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Visual Novels







Your first game (263)

1 Name: Sirnak : 2010-08-27 22:48 ID:Gt6uZ3UY

Like the anime thread, just tell us the story of your first game. :D

Mine was Zelda A Link to the Past. Imagine me, that tiny five year old kid watching my big brother playing it... would you be able to resist? *-*

2 Name: Jagd : 2010-08-28 11:15 ID:8MBGPdPN

Mine was Pokemon. The urge to catch them all lured me in.

3 Name: Kokumotsu : 2010-08-28 20:59 ID:gAgNjANT

hmm it was either Super Mario or Killer Instinct

4 Name: A4 : 2010-08-29 18:47 ID:Y0O+hHup

God, who knows. I think the first console I had was the Famicom, so probably something on that.

5 Name: kaori : 2010-08-31 16:35 ID:6SXDXG88

>>2 go pokemon! xD

i think mine was either pokemon or mario too. x-x whichever came first i guess..

6 Name: Kazuki : 2010-09-02 08:23 ID:o290V4e2

Mario bros and Harvest Moon haha
I still like Harvest Moon until now, though :D

7 Name: Rukawa-kun : 2010-09-02 20:05 ID:00Bxw9jR

Mine was Tales of Destiny and i was about 7 years old. Never finished it though(T^T)..

8 Name: Lurksalot !/aPzExRzGw : 2010-09-05 22:11 ID:xusxdbc8 (Image: 250x359 jpg, 108 kb)

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Back when I didn't have internet or any game consoles, I'd play computer games such as SpyFox, Pajama Sam, that one purple talking car thing and Zoombinis.

9 Name: Thanatos : 2010-09-06 21:22 ID:xyM8GrMl

I remember my first game.. My mom bought us a NES with only one game... Contra. It was hard as hell but man i had some really good times trying to finish it

10 Name: Bacurik : 2010-09-07 13:27 ID:PJpTCSN3

I believe mine was pitfall for the Atari. I would play that game for hours straight.

11 Name: Enni-sama : 2010-09-08 22:01 ID:8ofo+ptu

Hmm... Something from the NES, I can't really remember.

12 Name: Kanra : 2010-09-15 17:58 ID:NNSmAcz3 (Image: 640x435 jpg, 84 kb)

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....I wish I was kidding.

13 Name: Anip : 2010-09-17 23:19 ID:9W0kAjEv

Hi this is the first game that I play XD

14 Name: Anip : 2010-09-17 23:26 ID:9W0kAjEv (Image: 640x480 png, 171 kb)

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stupid's the image...Virtual on cybertroopers..

15 Name: Firo : 2010-09-18 01:18 ID:P8BONyvW

famicom: tennins, some ninja game, and some karate game, also some samurai game. its been a long time. i was 5-6 years old

16 Name: Nelorzoul : 2010-09-20 20:11 ID:RsACqoNl

Hmm, I think my first game was Super Mario World for the SNES. Nothing particularly special about it - I think it was a lot of peoples first game.

17 Name: Anon : 2010-09-23 18:53 ID:O/c7SZ+A [Del]

Hmm, probably a Mario game on Super Mario All Stars, but I won't really count that. My first game, and probably one of my favorite games ever was Link's Awakening on the GB.

18 Name: Mariana : 2010-09-25 17:46 ID:kass3W4p [Del]

Oh, Sonic the Hedgehog, in a Genesis/Mega Drive...

this brings back memories.

19 Name: Mariana : 2010-09-25 17:46 ID:kass3W4p [Del]

Oh, Sonic the Hedgehog, in a Genesis/Mega Drive...

this brings back memories.

20 Name: Anip : 2010-09-30 02:40 ID:WrTlyROM [Del]

Emulator king...100 in 0ne XD

21 Name: Yuumi : 2010-11-16 14:53 ID:ZH5KbkMe [Del]

Duck Hunt or Sonic the Hedgehog 2 maybe...but the one i really remmeber was FF VII (7) in my uncle's basement before he was married and had kids...i remember being so scared that I wouldnt make it out of the reactor on time....even though you can make it out with like 4 minutes to spare...

22 Name: Sad : 2010-11-19 18:27 ID:fzMajs5l [Del]

Mortal Kombat 3 on the GameBoy.

When I was like 3 or 4.

23 Name: Sonozaki Doume : 2010-11-20 04:11 ID:kYYoZi78 [Del]

if I remembrer wel my first game was sonic 1 of the sega megadrive 32 bits.

24 Name: Yui : 2010-11-20 13:52 ID:UwNIupAx [Del]

TRUTH: Tetris on the original nintendo gameboy... ^_^;

The first REAL game I had was like Mario Bros on Gameboy DSi.

25 Name: SirPinski : 2010-11-29 17:04 ID:gDbSWLYD [Del]

Spyro the Dragon, the first three games on the Playstation. It was SOO DIFFICULT when I was about nine. Then I came back three years later, beat everything, and was shocked.

26 Name: Naryu : 2010-11-29 23:14 ID:/AUgdcSd [Del]

Super Mario bros. 3. When I was 4.


27 Name: Azimah : 2010-12-30 00:36 ID:JQraxCu0 (Image: 480x300 gif, 36 kb) [Del]

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Does ANYONE remember Prince of Persia when it looked like this?
This was one of the earliest games I remembered playing, besides Pacman...and this one was during those floppy disc eras.

Man, those were the days...

28 Name: sekisetsu : 2011-01-08 19:03 ID:REDCLtcI [Del]

>>27 I have this on my phone, I actually forgot about it until I saw this post, the game is awesome!

29 Name: Cantido : 2011-01-21 09:44 ID:D1LEXYML [Del]

My first game... Was Super Star Wars for the SNES. My cousin had it and I just fell in love with it... Probably why I'm a game designer now.

30 Name: SHsurreal : 2012-01-31 09:36 ID:MxDBiyBw [Del]

The Art of Fighting for the SNES

31 Name: Feral : 2012-01-31 15:12 ID:Tm1ly/Tp [Del]

Pong. Had an old Atari 2600 in the day care I went to. I must have been five or six.

