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Board gameZzz >:D (22)

1 Name: Kaori : 2010-10-09 21:30 ID:Y2rZIGyj [Del]

ok this area seems to be rather quiet lately, so anyone have any board games u especially like or hate or just going crazy right now and would like to play a board game? i dont think we really do this often, playing board games? hrm...

2 Name: Apple : 2010-10-10 02:52 ID:fqkmTE+V [Del]

I like a few tabletop RPgs, if they count.

Bu yeah, Pay Day, monoply, cluedo are always my favories.

And chess :2

3 Name: king : 2010-10-10 03:09 ID:OzjdyVfx [Del]

love chess. the original turn based strategy game

4 Name: ScyRan : 2010-10-10 18:18 ID:Nib2o+bP [Del]

>>2 Tabletop RPG's.

That, Chess, and Poker.

5 Name: Misuto : 2010-10-11 14:26 ID:7CQ+IJHZ [Del]

Ever since everyone I played with that chose banker cheated I've never been so suspicious of others while playing a board game.
...Except Clue.

>>4 Poker's not a board game. And if it is, I've been playing it wrong for years.

6 Name: Kaori : 2010-10-11 14:51 ID:LVMmluJp [Del]

haha, pokaaahhhhhh! i dont has a fav board game or a hated one really, no one wants to play at my house o-o BUT! i like monopoly too, cuz it takes forever and traps whoever was willing to play with me, to play for even longer! >:DDDD

7 Name: ScyRan : 2010-10-11 15:24 ID:Nib2o+bP [Del]

>>5 :P

8 Name: king : 2010-10-11 20:41 ID:OzjdyVfx [Del]

if poker is a board game, so is yugioh. and thats obviously a children's card game

9 Name: Lurksalot !/aPzExRzGw : 2010-10-11 22:10 ID:c5PN4Qtn [Del]

Just once in my life, I wish to finish a monopoly and life game. I swear those games are impossible to finish.
I haven't played any board games in a while, board games are no fun without friends... ;_;.
I used to play Jenga, mancala (dunno if spelling it right), uno, checker, connect four, operation, chutes and ladders, uhhhh its been years man since i"ve touched any of these.... does twister count? what about naked twister?

10 Name: Kaori : 2010-10-11 22:13 ID:ttb7H+s9 [Del]

>>9 xD naked twister! xDDDDD wonderful for the pedos here jk o-o unless there really are pedos! :O omgosh....
connect four always seems to make my brain explode. i can play everything else fine but its always connect four that i fail in :T i lose the most braincells there, and wen aya starts using big kid words

11 Name: Irk !Y7kBtlCaVo : 2010-10-11 22:21 ID:AD023Vdf [Del]

I like chess, although I'm pretty bad at it.
Othello/Reversi is a really good board game too.

12 Name: Apple : 2010-10-12 09:47 ID:fqkmTE+V [Del]

>>10 Connect four? That used to confused th hell out of my uintill my friend spent and hour explaing it too me.

>>9 Monopoly and Game of Life goes on for hours. It's why I like Payday, It's pretty much onoply but it's been through several filters.

>>7 I never knew poker counted as a bard game. Does that mean Magic the Gathering is one too? I mean I have a board for it?

13 Name: ScyRan : 2010-10-12 13:51 ID:3zx00Tqw [Del]

>>8 >>12 I'm fairly sure almost all card games are board games because you usually need a board-like surface to play them. Your cards can't float in the air.


14 Name: Misuto : 2010-10-12 17:47 ID:7CQ+IJHZ [Del]

the Twister mat is a board?

I wish I could play chess effectively almost as much as I wish I could finish a damned game of monopoly.

...I played Magic the Gathering.
Hell I still have my cards somewhere - and my brother has really really old cards from way back when.

We shall settle this over a children's card game!!

15 Name: Kaori : 2010-10-12 19:53 ID:ttb7H+s9 [Del]

xD wow, somehow if we ever manage to have a huge dollars 'flashmob' as suggested by someone(?) there will be a definite thing on finishing a whole game of monopoly! >:D

16 Name: king : 2010-10-12 21:59 ID:OzjdyVfx [Del]

>>14 new topic to discuss at the UN. for now on, all global conflicts will be settled with a children's card game! or not, because japan would rule the world. now thats serious buisness

17 Name: Firo : 2010-10-14 15:30 ID:CtdUn92X [Del]

actually a life size game of chess sounds pretty epic.

>>16 Obama summons a monster.

18 Name: king : 2010-10-15 00:44 ID:OzjdyVfx [Del]

>>17 terrorist relieved a trap hole! terrorist attacked obama directly.

19 Name: Apple : 2010-10-15 10:28 ID:fqkmTE+V [Del]

>>17 >>18

David Cameron activates Royal Decree!

Wow it's like a bad version of hetalia playing yu gi oh :3. DO WANT

20 Name: Firo : 2010-10-15 12:33 ID:CtdUn92X [Del]

Obama activated health care (+2000 life points). summon More Troops and attacks the terrorists. (thanks for the Royal Decree) lol

21 Name: Kaori : 2010-10-15 22:08 ID:AoNH4BTG [Del]

oh my gosh! what in the--

-gets hit with terrorist attack-

22 Name: king : 2010-10-16 20:36 ID:OzjdyVfx [Del]

terrorist use BLUE EYES ULTIMATE DRAGON!!!!!!