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New PS3 (30)

1 Name: Ayanavi : 2010-10-26 15:36 ID:VHdW/vzl [Del]

I plan to get a PS3 for myself this christmas, because why the hell not? Now I have a few games I know I want already, but are there any you guys would suggest? To give you an idea of what I play, the games I'm looking at are..

Demon's Souls
Disgaea 4
Resonance Fate (Maybe)

Suggestions from the rest of you? Any sport related or Eye-toy like games will be promptly broken in half and the jagged shards used to stab your eyes.

2 Name: Irk !Y7kBtlCaVo : 2010-10-26 16:20 ID:AD023Vdf [Del]

Sadly I know next to nothing about video games
(which makes me wonder why I clicked the games link.. but whatever)
Although a little GTA is always fun.
And I've heard good things about Mass Effect, and Fallout 3.

A good thing about the PS3 is that it plays Blue Ray, and is not Region-locked, so you can buy shows that aren't dubbed, and don't have to worry about them not working.
Although, I'd still make sure before trusting that if I were you, cause I could be wrong.

3 Name: Sirnak : 2010-10-26 16:21 ID:H+Sj+hC/ [Del]

HAHAHA, I liked your style.

I suggest Prototype, Darksiders, Burnout Paradise (even to me, who dislikes race games in general, this game rocks) and Superstardust HD.

Prototype can only be descibed with videos. Words fail.

Darksiders can be described perfectly as "a mix of God of War and Zelda". The result is violent and awesome.

Burnout Paradise... well... race, destroy cars, jump like physics didn't exist and crash, crash and crash again!

As for Superstardust HD, it's a scoring game where you have to shoot asteroids and enemies. You'll get addicted very easily to this.

4 Name: Ayanavi : 2010-10-26 16:24 ID:VHdW/vzl [Del]

I did a little digging about the PS3, so I'm good. Don't know about Mass Effect, but a friend of mine has Fallout New Vegas... That seems interesting - but it lacks the fantasy aspect I really love.


Darksiders is something I forgot, but violent-awesome sounds promising.

5 Name: king : 2010-10-27 02:14 ID:OzjdyVfx [Del]

deadspace my make you crap yourself, but its still fun and stuff. plus a sequel will be out soon.

6 Name: ScyRan : 2010-10-27 04:06 ID:Nib2o+bP [Del]

Resonance of Fate
Valkyria Chronicles

Those two are similar to some of the ones you posted.

I've been playing New Vegas and I'm liking it, and at the same time I want to gouge my eyes out and lose my hands in a freak wood chipper accident so I can't ever play it again.

7 Name: Bacurik : 2010-10-27 16:18 ID:oE2/OJHx [Del]

Darksiders is rather enjoyable and Fallout New Vegas is...time consuming. Also I don't think Disgaea 4 is being released in time for Christmas (I wish) so I assume you meant 3, unless you're going to the future to get your copy (which is quite possible). Oh and if you buy Blazblue Continuum shift then there is no need for you to buy Calamity trigger (unless you are fascinated by the story and want to know about it). CS is just far superior to CT.

8 Name: Ayanavi : 2010-10-27 21:17 ID:T9GqP/pU [Del]

Going to be busy playing on the ps3 for a while.

9 Name: Yoru : 2010-10-28 01:08 ID:Arr8qaH7 [Del]

you should get trinity universe and cross edge. although their old games they are still good. and atelier rorona.

10 Name: Bacurik : 2010-10-28 02:20 ID:oE2/OJHx [Del]

Cross edge is indeed very good

11 Name: tsuki : 2010-10-28 06:19 ID:h6Y1fmqK [Del]

Oh, DMC4? Its alright for gameplay but sometimes it feels like level grinding though, and the levels just repeat after the first half o the game, as you're backtracking through places you've been before

12 Name: Ayanavi : 2010-10-28 15:53 ID:VVtdyesB [Del]

Playing through FFXIII currently, couldn't help but notice the amazing aptitude your entire party (Except the red headed loli and the blonde Tsundere) has to bitch. indefinitley. About everything.

"I'm tired!" "Are we stopping soon?" "This place smells bad." "We can't fight that!" "Are you insane?!" "I don't want to die!" "When do we rest?"

As opposed to Lightning and Vanille, whose outlooks on life can be summed up concisely with "Stab it until it dies. No exceptions." and "Under my cute and incessantly cheerful demeanor, I am a dominatrix who is going fuck your shit up." respectively.

I am perfectly happy with a team of Lightning and Vanille.

13 Name: Bacurik : 2010-10-28 23:32 ID:oE2/OJHx [Del]

In reality a team Of Lighting, Vanille, and Fang will get just about anything done.

14 Name: Ayanavi : 2010-10-29 14:36 ID:y47k3GTv [Del]

Thoughts on DMC4. Alternatively, Aya uses this thread as a gaming Blog!

So DMC4. First thing is first, needs more Dante - On mission 16 right now and still no Dante. I made the fun choice of going Devil Hunter mode instead of Human... Because Touhou encourages me to be a masochist.