32 Name: SaintSoul : 2012-01-31 15:41 ID:QGEfbUuK [Del]

If my memory serves right..some kind of tank game on Gameboy Advanced..Forgot the name.

33 Name: Merr !CTpMx8GjEY : 2012-01-31 18:57 ID:ABE7foOD [Del]

that would be Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt on the NES

34 Name: Twitchy : 2012-01-31 20:04 ID:qrvevyUV [Del]

Pokemon. *nodnod*

35 Name: S.H. : 2012-01-31 20:12 ID:ug+OV9XR [Del]

It was either sonic the hedgehog or Pokemon Red

36 Name: Neku : 2012-01-31 23:42 ID:nlriCgBz [Del]

>>33 same here

37 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-02-01 00:26 ID:Vhh66Qd9 [Del]

>>8 This. Back when I was too young to understand what the internet was, and when my family was too poor to be able to afford consoles and such. I think I might've been around 3 or 4 when I played this.

38 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-02-01 00:31 ID:KF/YYcp5 [Del]

My first....... either loz oot, some old star wars game for the super nintendo, legend of the dragoon, or donkey kong country

39 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-01 01:12 ID:YWJdTxmB [Del]



40 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-02-01 03:27 ID:Vhh66Qd9 [Del]

>>39 lol, which one? My first Pajama Sam game was No Need to Hide When it's Dark outside.

41 Name: Little Black Raincloud : 2012-02-01 06:48 ID:aoYpPXjm [Del]

hmmmm.... gotta say Pokemon silver. for mah gameboy

42 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2012-02-01 07:10 ID:j313+eEO [Del]

Thomas the Tank Engine. In MS DOS. Yes, my first game was a MS DOS game. I'm almost willing to bet that at least half the people here don't even know what MS DOS is. #hipsterasfuck

43 Name: Valerain : 2012-02-01 08:01 ID:foibmxi6 [Del]

The Bouncer

44 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-01 09:29 ID:wBkGIhKS [Del]

>>42 I am now imagining Thomas the Tank Engine roguelike games.


45 Name: Munto : 2012-02-01 10:14 ID:0CLlM77u [Del]

Watching my bro play Sonic the Hedgehog for Sega, but the game that I actually got to play by myself was Final Fantasy 7 :)

46 Name: Aizen : 2012-02-01 12:15 ID:6jd17jkr [Del]

First one was Crash bandicoot warped I think... I dont exactly remember

47 Name: Mugetsu!QySUCX4GUE : 2012-02-01 12:29 ID:i+0p7u1T [Del]

My first game was The Legend of Zelda. Used to play it with my old man before he moved out.

48 Name: Phoenix : 2012-02-01 13:07 ID:W5QOYELA [Del]

Mine was Pokemon Yellow

49 Name: whatsupdoc : 2012-02-01 13:42 ID:nBTkUZWW [Del]

Zelda a link to the past i think. its hard to really say because i actually played lots of other games too but cant remember which came first

50 Name: Keitaro : 2012-02-01 15:09 ID:XIb/ktEu [Del]

Mine was Twisted Metal 2. Damn, damn, damn.......such a kickass game. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOO pumped for the new one coming out soon! :D

51 Name: HUNTERMAN : 2012-02-01 15:11 ID:48R6RL71 [Del]

call of duty 2 the big red one

52 Name: Lord Lucario : 2012-02-01 15:13 ID:48R6RL71 [Del]

Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

53 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-01 16:24 ID:YWJdTxmB [Del]

>>40 Pretty sure that was the one I had too. It felt like such a long game, to me.

I also had Putt Putt goes to the zoo.

>>50 That was your first game?

54 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-01 16:25 ID:YWJdTxmB [Del]

>>51 You too; this is the "your FIRST game" thread. Seriously, what are you, 10?

55 Name: Sapphire !wo3NpPPf6I : 2012-02-01 18:23 ID:j4kLGz1/ [Del]

Either Pokemon Yellow or Links Awakening: DX, I can't remember exactly.

56 Name: Lord Lucario : 2012-02-01 18:28 ID:48R6RL71 [Del]

>>50 yes he is.

57 Name: Anonymous~ : 2012-02-10 05:41 ID:YRlRLl22 [Del]

Age of Empires. Got it from a cereal box lol. Still playing it ever since I was 5, but today I play Starcraft 2 more often now.

58 Name: KingZeoX : 2012-02-10 09:24 ID:GXDYJL1A [Del]

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest. Grew up with an SNES, wasn't too fond of every other game we owned (Super Mario All-Stars was too easy for a Platforming God at 5 years old), and played this every day after school until bed time. I was hardcore back in the day, dammit. Mario 2: Lost Levels stood no chance *Evil Grin*

59 Name: Zombie-girl : 2012-02-10 17:24 ID:bFVwjuPV [Del]

My first game was Pokemon yellow. About 5 years old. Me and my cousin would play it all the time when we would get together.

60 Name: Keitaro : 2012-02-10 18:09 ID:XIb/ktEu [Del]

>>53 I promise you, that was my very FIRST game. Played it when I was five. I remember Sweet Tooth is what made me afraid of clowns, but I've grown to love how twisted he is. ^_^

61 Name: The Doctor : 2012-02-11 10:08 ID:HQI65vyG [Del]

Super Mario Bros/duck hunt

62 Name: joker : 2012-02-11 11:45 ID:DUdHOBgH [Del]

mine was donkey kong netindo 64

63 Name: misuro : 2012-02-12 05:04 ID:Bu0g3mLR [Del]

Street Fighter, Pac Man 2, or Sonic 2. i don't remember.

64 Name: stark : 2012-02-12 09:43 ID:SfYgW8i9 [Del]

hmmm pokemon yellow or crystal

65 Name: king of dreams : 2012-02-12 14:19 ID:+ahFDxve [Del]

Street fighter alpha

66 Name: dollar : 2012-02-12 15:35 ID:dgrQMLz2 [Del]

my first game is nintendo dogs

67 Name: Sakazaki : 2012-02-12 19:58 ID:HRIevaLR (Image: 1200x800 jpg, 302 kb) [Del]

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Fatal Fury on Genesis.

