-12-02 18:27 ID:mF/WjU4H [Del]

aint nobody playing that shit no more they play persona 4 until they wait for the vita version.

40 Name: Tri-edge : 2011-12-02 19:46 ID:mjd+fylr [Del]


41 Name: COMPOSER : 2011-12-02 21:13 ID:Q6gaFDA7 [Del]

(sigh)I accidently deleted my new-game plus. Now Ive got to start from scratch. Ive only got about 80 hours of playing to go.

42 Name: Koyuki11 : 2011-12-02 23:18 ID:RxFSSe+P [Del]

I love this game, a really good RPG game.

43 Name: XxAbbyxGabbyxX : 2011-12-03 23:47 ID:LyuUs58a [Del]


44 Name: mechfanboy : 2012-03-09 08:50 ID:VPs/zpa5 [Del]

I only have the original version, so I don't get FemC or the stuff in FES. Still love the f*ck out of this game, though.

45 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-03-09 09:12 ID:z5HQVeOy [Del]


You didn't have to censor yourself. We curse all of the time.

46 Name: Krimson 6lfIV8Ra : 2012-03-09 11:59 ID:r0LLCxOT [Del]

I Love this game to death this is my favorite game on psp!!!!!!!!!!!!!

47 Name: Lulzy : 2012-03-09 14:53 ID:7PteubhG [Del]

I love the entire franchise (except for the first one), but it's horribly uncomfortable to play a female character who's goal is to mate with the opposite sex...

You know... if you're a guy...

48 Name: Doremo : 2012-03-09 19:57 ID:fh9sI4y+ [Del]

>>47 Yeah, but I figure it was just as awkward for the girls with the male character.

49 Name: Krimson 6lfIV8Ra : 2012-03-09 22:10 ID:r0LLCxOT [Del]

>>48 Weird enough most girls I know who Love persona likes being the guy more than the girl :P

50 Name: Scalar Boson : 2012-03-10 21:16 ID:/p24/zwh (Image: 800x480 jpg, 76 kb) [Del]

src/1331435766029.jpg: 800x480, 76 kb
Can you say...?

51 Name: Kawayro : 2012-03-14 08:25 ID:lwupKUaI [Del]


Can't wait for P5. I hope it is even better than P3 & P4

52 Name: CYGNUS : 2012-05-14 23:54 ID:SAxUxE2I [Del]

Just finished my second playthrough of P3FES on Hard.
I love this game to death.