Now for a list of enemies I dislike...

Fucking Mephisto.
Fucking knight thing.
Fucking Gladius.
Fucking Berial-before-I-learned-to-roll.
Fucking... lesbian exhibitionist ice fairies? Wait.
Fucking Frog-who-uses-lesbian-exhibitionist-ice-fairies-to-distract-me.

Moving on.

So I was all psych'd about how easy it was to find Red souls this time, because every DMC uses red souls to upgrade gear and equipment, right? right!?

No, I don't have any use for these blatant pieces of crap other than having a shiny number to look out. Who actually buys items in DMC? Much less use the damn things. I want my A/S rank!

Of course I didn't think I'd have Nero long... So I was saving those Proud Souls for when I got Dante so I could go all out! Except around Mission 12, I think I gave up. I refused to go any further than that without getting the ability to Helm Smash or Stinger.

Magic Extendo Arms only go so far. Sometimes, a sword to the face is required.

Going to try out Disgaea 3 now, because DMC4 has frustrated me with it's lack of Dante and it's Mephisto.

Fucking Mephisto.

15 Name: Sirnak : 2010-10-29 15:29 ID:1peALuKq [Del]

Hey, but the game is half Nero and half Dante! And you can kill everything Nero faile to massacre with Dante!

16 Name: Thanatos : 2010-10-29 20:22 ID:leRzshs6 [Del]

I already hate the new DMC. How they could change Dante's look??

17 Post deleted by user.

18 Name: Sirnak : 2010-10-30 07:48 ID:1peALuKq [Del]

>>16 People general reaction to the game was so terrible that they already announced changes to it. =P

19 Name: gao : 2010-10-30 16:53 ID:Dbj9ULbd [Del]

I dun hav any suggestions or anything... but i decided to point out tht aya-sama said 'fucking' -counting- 7 times in her last post~

o3o tht is all~ <3

20 Name: Krox : 2010-10-31 09:04 ID:rFtHBKQF [Del]

Bayonetta ~

21 Post deleted by user.

22 Name: G3N3T1C5 !BWF0DNG6D6 : 2010-11-18 03:05 ID:tw66IBAl [Del]

inFamous, both uncharted games, lost planet 1 and 2, are great.

23 Name: Sonozaki Doume : 2010-11-19 17:19 ID:kYYoZi78 [Del]

i played some games that do you mention, and i recomend DMC4 it's a good smash bottoms and it has good graphics, bayoneta its a DMC but protagonized by a ero witch, vanquish is an suer stressant shooter, its insane but good. nier has an good rol story and graphics, the final fantasy XIII i don't recomend but i playen and my opinion are bad, is limited, all game is lineal, its seams like a shooter.
At finaly Disagea4 it's a good elecion i'm playing at Disagea3 and its a goooooooooood game, i love the combat mode, and the animations aww that is my favorite.

24 Name: Takun : 2010-11-21 16:41 ID:GmwU01li [Del]

Resonance Fate is awesome, buy it.

25 Name: Thanatos : 2010-11-23 21:20 ID:nCFgXGuI (Image: 500x400 jpg, 27 kb) [Del]

src/1290568853478.jpg: 500x400, 27 kb
>>4 One time, you said something about Final Fantasy XIII being too lineal. Like street or something. This pic seems appropiate to ilustrate you point.

26 Name: Naryu : 2010-11-29 23:21 ID:/AUgdcSd [Del]

Wow, I'm really surprised that nobody has mentioned Metal Gear 4:GOP.

If you want a good story, with pretty damn fun gameplay, get MGS4.

Some people are put off by the fact that it is pretty much an interactive movie, but it will keep you hooked if you give it a chance.


Star Ocean international
Katamari Forever

oh, and the PS Move is pretty awesome as well.

27 Name: king : 2010-12-04 15:25 ID:OzjdyVfx [Del]

>>25 so thats why i cant get into FPS's these days...

28 Name: king : 2010-12-06 00:42 ID:OzjdyVfx [Del]

>>26 i do like the mgs series, but to enjoy mgs4 you would need to play the others too, so i didn't mention it

29 Name: Sirnak : 2010-12-06 05:25 ID:86eC/BMW [Del]

>>26 I watched my brother play the entire Metal Gear Series - from 1 to 4 -, and never felt the need to play it. The game is only the story.

Playing Metal Gear or watching all the cutscenes on YouTube is the same thing. But YouTube is faster.

30 Name: TRP : 2010-12-06 18:01 ID:Hn2DYzJM [Del]

Just gonna plug Blazblue: Continuum Shift real quick. Even if you're not that into fighting games, it's a great entry point into 2D fighters. Much more accessible than (Super) Street Fighter IV, but mechanics are very solid and there is much enjoyment to be had in high level play.

Also, the PS3 controller is by far the best current-gen gamepad for fighting games, IMO. You could even be a huge dork like me and buy a fightstick, most of which are also PC compatible.

The Continuum Shift 2 arcade update is expected to hit consoles in the next few weeks, so it's a great time to get into the flow of things.