68 Name: Suri !wY5YtFDUp2 : 2012-02-12 21:37 ID:g0O955jt [Del]

Well. I'm gonna assume you mean video game. Let's see
Touhou and Radiant Silvergun.

69 Name: Phoenix !0UZD1OR/j. : 2012-02-13 09:32 ID:W5QOYELA [Del]

Pokemon was my first. It was Yellow version, and I'll never forget those hours I'd spent playing and leveling up my Pikachu to fight Brock.

70 Name: Ienari : 2012-02-13 12:56 ID:LGpn/Yp0 [Del]

>>69 Haha, that was mine, too! I remember quitting the game so many times and throwing a fit cause there was a certain part I couldn't beat. Then repeat the process all over again!

71 Name: Nes Halo : 2012-02-13 13:02 ID:3s6+Zw5m [Del]

Pong was my frist game.

72 Name: Haruhi31 : 2012-02-13 16:59 ID:Mim+WDzK [Del]

Mortal kombat for super nintendo

73 Name: Ladarius : 2012-02-14 20:20 ID:ST3ugevv [Del]

Mine was Donkey Kong, I dont remember so much but i think was 7 yrs old

74 Name: xSK0P3Zx : 2012-02-15 01:31 ID:joIIMAaV [Del]

Star Fox, Nintendo 64 \nn/

75 Name: Frosty : 2012-02-15 20:10 ID:rNsUkGW0 [Del]

Lol atari caterpillar old school kid all day :D

76 Name: xAwesomEx : 2012-02-15 20:28 ID:NxZuu25v [Del]

my first video game I ever played would have to be legend of zelda ocarina of time for the Nintendo 64... I would always watch my cousin play that game for hours.

77 Name: Misuto 27!syK3XZB882 : 2012-02-15 22:25 ID:eAgOQKD1 [Del]

Mine would have to be Mario, or Pokemon red. I seemed to play both of those a lot back then...

78 Name: Weems !mcKHokXXuA : 2012-02-16 05:56 ID:FZjYsvFX [Del]

Super Mario World. We had a SNES way back when. I'm pretty sure I started to actually play when I was 3, because I had been absorbed into watching my parents play them when I had been younger than that.

79 Name: Rather Concerned Citizen : 2012-03-27 11:22 ID:/lw21Zll [Del]

I've been playing video games for so long that I don't really know what the first game that I played was. That said, I've commonly held the belief that I started gaming at age three with Excitebike for the NES.

80 Name: Kunar Shugane !q9yoJKUgVY : 2012-03-27 15:14 ID:F5zOCzSd [Del]

I'm not too sure of my first video game, but I believe it was Sonic the Hedgehog for the Sega Genesis. I have played far too many classic games for me to be absolutely sure.

81 Name: Anonymous : 2012-03-27 19:00 ID:vduSJss+ [Del]

My first game was super Mario world or Sonic the Hedgehog I can't remember which I played first

82 Name: Hibari : 2012-03-27 19:36 ID:MPW4qDac [Del]

Super mario,sonic,or street fighter. By the way, off topic but someone should make a thread for the star ocean series.

83 Name: Tajadoru : 2012-03-27 20:15 ID:euirFLHn [Del]

Hmm, my first game was probably Yoshi's island for the GBA. I remember that game was freaking hard when I was a kid

84 Name: SƬΓΣΣƬ☮XAI CI : 2012-03-27 20:26 ID:3w95eDkz [Del]

Mario/Duck hunt for the NES!

85 Post deleted by user.

86 Name: Anonymous : 2012-03-28 00:26 ID:A2+G69dC [Del]

First game would have to be Dynasty Warriors on the PS2.

87 Name: tsukii : 2012-03-28 05:41 ID:Yv8dsgvm [Del]

:) super mario..

88 Name: rio : 2012-03-28 08:58 ID:Kn/24zuI [Del]

180 avalanche on gamecube

89 Name: Sky King : 2012-03-28 09:52 ID:Jq0ITy3L [Del]

original mega man :)

90 Post deleted by user.

91 Name: Σuphex : 2012-03-28 11:33 ID:OsTIGFOS [Del]

▲ ▲
Ocarina of Time

92 Name: Roganu : 2012-03-28 13:37 ID:hdoexV1G [Del]

super mario 64 ;D

93 Name: -Lional- : 2012-03-28 18:40 ID:AvUmoSRL [Del]

super mario bros lol

94 Name: The Mighty Kamina : 2012-03-28 19:26 ID:L6BkUsWW [Del]

Crash Bandicoot XD

95 Name: October : 2012-03-29 02:16 ID:6QAPZMgy [Del]

pokemon. :)

96 Post deleted by user.

97 Name: Eclipso : 2012-03-29 08:46 ID:vPVVIJcs [Del]

Castlevania IV for the snes

98 Name: Vindication : 2012-03-29 09:13 ID:fgTR3mlw [Del]

Probably Pokémon: Red. Got a GB Pocket from my cousin along with that game on a trip I took to Colorado. First game I ever owned, and probably still one of the best.

99 Name: EtZA lA RoBA : 2012-03-30 07:48 ID:Mc9uPzHj [Del]

the first mortal combat or mabye the first street fighter one of those two

100 Name: TallFry : 2012-04-18 02:34 ID:VMRXfbMw [Del]

OK, be prepared for a long story.
When I was growing up, like when I was about 5, I had no idea what a video game was. I went to see the doctor with my family and he discovered that my hands were weak at the time. He reccomended that my dad go and buy me, get this, the SNES. So, he did, and he got two games with it. Super Mario World and Super Mario Kart. He even taught me how to play them. Now I don't have weak hands anymore. In fact, I have officially beaten 76 games (that I can remember) in my life. Well... I have no life, but yeah.
Super Mario World
Super Mario Kart.

101 Name: bcrobert : 2012-04-18 05:28 ID:e9vjQZJ7 [Del]

Disney's Pinocchio for SNES. About as strange as it gets.

102 Name: ame : 2012-04-18 13:24 ID:mp8xpRs3 [Del]

My first game was the one that came with our Game Cube, Super Smash Bros Melee. So many good memories!

103 Name: Seika Chugo !!dZlEviJU : 2012-04-18 15:41 ID:rbeaU2wp (Image: 1600x1200 jpg, 332 kb) [Del]

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I think mine was Pokemon blue.
Or it could've been the original Tomb Raider for the PC....too long ago to recall...

I know Blue got me into Pokemon, but Tomb Raider might've been my first ever game...(not that I can find it now....but still)

Yeah, I think it was Tomb Raider.
I always got killed by the bear and wolves. Never got past em :/

104 Name: Name !XDRURIU2kE : 2012-04-18 22:28 ID:TrIKxEDf [Del]

One Sesame Street game. Don't know it's name, but I was playing it when I was two years old. Two. Definitely my first game.

105 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2012-04-18 23:01 ID:h2Bmi3RG [Del]

Club Penguin. Yes, I know. I was retarded.

106 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-04-18 23:03 ID:KF/YYcp5 [Del]

My god... youre such a noob...

107 Name: Shiyo : 2012-04-19 05:25 ID:4O+obFGq [Del]

My first game... I don't quite remember, but the first game that I remember playing a lot when I was a kid was Pinball (the one that comes with Windows XP). Man, that was so pointless, but fun...

108 Name: Narcissy : 2012-04-19 06:54 ID:FeiZR6dg [Del]

Tomba! That was the greatest thing made by man when I was a child.

109 Name: 1l0v3f4nt4 : 2012-04-19 16:29 ID:k+zBKIQb [Del]

my first game was prob one of the megaman games

110 Post deleted by user.

111 Name: Shen : 2012-04-20 04:46 ID:pxgO4UU/ [Del]

Some old game, i cant remember the name. xD

112 Name: Null : 2012-04-20 14:04 ID:3S31Z/Pu [Del]

I think Super Mario Bros. Either that or some other NES game

113 Name: b-rabbit : 2012-04-20 19:53 ID:ORnCQ2CD [Del]

super smash brothers! for n64. lol i was like 4 or 5

114 Name: kikyo : 2012-04-20 20:35 ID:0eYRy5Ak [Del]

My first game was Fullmetal Alchemist Blue Bird Illusion.

115 Name: yoahimu : 2012-04-20 21:56 ID:HuzV8HF1 [Del]

Star fox 64. best game ever made.

116 Name: AeternaAuroraEtCrepusculum!3BjC1sBg5. : 2012-04-21 00:01 ID:L6PnyJeu [Del]

Tetris for the win.

117 Name: Okamiren : 2012-04-21 01:12 ID:aQRTK4b9 [Del]

Pokemon. ^^

118 Name: C : 2012-04-21 07:23 ID:y8BJhx7v [Del]

Either Pokemon Blue or Harry Potter on PS1. My memory sucks :/

119 Name: mesirel : 2012-04-21 08:30 ID:gGHDH57O [Del]

Kirby and the crystal shards for the N64 :)

120 Name: U.HeavenXD : 2012-04-21 10:28 ID:C98/EW9H [Del]

Well my first was The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for N64.
I just love that game now I have it for 3DS...

121 Name: Mactavish : 2012-04-21 12:06 ID:mGxtJ6yP [Del]

DK for nintendo 64

122 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2012-04-21 12:15 ID:NNhARZxy [Del]

Mario RPQ Legend of the Seven Stars

123 Name: JessieWolf : 2012-04-21 14:29 ID:5QXct9Jn [Del]

My first game was Sonic the Hedgehog for the Sega Genesis...I was like 3 or 4 when I played it...good times.

124 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-04-21 16:12 ID:6z0KXUGO [Del]

My first game was NASCAR '98 for the original Playstation.

125 Name: Alackar666 : 2012-04-21 17:13 ID:VOIxHmAW [Del]

mine was the legend of zelda ocorina of time

126 Name: Patty V : 2012-04-21 18:12 ID:GsVfBVsT (Image: 250x184 png, 84 kb) [Del]

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super mario world ftw

127 Name: Phantom : 2012-04-22 10:07 ID:X6784Zxh [Del]

I rember the first game was mario bros.

128 Name: Maaku : 2012-04-22 22:06 ID:OU77GBrh [Del]

Mine was jack and daxter

129 Name: pyiramidboo1 : 2012-04-22 22:42 ID:FrE/LUPt [Del]

mine was FFIII (Final Fantasy 3) :D

130 Name: Tanimura : 2012-04-29 20:51 ID:2S1IykoA [Del]

Super Mario 64.

131 Name: Abraxas : 2012-04-30 16:23 ID:I0QRjhEj (Image: 256x260 png, 147 kb) [Del]

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Spyro:Year of the Dragon

132 Name: Mio Shizuko !IDbWE2y00E : 2012-04-30 21:55 ID:BklJgJ0O [Del]

First game on PS2 was Dragon Ball
First game on gameboy was spyro!

133 Name: shiro : 2012-05-01 02:02 ID:zRcsiHDS [Del]

first game is final fantasy ix. watching my sister play and sometimes we take turns in playing. after about some months, i decided to play it myself (without taking turns with my sister.) ah, it's when i was around 10 years old. and final fantasy ix's my most favourite game up until now while it's my first ^^

134 Name: shiro : 2012-05-01 02:02 ID:zRcsiHDS [Del]

first game is final fantasy ix. watching my sister play and sometimes we take turns in playing. after about some months, i decided to play it myself (without taking turns with my sister.) ah, it's when i was around 10 years old. and final fantasy ix's my most favourite game up until now while it's my first ^^

135 Name: Shinigami : 2012-05-01 23:11 ID:5oIzl09f [Del]

My first game was Final Fantasy VII on my brother's old PSone, I loved that game, even though I didn't beat it the first time around since all I did was run from battles XD I just recently played it again, and I am still playing it, and beat it finally! It is definitely my favorite game by far

136 Name: kana : 2012-10-21 10:50 ID:H86wLejp [Del]

My first game was Majoras Mask

137 Name: xNexusx : 2012-10-21 19:30 ID:NP/fBnHy [Del]

I can't remember that far back, so I'll just say what I think was pretty close. Maybe Crash Bandicoot. That or TombRaider. I obviously didn't play TR though. Was too young. Always got scared by it though. Good times...

138 Name: alice : 2012-10-22 08:44 ID:sW8kZowV [Del]

my first game was ratchet and clank. I really didn't play much video games back then, but now I'm playing, for example
Blood Drane Betrayel (PS3)
and Silent Hill DownPour also PS3

139 Name: DN !MDoZmU9.I. : 2012-10-22 10:18 ID:NvUujqpd [Del]

Can't remember if it was Pokemon Yellow, or Mario Kart for Game Cube!

140 Name: Lord Chicken : 2012-10-22 17:38 ID:ndM9TCBX (Image: 200x200 jpg, 11 kb) [Del]

src/1350945524405.jpg: 200x200, 11 kb
Mine was yellow, just like sirnak my big bro was playing it and then he told my to try it out. since that day video games have been a passion of mine to the point where im going to college to study video game design. Love u Bro :D

141 Name: Fogcloud : 2012-11-25 11:10 ID:Awfdnqii [Del]

Mine was Pokemon Stadium. I enjoyed the game so much, i played it everyday. That's until my parent's gave away my N64.

142 Name: zolraK : 2012-11-25 12:30 ID:FTU8t4p/ [Del]

NES Duck hunt.

143 Name: Alexavier : 2012-11-25 13:46 ID:XX13mb89 [Del]

I remeber my first was on the PS1, Crash Candicoot.

144 Name: Alexavier : 2012-11-25 13:46 ID:XX13mb89 [Del]


145 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2012-11-25 13:46 ID:jHF+1ZjK (Image: 512x446 jpg, 267 kb) [Del]

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I've had a Super Nintendo with a handful of games for literally as long as I can remember. I have absolutely no recollection of getting it, and for all I know we owned it before I was born. So I don't know which game came first, but this is easily the one I played the most.

146 Name: Yukio : 2012-11-25 16:15 ID:MLA2tN1Y [Del]

My first game was Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped on the PS1... Kind of. It was the first game I played by myself, the first game I played with someone (before Crash) was Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (I seem to have a thing for third games) while my sister let me have a go at the age of 5. However, both games are brilliant but I consider Crash 3 my first game and one of the best games of all time too.

147 Name: Lowell : 2012-11-25 18:46 ID:RqrnXRnj [Del]

My first game was kirby tilt and tumble for the gameboy color. Well I think I may of played games before that but that was the firs game I every owned and really remember playing.

148 Name: CapitalHat//Mysterion : 2012-11-26 00:30 ID:mTaPKzGG [Del]

Adams Family(NES). That was a screwed up game.... O.O

149 Name: SadLittleWoodpecker : 2012-11-26 06:01 ID:cVR5+gdc [Del]

Tenchu on ps1 was my first game, still one of my favorites.

150 Name: Alabaster !W7KAHLwVEM : 2012-11-26 06:14 ID:RTDBGVuj [Del]

The Lion King on the Sega or Adventures of Link on my moms original Nintendo, I can't really remember

151 Name: LEGION : 2012-11-26 06:18 ID:QG+8phqA [Del]

Mine is Bleach Shattered Blade on Wii. I finish the whole game and got characters and uniforms and everything from Urahara Shop.

152 Name: Hamuko!9pE2TyAOJY : 2012-11-26 10:52 ID:Udladfuo [Del]

Enduro, on my father's Atari.

153 Name: Kuroneko !TeRybnCeqs : 2012-11-26 12:34 ID:FISiTRNm [Del]

Super Mario Brothers on the Super Nintendo. I'm not that old, but still. It was a fun game. ... I want a new Nintendo 64 so I can play Legend of Zelda too. Pirating it on the computer isn't anywhere near as good. T.T

154 Name: RikkE : 2012-11-26 12:48 ID:jfZp2kA0 [Del]

Super Mario World for the SNES. Those were good times. Excuse me while I go see if my SNES still works.

155 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2012-11-26 13:54 ID:jHF+1ZjK [Del]

>>153 So true, but being able to play OoT in true widescreen is a plus of emus. I definitely recommend playing it on the actual console though.

>>154 A friend and I played through Super Mario World 100% one Sunday about a month ago. 'Twas a very good day.

156 Name: Lavi : 2012-11-27 20:50 ID:eRE7VMxc [Del]

super mario 64... *nostalgic*

157 Name: Xros : 2012-11-27 20:52 ID:dbS7c1qs [Del]

First Game I got to play was Mario Kart 64. I was introduced to games much later then others in my age group.

The first game I got to own all to my self was Pokemon Gold for the Gameboy Coolor

158 Name: Xros : 2012-11-27 20:52 ID:dbS7c1qs [Del]

>>157Color* My bad

159 Name: Hyper(@school) : 2012-11-28 01:29 ID:wKYa4KzL [Del]

i think it was WC2:ToD... still haw the original cd :P

160 Name: Mummy boy : 2012-11-28 09:12 ID:Faydl0tF [Del]

My first game was freekstyle. It was fun.

161 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2012-11-28 19:19 ID:mxNpXT+C [Del]

First game ever was a Sesame Street game. First console game was Pikmin. Handheld was Tamagachi, thanks to my cousin.

162 Name: Asami : 2012-11-29 04:00 ID:GpeIdXbl [Del]

My first game I think it was MegaManX5, still can't forget how awesome it was. :D

163 Name: Hyper4Hetalia : 2012-11-29 08:16 ID:VDSjO/aP [Del]

Pokemon Silver Version--- the old one for Gameboy Advanced

164 Name: NEO : 2012-11-29 09:53 ID:n3dqP+74 [Del]

Ratchet And Clank for ps2

165 Name: chiyumi : 2012-11-29 10:49 ID:jx3i8uGo [Del]

pokemon red. in spanish. . . .

166 Name: Xavier Maddux !hMypHw1jWo : 2012-11-29 11:16 ID:LkgXDQyU [Del]

Tomb Raider for PlayStation.

167 Name: Shadow Blade : 2012-11-29 11:21 ID:eleW09OF [Del]

Sonic Adventure on Sega Dreamcast

168 Name: cheshire !CjloO9Of8g : 2012-11-29 16:19 ID:boeZa9ab [Del]

super mario bros super nentendo

169 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-11-29 20:39 ID:gmf0W0LT [Del]

Mine had to be Tetris on the old Nintendo. I still play it now and then! :D

170 Name: Hayate-nya : 2012-12-06 14:00 ID:1EBBOvu8 [Del]

I think my first "game" would be when i ran up to the ps1 demo kiosk in toys-r-us and promptly started playing tomb raider 2.

i was about 3 years old, i think.

171 Name: TK : 2012-12-06 16:04 ID:j2YT2/8Z [Del]

Halo: Combat Evolved :)

172 Name: TK : 2012-12-06 16:04 ID:j2YT2/8Z [Del]

Halo: Combat Evolved :)

173 Name: Otonashi : 2012-12-06 16:55 ID:wKQ4d5+u [Del]

Mine was this weird racing game on the Sega Saturn console. After that it was Super Mario 64

174 Name: Kitaya-kun : 2012-12-06 17:55 ID:dyGOr5rP [Del]

Pack Man on the Sega Genesis!

175 Name: Dartiel : 2012-12-07 03:49 ID:dQC490GN [Del]

Atari's Battlezone /o/
*after 5 minutes of googling 3d atari games titles*

176 Name: _Lighter_ : 2017-01-26 10:20 ID:le3Rudey [Del]


177 Name: Valerio : 2017-01-26 18:05 ID:eCDvbziK [Del]

Definitely Super Mario Bros!

178 Name: Enigami !c6PjAO5Kw. : 2017-01-27 08:10 ID:uss/niTM [Del]

Super Mario Bros. The first game I ever owned for myself, though, was Pokémon Crystal.

179 Name: Stanlay281 : 2017-01-29 11:25 ID:NxhGztuA [Del]

Mine was Zelda: Twilight Princess for the Gamecube. I still really enjoy it now, 11 years after I first started playing it.

180 Name: Raito : 2017-01-29 12:29 ID:JJwlD7RL [Del]

My first game that I played was Devil May Cry, it's very fun ^^

181 Name: MissDirected !gC5cxNKTkI : 2017-01-30 04:47 ID:w4T64AXb [Del]

I'm pretty sure my first game was Spyro. On the GameCube.

182 Name: Izaya kun : 2017-01-30 09:22 ID:GrEwI1On [Del]

I think my first game was the original kingdom hearts

183 Name: leon : 2017-02-01 11:03 ID:xwuXtOHy [Del]

mine was legend of zelda twilight princess.

184 Name: Kyrkovisian : 2017-02-01 11:11 ID:y1x0HQf2 [Del]

Bloody Roar on Ps1

185 Name: Dixy : 2017-02-01 20:31 ID:GF702ud+ [Del]

First game.. hmm.. thats Super mario lost levels i think, that or Bros 3

186 Name: Alcazar !Wk5QMPbSSM : 2017-02-02 01:49 ID:mwNnA7OE [Del]

Heh, mine was Street Fighter 2 and I believe also King of Fighters '94.
Try imagining a four year old smashing buttons like no tomorrow on a homemade arcade controller. lol.

187 Name: Andarosh : 2017-02-02 14:01 ID:kOJZYcaY [Del]

Duke Nukem 3D

188 Name: Ajjbb123 : 2017-02-02 20:42 ID:EAFBol4o [Del]

a barbie game i got at Walmart that you hook up to the tv and there's a purple flowery joystick that you can move barbie around and it was just dumb.

189 Name: Bone King : 2017-02-03 22:22 ID:xISXKWYL [Del]

Tennis '98 for the PS1

190 Name: Alexx : 2017-02-04 03:11 ID:35SmejsP [Del]

Yugioh Forbidden Memories for PS1

191 Name: Heero588 : 2017-02-06 16:52 ID:cQQEsv+A (Image: 250x249 jpg, 32 kb) [Del]

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The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX for Game Boy Color. Still my favorite Zelda game.

192 Name: ShadeLute : 2017-02-14 06:37 ID:Q2K5wH7R [Del]

My first video game was Pokémon XD gale of Darkness on my old GameCube platinum. Me and my brother must have played that through 50 times.

193 Name: saikado : 2017-02-14 07:51 ID:8xepSteq [Del]

id have to say diablo 1. it was an okay game that could run on my computer

194 Name: kanra : 2017-02-15 07:45 ID:81/TChSB (Image: 324x156 png, 10 kb) [Del]

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my first game was zelda:wind waker

195 Name: Nero : 2017-02-15 08:24 ID:g70VPb98 [Del]

super mario bros ;)

196 Name: Kit : 2017-02-15 08:28 ID:xcR2HfWE [Del]

I don't really know what my 1st game was, since I use to play a lot of games, but the one I remember most of what I use to 0lay was The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and Spyro: Year of the Dragon. Yup.

197 Name: xJarellx : 2017-02-16 01:39 ID:IlN6x9Up [Del]

My first game was Mortal Kombat 3. It was a family game and I had such good time button mashing while playing Scorpion.

198 Name: Taro : 2017-02-16 09:47 ID:LlWmo1dc [Del]

my first game was smash brawl, so i was playing with my cousin then he ended up beating me with pit so i got mad and stormed off, im still bad at smash to this day

199 Name: cooldud3 : 2017-02-16 22:33 ID:DLzYq1QT [Del]

My first game I played was Pac-Man on an arcade machine. I played it at a laundromat, and despite not being good, I still had fun

200 Name: elliesoul : 2017-02-19 00:39 ID:VxTD4f7s [Del]

My first game was Guild Wars (the first one) and was the reason I fell in love with the mmo genre. I loved the story behind Prophecies when I played it (pre-searing Gwen is the sweetest thing!) and the mechanics behind fighting and doing quests together
When Guild Wars 2 came out, I HAD to get it, and it's become a really meaningful game for me. I haven't played the original game very much recently, but I still love it.

201 Name: Unbekannt : 2017-02-24 22:32 ID:3aoYqNma [Del]

I used to play a lot of games so its hard to recall my first game(s) but my two favorites from my childhood were/are U.B. Funkeys and Mechassault (completely different games)

202 Post deleted by user.

203 Name: KiraBlast!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2017-03-02 04:00 ID:3yVC74kV [Del]

Aladdin and Mortal Kombat II on SNES

204 Name: Wanderer : 2017-03-02 08:12 ID:JzhduLUV (Image: 573x400 jpg, 226 kb) [Del]

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I think my first game was Star Wars:Rogue Squadron for the N64, i still have a copy

205 Name: Neral : 2017-03-07 07:35 ID:PTYfw7pE [Del]

Mickey Mouse Magical Mirror on Nintendo Gamecube. I was 3 years old.

206 Name: Nightngale : 2017-03-07 23:17 ID:umXQMIhe [Del]

I used to play this at my grandmas

207 Name: BXTK : 2017-03-08 12:54 ID:BuqEdwi+ [Del]

Gunz the duel

208 Name: Tricx ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧ : 2017-03-13 11:54 ID:zeXu0HpT [Del] I think it was Pokemon Ruby.

209 Name: Judge Mandolore : 2017-03-13 15:24 ID:DkGwfilr [Del]

I actually don't remember what my first game was. It may have been a game on Windows.

210 Name: Myzt : 2017-03-15 21:45 ID:FLzPSZMz [Del]

Im more of an old school gamer, so its Super Mario Brothers (the first one).

Everytime I played that way back when I will always get bored after hitting level 1-4, it took me around 20 years to bury the hatchet and finish it top to bottom.

211 Name: Naga Sake : 2017-03-16 08:26 ID:GAzfFLDV [Del]

The first game I can remember playing is "Spyro: a hero's tail" on the origional Xbox

was lit.

212 Name: Code Name 15 : 2017-03-16 10:35 ID:c+XLKx9+ [Del]

My first game is actually....well, MINECRAFT

213 Name: ajjbb123 : 2017-03-16 21:01 ID:5IHk3uET [Del]

A old Disney Princess game for the Gameboy. I loved that game till I lost my Gameboy :(

214 Name: Yuno_Gasai : 2017-03-17 16:29 ID:UqfaOov1 [Del]

Hmm... It'd probably have to be American Idol I had on this hand-me-down Game boy, mainly because I wasn't allowed to have nice electronics until I was 10. XD

215 Name: JNR$ : 2017-03-19 14:18 ID:kOEbknMt [Del]

Mario an duck hunter

216 Name: koko_Natsu17234 : 2017-03-22 21:35 ID:MWeqSAdb [Del]

mine was contra
i remember playing it from morning to night it was addicting
i stopped playing it when my grand parents gave me a ps2

217 Name: Sundown Kid : 2017-03-23 22:14 ID:V32xHgOj [Del]

Star Fox 64
played it to death when I was 5 and still love the game to
this day.

218 Name: Hikari : 2017-03-25 15:43 ID:uDRMu+KJ [Del]

I can't remember if it was Little Big Planet or Mario Kart DS, lol

219 Name: Scarlett : 2017-03-28 22:41 ID:zAEKN1xx [Del]

Mine was Destroy All Humans!

220 Name: Heromur : 2017-03-29 13:01 ID:IP67p5AF [Del]

my first game was mario party 3

221 Name: TheStarKing : 2017-03-29 15:48 ID:dCTCRDZt [Del]

mine was for sure Chrono Trigger. Played that game religiously

222 Name: Sm17e : 2017-03-30 13:03 ID:yMPQJq3q [Del]

Mario Party Advance

223 Name: ScarfGuy : 2017-03-31 09:44 ID:+6ZLZvqn [Del]

Pokemon blue on the larger square gameboy cards. I also played a lot of wario world for the original gameboy as well.

224 Name: Doll : 2017-04-01 18:59 ID:tdMlip6u [Del]

I'm not proud of this. But, my first game was Dogs 2

225 Name: ZeR0 : 2017-04-02 08:07 ID:uTIDIwEn [Del]

My first game was kingdom hearts

226 Name: >User_ : 2017-04-04 13:10 ID:fu/xpWMg [Del]

Ah~ far past memories! My first experience gaming was the original Tomb Raider. I never made it out of Lara's house, and I kept drowning in her pool. Thankfully I've improved since 20 years ago.

227 Name: the_meme_machine : 2017-04-04 16:36 ID:HcVgVzqK [Del]

my first game was minecraft

228 Name: Kit : 2017-04-06 09:52 ID:fm0S50m2 [Del]

My 1st game was Ocarina of Time for the N64

229 Name: Tamanegi Flava : 2017-04-06 22:36 ID:+D5sKtCl [Del]

For me, I think it was a bootleg copy of NFS III. Oh man, I was friggin mesmerized by everything! The cars, the music and especially the tracks!

230 Name: yukio : 2017-04-07 11:42 ID:DRo8gi2x [Del]

mine was pokemon Red i think

P.S I am 15 by the way so i am pretty proud of that

231 Name: Slimeball : 2017-04-09 12:41 ID:RorEGq7s [Del]

Pokémon Blue. Was living in Germany at the time so it was "Blau" instead. Had to relearn the English names when I moved back to the states. Also made for fun glitches when trading from my friends English versions to my German Blue.

232 Name: Nox : 2017-04-09 17:13 ID:Tb8OULuz [Del]

It was The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. It's still my favorite game to play.

233 Name: Ryuzaki : 2017-04-11 16:50 ID:US7q3yMX [Del]

Pokemon Yellow/Super Mario 2- i used to love seeing my dad and my brother play video games and so I wanted to too, so my brother let me play with his gameboy.

234 Name: Doomy : 2017-04-12 11:08 ID:3v93QPSR [Del]

CScondition zero. Was my first game, and my god I was so invested on it. I remember seeing my dad playing it while I was watching from the back, and everytime he ask me if I wanted to try, I always scared of how to do it, but then I got used to it and became addicted to it. I even know how to use the command and amazed of what I did back then.

235 Name: The Mountains Shadow : 2017-04-13 18:49 ID:SU/Xutht [Del]

I dont quite remember what the first game I played was, but the first game I ever owned was a little handheld console that looked a little like a PSP plainted with flames, and it could only play Mickey Mouse Games. I think it was called the Disney Mickey and Friends VG

236 Name: Rensa !i1VVVBDO/A : 2017-04-15 05:13 ID:A4+LentV [Del]

Mine was between Crash Bandicoot, Ridge Racer, Gran Turismo, and Spyro. Can't remember.

237 Name: ^_Shadow_^ : 2017-04-16 08:40 ID:pQgTf+oq [Del]

Mario/duckhunt combo for NES first game I ever remember... I could never find out how to make duckhunt work with the controller.. parents said you needed the rifle thing to play it. That was like... 3-5 years old lol.

238 Name: Rooskie : 2017-04-17 10:47 ID:v1kO8TTS [Del]

Hmmmm... the first one was Zelda: Ocarina of time, which led me to play Pokemon Yellow/Silver and Mario Super Bros after my brother got a gameboy for his birthday and Age of Empires on PC. After many years, Zelda continues to be my favourite game series!

239 Name: gamzee makara : 2017-04-17 12:10 ID:CQu5g+wv [Del]


240 Name: sekki : 2017-04-17 13:07 ID:1zloRID6 [Del]

Sonic for megadrive, i can't exactly remember what game was, i guess it was Sonic the hedgehog 2, anyway i really loved it, i always played when i was a kid

241 Name: The Echo Of Silence : 2017-04-19 12:19 ID:83kWyXQo [Del]


242 Name: meme god : 2017-04-19 14:41 ID:SXq/9waU [Del]

mine was a game with my uncle
he made do things i didnt like...
now i play a game called drinking bleach with friends for nintendo DS

243 Name: Hella : 2017-04-20 02:36 ID:Y8XOjZTR [Del]

Donkey Kong Country for the SNES , i think i was only 2 when i played it, barely remember anything other than the start screen and blowing cartridges :P , i think i was only 2 when i played it

244 Name: Enigma : 2017-04-24 07:18 ID:Xu0RcXgt [Del]

I think it was Super Mario Allstars on SNES.

245 Name: Kos : 2017-04-24 17:46 ID:yRtdxxuM [Del]

The first game a actually played and really got into was Digimon World 1 for the PSX. I loved figuring out that game! But it was so gosh darn hard!

246 Name: Eaze : 2017-04-25 06:48 ID:IBxAkxYC [Del]

First game i loved was Sonic Heroes for Game Cube im upset that i didn't take better care of it in my dumb youth. If i could be young again I'd treat all my games better.

247 Name: Casual Gamer : 2017-04-26 11:57 ID:eqnZ//gq [Del]

My first game was that spiderman game from LeapFrog

248 Name: SAMEOW : 2017-04-28 10:21 ID:6K292Z1f [Del]

Tetris XD

249 Name: PhantomThief : 2017-04-28 17:50 ID:+e51jTH5 [Del]

Pokemon Red. Introduced me to video games. Also, by playing other RPGs after it, I've come to love RPGs. Specifically, JRPGs are my favorite video games.

I still have the cartridge, although I doubt it works anymore.

250 Name: Teh_Atomic : 2017-04-29 22:51 ID:zq5b9Se0 [Del]

My first game was Jet Grind Radio for the Sega Dreamcast

251 Name: Yasu : 2017-04-30 19:22 ID:/9nipYr0 [Del]

@Teh_Atomic YES


252 Name: tenguharu : 2017-05-01 13:33 ID:OtJqrW5Z [Del]

Something like Rockman X6 or Digimon World 3. Still adore these.

253 Name: Sinin : 2017-05-02 18:32 ID:0bjq2u2a [Del]

I can't remember what it was called but It was a scuba diving math game

254 Name: Ota-kun !R.OaVV9/OI : 2017-05-03 14:10 ID:rdEmC0D4 [Del]

Sonic 1 in the Sega Megadrive- That was my first game.

255 Name: Ruin : 2017-05-03 19:27 ID:P0yT7EC2 [Del]

I remember. I was like... Seven. My brother was playing Kingdom Hearts. One night, after he fell asleep, I went out, and started playing. Little did I realize that I had deleted his save. He had poured hours into the game... all I could say was Oops. xD

256 Name: Taro Tanaka : 2017-05-07 00:37 ID:XXhmV1jw [Del]

My first game was The King of Fighters 2004.

257 Name: Lionheart : 2017-05-07 22:48 ID:1cw/htZg [Del]

Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped.

258 Name: Funk : 2017-05-08 14:28 ID:axqnjTr7 [Del]

My first game was Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus. Ever since that game I fell in love with the franchise despite Munch's Oddysee not living up to my expectations and I found New and Tasty to be not as good as the original Abe's Oddysee.

I actually love Oddworld so much that I got a chest tattoo that mirrors Abe's chest scar, it is due for a touchup though.

259 Name: Setton : 2017-05-10 13:37 ID:iEDsGrfd [Del]

my first game was one of the old ps2 dbz games from 2006 <3

260 Name: rEtr0 : 2017-05-10 15:19 ID:kAJIwPZn [Del]

my first videogame was crash bandicoot for play station 1

261 Name: The Unknown : 2017-05-10 18:11 ID:wcUWC0Qz [Del]


262 Name: Snow : 2017-05-11 11:13 ID:KrkthAHh (Image: 557x417 png, 299 kb) [Del]

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Bomberman 5 Super nintendo <3

263 Name: Kuu : 2017-05-15 07:06 ID:61J15x9R [Del]

Gothic 3. As a kid I've played this game countless of times. I remember my amazement when I discovered after hundreds of hours that you can actually go outside the first village.